
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00003  * $Revision: 1.3 $
00004  * $Date: 2006/11/29 00:05:06 $
00005  * ----------------------------------------------------------------- 
00006  * Programmer(s): Radu Serban @ LLNL
00007  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00008  * Copyright (c) 2005, The Regents of the University of California.
00009  * Produced at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
00010  * All rights reserved.
00011  * For details, see the LICENSE file.
00012  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00013  * This is the header file for the CVBBDPRE module, for a
00014  * band-block-diagonal preconditioner, i.e. a block-diagonal
00015  * matrix with banded blocks, for use with CVSPGMR/CVSPBCG/CVSPTFQMR, 
00016  * and the parallel implementation of the NVECTOR module.
00017  *
00018  *
00019  * Part I contains type definitions and function prototypes for using
00020  * CVBBDPRE on forward problems (IVP integration and/or FSA)
00021  *
00022  * Part II contains type definitions and function prototypes for using
00023  * CVBBDPRE on adjopint (backward) problems
00024  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00025  */
00027 #ifndef _CVSBBDPRE_H
00028 #define _CVSBBDPRE_H
00030 #ifdef __cplusplus  /* wrapper to enable C++ usage */
00031 extern "C" {
00032 #endif
00034 #include <sundials/sundials_nvector.h>
00036 /*
00037  * =================================================================
00038  *             C V S B B D P R E     C O N S T A N T S
00039  * =================================================================
00040  */
00042 /* CVBBDPRE return values */
00044 #define CVBBDPRE_SUCCESS            0
00045 #define CVBBDPRE_PDATA_NULL       -11
00046 #define CVBBDPRE_FUNC_UNRECVR     -12
00048 #define CVBBDPRE_ADJMEM_NULL      -111
00049 #define CVBBDPRE_PDATAB_NULL      -112
00050 #define CVBBDPRE_MEM_FAIL         -113
00052 /* 
00053  * =================================================================
00054  * PART I - forward problems
00055  * =================================================================
00056  */
00058 /*
00059  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00060  *
00061  * SUMMARY
00062  *
00063  * These routines provide a preconditioner matrix that is
00064  * block-diagonal with banded blocks. The blocking corresponds
00065  * to the distribution of the dependent variable vector y among
00066  * the processors. Each preconditioner block is generated from
00067  * the Jacobian of the local part (on the current processor) of a
00068  * given function g(t,y) approximating f(t,y). The blocks are
00069  * generated by a difference quotient scheme on each processor
00070  * independently. This scheme utilizes an assumed banded
00071  * structure with given half-bandwidths, mudq and mldq.
00072  * However, the banded Jacobian block kept by the scheme has
00073  * half-bandwiths mukeep and mlkeep, which may be smaller.
00074  *
00075  * The user's calling program should have the following form:
00076  *
00077  *   #include <cvodes/cvodes_bbdpre.h>
00078  *   #include <nvector_parallel.h>
00079  *   ...
00080  *   void *cvode_mem;
00081  *   void *bbd_data;
00082  *   ...
00083  *   Set y0
00084  *   ...
00085  *   cvode_mem = CVodeCreate(...);
00086  *   ier = CVodeMalloc(...);
00087  *   ...
00088  *   bbd_data = CVBBDPrecAlloc(cvode_mem, Nlocal, mudq ,mldq,
00089  *                             mukeep, mlkeep, dqrely, gloc, cfn);
00090  *   flag = CVBBDSpgmr(cvode_mem, pretype, maxl, bbd_data);
00091  *      -or-
00092  *   flag = CVBBDSpbcg(cvode_mem, pretype, maxl, bbd_data);
00093  *      -or-
00094  *   flag = CVBBDSptfqmr(cvode_mem, pretype, maxl, bbd_data);
00095  *   ...
00096  *   ier = CVode(...);
00097  *   ...
00098  *   CVBBDPrecFree(&bbd_data);
00099  *   ...                                                           
00100  *   CVodeFree(...);
00101  * 
00102  *   Free y0
00103  *
00104  * The user-supplied routines required are:
00105  *
00106  *   f    = function defining the ODE right-hand side f(t,y).
