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SimTK::System Class Reference

The handle class which serves as the abstract parent of all System handles. More...

#include <System.h>

Inheritance diagram for SimTK::System:

List of all members.


class  Guts
 This is the declaration for the System::Guts class, the abstract object to which a System handle points. More...
class  ProjectOptions

Public Member Functions

 System ()
 System (const System &)
Systemoperator= (const System &)
 ~System ()
const StringgetName () const
const StringgetVersion () const
void addEventHandler (ScheduledEventHandler *handler)
 Add a ScheduledEventHandler to this System, which takes over ownership of the event handler object.
void addEventHandler (TriggeredEventHandler *handler)
 Add a TriggeredEventHandler to this System, which takes over ownership of the event handler object.
void addEventReporter (ScheduledEventReporter *handler) const
 Add a ScheduledEventReporter to this System, which takes over ownership of the event reporter object.
void addEventReporter (TriggeredEventReporter *handler) const
 Add a TriggeredEventReporter to this System, which takes over ownership of the event reporter object.
SystemsetUpDirection (const CoordinateDirection &up)
 This is a hint to visualization software as to which way this System's designer considers to be "up". This is the best direction to use as the default up direction for the camera.
CoordinateDirection getUpDirection () const
 Get the current setting of the "up" direction hint.
SystemsetUseUniformBackground (bool useUniformBackground)
 This is a hint to visualization software that this System is best viewed against a uniform background (e.g. all white) rather than against a ground plane. A molecular system will typically set this flag so that the visualizer will not attempt to place the molecule on the ground.
bool getUseUniformBackground () const
 Get the current setting of the "use uniform background" visualization hint.
void resetAllCountersToZero ()
 The System keeps mutable statistics internally, initialized to zero at construction.
int getNumRealizationsOfThisStage (Stage) const
 Whenever the system was realized from Stage-1 to the indicated Stage, this counter is bumped.
int getNumRealizeCalls () const
 Return the total number of calls to realizeTopology(), realizeModel(), or realize(), regardless of whether these routines actually did anything when called.
int getNumPrescribeCalls () const
 Return the total number of calls to the System's prescribe() method.
int getNumQProjections () const
 Count the number of times we call project() with a particular option set.
int getNumUProjections () const
int getNumQErrorEstimateProjections () const
int getNumUErrorEstimateProjections () const
int getNumProjectCalls () const
 Return the total number of calls to project(), regardless of whether the call did anything.
int getNumHandlerCallsThatChangedStage (Stage) const
 handleEvents() reports the lowest Stage it modified and we bump the counter for that Stage.
int getNumHandleEventCalls () const
 This is the total number of calls to handleEvents() regardless of the outcome.
int getNumReportEventCalls () const
 This is the total number of calls to reportEvents() regardless of the outcome.
const StaterealizeTopology () const
 The following call must be made after any topological change has been made to this System, before the System can be used to perform any computations.
const StategetDefaultState () const
 This is available after realizeTopology(), and will throw an exception if realizeTopology() has not been called since the most recent topological change to this System.
StateupdDefaultState ()
void realizeModel (State &) const
 This call is required if Model-stage variables are changed from their default values.
void realize (const State &s, Stage g=Stage::HighestRuntime) const
 Realize the entire System to the indicated Stage.
void calcDecorativeGeometryAndAppend (const State &, Stage, Array_< DecorativeGeometry > &) const
 Generate all decorative geometry computable at a specific stage.
Real calcTimescale (const State &) const
 This operator can be called at Stage::Instance or higher and returns a rough estimate of a length of time we consider significant for this system.
void calcYUnitWeights (const State &, Vector &weights) const
 This operator can be called at Stage::Position to calculate a weighting vector w, with one entry for each state variable y={q,u,z}, ordered the same as y in the State and calculated specifically for the current values of y in the State.
void prescribe (State &, Stage) const
 This optional solver should set state variables q,u,z to known values as a function of time and earlier-stage state variables.
void project (State &, Real consAccuracy, const Vector &yWeights, const Vector &cWeights, Vector &yerrest, ProjectOptions=ProjectOptions::All) const
 This optional solver projects the given State back on to the constraint manifold, by the shortest path possible in the weighted norm given by the supplied weights, satisfying the constraints by reducing the supplied tolerance norm to below consAccuracy.
void calcYErrUnitTolerances (const State &, Vector &tolerances) const
 This provides scaling information for each of the position and velocity constraints (YErr) in the State.
void relax (State &, Stage, Real accuracy, const Vector &yWeights, const Vector &cWeights) const
 This optional method should modify fast variables at the given stage until they satisfy some relaxation criteria.
void setHasTimeAdvancedEvents (bool)
 This determines whether this System wants to be notified whenever time advances irreversibly.
bool hasTimeAdvancedEvents () const
void handleEvents (State &, Event::Cause, const Array_< EventId > &eventIds, Real accuracy, const Vector &yWeights, const Vector &cWeights, Stage &lowestModified, bool &shouldTerminate) const
 This solver handles a set of events which a TimeStepper has denoted as having occurred.
void reportEvents (const State &s, Event::Cause cause, const Array_< EventId > &eventIds) const
 This method is similar to handleEvents(), but does not allow the State to be modified.
void calcEventTriggerInfo (const State &, Array_< EventTriggerInfo > &) const
 This routine provides the Integrator with information it needs about the individual event trigger functions, such as which sign transitions are relevant and how tightly we need to localize.
void calcTimeOfNextScheduledEvent (const State &, Real &tNextEvent, Array_< EventId > &eventIds, bool includeCurrentTime) const
 This routine should be called to determine if and when there is an event scheduled to occur at a particular time.
void calcTimeOfNextScheduledReport (const State &, Real &tNextEvent, Array_< EventId > &eventIds, bool includeCurrentTime) const
 This routine is similar to calcTimeOfNextScheduledEvent(), but is used for "reporting events" which do not modify the state.
SubsystemIndex adoptSubsystem (Subsystem &child)
 Take over ownership of the supplied subsystem and install it into the next free subsystem slot.
int getNumSubsystems () const
 How may Subsystems are in here?
const SubsystemgetSubsystem (SubsystemIndex) const
 Obtain read-only access to a particular subsystem by its index.
SubsystemupdSubsystem (SubsystemIndex)
 Obtain writable access to a particular subsystem by its index.
const DefaultSystemSubsystemgetDefaultSubsystem () const
 Get read-only access to the default subsystem which is present in every system.
DefaultSystemSubsystemupdDefaultSubsystem ()
 Get writable access to the default subsystem which is present in every system.
 operator const Subsystem & () const
 Implicitly convert this System into a const Subsystem reference; this actually returns a reference to the DefaultSystemSubsystem contained in this System.
 operator Subsystem & ()
 Implicitly convert this System into a writable Subsystem reference; this actually returns a reference to the DefaultSystemSubsystem contained in this System.
bool isOwnerHandle () const
bool isEmptyHandle () const
bool isSameSystem (const System &otherSystem) const
bool systemTopologyHasBeenRealized () const
 You can check whether realizeTopology() has been called since the last topological change to this Syatem.
const System::GutsgetSystemGuts () const
System::GutsupdSystemGuts ()
void adoptSystemGuts (System::Guts *g)
 System (System::Guts *g)
bool hasGuts () const

