AnalyticCircle Class Reference

#include <AnalyticGeometry.h>

Inheritance diagram for AnalyticCircle:

AnalyticCurve AnalyticGeometry List of all members.

Detailed Description

An analytic circle has only a radius.

The center of the circle is the origin of its frame. The x axis points to the arc length 0 location (that is, arc length zero is point (r,0,0). The y axis is the normal to the circle's plane. The arc length increases counterclockwise looking down the normal at the circle (right hand rule around y). z thus points at the arc length 3*pi*r point at (0,0,r).

Public Member Functions

 AnalyticCircle ()
 AnalyticCircle (Real radius)
 SimTK_PIMPL_DOWNCAST (AnalyticCircle, AnalyticGeometry)

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

AnalyticCircle (  )  [inline]

AnalyticCircle ( Real  radius  ) 

Member Function Documentation

SimTK_PIMPL_DOWNCAST ( AnalyticCircle  ,

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