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SimTK::Rotation_< P > Class Template Reference

The Rotation class is a Mat33 that guarantees that the matrix is a legitimate 3x3 array associated with the relative orientation of two right-handed, orthogonal, unit vector bases. More...

#include <Quaternion.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for SimTK::Rotation_< P >:

Public Types

typedef UnitVec< P,
 The column and row unit vector types do not necessarily have unit spacing. More...
typedef UnitRow< P,
- Public Types inherited from SimTK::Mat< 3, 3, P >
 Every Composite Numerical Type (CNT) must define these values. More...
typedef Mat< M, N, E, CS, RS > T
typedef Mat< M, N, ENeg, CS, RS > TNeg
typedef Mat< M, N,
EWithoutNegator, CS, RS > 
typedef Mat< M, N, EReal, CS
*CNT< E >::RealStrideFactor,
RS *CNT< E >::RealStrideFactor
typedef Mat< M, N, EImag, CS
*CNT< E >::RealStrideFactor,
RS *CNT< E >::RealStrideFactor
typedef Mat< M, N, EComplex,
CS, RS > 
typedef Mat< N, M, EHerm, RS, CS > THerm
typedef Mat< N, M, E, RS, CS > TPosTrans
typedef E TElement
typedef Row< N, E, CS > TRow
typedef Vec< M, E, RS > TCol
typedef Vec< MinDim, E, RS+CS > TDiag
typedef Mat< M, N, ESqrt, M, 1 > TSqrt
typedef Mat< M, N, EAbs, M, 1 > TAbs
typedef Mat< M, N, EStandard,
M, 1 > 
typedef Mat< N, M, EInvert, N, 1 > TInvert
typedef Mat< M, N, ENormalize,
M, 1 > 
typedef SymMat< N, ESqHermT > TSqHermT
typedef SymMat< M, ESqTHerm > TSqTHerm
typedef Mat< M, N, E, M, 1 > TPacked
typedef Mat< M-1, N, E, M-1, 1 > TDropRow
typedef Mat< M, N-1, E, M, 1 > TDropCol
typedef Mat< M-1, N-1, E, M-1, 1 > TDropRowCol
typedef Mat< M+1, N, E, M+1, 1 > TAppendRow
typedef Mat< M, N+1, E, M, 1 > TAppendCol
typedef Mat< M+1, N+1, E, M+1, 1 > TAppendRowCol
typedef EScalar Scalar
typedef EULessScalar ULessScalar
typedef ENumber Number
typedef EStdNumber StdNumber
typedef EPrecision Precision
typedef EScalarNormSq ScalarNormSq
typedef THerm TransposeType

Public Member Functions

 Rotation_ ()
Rotation_setRotationToIdentityMatrix ()
Rotation_setRotationToNaN ()
 Rotation_ (const Rotation_ &R)
Rotation_operator= (const Rotation_ &R)
 Rotation_ (BodyOrSpaceType bodyOrSpace, RealP angle1, const CoordinateAxis &axis1, RealP angle2, const CoordinateAxis &axis2)
 Constructor for two-angle, two-axes, Body-fixed or Space-fixed rotation sequences (angles are in radians) More...
 Rotation_ (BodyOrSpaceType bodyOrSpace, RealP angle1, const CoordinateAxis &axis1, RealP angle2, const CoordinateAxis &axis2, RealP angle3, const CoordinateAxis &axis3)
 Constructor for three-angle Body-fixed or Space-fixed rotation sequences (angles are in radians) More...
Rotation_setRotationFromTwoAnglesTwoAxes (BodyOrSpaceType bodyOrSpace, RealP angle1, const CoordinateAxis &axis1, RealP angle2, const CoordinateAxis &axis2)
 Set this Rotation_ object to a two-angle, two-axes, Body-fixed or Space-fixed rotation sequences (angles are in radians) More...
Rotation_setRotationFromThreeAnglesThreeAxes (BodyOrSpaceType bodyOrSpace, RealP angle1, const CoordinateAxis &axis1, RealP angle2, const CoordinateAxis &axis2, RealP angle3, const CoordinateAxis &axis3)
 Set this Rotation_ object to a three-angle Body-fixed or Space-fixed rotation sequences (angles are in radians) More...
void setRotationToBodyFixedXY (const Vec2P &v)
 Set this Rotation_ to represent a rotation characterized by subsequent rotations of: +v[0] about the body frame's X axis, followed by a rotation of +v[1] about the body frame's NEW Y axis. More...
void setRotationToBodyFixedXYZ (const Vec3P &v)
 Set this Rotation_ to represent a rotation characterized by subsequent rotations of: +v[0] about the body frame's X axis, followed by a rotation of +v[1] about the body frame's NEW Y axis, followed by a rotation of +v[2] about the body frame's NEW Z axis. More...