Static Public Member Functions

static Real calcWeightedRMSNorm (const Vector &values, const Vector &weights)
static Real calcWeightedInfinityNorm (const Vector &values, const Vector &weights)


class Guts

Detailed Description

The handle class which serves as the abstract parent of all System handles.

A System serves as a mediator for a group of interacting Subsystems. All will share a single system State, and typically subsystems will need access to content in the state which is produced by other subsystems.

A System provides a unique SubsystemIndex (a small positive integer) for each of its subsystems, and the subsystems are constructed knowing their indices. The indices are used subsequently by the subsystems to find their own entries in the system state, and by each subsystem to refer to others within the same system. Index 0 is reserved for use by the System itself, e.g. for system-global state variables.

Concrete Systems understand the kinds of subsystems they contain. For example, a MultibodySystem might contain a mechanical subsystem, some force subsystems, and a geometry subsystem. At each computation stage, a subsystem is realized in a single operation. That operation can refer to computations from already-realized subsystems, but cannot initiate computation in other subsystems. The System must know the proper order with which to realize the subsystems at each stage, and that ordering is likely to vary with stage. For example, at Position stage the mechanical positions must be realized before the configuration-dependent force elements. However, at Acceleration stage, the force elements must be realized before the mechanical accelerations can be calculated.

