
File List

Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
AtomSubsystem.h [code]
Biotype.h [code]
bondGeometry.h [code]
Clonable.h [code]
common.h [code]Every Molmodel header and source file should include this header before any other Molmodel header
Compound.h [code]
CompoundModeler.h [code]
CompoundSystem.h [code]
DuMMForceFieldSubsystem.h [code]Define the public interface to DuMMForceFieldSubsystem, a subsystem which provides molecular mechanics capability in a multibody framework
Element.h [code]
GrinPointer.h [code]
Ions.h [code]
LigandDroplet.h [code]
Ligands.h [code]
MassCenterMotionRemover.h [code]
MolecularMechanicsSystem.h [code]
Molmodel.h [code]This is the header file that user code should include to pick up all Molmodel capabilities
MolmodelMainpage.h [code]This "header" file is actually just the source for Molmodel's Doxygen Mainpage, the first page that a user sees when entering the Doxygen- generated API documentation
NoseHooverThermostat.h [code]
Pdb.h [code]
PDBReader.h [code]
PeriodicPdbWriter.h [code]
PeriodicVmdReporter.h [code]
Protein.h [code]
RiboseMobilizer.h [code]
RNA.h [code]
SimTKmolmodel.h [code]This header file includes all the Molmodel header files that need to be visible to a compiler processing a Molmodel-using compilation unit. However, user programs should included only the top-level Molmodel.h header (which will include this one)
Superpose.h [code]Kabsch superposition algorithm implementation
units.h [code]
VanDerWaalsForce.h [code]
VanderWallSphere.h [code]
VelocityRescalingThermostat.h [code]
VmdConnection.h [code]
VoxelHash.h [code]
Water.h [code]
WaterDroplet.h [code]
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