OpenSim::AbstractTool | An abstract class for specifying the interface for an investigation |
OpenSim::Actuation | A class for recording the basic actuator information for a model during a simulation |
OpenSim::Actuator | An abstract class for representing an actuator (e.g., a torque motor, muscle, |
OpenSim::ActuatorForceTarget | A Computed Muscle Control (CMC) optimization target for controlling dynamic systems whose actuators may be themselves governed by differential equations, meaning there may be non-linear behavior and delays in force production |
OpenSim::ActuatorForceTargetFast | A Computed Muscle Control (CMC) optimization target for controlling dynamic systems whose actuators may be themselves governed by differential equations, meaning there may be non-linear behavior and delays in force production |
OpenSim::ActuatorPerturbation | |
OpenSim::ActuatorPerturbationIndependent | |
OpenSim::Analysis | An abstract class for specifying the interface for an analysis plugin |
OpenSim::AnalysisSet | |
OpenSim::AnalyticCylinder | |
OpenSim::AnalyticEllipsoid | |
OpenSim::AnalyticGeometry | Utility class used to abstract anayltic geometry |
OpenSim::AnalyticSphere | |
OpenSim::AnalyticTorus | |
OpenSim::AnalyzeTool | An abstract class for specifying the interface for an investigation |
OpenSim::Array< T > | |
OpenSim::ArrowGeometry | |
OpenSim::BallJoint | A class implementing an Ball joint |
OpenSim::Body | A class implementing a Simbody body segment |
OpenSim::BodyKinematics | A class for recording the kinematics of the bodies of a model during a simulation |
OpenSim::BodyScale | A class implementing a set of parameters describing how to scale a body segment |
OpenSim::BodyScaleSet | A class for holding a set of body scales |
OpenSim::BodySet | A class for holding a set of bodies |
OpenSim::BSpline | |
OpenSim::CMC | Computed Muscle Control (CMC) is an optimization-based control technique designed specifically for controlling dynamic models that are actuated by redundant sets of actuators whose force-generating properties may be nonlinear and goverend by differential equaitions (as so have delays in force production) |
OpenSim::CMC_Joint | A class for specifying the tracking task for a joint |
OpenSim::CMC_Orientation | A class for tracking the orientation of a body |
OpenSim::CMC_Point | A class for specifying and computing parameters for tracking a point |
OpenSim::CMC_Task | An abstract base class for specifying a task objective for a dynamic simulation |
OpenSim::CMC_TaskSet | An class for holding and managing a set of tasks |
OpenSim::CMCTool | An abstract class for specifying the interface for an investigation |
OpenSim::Condition | A parent class for implementing an OpenSim Condition |
OpenSim::ConditionalPathPoint | A class implementing a conditional path point, which is a point that is active only for a specified range of a coordinate |
OpenSim::Constant | A class for representing a constant value |
OpenSim::ConstantController | |
OpenSim::Constraint | A parent class for implementing a Simbody Constraint |
OpenSim::ConstraintSet | A class for holding a set of constraints |
OpenSim::ContactGeometry | This class represents the physical shape of an object for use in contact modeling |
OpenSim::ContactGeometrySet | A class for holding a set of ContactGeometry objects |
OpenSim::ContactHalfSpace | This class represents a half space (that is, everything to one side of an infinite plane) for use in contact modeling |
OpenSim::ContactMesh | This class represents a polygonal mesh for use in contact modeling |
OpenSim::ContactSphere | This class represents a spherical object for use in contact modeling |
OpenSim::ContDerivMuscle | A class implementing a SIMM muscle |
OpenSim::Control | |
OpenSim::ControlConstant | |
OpenSim::Controller | |
OpenSim::ControllerSet | A class for holding and managing a set of controllers for a model |
OpenSim::ControlLinear | |
OpenSim::ControlLinearNode | |
OpenSim::ControlSet | |