 Rotation_ (const QuaternionP &q)
 Constructor for creating a rotation matrix from a quaternion. More...
Rotation_setRotationFromQuaternion (const QuaternionP &q)
 Method for creating a rotation matrix from a quaternion. More...
 Rotation_ (const Mat33P &m, bool)
 Construct a Rotation_ directly from a Mat33P (we trust that m is a valid Rotation_!) More...
 Rotation_ (const Mat33P &m)
 Constructs an (hopefully nearby) orthogonal rotation matrix from a generic Mat33P. More...
Rotation_setRotationFromApproximateMat33 (const Mat33P &m)
 Set this Rotation_ object to an (hopefully nearby) orthogonal rotation matrix from a generic Mat33P. More...
RealP convertOneAxisRotationToOneAngle (const CoordinateAxis &axis1) const
 Converts rotation matrix to a single orientation angle. More...
Vec2P convertTwoAxesRotationToTwoAngles (BodyOrSpaceType bodyOrSpace, const CoordinateAxis &axis1, const CoordinateAxis &axis2) const
 Converts rotation matrix to two orientation angles. More...
Vec3P convertThreeAxesRotationToThreeAngles (BodyOrSpaceType bodyOrSpace, const CoordinateAxis &axis1, const CoordinateAxis &axis2, const CoordinateAxis &axis3) const
 Converts rotation matrix to three orientation angles. More...
QuaternionP convertRotationToQuaternion () const
 Converts rotation matrix to a quaternion. More...
Vec4P convertRotationToAngleAxis () const
 Converts rotation matrix to angle-axis form. More...
Vec2P convertRotationToBodyFixedXY () const
 A convenient special case of convertTwoAxesRotationToTwoAngles(). More...
Vec3P convertRotationToBodyFixedXYZ () const
 A convenient special case of convertThreeAxesRotationToThreeAngles(). More...
SymMat33P reexpressSymMat33 (const SymMat33P &S_BB) const
 Perform an efficient transform of a symmetric matrix that must be re-expressed with a multiply from both left and right, such as an inertia matrix. More...
RealP getMaxAbsDifferenceInRotationElements (const Rotation_ &R) const
bool areAllRotationElementsSameToEpsilon (const Rotation_ &R, RealP epsilon) const
bool areAllRotationElementsSameToMachinePrecision (const Rotation_ &R) const
 Rotation_ (const InverseRotation_< P > &)
 Like copy constructor but for inverse rotation. This allows implicit conversion from InverseRotation_ to Rotation_. More...
Rotation_operator= (const InverseRotation_< P > &)
 Like copy assignment but for inverse rotation. More...
const InverseRotation_< P > & invert () const
 Convert from Rotation_ to InverseRotation_ (no cost). Overrides base class invert(). More...
InverseRotation_< P > & updInvert ()
 Convert from Rotation_ to writable InverseRotation_ (no cost). More...
const RowTyperow (int i) const
const ColTypecol (int j) const
const ColTypex () const
const ColTypey () const
const ColTypez () const
const RowTypeoperator[] (int i) const
const ColTypeoperator() (int j) const
void setRotationToBodyFixedXYZ (const Vec3P &c, const Vec3P &s)
 Given cosines and sines (in that order) of three angles, set this Rotation matrix to the body-fixed 1-2-3 sequence of those angles. More...
 Rotation_ (RealP angle, const CoordinateAxis &axis)
 Constructor for right-handed rotation by an angle (in radians) about a coordinate axis. More...
 Rotation_ (RealP angle, const CoordinateAxis::XCoordinateAxis)
 Constructor for right-handed rotation by an angle (in radians) about a coordinate axis. More...
 Rotation_ (RealP angle, const CoordinateAxis::YCoordinateAxis)
 Constructor for right-handed rotation by an angle (in radians) about a coordinate axis. More...
 Rotation_ (RealP angle, const CoordinateAxis::ZCoordinateAxis)
 Constructor for right-handed rotation by an angle (in radians) about a coordinate axis. More...
Rotation_setRotationFromAngleAboutAxis (RealP angle, const CoordinateAxis &axis)
 Set this Rotation_ object to a right-handed rotation by an angle (in radians) about a coordinate axis. More...
