IpBlas.cpp File Reference

#include "IpoptConfig.h"
#include "IpBlas.hpp"


namespace  Ipopt


double F77_FUNC (ddot, DDOT)(ipfint *n
 BLAS Fortran function DDOT.
double F77_FUNC (dnrm2, DNRM2)(ipfint *n
 BLAS Fortran function DNRM2.
double F77_FUNC (dasum, DASUM)(ipfint *n
 BLAS Fortran function DASUM.
ipfint F77_FUNC (idamax, IDAMAX)(ipfint *n
 BLAS Fortran function IDAMAX.
void F77_FUNC (dcopy, DCOPY)(ipfint *n
 BLAS Fortran subroutine DCOPY.
void F77_FUNC (daxpy, DAXPY)(ipfint *n
 BLAS Fortran subroutine DAXPY.
void F77_FUNC (dscal, DSCAL)(ipfint *n
 BLAS Fortran subroutine DSCAL.
void F77_FUNC (dgemv, DGEMV)(char *trans
void F77_FUNC (dsymv, DSYMV)(char *uplo
void F77_FUNC (dgemm, DGEMM)(char *transa
void F77_FUNC (dsyrk, DSYRK)(char *uplo
void F77_FUNC (dtrsm, DTRSM)(char *side
Number IpBlasDdot (Index size, const Number *x, Index incX, const Number *y, Index incY)
 Wrapper for BLAS function DDOT.
Number IpBlasDnrm2 (Index size, const Number *x, Index incX)
 Wrapper for BLAS function DNRM2.
Number IpBlasDasum (Index size, const Number *x, Index incX)
 Wrapper for BLAS function DASUM.
Index IpBlasIdamax (Index size, const Number *x, Index incX)
 Wrapper for BLAS function DASUM.
void IpBlasDcopy (Index size, const Number *x, Index incX, Number *y, Index incY)
 Wrapper for BLAS subroutine DCOPY.
void IpBlasDaxpy (Index size, Number alpha, const Number *x, Index incX, Number *y, Index incY)
 Wrapper for BLAS subroutine DAXPY.
void IpBlasDscal (Index size, Number alpha, Number *x, Index incX)
 Wrapper for BLAS subroutine DSCAL.
void IpBlasDgemv (bool trans, Index nRows, Index nCols, Number alpha, const Number *A, Index ldA, const Number *x, Index incX, Number beta, Number *y, Index incY)
 Wrapper for BLAS subroutine DGEMV.
void IpBlasDsymv (Index n, Number alpha, const Number *A, Index ldA, const Number *x, Index incX, Number beta, Number *y, Index incY)
 Wrapper for BLAS subroutine DSYMV.
void IpBlasDgemm (bool transa, bool transb, Index m, Index n, Index k, Number alpha, const Number *A, Index ldA, const Number *B, Index ldB, Number beta, Number *C, Index ldC)
 Wrapper for BLAS subroutine DGEMM.
void IpBlasDsyrk (bool trans, Index ndim, Index nrank, Number alpha, const Number *A, Index ldA, Number beta, Number *C, Index ldC)
 Wrapper for BLAS subroutine DSYRK.
void IpBlasDtrsm (bool trans, Index ndim, Index nrhs, Number alpha, const Number *A, Index ldA, Number *B, Index ldB)
 Wrapper for BLAS subroutine DTRSM.


double const double * x
double const double ipfintincX
double const double ipfint
const double * 
double const double ipfint
const double ipfint
void const double * alpha
void ipfintm
void ipfint ipfintn
void ipfint ipfint const
double const double * 
void ipfint ipfint const
double const double ipfint
void ipfint ipfint const
double const double ipfint
const double ipfint const
double * 
void ipfint ipfint const
double const double ipfint
const double ipfint const
double double ipfint int 
void ipfint const double const
double ipfint const double
ipfint const double double
ipfint int 
void char * transb
void char ipfint ipfint ipfintk
void char ipfint ipfint ipfint
const double const double
ipfint const double * 
void char ipfint ipfint ipfint
const double const double
ipfint const double ipfint
void char ipfint ipfint ipfint
const double const double
ipfint const double ipfint
const double double * 
void char ipfint ipfint ipfint
const double const double
ipfint const double ipfint
const double double ipfint
void char ipfint ipfint ipfint
const double const double
ipfint const double ipfint
const double double ipfint int 
void char ipfint ipfint ipfint
const double const double
ipfint const double ipfint
const double double ipfint int
void char * trans
void char * uplo
void char char * transa
void char char char * diag
void char char char ipfint
ipfint const double const
double ipfint const double
ipfint int 
void char char char ipfint
ipfint const double const
double ipfint const double
ipfint int int int int 

Function Documentation

void F77_FUNC ( dtrsm  ,

void F77_FUNC ( dsyrk  ,

void F77_FUNC ( dgemm  ,

void F77_FUNC ( dsymv  ,

void F77_FUNC ( dgemv  ,

void F77_FUNC ( dscal  ,

BLAS Fortran subroutine DSCAL.

void F77_FUNC ( daxpy  ,

BLAS Fortran subroutine DAXPY.

void F77_FUNC ( dcopy  ,

BLAS Fortran subroutine DCOPY.

ipfint F77_FUNC ( idamax  ,

BLAS Fortran function IDAMAX.

double F77_FUNC ( dasum  ,

BLAS Fortran function DASUM.

double F77_FUNC ( dnrm2  ,

BLAS Fortran function DNRM2.

double F77_FUNC ( ddot  ,

BLAS Fortran function DDOT.