00107  *
00108  *   gloc = function defining the approximation g(t,y).
00109  *
00110  *   cfn  = function to perform communication need for gloc.
00111  *
00112  * Notes:
00113  *
00114  * 1) This header file is included by the user for the definition
00115  *    of the CVBBDData type and for needed function prototypes.
00116  *
00117  * 2) The CVBBDPrecAlloc call includes half-bandwiths mudq and mldq
00118  *    to be used in the difference quotient calculation of the
00119  *    approximate Jacobian. They need not be the true
00120  *    half-bandwidths of the Jacobian of the local block of g,
00121  *    when smaller values may provide a greater efficiency.
00122  *    Also, the half-bandwidths mukeep and mlkeep of the retained
00123  *    banded approximate Jacobian block may be even smaller,
00124  *    to reduce storage and computation costs further.
00125  *    For all four half-bandwidths, the values need not be the
00126  *    same on every processor.
00127  *
00128  * 3) The actual name of the user's f function is passed to
00129  *    CVodeMalloc, and the names of the user's gloc and cfn
00130  *    functions are passed to CVBBDPrecAlloc.
00131  *
00132  * 4) The pointer to the user-defined data block f_data, which is
00133  *    set through CVodeSetFdata is also available to the user in
00134  *    gloc and cfn.
00135  *
00136  * 5) For the CVSpgmr solver, the Gram-Schmidt type gstype,
00137  *    is left to the user to specify through CVSpgmrSetGStype.
00138  *
00139  * 6) Optional outputs specific to this module are available by
00140  *    way of routines listed below. These include work space sizes
00141  *    and the cumulative number of gloc calls. The costs
00142  *    associated with this module also include nsetups banded LU
00143  *    factorizations, nlinsetups cfn calls, and npsolves banded
00144  *    backsolve calls, where nlinsetups and npsolves are
00145  *    integrator/CVSPGMR/CVSPBCG/CVSPTFQMR optional outputs.
00146  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00147  */
00149 /*
00150  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00151  * Type : CVLocalFn
00152  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00153  * The user must supply a function g(t,y) which approximates the
00154  * right-hand side function f for the system y'=f(t,y), and which
00155  * is computed locally (without interprocess communication).
00156  * (The case where g is mathematically identical to f is allowed.)
00157  * The implementation of this function must have type CVLocalFn.
00158  *
00159  * This function takes as input the local vector size Nlocal, the
00160  * independent variable value t, the local real dependent
00161  * variable vector y, and a pointer to the user-defined data
00162  * block f_data. It is to compute the local part of g(t,y) and
00163  * store this in the vector g.
00164  * (Allocation of memory for y and g is handled within the
00165  * preconditioner module.)
00166  * The f_data parameter is the same as that specified by the user
00167  * through the CVodeSetFdata routine.
00168  *
00169  * A CVLocalFn should return 0 if successful, a positive value if 
00170  * a recoverable error occurred, and a negative value if an 
00171  * unrecoverable error occurred.
00172  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00173  */
00175 typedef int (*CVLocalFn)(int Nlocal, realtype t, 
00176              N_Vector y, N_Vector g, void *f_data);
00178 /*
00179  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00180  * Type : CVCommFn
00181  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00182  * The user may supply a function of type CVCommFn which performs
00183  * all interprocess communication necessary to evaluate the
00184  * approximate right-hand side function described above.
00185  *
00186  * This function takes as input the local vector size Nlocal,
00187  * the independent variable value t, the dependent variable
00188  * vector y, and a pointer to the user-defined data block f_data.
00189  * The f_data parameter is the same as that specified by the user
00190  * through the CVodeSetFdata routine. The CVCommFn cfn is
00191  * expected to save communicated data in space defined within the
00192  * structure f_data. Note: A CVCommFn cfn does not have a return value.