There are two distinct users of this class:

Only methods intended for System Users and a few bookkeeping methods are in the main System class, which is a SimTK Handle class, meaning that it consists only of a single pointer, which points to a System::Guts class. The Guts class is abstract, and virtual methods to be implemented by System Developers in the concrete System are defined there, along with other utilities of use to the concrete System Developer but not to the end user. The Guts class is declared in a separate header file, and only people who are writing their own System classes need look there.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

SimTK::System::System ( ) [inline]
SimTK::System::System ( const System )
SimTK::System::~System ( )
SimTK::System::System ( System::Guts g) [inline, explicit]

Member Function Documentation

System& SimTK::System::operator= ( const System )
const String& SimTK::System::getName ( ) const
const String& SimTK::System::getVersion ( ) const
void SimTK::System::addEventHandler ( ScheduledEventHandler handler) [inline]

Add a ScheduledEventHandler to this System, which takes over ownership of the event handler object.

The handler is actually added to the DefaultSystemSubsystem that is contained in this System.

void SimTK::System::addEventHandler ( TriggeredEventHandler handler) [inline]

Add a TriggeredEventHandler to this System, which takes over ownership of the event handler object.

The handler is actually added to the DefaultSystemSubsystem that is contained in this System.

void SimTK::System::addEventReporter ( ScheduledEventReporter handler) const [inline]

Add a ScheduledEventReporter to this System, which takes over ownership of the event reporter object.

The handler is actually added to the DefaultSystemSubsystem that is contained in this System.

void SimTK::System::addEventReporter ( TriggeredEventReporter handler) const [inline]

Add a TriggeredEventReporter to this System, which takes over ownership of the event reporter object.

The handler is actually added to the DefaultSystemSubsystem that is contained in this System.

System& SimTK::System::setUpDirection ( const CoordinateDirection up)

This is a hint to visualization software as to which way this System's designer considers to be "up". This is the best direction to use as the default up direction for the camera.

The default up direction is +YAxis, which is the same as the OpenGL convention for the camera up direction. You can set this to any of the coordinate axes in the positive or negative direction. For example, use setUpDirection(ZAxis) for the "virtual world" convention where ground is the x-y plane, or use setUpDirection(-ZAxis) for the aviation convention where +z points towards the ground. A visualizer that is showing a ground plane should make the ground plane normal be this up direction.

See also:
CoordinateDirection SimTK::System::getUpDirection ( ) const

Get the current setting of the "up" direction hint.

System& SimTK::System::setUseUniformBackground ( bool  useUniformBackground)

This is a hint to visualization software that this System is best viewed against a uniform background (e.g. all white) rather than against a ground plane. A molecular system will typically set this flag so that the visualizer will not attempt to place the molecule on the ground.

The default is to consider this system best viewed with a ground plane displayed, perpendicular to the "up" direction and located at a height of zero.

See also:
bool SimTK::System::getUseUniformBackground ( ) const

Get the current setting of the "use uniform background" visualization hint.

void SimTK::System::resetAllCountersToZero ( )

The System keeps mutable statistics internally, initialized to zero at construction.

These *must not* affect results in any way. Although the stats are mutable, we only allow them to be reset by a caller who has write access since setting the stats to zero is associated with construction.

int SimTK::System::getNumRealizationsOfThisStage ( Stage  ) const

Whenever the system was realized from Stage-1 to the indicated Stage, this counter is bumped.

Note that a single call to realize() can cause several counters to get bumped.

int SimTK::System::getNumRealizeCalls ( ) const

Return the total number of calls to realizeTopology(), realizeModel(), or realize(), regardless of whether these routines actually did anything when called.

int SimTK::System::getNumPrescribeCalls ( ) const

Return the total number of calls to the System's prescribe() method.

We don't distinguish the calls by stage so this may be incremented several times per step.

int SimTK::System::getNumQProjections ( ) const

Count the number of times we call project() with a particular option set.

int SimTK::System::getNumUProjections ( ) const
int SimTK::System::getNumQErrorEstimateProjections ( ) const
int SimTK::System::getNumUErrorEstimateProjections ( ) const
int SimTK::System::getNumProjectCalls ( ) const

Return the total number of calls to project(), regardless of whether the call did anything.

int SimTK::System::getNumHandlerCallsThatChangedStage ( Stage  ) const

handleEvents() reports the lowest Stage it modified and we bump the counter for that Stage.