Variable Documentation

void char char char ipfint ipfint const double const double * a

void char char char ipfint ipfint const double * alpha

void char char char ipfint ipfint const double const double ipfint const double * b

void char ipfint ipfint const double const double ipfint const double * beta

void char ipfint ipfint const double const double ipfint const double double * c

Referenced by CompoundSystem::adoptCompound(), brecvpost(), brecvwait(), bsend(), IpoptCalculatedQuantities::curr_nlp_constraint_violation(), IpoptCalculatedQuantities::curr_primal_infeasibility(), daxpy(), dcopy(), ddot(), dgefa(), dgesl(), dscal(), fidacommfn(), fidadjac(), fidaglocfn(), fidaresfun(), fidarootfn(), fkfun(), fkpset(), GCVSPLUtil::gcvspl(), NTraits< conjugate< R > >::getCubeRoot2(), NTraits< complex< R > >::getCubeRoot2(), NTraits< conjugate< R > >::getCubeRoot3(), NTraits< complex< R > >::getCubeRoot3(), NTraits< conjugate< R > >::getE(), NTraits< complex< R > >::getE(), NTraits< conjugate< R > >::getI(), NTraits< complex< R > >::getI(), NTraits< conjugate< R > >::getInfinity(), NTraits< complex< R > >::getInfinity(), NTraits< conjugate< R > >::getLn10(), NTraits< complex< R > >::getLn10(), NTraits< conjugate< R > >::getLn2(), NTraits< complex< R > >::getLn2(), NTraits< conjugate< R > >::getLog10E(), NTraits< complex< R > >::getLog10E(), NTraits< conjugate< R > >::getLog2E(), NTraits< complex< R > >::getLog2E(), NTraits< conjugate< R > >::getMinusOne(), NTraits< complex< R > >::getMinusOne(), NTraits< conjugate< R > >::getNaN(), NTraits< complex< R > >::getNaN(), NTraits< conjugate< R > >::getOne(), NTraits< complex< R > >::getOne(), NTraits< conjugate< R > >::getOneEighth(), NTraits< complex< R > >::getOneEighth(), NTraits< conjugate< R > >::getOneFifth(), NTraits< complex< R > >::getOneFifth(), NTraits< conjugate< R > >::getOneFourth(), NTraits< complex< R > >::getOneFourth(), NTraits< conjugate< R > >::getOneHalf(), NTraits< complex< R > >::getOneHalf(), NTraits< conjugate< R > >::getOneNinth(), NTraits< complex< R > >::getOneNinth(), NTraits< conjugate< R > >::getOneOverPi(), NTraits< complex< R > >::getOneOverPi(), NTraits< conjugate< R > >::getOneOverSqrt2(), NTraits< complex< R > >::getOneOverSqrt2(), NTraits< conjugate< R > >::getOneOverSqrt3(), NTraits< complex< R > >::getOneOverSqrt3(), NTraits< conjugate< R > >::getOneSeventh(), NTraits< complex< R > >::getOneSeventh(), NTraits< conjugate< R > >::getOneSixth(), NTraits< complex< R > >::getOneSixth(), NTraits< conjugate< R > >::getOneThird(), NTraits< complex< R > >::getOneThird(), NTraits< conjugate< R > >::getPi(), NTraits< complex< R > >::getPi(), NTraits< conjugate< R > >::getSqrt2(), NTraits< complex< R > >::getSqrt2(), NTraits< conjugate< R > >::getSqrt3(), NTraits< complex< R > >::getSqrt3(), NTraits< conjugate< R > >::getThree(), NTraits< complex< R > >::getThree(), NTraits< conjugate< R > >::getTwo(), NTraits< complex< R > >::getTwo(), NTraits< conjugate< R > >::getZero(), NTraits< complex< R > >::getZero(), PeriodicVmdReporter::handleEvent(), PeriodicPdbWriter::handleEvent(), WritePdbReporter::handleEvent(), idamax(), main(), maxnorm(), SimTK::operator<<(), prntcase(), prntfinalstats(), prntintro(), prntoutput(), prntstats(), setinitprofile(), IpoptCalculatedQuantities::trial_primal_infeasibility(), and IpoptCalculatedQuantities::unscaled_curr_nlp_constraint_violation().

void char char char* diag

void char char char ipfint ipfint const double const double ipfint const double ipfint int int int int diag_len

void ipfint const double const double ipfint const double ipfint * incX

void ipfint const double const double ipfint const double ipfint const double double ipfint * incY

void char ipfint ipfint * k

void char char char ipfint ipfint const double const double ipfint * lda

Referenced by dgefa(), and dgesl().

void char char char ipfint ipfint const double const double ipfint const double ipfint * ldb

void char ipfint ipfint const double const double ipfint const double double ipfint * ldc

void char char char ipfint * m

void char ipfint * n

void char char char ipfint ipfint const double const double ipfint const double ipfint int side_len

void char* trans

void char ipfint ipfint const double const double ipfint const double double ipfint int int trans_len

void char char* transa

void char char char ipfint ipfint const double const double ipfint const double ipfint int int int transa_len

void char* transb

void char ipfint ipfint ipfint const double const double ipfint const double ipfint const double double ipfint int int transb_len

void char* uplo

Referenced by Ipopt::IpLapackDpotrs().

void char ipfint double ipfint double double ipfint ipfint int int uplo_len

void ipfint const double const double ipfint const double * x

void ipfint const double const double ipfint const double ipfint const double double * y

Generated on Fri Sep 26 07:44:20 2008 for SimTKcore by  doxygen 1.5.6