00193  *
00194  * Each call to the CVCommFn cfn is preceded by a call to the
00195  * CVRhsFn f with the same (t,y) arguments. Thus cfn can omit any
00196  * communications done by f if relevant to the evaluation of g.
00197  * If all necessary communication was done by f, the user can
00198  * pass NULL for cfn in CVBBDPrecAlloc (see below).
00199  *
00200  * A CVCommFn should return 0 if successful, a positive value if 
00201  * a recoverable error occurred, and a negative value if an 
00202  * unrecoverable error occurred.
00203  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00204  */
00206 typedef int (*CVCommFn)(int Nlocal, realtype t, 
00207             N_Vector y,
00208             void *f_data);
00210 /*
00211  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00212  * Function : CVBBDPrecAlloc
00213  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00214  * CVBBDPrecAlloc allocates and initializes a CVBBDData structure
00215  * to be passed to CVSp* (and used by CVBBDPrecSetup and
00216  * CVBBDPrecSolve).
00217  *
00218  * The parameters of CVBBDPrecAlloc are as follows:
00219  *
00220  * cvode_mem is the pointer to the integrator memory.
00221  *
00222  * Nlocal is the length of the local block of the vectors y etc.
00223  *        on the current processor.
00224  *
00225  * mudq, mldq are the upper and lower half-bandwidths to be used
00226  *            in the difference quotient computation of the local
00227  *            Jacobian block.
00228  *
00229  * mukeep, mlkeep are the upper and lower half-bandwidths of the
00230  *                retained banded approximation to the local Jacobian
00231  *                block.
00232  *
00233  * dqrely is an optional input. It is the relative increment
00234  *        in components of y used in the difference quotient
00235  *        approximations. To specify the default, pass 0.
00236  *        The default is dqrely = sqrt(unit roundoff).
00237  *
00238  * gloc is the name of the user-supplied function g(t,y) that
00239  *      approximates f and whose local Jacobian blocks are
00240  *      to form the preconditioner.
00241  *
00242  * cfn is the name of the user-defined function that performs
00243  *     necessary interprocess communication for the
00244  *     execution of gloc.
00245  *
00246  * CVBBDPrecAlloc returns the storage allocated (type *void),
00247  * or NULL if the request for storage cannot be satisfied.
00248  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00249  */
00251 SUNDIALS_EXPORT void *CVBBDPrecAlloc(void *cvode_mem, int Nlocal, 
00252                      int mudq, int mldq, 
00253                      int mukeep, int mlkeep, 
00254                      realtype dqrely,
00255                      CVLocalFn gloc, CVCommFn cfn);
00257 /*
00258  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00259  * Function : CVBBDSptfqmr
00260  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00261  * CVBBDSptfqmr links the CVBBDPRE preconditioner to the CVSPTFQMR
00262  * linear solver. It performs the following actions:
00263  *  1) Calls the CVSPTFQMR specification routine and attaches the
00264  *     CVSPTFQMR linear solver to the integrator memory;
00265  *  2) Sets the preconditioner data structure for CVSPTFQMR
00266  *  3) Sets the preconditioner setup routine for CVSPTFQMR
00267  *  4) Sets the preconditioner solve routine for CVSPTFQMR
00268  *
00269  * Its first 3 arguments are the same as for CVSptfqmr (see
00270  * cvsptfqmr.h). The last argument is the pointer to the CVBBDPRE
00271  * memory block returned by CVBBDPrecAlloc. Note that the user need
00272  * not call CVSptfqmr.
