CompoundVector Member List

This is the complete list of members for CompoundVector, including all inherited members.

AddOneVector(Number a, const Vector &v1, Number c)Vector [inline]
AddRef(const Referencer *referencer) const ReferencedObject [inline]
AddScalar(Number scalar)Vector [inline]
AddScalarImpl(Number scalar)CompoundVector [protected, virtual]
AddTwoVectors(Number a, const Vector &v1, Number b, const Vector &v2, Number c)Vector [inline]
AddTwoVectorsImpl(Number a, const Vector &v1, Number b, const Vector &v2, Number c)CompoundVector [protected, virtual]
AddVectorQuotient(Number a, const Vector &z, const Vector &s, Number c)Vector [inline]
AddVectorQuotientImpl(Number a, const Vector &z, const Vector &s, Number c)CompoundVector [protected, virtual]
Amax() const Vector [inline]
AmaxImpl() const CompoundVector [protected, virtual]
Asum() const Vector [inline]
AsumImpl() const CompoundVector [protected, virtual]
AttachObserver(Observer::NotifyType notify_type, Observer *observer) const Subject [inline]
Axpy(Number alpha, const Vector &x)Vector [inline]
AxpyImpl(Number alpha, const Vector &x)CompoundVector [protected, virtual]
CompoundVector(const CompoundVectorSpace *owner_space, bool create_new)CompoundVector
Copy(const Vector &x)Vector [inline]
CopyImpl(const Vector &x)CompoundVector [protected, virtual]
DetachObserver(Observer::NotifyType notify_type, Observer *observer) const Subject [inline]
Dim() const Vector [inline]
Dot(const Vector &x) const Vector [inline]
DotImpl(const Vector &x) const CompoundVector [protected, virtual]
ElementWiseAbs()Vector [inline]
ElementWiseAbsImpl()CompoundVector [protected, virtual]
ElementWiseDivide(const Vector &x)Vector [inline]
ElementWiseDivideImpl(const Vector &x)CompoundVector [protected, virtual]
ElementWiseMax(const Vector &x)Vector [inline]
ElementWiseMaxImpl(const Vector &x)CompoundVector [protected, virtual]
ElementWiseMin(const Vector &x)Vector [inline]
ElementWiseMinImpl(const Vector &x)CompoundVector [protected, virtual]
ElementWiseMultiply(const Vector &x)Vector [inline]
ElementWiseMultiplyImpl(const Vector &x)CompoundVector [protected, virtual]
ElementWiseReciprocal()Vector [inline]
ElementWiseReciprocalImpl()CompoundVector [protected, virtual]
ElementWiseSgn()Vector [inline]
ElementWiseSgnImpl()CompoundVector [protected, virtual]
ElementWiseSqrt()Vector [inline]
ElementWiseSqrtImpl()CompoundVector [protected, virtual]
FracToBound(const Vector &delta, Number tau) const Vector [inline]
FracToBoundImpl(const Vector &delta, Number tau) const CompoundVector [protected, virtual]
GetComp(Index i) const CompoundVector [inline]
GetCompNonConst(Index i)CompoundVector [inline]
GetTag() const TaggedObject [inline]
HasChanged(const Tag comparison_tag) const TaggedObject [inline]
HasValidNumbers() const Vector [inline]
HasValidNumbersImpl() const CompoundVector [protected, virtual]
IsCompConst(Index i) const CompoundVector [inline]
IsCompNull(Index i) const CompoundVector [inline]
MakeNew() const Vector [inline]
MakeNewCopy() const Vector [inline]
Max() const Vector [inline]
MaxImpl() const CompoundVector [protected, virtual]
Min() const Vector [inline]
MinImpl() const CompoundVector [protected, virtual]
NComps() const CompoundVector [inline]
Notify(Observer::NotifyType notify_type) const Subject [inline, protected]
Nrm2() const Vector [inline]
Nrm2Impl() const CompoundVector [protected, virtual]
ObjectChanged()TaggedObject [inline, protected]
OwnerSpace() const Vector [inline]
Print(SmartPtr< const Journalist > jnlst, EJournalLevel level, EJournalCategory category, const std::string &name, Index indent=0, const std::string &prefix="") const Vector
Print(const Journalist &jnlst, EJournalLevel level, EJournalCategory category, const std::string &name, Index indent=0, const std::string &prefix="") const Vector
PrintImpl(const Journalist &jnlst, EJournalLevel level, EJournalCategory category, const std::string &name, Index indent, const std::string &prefix) const CompoundVector [protected, virtual]
ReferenceCount() const ReferencedObject [inline]
ReferencedObject()ReferencedObject [inline]
ReleaseRef(const Referencer *referencer) const ReferencedObject [inline]
Scal(Number alpha)Vector
ScalImpl(Number alpha)CompoundVector [protected, virtual]
Set(Number alpha)Vector [inline]
SetComp(Index icomp, const Vector &vec)CompoundVector
SetCompNonConst(Index icomp, Vector &vec)CompoundVector
SetImpl(Number value)CompoundVector [protected, virtual]
Subject()Subject [inline]
Sum() const Vector [inline]
SumImpl() const CompoundVector [protected, virtual]
SumLogs() const Vector [inline]
SumLogsImpl() const CompoundVector [protected, virtual]
Tag typedefTaggedObject
TaggedObject()TaggedObject [inline]
Vector(const VectorSpace *owner_space)Vector [inline]
~CompoundVector()CompoundVector [virtual]
~ReferencedObject()ReferencedObject [inline, virtual]
~Subject()Subject [inline, virtual]
~TaggedObject()TaggedObject [inline, virtual]
~Vector()Vector [inline, virtual]

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