Todo List

Namespace OpenSim
Make the manager a global static variable so that any class can get the manager and query it for information. For example, this class would like to know whether the integrator has been set to use a specified set of time steps. If the manager were available, the integrator could be gotten and queried for this information.

Member OpenSim::ActuatorPerturbationIndependent::computeActuation (const SimTK::State &s)

Fix output of perturbed forces.

Reset perturbed forces storage object for use in multiple integrations. For now, appending to this storage is disabled.

Member OpenSim::BallJoint::scale (const ScaleSet &aScaleSet)
Need to scale transforms appropriately, given an arbitrary axis.

Member OpenSim::CMCTool::initializeControlSetUsingConstraints (const ControlSet *aRRAControlSet, const ControlSet *aControlConstraints, ControlSet &rControlSet)
The residuals are assumed to be the first 6 actuators. This needs to be made more general. And, the control bounds need to be set elsewhere, preferably in a file.

Member OpenSim::ContDerivMuscle::computeIsokineticForceAssumingInfinitelyStiffTendon (SimTK::State &s, double aActivation)
Reimplement this methods with more accurate representation of the force-velocity curve.

Member OpenSim::ControlLinearNode::toString ()
Alter this method so that a string value is returned. It is too complicated to have to remember to delete the returned string.

Member OpenSim::ControlSet::setControlValues (double aT, const Array< double > &aX, bool aForModelControls=true)

New controls do not appear to be inserting at the correct location in the XML file. Is this a problem?

New controls do not appear to be inserting at the correct location in the XML file. Is this a problem?

Member OpenSim::ControlSet::~ControlSet ()
Figure out why the default controls can't be deleted.

Member OpenSim::CustomJoint::scale (const ScaleSet &aScaleSet)
Need to scale transforms appropriately, given an arbitrary axis.

Member OpenSim::Delp1990Muscle::computeIsokineticForceAssumingInfinitelyStiffTendon (SimTK::State &s, double aActivation)
Reimplement this methods with more accurate representation of the force-velocity curve.

Member OpenSim::EllipsoidJoint::scale (const ScaleSet &aScaleSet)
Need to scale transforms appropriately, given an arbitrary axis.

Member OpenSim::FreeJoint::scale (const ScaleSet &aScaleSet)
Need to scale transforms appropriately, given an arbitrary axis.

Class OpenSim::Object
Use a hash table to store registered object types.

Member OpenSim::PinJoint::scale (const ScaleSet &aScaleSet)
Need to scale transforms appropriately, given an arbitrary axis.

Member OpenSim::Schutte1993Muscle::computeIsokineticForceAssumingInfinitelyStiffTendon (SimTK::State &s, double aActivation)
Reimplement this methods with more accurate representation of the force-velocity curve.

Member OpenSim::SliderJoint::scale (const ScaleSet &aScaleSet)
Need to scale transforms appropriately, given an arbitrary axis.

Member OpenSim::Storage::getStateIndex (const std::string &aColumnName, int startIndex=0) const

Rename this method getStateIndex()

Member OpenSim::Thelen2003Muscle::computeIsokineticForceAssumingInfinitelyStiffTendon (SimTK::State &s, double aActivation)
Reimplement this methods with more accurate representation of the force-velocity curve.

Member OpenSim::WeldJoint::scale (const ScaleSet &aScaleSet)
Need to scale transforms appropriately, given an arbitrary axis.

Generated on Wed Dec 16 15:03:37 2009 for OpenSim by  doxygen 1.6.1