Rotation_setRotationFromAngleAboutX (RealP angle)
 Set this Rotation_ object to a right-handed rotation by an angle (in radians) about a coordinate axis. More...
Rotation_setRotationFromAngleAboutY (RealP angle)
 Set this Rotation_ object to a right-handed rotation by an angle (in radians) about a coordinate axis. More...
Rotation_setRotationFromAngleAboutZ (RealP angle)
 Set this Rotation_ object to a right-handed rotation by an angle (in radians) about a coordinate axis. More...
Rotation_setRotationFromAngleAboutX (RealP cosAngle, RealP sinAngle)
 Set this Rotation_ object to a right-handed rotation by an angle (in radians) about a coordinate axis. More...
Rotation_setRotationFromAngleAboutY (RealP cosAngle, RealP sinAngle)
 Set this Rotation_ object to a right-handed rotation by an angle (in radians) about a coordinate axis. More...
Rotation_setRotationFromAngleAboutZ (RealP cosAngle, RealP sinAngle)
 Set this Rotation_ object to a right-handed rotation by an angle (in radians) about a coordinate axis. More...
 Rotation_ (RealP angle, const UnitVec3P &unitVector)
 Constructor for right-handed rotation by an angle (in radians) about an arbitrary vector. More...
 Rotation_ (RealP angle, const Vec3P &nonUnitVector)
 Constructor for right-handed rotation by an angle (in radians) about an arbitrary vector. More...
Rotation_setRotationFromAngleAboutNonUnitVector (RealP angle, const Vec3P &nonUnitVector)
 Set this Rotation_ object to a right-handed rotation of an angle (in radians) about an arbitrary vector. More...
Rotation_setRotationFromAngleAboutUnitVector (RealP angle, const UnitVec3P &unitVector)
 Set this Rotation_ object to a right-handed rotation of an angle (in radians) about an arbitrary vector. More...
 Rotation_ (const UnitVec3P &uvec, const CoordinateAxis axis)
 Calculate R_AB by knowing one of B's unit vector expressed in A. More...
Rotation_setRotationFromOneAxis (const UnitVec3P &uvec, const CoordinateAxis axis)
 Calculate R_AB by knowing one of B's unit vector expressed in A. More...
 Rotation_ (const UnitVec3P &uveci, const CoordinateAxis &axisi, const Vec3P &vecjApprox, const CoordinateAxis &axisjApprox)
 Calculate R_AB by knowing one of B's unit vectors u1 (could be Bx, By, or Bz) expressed in A and a vector v (also expressed in A) that is approximately in the desired direction for a second one of B's unit vectors, u2 (!= u1). More...
Rotation_setRotationFromTwoAxes (const UnitVec3P &uveci, const CoordinateAxis &axisi, const Vec3P &vecjApprox, const CoordinateAxis &axisjApprox)
 Calculate R_AB by knowing one of B's unit vectors u1 (could be Bx, By, or Bz) expressed in A and a vector v (also expressed in A) that is approximately in the desired direction for a second one of B's unit vectors, u2 (!= u1). More...
bool isSameRotationToWithinAngle (const Rotation_ &R, RealP okPointingAngleErrorRads) const
 Return true if "this" Rotation is nearly identical to "R" within a specified pointing angle error. More...
bool isSameRotationToWithinAngleOfMachinePrecision (const Rotation_ &R) const
 Return true if "this" Rotation is nearly identical to "R" within a specified pointing angle error. More...
const InverseRotation_< P > & transpose () const
 Transpose, and transpose operators. More...
const InverseRotation_< P > & operator~ () const
 Transpose, and transpose operators. More...
InverseRotation_< P > & updTranspose ()
 Transpose, and transpose operators. More...
InverseRotation_< P > & operator~ ()
 Transpose, and transpose operators. More...
Rotation_operator*= (const Rotation_< P > &R)
 In-place composition of Rotation matrices. More...
Rotation_operator/= (const Rotation_< P > &R)
 In-place composition of Rotation matrices. More...
Rotation_operator*= (const InverseRotation_< P > &)
 In-place composition of Rotation matrices. More...
Rotation_operator/= (const InverseRotation_< P > &)
 In-place composition of Rotation matrices. More...
const Mat33PasMat33 () const
 Conversion from Rotation to its base class Mat33. More...
Mat33P toMat33 () const
 Conversion from Rotation to its base class Mat33. More...
Rotation_setRotationFromMat33TrustMe (const Mat33P &m)
 Set the Rotation_ matrix directly - but you had better know what you are doing! More...
