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SimTK::DuMM Namespace Reference

This namespace is used for symbols which are useful in conjunction with Molmodel's DuMMForceFieldSubsystem. More...


class  CustomBondStretch
 Abstract base class for custom bond stretch terms, that is, functional forms that apply a distance-based force along a 1-2 bond between a pair of atoms. More...
class  CustomBondBend
 Abstract base class for custom bond bend functions, that is, functional forms that apply an angle-based torque between the two lines formed by a 1-2-3 triple of bonded atoms. More...
class  CustomBondTorsion
 Abstract base class for custom torsion functions, that is, functional forms that apply a dihedral-angle based torque about the middle bond of a 1-2-3-4 quadruple of bonded atoms. More...
class  AtomIndex
 This is the unique integer index that DuMM assigns to atoms as they are added via addAtom(). More...
class  IncludedAtomIndex
 This is the unique integer index that DuMM assigns to atoms that are to be included in force calculations. These represent a subset of all the atoms and you can map from an IncludedAtomIndex to the corresponding AtomIndex. More...
class  NonbondAtomIndex
 This is the unique integer index that DuMM assigns to included atoms that are involved in nonbonded force calculations (Coulomb, van der Waals, and/or GBSA). These represent a subset of all the included atoms and you can map from a NonbondAtomIndex to the corresponding IncludedAtomIndex. More...
class  BondIndex
 This is the unique integer index that DuMM assigns to bonds as they are added via addBond(). More...
class  ClusterIndex
 This is the unique integer index that DuMM assigns to clusters as they are created via createCluster(). More...
class  AtomClassIndex
 This is a unique integer associated with each "atom class", assigned by the user when the atom class is first introduced via defineAtomClass(). More...
class  ChargedAtomTypeIndex
 This is a unique integer associated with each "charged atom type", assigned by the user when the charged atom type is first introduced via defineChargedAtomType(). More...




static const Real Ang2Nm = (Real)0.1L
 angstroms to nanometers
static const Real Nm2Ang = (Real)10.L
 nanometers to angstroms
static const Real Deg2Rad = (Real)SimTK_DEGREE_TO_RADIAN
 degrees to radians
static const Real Rad2Deg = (Real)SimTK_RADIAN_TO_DEGREE
 radians to degrees
static const Real KJ2Kcal = (Real)SimTK_KJOULE_TO_KCAL
 kilojoules to kilocalories
static const Real Kcal2KJ = (Real)SimTK_KCAL_TO_KJOULE
 kilocalories to kilojoules
static const Real Sigma2Radius = (Real)std::pow(2.L, 1.L/6.L)
 half-Sigma to van der Waals radius; caution -- see discussion in module description.
static const Real Radius2Sigma = (Real)std::pow(2.L, -1.L/6.L)
 van der Waals radius to half-Sigma; caution -- see discussion in module description.

Detailed Description

This namespace is used for symbols which are useful in conjunction with Molmodel's DuMMForceFieldSubsystem.

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