OpenSim::ControlSetController | |
OpenSim::Coordinate | A class implementing a Simbody generalized coordinate |
OpenSim::CoordinateActuator | |
OpenSim::CoordinateCouplerConstraint | |
OpenSim::CoordinateSet | A class for holding a set of coordinates |
OpenSim::CorrectionController | This is a simple feedback controller to be used in generating a forward dynamic simulation |
OpenSim::CustomActuator | This is an abstract subclass of Actuator which allows you to define new Actuator types by overriding methods, rather than having to create a new SimTK::Force subclass |
OpenSim::CustomForce | This is an abstract subclass of Force which allows you to define new Force types by overriding methods, rather than having to create a new SimTK::Force subclass |
OpenSim::CustomJoint | A class implementing a custom joint |
OpenSim::Delp1990Muscle | A class implementing a SIMM muscle |
OpenSim::ElasticFoundationForce | This Force subclass implements an elastic foundation contact model |
OpenSim::EllipsoidJoint | A class implementing an Ellipsoid joint |
OpenSim::ExampleVectorFunctionUncoupledNxN | |
OpenSim::Exception | |
OpenSim::Force | This abstract class represents a force applied to bodies or generalized coordinates during a simulation |
OpenSim::ForceAdapter | This acts as an adapter to allow a CustomForce or CustomActuator to be used as a SimTK::Force |
OpenSim::ForceReporter | A class for recording the Forces applied to a model during a simulation |
OpenSim::ForceSet | A class for holding and managing a set of actuators for a model |
OpenSim::ForwardTool | A concrete tool for perfroming forward dynamics simulations |
OpenSim::FreeJoint | A class implementing a Free joint |
OpenSim::Function | |
OpenSim::FunctionScaler | This is a SimTK::Function that multiplies the value of another function by a constant |
OpenSim::FunctionSet | |
OpenSim::FunctionThresholdCondition | FunctionThresholdCondition is a concrete implementation of a Condition |
OpenSim::GCVSpline | |
OpenSim::GCVSplineSet | |
OpenSim::GenericModelMaker | A class implementing a set of parameters describing a generic musculoskeletal model |
OpenSim::Geometry | Class Geometry is intended to be used as the base class for all geometry that needs to be represented in the system, both as vtk files, or analytic |
OpenSim::GeometryPath | A base class representing a path (muscle, ligament, etc |
OpenSim::HuntCrossleyForce | This force subclass implements a Hunt-Crossley contact model |
OpenSim::IKCoordinateTask | |
OpenSim::IKMarkerTask | |
OpenSim::IKSolverImpl | |
OpenSim::IKSolverInterface | |
OpenSim::IKTarget | A Class that represents an inverse kinematics optimization target |
OpenSim::IKTask | |
OpenSim::IKTaskSet | |
OpenSim::IKTool | An investigation class for the IK solver |
OpenSim::IKTrial | A class implementing a set of parameters describing how to perform a single inverse kinematics trial on a model and a marker set |
OpenSim::IKTrialSet | A class for holding a set of SIMM coordinates |
OpenSim::InterruptedException | |
OpenSim::InverseDynamics | A class for performing and recording Inverse Dynamics forces/moments on a motion trajectory |
OpenSim::IO | A class for performing input and output with OpenSim API |
OpenSim::Joint | A class implementing an OpenSim Joint |
OpenSim::JointReaction | An analysis for reporting the joint reaction loads from a model |
OpenSim::JointSet | A class for holding a set of joints |
OpenSim::Kinematics | A class for recording the kinematics of the generalized coordinates of a model during a simulation |
OpenSim::Ligament | A class implementing a ligament |
OpenSim::LinearActuator | |
OpenSim::LinearFunction | A class for representing a LinearFunction |
OpenSim::LinearSpring | |
OpenSim::LineGeometry | |
OpenSim::Manager | A class that manages the execution of a simulation |
OpenSim::Marker | A class implementing a SIMM [mocap] marker |
OpenSim::MarkerData | A class implementing a sequence of marker frames from a TRC/TRB file |