Rotation_setRotationColFromUnitVecTrustMe (int colj, const UnitVec3P &uvecj)
 Set the Rotation_ matrix directly - but you had better know what you are doing! More...
Rotation_setRotationFromUnitVecsTrustMe (const UnitVec3P &colA, const UnitVec3P &colB, const UnitVec3P &colC)
 Set the Rotation_ matrix directly - but you had better know what you are doing! More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from SimTK::Mat< 3, 3, P >
ScalarNormSq scalarNormSqr () const
 Scalar norm square is the sum of squares of all the scalars that comprise the value of this Mat. More...
TSqrt sqrt () const
 Elementwise square root; that is, the return value has the same dimensions as this Mat but with each element replaced by whatever it thinks its square root is. More...
TAbs abs () const
 Elementwise absolute value; that is, the return value has the same dimensions as this Mat but with each element replaced by whatever it thinks its absolute value is. More...
TStandard standardize () const
 Mat ()
 Default construction initializes to NaN when debugging but is left uninitialized otherwise to ensure that there is no overhead. More...
 Mat (const Mat &src)
 Copy constructor copies only the elements that are present and does not touch any unused memory space between them if they are not packed. More...
 Mat (const SymMat< M, P > &src)
 Explicit construction of a Mat from a SymMat (symmetric/Hermitian matrix). More...
 Mat (const Mat< M, N, E, CSS, RSS > &src)
 This provides an implicit conversion from a Mat of the same dimensions and element type but with different element spacing. More...
 Mat (const Mat< M, N, ENeg, CSS, RSS > &src)
 This provides an implicit conversion from a Mat of the same dimensions and negated element type, possibly with different element spacing. More...
 Mat (const Mat< M, N, EE, CSS, RSS > &mm)
 Explicit construction of a Mat from a source Mat of the same dimensions and an assignment-compatible element type, with any element spacing allowed. More...
 Mat (const E &e)
 Explicit construction from a single element e of this Mat's element type E sets all the main diagonal elements to e but sets the rest of the elements to zero. More...
 Mat (const ENeg &e)
 Explicit construction from a single element e whose type is negator<E> (abbreviated ENeg here) where E is this Mat's element type sets all the main diagonal elements to e but sets the rest of the elements to zero. More...
 Mat (int i)
 Explicit construction from an int value means we convert the int into an object of this Mat's element type E, and then apply the single-element constructor above which sets the Mat to zero except for its main diagonal elements which will all be set to the given value. More...
 Mat (const E &e0, const E &e1)
 Mat (const E &e0, const E &e1, const E &e2)
 Mat (const E &e0, const E &e1, const E &e2, const E &e3)
 Mat (const E &e0, const E &e1, const E &e2, const E &e3, const E &e4)
 Mat (const E &e0, const E &e1, const E &e2, const E &e3, const E &e4, const E &e5)
 Mat (const E &e0, const E &e1, const E &e2, const E &e3, const E &e4, const E &e5, const E &e6)
 Mat (const E &e0, const E &e1, const E &e2, const E &e3, const E &e4, const E &e5, const E &e6, const E &e7)
 Mat (const E &e0, const E &e1, const E &e2, const E &e3, const E &e4, const E &e5, const E &e6, const E &e7, const E &e8)
