InverseRotation Class Reference

#include <Rotation.h>

List of all members.

Detailed Description

----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This InverseRotation class is the inverse of a Rotation See the Rotation class for information.


Public Types

typedef Mat33::TransposeType BaseMat
typedef UnitVec< BaseMat::RowSpacing > ColType
typedef UnitRow< BaseMat::ColSpacing > RowType

Public Member Functions

 InverseRotation ()
 InverseRotation (const InverseRotation &R)
InverseRotationoperator= (const InverseRotation &R)
const Rotationinvert () const
RotationupdInvert ()
const Rotationtranspose () const
const Rotationoperator~ () const
RotationupdTranspose ()
Rotationoperator~ ()
const RowTyperow (int i) const
const ColTypecol (int j) const
const ColTypex () const
const ColTypey () const
const ColTypez () const
const RowTypeoperator[] (int i) const
const ColTypeoperator() (int j) const
const BaseMatasMat33 () const
 Conversion from InverseRotation to BaseMat.
BaseMat toMat33 () const

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef Mat33::TransposeType BaseMat

typedef UnitVec<BaseMat::RowSpacing> ColType

typedef UnitRow<BaseMat::ColSpacing> RowType

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

InverseRotation (  )  [inline]

InverseRotation ( const InverseRotation R  )  [inline]

Member Function Documentation

const BaseMat& asMat33 (  )  const [inline]

Conversion from InverseRotation to BaseMat.

Note: asMat33 is more efficient than toMat33() (no copy), but you have to know the internal layout.

const ColType& col ( int  j  )  const [inline]

const Rotation& invert (  )  const [inline]

const ColType& operator() ( int  j  )  const [inline]

InverseRotation& operator= ( const InverseRotation R  )  [inline]

const RowType& operator[] ( int  i  )  const [inline]

Rotation& operator~ (  )  [inline]

const Rotation& operator~ (  )  const [inline]

const RowType& row ( int  i  )  const [inline]

BaseMat toMat33 (  )  const [inline]

const Rotation& transpose (  )  const [inline]

Rotation& updInvert (  )  [inline]

Rotation& updTranspose (  )  [inline]

const ColType& x (  )  const [inline]

const ColType& y (  )  const [inline]

const ColType& z (  )  const [inline]

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