OpenSim::MarkerFrame | A class implementing a frame of marker data from a TRC/TRB file |
OpenSim::MarkerPair | |
OpenSim::MarkerPairSet | A class for holding a set of SimmMarkerPairs |
OpenSim::MarkerPlacer | A class implementing a set of parameters describing how to place markers on a model (presumably after it has been scaled to fit a subject) |
OpenSim::MarkerSet | A class for holding a set of markers for inverse kinematics |
OpenSim::Material | A class for representing the material properties of an object |
OpenSim::Measurement | A class implementing a measurement (the distance between one or more pairs of markers, used to scale a model) |
OpenSim::MeasurementSet | A class for holding a set of measurements |
OpenSim::Model | A base class that specifies the interface for a musculoskeletal model |
OpenSim::ModelComponent | This is the base class for any object which can be added to a Model |
OpenSim::ModelComponentSet< T > | This is the base class for sets of ModelComponent subclasses |
OpenSim::ModelScaler | A class for scaling a model |
ModifiableConstant< T > | A Function that takes a value and returns it |
OpenSim::MovingPathPoint | A class implementing a moving muscle point, which is a muscle point that moves in a body's reference frame as a function of a coordinate |
OpenSim::Mtx | A class for performing vector and matrix operations |
MultidimensionalFunction | |
OpenSim::MultiplierFunction | |
OpenSim::Muscle | A base class representing a muscle-tendon actuator |
OpenSim::MuscleAnalysis | A class for recording and computting basic quantities (length, shortening velocity, tendon length, |
OpenSim::NaturalCubicSpline | |
OpenSim::Object | Class Oject is intended to be used as the base class for all OpenSim objects |
OpenSim::ObjectGroup | A class implementing an object group |
OpenSim::OldVersionException | |
OpenSim::OptimizationTarget | This class provides an interface specification for optimizing redundant systems |
OpenSim::PassiveJointTorque | |
OpenSim::PathPoint | A class implementing a path point |
OpenSim::PathPointSet | A class for holding a set of muscle points |
OpenSim::PathWrap | A class implementing an instance of muscle wrapping |
OpenSim::PathWrapPoint | A class implementing a SIMM muscle via point, which is a muscle point that is active only for a specified range of a coordinate |
OpenSim::PathWrapSet | A class for holding a set of muscle wrap instances |
OpenSim::PerturbationTool | An abstract class for specifying the interface for an investigation |
OpenSim::PiecewiseLinearFunction | |
OpenSim::PinJoint | A class implementing an Pin joint |
OpenSim::PointActuator | |
OpenSim::PointConstraint | A class implementing a Point Constraint |
OpenSim::PointKinematics | A class for recording the kinematics of a point on a body of a model during a simulation |
OpenSim::PointOnLineConstraint | A class implementing a Point On Line Constraint |
OpenSim::PolyhedralGeometry | |
OpenSim::PrescribedController | |
OpenSim::PrescribedForce | This applies a force and/or torque to a body which is fully specified as a function of time |
OpenSim::MuscleAnalysis::private | |
OpenSim::Property | |
OpenSim::PropertyBool | |
OpenSim::PropertyBoolArray | Class PropertyBoolArray extends class Property |
OpenSim::PropertyDbl | |
OpenSim::PropertyDblArray | |
OpenSim::PropertyDblVec3 | |
OpenSim::PropertyGroup | A class implementing a property group |
OpenSim::PropertyInt | |
OpenSim::PropertyIntArray | |
OpenSim::PropertyObj | |
OpenSim::PropertyObjArray< T > | |
OpenSim::PropertyObjPtr< T > | |
OpenSim::PropertySet | A property set is simply a set of properties |
OpenSim::PropertyStr | |
OpenSim::PropertyStrArray | |
OpenSim::Range | |
OpenSim::rdSerializableObject | |
OpenSim::rdSerializableObject2 | |
OpenSim::RollingOnSurfaceConstraint | A class implementing a collection of rolling-without-slipping and non-penetration constraints on a surface |
OpenSim::RootSolver | A class for finding the N roots of N one-dimensional non-linear equations |
OpenSim::Scale | |