00273  *
00274  * Possible return values are:
00275  *    CVSPILS_SUCCESS     if successful
00276  *    CVSPILS_MEM_NULL    if the cvode memory was NULL
00277  *    CVSPILS_LMEM_NULL   if the cvspbcg memory was NULL
00278  *    CVSPILS_MEM_FAIL    if there was a memory allocation failure
00279  *    CVSPILS_ILL_INPUT   if a required vector operation is missing
00280  *    CVBBDPRE_PDATA_NULL if the bbd_data was NULL
00281  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00282  */
00284 SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CVBBDSptfqmr(void *cvode_mem, int pretype, int maxl, void *bbd_data);
00286 /*
00287  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00288  * Function : CVBBDSpbcg
00289  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00290  * CVBBDSpbcg links the CVBBDPRE preconditioner to the CVSPBCG
00291  * linear solver. It performs the following actions:
00292  *  1) Calls the CVSPBCG specification routine and attaches the
00293  *     CVSPBCG linear solver to the integrator memory;
00294  *  2) Sets the preconditioner data structure for CVSPBCG
00295  *  3) Sets the preconditioner setup routine for CVSPBCG
00296  *  4) Sets the preconditioner solve routine for CVSPBCG
00297  *
00298  * Its first 3 arguments are the same as for CVSpbcg (see
00299  * cvspbcgs.h). The last argument is the pointer to the CVBBDPRE
00300  * memory block returned by CVBBDPrecAlloc. Note that the user need
00301  * not call CVSpbcg.
00302  *
00303  * Possible return values are:
00304  *    CVSPILS_SUCCESS      if successful
00305  *    CVSPILS_MEM_NULL     if the cvode memory was NULL
00306  *    CVSPILS_LMEM_NULL    if the cvspbcg memory was NULL
00307  *    CVSPILS_MEM_FAIL     if there was a memory allocation failure
00308  *    CVSPILS_ILL_INPUT    if a required vector operation is missing
00309  *    CVBBDPRE_PDATA_NULL  if the bbd_data was NULL
00310  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00311  */
00313 SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CVBBDSpbcg(void *cvode_mem, int pretype, int maxl, void *bbd_data);
00315 /*
00316  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00317  * Function : CVBBDSpgmr
00318  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00319  * CVBBDSpgmr links the CVBBDPRE preconditioner to the CVSPGMR
00320  * linear solver. It performs the following actions:
00321  *  1) Calls the CVSPGMR specification routine and attaches the
00322  *     CVSPGMR linear solver to the integrator memory;
00323  *  2) Sets the preconditioner data structure for CVSPGMR
00324  *  3) Sets the preconditioner setup routine for CVSPGMR
00325  *  4) Sets the preconditioner solve routine for CVSPGMR
00326  *
00327  * Its first 3 arguments are the same as for CVSpgmr (see
00328  * cvspgmr.h). The last argument is the pointer to the CVBBDPRE
00329  * memory block returned by CVBBDPrecAlloc. Note that the user need
00330  * not call CVSpgmr.
00331  *
00332  * Possible return values are:
00333  *    CVSPILS_SUCCESS      if successful
00334  *    CVSPILS_MEM_NULL     if the cvode memory was NULL
00335  *    CVSPILS_LMEM_NULL    if the cvspgmr memory was NULL
00336  *    CVSPILS_MEM_FAIL     if there was a memory allocation failure
00337  *    CVSPILS_ILL_INPUT    if a required vector operation is missing
00338  *    CVBBDPRE_PDATA_NULL  if the bbd_data was NULL
00339  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00340  */
00342 SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CVBBDSpgmr(void *cvode_mem, int pretype, int maxl, void *bbd_data);
00344 /*
00345  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00346  * Function : CVBBDPrecReInit
00347  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00348  * CVBBDPrecReInit re-initializes the BBDPRE module when solving a
00349  * sequence of problems of the same size with CVSPGMR/CVBBDPRE,
00350  * CVSPBCG/CVBBDPRE, or CVSPTFQMR/CVBBDPRE provided there is no change 
00351  * in Nlocal, mukeep, or mlkeep. After solving one problem, and after 
00352  * calling CVodeReInit to re-initialize the integrator for a subsequent 
00353  * problem, call CVBBDPrecReInit. Then call CVSpgmrSet*, CVSpbcgSet*,
00354  * or CVSptfqmrSet*  functions if necessary for any changes to CVSPGMR,
00355  * CVSPBCG, or CVSPTFQMR parameters, before calling CVode.