We also count reportEvents() calls here as having "changed" Stage::Report.

int SimTK::System::getNumHandleEventCalls ( ) const

This is the total number of calls to handleEvents() regardless of the outcome.

int SimTK::System::getNumReportEventCalls ( ) const

This is the total number of calls to reportEvents() regardless of the outcome.

const State& SimTK::System::realizeTopology ( ) const

The following call must be made after any topological change has been made to this System, before the System can be used to perform any computations.

Perhaps surprisingly, the method is const. That's because the topology cannot be changed by this method. Various mutable "cache" entries will get calculated, including the default State, a reference to which is returned. The returned State has already been realized through the Model Stage, using the defaults for the Model-stage variables, meaning that all later stage variables have been allocated and set to their default values as well. You can access this same default State again using getDefaultState(). If the current topology has already been realized, this call does nothing but return a reference to the already-built default State.

const State& SimTK::System::getDefaultState ( ) const

This is available after realizeTopology(), and will throw an exception if realizeTopology() has not been called since the most recent topological change to this System.

This method returns the same reference returned by realizeTopology(). The State to which a reference is returned was created by the most recent realizeTopology() call. It has already been realized through the Model Stage, using default values for all the Model-stage variables. All later-stage variables have been allocated and set to their default values. You can use this state directly to obtain information about the System in its default state or you can use this state to initialize other States to which you have write access. Those States are then suitable for further computation with this System.

State& SimTK::System::updDefaultState ( )
void SimTK::System::realizeModel ( State ) const

This call is required if Model-stage variables are changed from their default values.

The System topology must already have been realized (that is, realizeTopology() must have been called since the last topological change made to the System). Also, the supplied State must already have been initialized to work with this System either by copying the default state or some other State of this System. If it has already been realized to Stage::Model or higher, nothing happens here. Otherwise, all the state variables at Stage::Instance or higher are allocated or reallocated (if necessary), and reinitialized to their default values. NOTE: any State information at Stage::Instance or higher in the passed-in State is *destroyed* here. The number, types and memory locations of those state variables will change, so any existing references or pointers to them are invalid after this call. Note that this routine modifies its State argument, but makes no changes at all to the System itself and is hence const.

void SimTK::System::realize ( const State s,
Stage  g = Stage::HighestRuntime 
) const

Realize the entire System to the indicated Stage.

The passed-in State must have been initialized to work with this System, and it must already have been realized through Stage::Model, since the realize() method doesn't have write access to the State. If the state has already been realized to the requested stage or higher, nothing happens here. Otherwise, the state is realized one stage at a time until it reaches the requested stage.

void SimTK::System::calcDecorativeGeometryAndAppend ( const State ,
Stage  ,
Array_< DecorativeGeometry > &   
) const

Generate all decorative geometry computable at a specific stage.

This will throw an exception if the state hasn't already been realized to that stage. Note that the list is not inclusive -- you have to request geometry from each stage to get all of it. This routine asks each subsystem in succession to generate its decorative geometry and append it to the end of the vector. If the stage is Stage::Topology, realizeTopology() must already have been called but the State is ignored.

Real SimTK::System::calcTimescale ( const State ) const

This operator can be called at Stage::Instance or higher and returns a rough estimate of a length of time we consider significant for this system.

For example, this could be the period of the highest-frequency oscillation that we care about. This can be used as a hint by numerical integrators in choosing their initial step size, and suggests how velocity variables should be scaled relative to their corresponding position variables.

void SimTK::System::calcYUnitWeights ( const State ,
Vector weights 
) const

This operator can be called at Stage::Position to calculate a weighting vector w, with one entry for each state variable y={q,u,z}, ordered the same as y in the State and calculated specifically for the current values of y in the State.

Weight wi is proportional to the "importance" of state variable yi with respect to some criteria determined by the System, such that wi*dyi=1 indicates that a change dyi in state yi produces approximately a unit change in the weighting criteria. This is intended for use by numerical integration methods for step size control. The idea is to allow creation of a weighted RMS norm which returns 1 just when all the state variable changes have a unit effect. The norm is RMS(W*dy) where W=diag(w). A value of 1 for this norm would typically be a huge error. For example, if your accuracy requirement is 0.1%, you would test that the weighted RMS norm is <= .001. We expect this operation to be fairly expensive and thus the integrator is expected to invoke it only occasionally.

void SimTK::System::prescribe ( State ,
) const

This optional solver should set state variables q,u,z to known values as a function of time and earlier-stage state variables.

