Compound.h File Reference

#include "SimTKsimbody.h"
#include "molmodel/internal/common.h"
#include "TinkerDuMMForceFieldSubsystem.h"
#include "molmodel/internal/Pdb.h"
#include "molmodel/internal/Superpose.h"
#include "molmodel/internal/units.h"
#include <map>
#include <iosfwd>

Go to the source code of this file.


namespace  SimTK
namespace  SimTK::BondMobility


class  Compound
 The base class for atoms, molecules, and chemical groups. More...
class  Compound::SingleAtom
 Base class for single-atom Compound building blocks. More...
class  UnivalentAtom
 Base class for atoms with exaclty one covalent bond partner. More...
class  BivalentAtom
 Base class for atoms having exactly two covalent bonds. More...
class  TrivalentAtom
 Base class for atoms having exactly three covalent bonds. More...
class  QuadrivalentAtom
 Base class for atoms having exactly four covalent bonds. More...
class  AliphaticHydrogen
 AliphaticHydrogen is a hydrogen atom for bonding to AliphaticCarbon atoms (see below). More...
class  AliphaticCarbon
 AliphaticCarbon is a tetrahedral sp3 carbon atom for bonding to four other things. More...
class  MethyleneGroup
 MethyleneGroup is -CH2- group for bonding to aliphatic carbon and a second something. More...
class  MethylGroup
 MethylGroup is CH3 for attaching to aliphatic carbon. More...
class  AromaticSixMemberedCHGroup
 Two atom C-H group in six membered aromatic rings. More...
class  AlcoholOHGroup
 AlcoholOHGroup is OH group for attachment to aliphatic carbon. More...
class  PrimaryAmineGroup
 PrimaryAmineGroup is NH3+ for attachment to tetrahedral carbon. More...
class  CarboxylateGroup
 CaboxylateGroup is COO- for attachment to tetrahedral carbon. More...
class  Molecule
 Base class for complete covalently connected molecules. More...
class  Argon
 The noble gas argon, which does not bond with other atoms. More...
class  Methane
 The simplest hydrocarbon methane, CH4. More...
class  Ethane
 The small hydrocarbon ethane, C2H6, which has a single torsion degree of freedom. More...
class  BiopolymerResidue
class  Biopolymer
 The base class for DNA, RNA, and Protein molecules. More...


enum  Mobility { Free = 1, Torsion = 2, Rigid = 3 }
 Which motions are allowed for a particular covalent bond. More...


std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &o, const Compound &c)
 Dump debugging information about compound structure to a stream.

Generated on Fri Sep 26 07:44:20 2008 for SimTKcore by  doxygen 1.5.6