00356  *
00357  * The first argument to CVBBDPrecReInit must be the pointer pdata
00358  * that was returned by CVBBDPrecAlloc. All other arguments have
00359  * the same names and meanings as those of CVBBDPrecAlloc.
00360  *
00361  * The return value of CVBBDPrecReInit is CVBBDPRE_SUCCESS, indicating
00362  * success, or CVBBDPRE_PDATA_NULL if bbd_data was NULL.
00363  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00364  */
00366 SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CVBBDPrecReInit(void *bbd_data, int mudq, int mldq,
00367                                     realtype dqrely, 
00368                                     CVLocalFn gloc, CVCommFn cfn);
00370 /*
00371  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00372  * Function : CVBBDPrecFree
00373  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00374  * CVBBDPrecFree frees the memory block bbd_data allocated by the
00375  * call to CVBBDAlloc.
00376  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00377  */
00379 SUNDIALS_EXPORT void CVBBDPrecFree(void **bbd_data);
00381 /*
00382  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00383  * CVBBDPRE optional output extraction routines
00384  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00385  * CVBBDPrecGetWorkSpace returns the BBDPRE real and integer work space
00386  *                       sizes.
00387  * CVBBDPrecGetNumGfnEvals returns the number of calls to gfn.
00388  *
00389  * The return value of CVBBDPrecGet* is one of:
00390  *    CVBBDPRE_SUCCESS    if successful
00391  *    CVBBDPRE_PDATA_NULL if the bbd_data memory was NULL
00392  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00393  */
00395 SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CVBBDPrecGetWorkSpace(void *bbd_data, 
00396                                           long int *lenrwBBDP, long int *leniwBBDP);
00397 SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CVBBDPrecGetNumGfnEvals(void *bbd_data, long int *ngevalsBBDP);
00399 /*
00400  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00401  * The following function returns the name of the constant 
00402  * associated with a CVBBDPRE return flag
00403  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00404  */
00406 SUNDIALS_EXPORT char *CVBBDPrecGetReturnFlagName(int flag);
00408 /* 
00409  * =================================================================
00410  * PART II - backward problems
00411  * =================================================================
00412  */
00414 /*
00415  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00416  * Types: CVLocalFnB and CVCommFnB
00417  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00418  * Local approximation function and inter-process communication
00419  * function for the BBD preconditioner on the backward phase.
00420  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00421  */
00423 typedef int (*CVLocalFnB)(int NlocalB, realtype t, 
00424               N_Vector y, 
00425               N_Vector yB, N_Vector gB,
00426               void *f_dataB);
00428 typedef int (*CVCommFnB)(int NlocalB, realtype t,
00429              N_Vector y, 
00430              N_Vector yB,
00431              void *f_dataB);
00433 /*
00434  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00435  * Functions: CVBBDPrecAllocB, CVBBDSp*B, CVBBDPrecReInit
00436  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00437  * Interface functions for the CVBBDPRE preconditioner to be used on
00438  * the backward phase.
00439  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00440  */
00442 SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CVBBDPrecAllocB(void *cvadj_mem, int NlocalB,
00443                     int mudqB, int mldqB,
00444                     int mukeepB, int mlkeepB,
00445                     realtype dqrelyB,
00446                     CVLocalFnB glocB, CVCommFnB cfnB);
00448 SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CVBBDSptfqmrB(void *cvadj_mem, int pretypeB, int maxlB);
00449 SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CVBBDSpbcgB(void *cvadj_mem, int pretypeB, int maxlB);
00450 SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CVBBDSpgmrB(void *cvadj_mem, int pretypeB, int maxlB);
00452 SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CVBBDPrecReInitB(void *cvadj_mem, int mudqB, int mldqB,
00453                                      realtype dqrelyB, 
00454                                      CVLocalFnB glocB, CVCommFnB cfnB);
00456 SUNDIALS_EXPORT void CVBBDPrecFreeB(void *cvadj_mem);
00458 #ifdef __cplusplus
00459 }
00460 #endif
00462 #endif

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