VectorMath.h File Reference

#include "SimTKcommon/basics.h"
#include "SimTKcommon/Simmatrix.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <algorithm>

Go to the source code of this file.


namespace  SimTK




template<class ELEM>
VectorBase< typename CNT< ELEM >
::TAbs > 
abs (const VectorBase< ELEM > v)
template<class ELEM>
RowVectorBase< typename CNT
< ELEM >::TAbs > 
abs (const RowVectorBase< ELEM > v)
template<class ELEM>
MatrixBase< typename CNT< ELEM >
::TAbs > 
abs (const MatrixBase< ELEM > v)
template<int N, class ELEM>
Vec< N, typename CNT< ELEM >
::TAbs > 
abs (const Vec< N, ELEM > v)
template<int N, class ELEM>
Row< N, typename CNT< ELEM >
::TAbs > 
abs (const Row< N, ELEM > v)
template<int M, int N, class ELEM>
Mat< M, N, typename CNT< ELEM >
::TAbs > 
abs (const Mat< M, N, ELEM > v)
template<int N, class ELEM>
SymMat< N, typename CNT< ELEM >
::TAbs > 
abs (const SymMat< N, ELEM > v)
template<class ELEM>
ELEM sum (const VectorBase< ELEM > v)
template<class ELEM>
ELEM sum (const RowVectorBase< ELEM > v)
template<class ELEM>
RowVectorBase< ELEM > sum (const MatrixBase< ELEM > v)
template<int N, class ELEM>
ELEM sum (const Vec< N, ELEM > v)
template<int N, class ELEM>
ELEM sum (const Row< N, ELEM > v)
template<int M, int N, class ELEM>
Row< N, ELEM > sum (const Mat< M, N, ELEM > v)
template<int N, class ELEM>
Row< N, ELEM > sum (const SymMat< N, ELEM > v)
template<class ELEM>
ELEM min (const VectorBase< ELEM > v)
template<class ELEM>
ELEM min (const RowVectorBase< ELEM > v)
template<class ELEM>
RowVectorBase< ELEM > min (const MatrixBase< ELEM > v)
template<int N, class ELEM>
ELEM min (const Vec< N, ELEM > v)
template<int N, class ELEM>
ELEM min (Row< N, ELEM > v)
template<int M, int N, class ELEM>
Row< N, ELEM > min (const Mat< M, N, ELEM > v)
template<int N, class ELEM>
Row< N, ELEM > min (SymMat< N, ELEM > v)
template<class ELEM>
ELEM max (const VectorBase< ELEM > v)
template<class ELEM>
ELEM max (const RowVectorBase< ELEM > v)
template<class ELEM>
RowVectorBase< ELEM > max (const MatrixBase< ELEM > v)
template<int N, class ELEM>
ELEM max (Vec< N, ELEM > v)
template<int N, class ELEM>
ELEM max (const Row< N, ELEM > v)
template<int M, int N, class ELEM>
Row< N, ELEM > max (const Mat< M, N, ELEM > v)
template<int N, class ELEM>
Row< N, ELEM > max (const SymMat< N, ELEM > v)
template<class ELEM>
ELEM mean (const VectorBase< ELEM > v)
template<class ELEM>
ELEM mean (const RowVectorBase< ELEM > v)
template<class ELEM>
RowVectorBase< ELEM > mean (const MatrixBase< ELEM > v)
template<int N, class ELEM>
ELEM mean (const Vec< N, ELEM > v)
template<int N, class ELEM>
ELEM mean (const Row< N, ELEM > v)
template<int M, int N, class ELEM>
Row< N, ELEM > mean (const Mat< M, N, ELEM > v)
template<int N, class ELEM>
Row< N, ELEM > mean (const SymMat< N, ELEM > v)
template<class ELEM>
VectorBase< ELEM > sort (const VectorBase< ELEM > v)
template<class ELEM>
RowVectorBase< ELEM > sort (const RowVectorBase< ELEM > v)
template<class ELEM>
MatrixBase< ELEM > sort (const MatrixBase< ELEM > v)
template<int N, class ELEM>
Vec< N, ELEM > sort (Vec< N, ELEM > v)
template<int N, class ELEM>
Row< N, ELEM > sort (Row< N, ELEM > v)
template<int M, int N, class ELEM>
Mat< M, N, ELEM > sort (Mat< M, N, ELEM > v)
template<int N, class ELEM>
Mat< N, N, ELEM > sort (const SymMat< N, ELEM > v)
template<class ELEM, class RandomAccessIterator>
ELEM median (RandomAccessIterator start, RandomAccessIterator end)
template<class ELEM>
ELEM median (const VectorBase< ELEM > v)
template<class ELEM>
ELEM median (const RowVectorBase< ELEM > v)
template<class ELEM>
RowVectorBase< ELEM > median (const MatrixBase< ELEM > v)
template<int N, class ELEM>
ELEM median (Vec< N, ELEM > v)
template<int N, class ELEM>
ELEM median (Row< N, ELEM > v)
template<int M, int N, class ELEM>
Row< N, ELEM > median (const Mat< M, N, ELEM > v)
template<int N, class ELEM>
Row< N, ELEM > median (const SymMat< N, ELEM > v)

Define Documentation

#define ELEMENTWISE_FUNCTION ( func   ) 

Generated on Fri Sep 26 07:44:22 2008 for SimTKcore by  doxygen 1.5.6