 Mat (const E &e0, const E &e1, const E &e2, const E &e3, const E &e4, const E &e5, const E &e6, const E &e7, const E &e8, const E &e9)
 Mat (const E &e0, const E &e1, const E &e2, const E &e3, const E &e4, const E &e5, const E &e6, const E &e7, const E &e8, const E &e9, const E &e10)
 Mat (const E &e0, const E &e1, const E &e2, const E &e3, const E &e4, const E &e5, const E &e6, const E &e7, const E &e8, const E &e9, const E &e10, const E &e11)
 Mat (const E &e0, const E &e1, const E &e2, const E &e3, const E &e4, const E &e5, const E &e6, const E &e7, const E &e8, const E &e9, const E &e10, const E &e11, const E &e12)
 Mat (const E &e0, const E &e1, const E &e2, const E &e3, const E &e4, const E &e5, const E &e6, const E &e7, const E &e8, const E &e9, const E &e10, const E &e11, const E &e12, const E &e13)
 Mat (const E &e0, const E &e1, const E &e2, const E &e3, const E &e4, const E &e5, const E &e6, const E &e7, const E &e8, const E &e9, const E &e10, const E &e11, const E &e12, const E &e13, const E &e14)
 Mat (const E &e0, const E &e1, const E &e2, const E &e3, const E &e4, const E &e5, const E &e6, const E &e7, const E &e8, const E &e9, const E &e10, const E &e11, const E &e12, const E &e13, const E &e14, const E &e15)
 Mat (const TRow &r0)
 Mat (const TRow &r0, const TRow &r1)
 Mat (const TRow &r0, const TRow &r1, const TRow &r2)
 Mat (const TRow &r0, const TRow &r1, const TRow &r2, const TRow &r3)
 Mat (const TRow &r0, const TRow &r1, const TRow &r2, const TRow &r3, const TRow &r4)
 Mat (const TRow &r0, const TRow &r1, const TRow &r2, const TRow &r3, const TRow &r4, const TRow &r5)
 Mat (const Row< N, EE, SS > &r0)
 Mat (const Row< N, EE, SS > &r0, const Row< N, EE, SS > &r1)
 Mat (const Row< N, EE, SS > &r0, const Row< N, EE, SS > &r1, const Row< N, EE, SS > &r2)
 Mat (const Row< N, EE, SS > &r0, const Row< N, EE, SS > &r1, const Row< N, EE, SS > &r2, const Row< N, EE, SS > &r3)
 Mat (const Row< N, EE, SS > &r0, const Row< N, EE, SS > &r1, const Row< N, EE, SS > &r2, const Row< N, EE, SS > &r3, const Row< N, EE, SS > &r4)
 Mat (const Row< N, EE, SS > &r0, const Row< N, EE, SS > &r1, const Row< N, EE, SS > &r2, const Row< N, EE, SS > &r3, const Row< N, EE, SS > &r4, const Row< N, EE, SS > &r5)
 Mat (const TCol &r0)
 Mat (const TCol &r0, const TCol &r1)
 Mat (const TCol &r0, const TCol &r1, const TCol &r2)
 Mat (const TCol &r0, const TCol &r1, const TCol &r2, const TCol &r3)
 Mat (const TCol &r0, const TCol &r1, const TCol &r2, const TCol &r3, const TCol &r4)
 Mat (const TCol &r0, const TCol &r1, const TCol &r2, const TCol &r3, const TCol &r4, const TCol &r5)
 Mat (const Vec< M, EE, SS > &r0)
 Mat (const Vec< M, EE, SS > &r0, const Vec< M, EE, SS > &r1)
 Mat (const Vec< M, EE, SS > &r0, const Vec< M, EE, SS > &r1, const Vec< M, EE, SS > &r2)
 Mat (const Vec< M, EE, SS > &r0, const Vec< M, EE, SS > &r1, const Vec< M, EE, SS > &r2, const Vec< M, EE, SS > &r3)
 Mat (const Vec< M, EE, SS > &r0, const Vec< M, EE, SS > &r1, const Vec< M, EE, SS > &r2, const Vec< M, EE, SS > &r3, const Vec< M, EE, SS > &r4)
 Mat (const Vec< M, EE, SS > &r0, const Vec< M, EE, SS > &r1, const Vec< M, EE, SS > &r2, const Vec< M, EE, SS > &r3, const Vec< M, EE, SS > &r4, const Vec< M, EE, SS > &r5)
 Mat (const EE *p)
Matoperator= (const Mat &src)
 Copy assignment copies only the elements that are present and does not touch any unused memory space between them if they are not packed. More...