  • prescribe(Stage::Position) sets each prescribed qi=qi(t).
  • prescribe(Stage::Velocity) sets each prescribed ui=ui(t,q).
  • prescribe(Stage::Dynamics) sets each prescribed zi=zi(t,q,u). In each case we expect the supplied State already to have been realized to the previous stage. Note that the *derivatives* of prescribed variables (which are of necessity also prescribed but are not themselves state variables) are set in the subsequent realize() call. For example, prescribe(Velocity) sets the prescribed u's, then the next realize(Velocity) call will use them to calculate the prescribed qdots=N*u. realize(Dynamics) calculates known forces and the prescribed udoti=udoti(t,q,u). realize(Acceleration) calculates the remaining udots and lambdas, and all the zdots.
void SimTK::System::project ( State ,
Real  consAccuracy,
const Vector yWeights,
const Vector cWeights,
Vector yerrest,
ProjectOptions  = ProjectOptions::All 
) const

This optional solver projects the given State back on to the constraint manifold, by the shortest path possible in the weighted norm given by the supplied weights, satisfying the constraints by reducing the supplied tolerance norm to below consAccuracy.

May also project out the constraint-normal component of the passed-in error estimate vector yerrest. This is part of the integration of the continuous DAE system and thus should never require an integrator restart. The System author must ensure that only position and velocity stage, continuous variables are updated by this call. On return the state will be realized to at least Stage::Velocity.

If ProjectOptions::VelocityOnly is selected, only the velocity will be projected. In that case it is assumed that the positions already satisfy the constraints (to within tolerance), and the State has already been realized to at least Stage::Position.

TODO: why not put weights in the State instead?

void SimTK::System::calcYErrUnitTolerances ( const State ,
Vector tolerances 
) const

This provides scaling information for each of the position and velocity constraints (YErr) in the State.

The tolerance is the absolute error in the constraint which is considered a "unit violation" of that state. Then if T=diag(tol) and c the vector of constraint errors, we can use a weighted RMS norm condition like RMS(T*c) <= accuracy to define when constraints have been adequately met. This is expected to be a cheap operation and not to change during a study. State must be realized to Stage::Model.

void SimTK::System::relax ( State ,
Stage  ,
Real  accuracy,
const Vector yWeights,
const Vector cWeights 
) const

This optional method should modify fast variables at the given stage until they satisfy some relaxation criteria.

The criteria may involve anything in the State *except* fast variables at higher stages. Anything that can be calculated from the state is also fair game provided that those calculations do not depend on higher-stage fast variables. "Relaxation" criteria may require that fast variables satisfy some implicit or explicit algebraic conditions (constraints), or reach some minimization or maximization condition. A common criterion is that fast q's are moved to minimize potential energy; that can be achieved by driving the fast mobilities' lambdas (calculated joint torques) to zero since they are the potential energy gradient. That may require repeated realization to Acceleration stage.

Note that when q's are fast, the corresponding u's and udots are prescribed* (to zero), they are not *fast*. And when u's are fast, their udots are also zero (their q's are regular integrated variables). Fast z's have zero zdots. Any other variables (that is, x-partition variables) can also be fast but don't have derivatives.

TODO: why not put weights in the State instead?

void SimTK::System::setHasTimeAdvancedEvents ( bool  )

This determines whether this System wants to be notified whenever time advances irreversibly.

If set true, time advancement is treated as an event. Otherwise, time advancement proceeds silently. TODO: currently not using State so this is a Topology stage variable, but should probably be Model stage.

bool SimTK::System::hasTimeAdvancedEvents ( ) const
void SimTK::System::handleEvents ( State ,
Event::Cause  ,
const Array_< EventId > &  eventIds,
Real  accuracy,
const Vector yWeights,
const Vector cWeights,
Stage lowestModified,
bool &  shouldTerminate 
) const

This solver handles a set of events which a TimeStepper has denoted as having occurred.

