DecorativeBrick Class Reference

#include <DecorativeGeometry.h>

Inheritance diagram for DecorativeBrick:

DecorativeGeometry List of all members.

Detailed Description

This defines a rectangular solid centered at the origin and aligned with the local frame axes.

The default constructor creates a cube of length 1 on each side.

Public Member Functions

 DecorativeBrick (const Vec3 &halfLengths=Vec3(0.5))
void setHalfLengths (const Vec3 &)
const Vec3getHalfLengths () const
 SimTK_PIMPL_DOWNCAST (DecorativeBrick, DecorativeGeometry)

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

DecorativeBrick ( const Vec3 halfLengths = Vec3(0.5)  )  [explicit]

Member Function Documentation

const Vec3& getHalfLengths (  )  const

void setHalfLengths ( const Vec3  ) 

SimTK_PIMPL_DOWNCAST ( DecorativeBrick  ,

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