OpenSim::IKTarget Class Reference

A Class that represents an inverse kinematics optimization target. More...

#include <IKTarget.h>

Inheritance diagram for OpenSim::IKTarget:

List of all members.


struct  coordinateInfo
struct  markerToSolve

Public Member Functions

 IKTarget (const SimTK::State &s, Model &aModel, IKTaskSet &aIKTaskSet, Storage &aExperimentalDataStorage)
virtual ~IKTarget (void)
void prepareToSolve (SimTK::State &s, int aIndex, double *qGuess)
 prepareToSolve specifies the row of the Storage instance _experimentalDataStorage that the optimizer is trying to solve.
void printTasks () const
void printPerformance (double *x)
void interrupt ()
void getComputedMarkerLocations (Array< double > &aMarkerLocations) const
 getComputedMarkerLocations returns current commputed (model) marker locations for debugging and display purposes
void getExperimentalMarkerLocations (Array< double > &aMarkerLocations) const
 getExperimentalMarkerLocations returns current experimental marker locations for debugging and display purposes
void getPrescribedCoordinateValues (const SimTK::State &s, Array< double > &aQValues) const
 getComputedMarkerLocations returns current marker locations for debugging and display purposes
void getUnprescribedCoordinateNames (Array< std::string > &aNameArray)
void getPrescribedCoordinateNames (Array< std::string > &aNameArray)
void getOutputMarkerNames (Array< std::string > &aNameArray)
ModelgetModel ()
int getNumUnprescribedCoordinates ()
int getNumOutputMarkers ()
const CoordinategetUnprescribedCoordinate (int i) const
void setCurrentState (SimTK::State *state)
const SimTK::State * getCurrentState () const
int objectiveFunc (const SimTK::Vector &parameters, const bool new_parameters, SimTK::Real &f) const
 Compute objective function (sum of squared errors in marker positions) using current values (x) for controls.
int gradientFunc (const SimTK::Vector &parameters, const bool new_parameters, SimTK::Vector &gradient) const
 Compute derivative of objective function using forward difference.
int iterativeOptimization (SimTK::State &s, SimTK::Vector &results)
 Compute derivative of objective function using finite differences.
const double & getWorstMarkerError () const
const double & getWorstCoordinateError () const
const std::string & getNameOfWorstMarker () const
const std::string & getNameOfWorstCoordinate () const

Static Public Attributes

static const double _perturbation = 1e-6

Detailed Description

A Class that represents an inverse kinematics optimization target.

This solves the problem of computing Qs that minimize the sum of the squared differences between a set of markers on a on the nominal model and passed in marker positions.

Ayman Habib, Peter Loan

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

IKTarget::IKTarget ( const SimTK::State &  s,
Model aModel,
IKTaskSet aIKTaskSet,
Storage aExperimentalDataStorage 

Number of coordinates to determine -- also allocates _dx.

IKTarget::~IKTarget ( void   )  [virtual]


Member Function Documentation

void IKTarget::getComputedMarkerLocations ( OpenSim::Array< double > &  aMarkerLocations  )  const

getComputedMarkerLocations returns current commputed (model) marker locations for debugging and display purposes

const SimTK::State* OpenSim::IKTarget::getCurrentState (  )  const [inline]
void IKTarget::getExperimentalMarkerLocations ( OpenSim::Array< double > &  aMarkerLocations  )  const

getExperimentalMarkerLocations returns current experimental marker locations for debugging and display purposes

Model& OpenSim::IKTarget::getModel (  )  [inline]
const std::string& OpenSim::IKTarget::getNameOfWorstCoordinate (  )  const [inline]
const std::string& OpenSim::IKTarget::getNameOfWorstMarker (  )  const [inline]
int OpenSim::IKTarget::getNumOutputMarkers (  )  [inline]
int OpenSim::IKTarget::getNumUnprescribedCoordinates (  )  [inline]
void OpenSim::IKTarget::getOutputMarkerNames ( Array< std::string > &  aNameArray  ) 
void OpenSim::IKTarget::getPrescribedCoordinateNames ( Array< std::string > &  aNameArray  ) 
void IKTarget::getPrescribedCoordinateValues ( const SimTK::State &  s,
OpenSim::Array< double > &  aQValues 
) const

getComputedMarkerLocations returns current marker locations for debugging and display purposes

const Coordinate* OpenSim::IKTarget::getUnprescribedCoordinate ( int  i  )  const [inline]
void OpenSim::IKTarget::getUnprescribedCoordinateNames ( Array< std::string > &  aNameArray  ) 
const double& OpenSim::IKTarget::getWorstCoordinateError (  )  const [inline]
const double& OpenSim::IKTarget::getWorstMarkerError (  )  const [inline]
int IKTarget::gradientFunc ( const SimTK::Vector &  parameters,
const bool  new_parameters,
SimTK::Vector &  gradient 
) const

Compute derivative of objective function using forward difference.

void OpenSim::IKTarget::interrupt (  )  [inline]
int IKTarget::iterativeOptimization ( SimTK::State &  s,
SimTK::Vector &  results 

Compute derivative of objective function using finite differences.

int IKTarget::objectiveFunc ( const SimTK::Vector &  x,
const bool  new_parameters,
SimTK::Real &  f 
) const

Compute objective function (sum of squared errors in marker positions) using current values (x) for controls.

Value of error is returned in p

void IKTarget::prepareToSolve ( SimTK::State &  s,
int  aIndex,
double *  qGuess 

prepareToSolve specifies the row of the Storage instance _experimentalDataStorage that the optimizer is trying to solve.

It also sets the values of the prescribed coordinates and returns the initial guess for the unprescribed coordinates.

void IKTarget::printPerformance ( double *  x  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from OpenSim::OptimizationTarget.

void IKTarget::printTasks (  )  const
void OpenSim::IKTarget::setCurrentState ( SimTK::State *  state  )  [inline]

Member Data Documentation

const double IKTarget::_perturbation = 1e-6 [static]

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