The event handler may make discontinuous changes in the State, in general both to discrete and continuous variables, but NOT to time. It cannot change topological information. If changes are made to continuous variables, the handler is required to make sure the returned state satisfies the constraints to the indicated accuracy level.

On return, the handleEvents routine should set the output variable lowestModified to the Stage level of the lowest-stage variable it modified. This information tells the time stepper how much of a restart it must perform on the underlying numerical integrator. When in doubt, set lowestModified to Stage::Model, which will cause a complete restart. Finally, if the handler determines that the occurrence of some event requires that the simulation be terminated it should set shouldTerminate to true before returning.

TODO: why not put weights in the State instead?

void SimTK::System::reportEvents ( const State s,
Event::Cause  cause,
const Array_< EventId > &  eventIds 
) const

This method is similar to handleEvents(), but does not allow the State to be modified.

It is used for scheduled events that were marked as being reports.

void SimTK::System::calcEventTriggerInfo ( const State ,
Array_< EventTriggerInfo > &   
) const

This routine provides the Integrator with information it needs about the individual event trigger functions, such as which sign transitions are relevant and how tightly we need to localize.

This is considered Instance stage information so cannot change during a continuous integration interval (so an Integrator can process it upon restart(Instance)), however it can be updated whenever a discrete update is made to the State. A default implementation is provided which returns default EventTriggerInfo for each event trigger in State. State must already be realized to Stage::Instance.

void SimTK::System::calcTimeOfNextScheduledEvent ( const State ,
Real &  tNextEvent,
Array_< EventId > &  eventIds,
bool  includeCurrentTime 
) const

This routine should be called to determine if and when there is an event scheduled to occur at a particular time.

This is a *lot* cheaper than making the Integrator hunt these down like ordinary state-dependent events. The returned time can be passed to the Integrator's stepping function as the advance time limit.

void SimTK::System::calcTimeOfNextScheduledReport ( const State ,
Real &  tNextEvent,
Array_< EventId > &  eventIds,
bool  includeCurrentTime 
) const

This routine is similar to calcTimeOfNextScheduledEvent(), but is used for "reporting events" which do not modify the state.

Events returned by this method should be handled by invoking reportEvents() instead of handleEvents().

static Real SimTK::System::calcWeightedRMSNorm ( const Vector values,
const Vector weights 
) [inline, static]
static Real SimTK::System::calcWeightedInfinityNorm ( const Vector values,
const Vector weights 
) [inline, static]
SubsystemIndex SimTK::System::adoptSubsystem ( Subsystem child)

Take over ownership of the supplied subsystem and install it into the next free subsystem slot.

The new slot index is returned.

int SimTK::System::getNumSubsystems ( ) const

How may Subsystems are in here?

const Subsystem& SimTK::System::getSubsystem ( SubsystemIndex  ) const

Obtain read-only access to a particular subsystem by its index.

Subsystem& SimTK::System::updSubsystem ( SubsystemIndex  )

Obtain writable access to a particular subsystem by its index.

const DefaultSystemSubsystem& SimTK::System::getDefaultSubsystem ( ) const

Get read-only access to the default subsystem which is present in every system.

DefaultSystemSubsystem& SimTK::System::updDefaultSubsystem ( )

Get writable access to the default subsystem which is present in every system.

SimTK::System::operator const Subsystem & ( ) const [inline]

Implicitly convert this System into a const Subsystem reference; this actually returns a reference to the DefaultSystemSubsystem contained in this System.

SimTK::System::operator Subsystem & ( ) [inline]

Implicitly convert this System into a writable Subsystem reference; this actually returns a reference to the DefaultSystemSubsystem contained in this System.

bool SimTK::System::isOwnerHandle ( ) const
bool SimTK::System::isEmptyHandle ( ) const
bool SimTK::System::isSameSystem ( const System otherSystem) const
bool SimTK::System::systemTopologyHasBeenRealized ( ) const

You can check whether realizeTopology() has been called since the last topological change to this Syatem.

If you don't check and just plunge ahead you are likely to encounter an exception since very few things will work without topology having been realized.

const System::Guts& SimTK::System::getSystemGuts ( ) const [inline]
System::Guts& SimTK::System::updSystemGuts ( ) [inline]
void SimTK::System::adoptSystemGuts ( System::Guts g)
bool SimTK::System::hasGuts ( ) const [inline]

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class Guts [friend]

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