OpenSim::ScaleSet | |
OpenSim::ScaleTool | A class implementing a set of parameters describing how to scale a model to fit a subject, place markers on it, and do IK on one or more motion trials |
OpenSim::Schutte1993Muscle | A class implementing a SIMM muscle |
OpenSim::Set< T > | A class for holding a set of pointers to objects |
OpenSim::Signal | A class for signal processing |
OpenSim::SimbodyEngine | A wrapper class to use the SimTK Simbody dynamics engine as the underlying engine for OpenSim |
OpenSim::SimmMotionData | A class implementing a SIMM motion file |
OpenSim::SimmMotionEvent | A class implementing an event in a SIMM motion |
OpenSim::SimmPoint | A class implementing a 3D point |
OpenSim::SliderJoint | A class implementing an Slider joint |
OpenSim::SMC_Joint | A class for specifying the tracking task for a joint |
OpenSim::SpatialTransform | A class encapsulating the spatial transformation bewteen two bodies that defines the behaviour of a custom joint |
OpenSim::SpringGeneralizedForce | |
OpenSim::Springs | A class which implements a set of static functions which model the stress-strain properties of a number of different types of springs |
OpenSim::StatesReporter | A class for recording the states of a model during a simulation |
OpenSim::StateVector | A class which stores a vector of states or data at a specified time |
OpenSim::StaticOptimization | This class implements static optimization to compute Muscle Forces and activations |
OpenSim::StaticOptimizationTarget | This class provides an interface specification for static optimization Objective Function |
OpenSim::StepFunction | |
OpenSim::Storage | |
OpenSim::Thelen2003Muscle | A class implementing a SIMM muscle |
OpenSim::TorqueActuator | |
OpenSim::TorsionalSpring | |
OpenSim::TrackingController | |
OpenSim::TransformAxis | A class expressing a tranformation of a child body in relation to a parent body along either a translation or rotation axis |
OpenSim::UnilateralConstraint | A parent class for implementing an OpenSim UnilateralConstraint |
OpenSim::Units | A class implementing various units for measuring quantities |
OpenSim::VectorFunction | |
OpenSim::VectorFunctionForActuators | |
OpenSim::VectorFunctionUncoupledNxN | |
OpenSim::VectorGCVSplineR1R3 | |
OpenSim::VisibleObject | Class VisibleObject is intended to be used as the base class for all Visible objects that subclass Object |
OpenSim::VisibleProperties | Class VisibleProperties is intended to contain all visible properties of an object including Wireframe/Surface Shading-Quality, |
OpenSim::WeldConstraint | A class implementing a Weld Constraint |
OpenSim::WeldJoint | A class implementing an Weld joint |
OpenSim::WrapCylinder | A class implementing a cylinder for muscle wrapping |
OpenSim::WrapCylinderObst | A class implementing a cylinder obstacle for muscle wrapping, based on algorithm presented in Garner & Pandy (2000) |
OpenSim::WrapDoubleCylinderObst | A class implementing a cylinder obstacle for muscle wrapping, based on algorithm presented in Garner & Pandy (2000) |
OpenSim::WrapEllipsoid | A class implementing an ellipsoid for muscle wrapping |
OpenSim::WrapMath | This class provides basic math functions and constants for wrapping surfaces |
OpenSim::WrapObject | An abstract class that specifies the interface for a wrapping object |
OpenSim::WrapObjectSet | A class for holding a set of wrap objects |
OpenSim::WrapResult | A class for holding the results of a wrapping calculation |
OpenSim::WrapSphere | A class implementing a sphere for muscle wrapping |
OpenSim::WrapSphereObst | A class implementing a sphere obstacle for muscle wrapping, based on the algorithm presented in Garner & Pandy (2000) |
OpenSim::WrapTorus | A class implementing a torus for muscle wrapping |
OpenSim::XMLDocument | A class for managing and for performing operations on an XML document |
OpenSim::XMLNode | A class for performing operations on XML nodes |
OpenSim::XMLParsingException | |
OpenSim::XYPoint | |