Matoperator= (const Mat< M, N, EE, CSS, RSS > &mm)
Matoperator= (const EE *p)
Matoperator= (const EE &e)
Matoperator+= (const Mat< M, N, EE, CSS, RSS > &mm)
Matoperator+= (const Mat< M, N, negator< EE >, CSS, RSS > &mm)
Matoperator+= (const EE &e)
Matoperator-= (const Mat< M, N, EE, CSS, RSS > &mm)
Matoperator-= (const Mat< M, N, negator< EE >, CSS, RSS > &mm)
Matoperator-= (const EE &e)
Matoperator*= (const Mat< N, N, EE, CSS, RSS > &mm)
Matoperator*= (const EE &e)
Result< Mat< M, N, E2, CS2,
RS2 > >::Add 
conformingAdd (const Mat< M, N, E2, CS2, RS2 > &r) const
Result< SymMat< M, E2, RS2 > >::Add conformingAdd (const SymMat< M, E2, RS2 > &sy) const
Result< Mat< M, N, E2, CS2,
RS2 > >::Sub 
conformingSubtract (const Mat< M, N, E2, CS2, RS2 > &r) const
Result< SymMat< M, E2, RS2 > >::Sub conformingSubtract (const SymMat< M, E2, RS2 > &sy) const
Mat< M, N, E2, CS2, RS2 >
::template Result< Mat >::Sub 
conformingSubtractFromLeft (const Mat< M, N, E2, CS2, RS2 > &l) const
SymMat< M, E2, RS2 >::template
Result< Mat >::Sub 
conformingSubtractFromLeft (const SymMat< M, E2, RS2 > &sy) const
EltResult< E2 >::Mul elementwiseMultiply (const Mat< M, N, E2, CS2, RS2 > &r) const
EltResult< E2 >::Dvd elementwiseDivide (const Mat< M, N, E2, CS2, RS2 > &r) const
Result< Mat< N, N2, E2, CS2,
RS2 > >::Mul 
conformingMultiply (const Mat< N, N2, E2, CS2, RS2 > &m) const
Mat< M2, M, E2, CS2, RS2 >
::template Result< Mat >::Mul 
conformingMultiplyFromLeft (const Mat< M2, M, E2, CS2, RS2 > &m) const
Result< Mat< M2, N, E2, CS2,
RS2 > >::Dvd 
conformingDivide (const Mat< M2, N, E2, CS2, RS2 > &m) const
Mat< M2, N, E2, CS2, RS2 >
::template Result< Mat >::Dvd 
conformingDivideFromLeft (const Mat< M2, N, E2, CS2, RS2 > &m) const
const TRowoperator[] (int i) const
TRowoperator[] (int i)
const TColoperator() (int j) const
TColoperator() (int j)
const E & operator() (int i, int j) const
E & operator() (int i, int j)
ScalarNormSq normSqr () const
CNT< ScalarNormSq >::TSqrt norm () const
TNormalize normalize () const
TInvert invert () const
const Matoperator+ () const
const TNegoperator- () const
TNegoperator- ()
const THermoperator~ () const
THermoperator~ ()
const TNegnegate () const
TNegupdNegate ()
const THermtranspose () const
THermupdTranspose ()
const TPosTranspositionalTranspose () const
TPosTransupdPositionalTranspose ()
const TRealreal () const
TRealreal ()
const TImagimag () const
TImagimag ()
const TWithoutNegatorcastAwayNegatorIfAny () const
TWithoutNegatorupdCastAwayNegatorIfAny ()
const TRowrow (int i) const
TRowrow (int i)
const TColcol (int j) const
TColcol (int j)
const E & elt (int i, int j) const
E & elt (int i, int j)
const TDiagdiag () const
 Select main diagonal (of largest leading square if rectangular) and return it as a read-only view (as a Vec) of the diagonal elements of this Mat. More...
TDiagdiag ()
 This non-const version of diag() is an alternate name for updDiag() available for historical reasons. More...
TDiagupdDiag ()
 Select main diagonal (of largest leading square if rectangular) and return it as a writable view (as a Vec) of the diagonal elements of this Mat. More...
EStandard trace () const
Mat< M, N, typename CNT< E >
::template Result< EE >::Mul > 
scalarMultiply (const EE &e) const
Mat< M, N, typename CNT< EE >
::template Result< E >::Mul > 
scalarMultiplyFromLeft (const EE &e) const
Mat< M, N, typename CNT< E >
::template Result< EE >::Dvd > 
scalarDivide (const EE &e) const
Mat< M, N, typename CNT< EE >
::template Result< E >::Dvd > 
scalarDivideFromLeft (const EE &e) const
Mat< M, N, typename CNT< E >
::template Result< EE >::Add > 
scalarAdd (const EE &e) const
Mat< M, N, typename CNT< E >
::template Result< EE >::Sub > 
scalarSubtract (const EE &e) const
Mat< M, N, typename CNT< EE >
::template Result< E >::Sub > 
scalarSubtractFromLeft (const EE &e) const
Matoperator/= (const EE &e)
MatscalarEq (const EE &ee)
MatscalarPlusEq (const EE &ee)
MatscalarMinusEq (const EE &ee)
MatscalarMinusEqFromLeft (const EE &ee)
MatscalarTimesEq (const EE &ee)
MatscalarTimesEqFromLeft (const EE &ee)
MatscalarDivideEq (const EE &ee)
MatscalarDivideEqFromLeft (const EE &ee)
void setToNaN ()
void setToZero ()
const SubMat< MM, NN >::Type & getSubMat (int i, int j) const
SubMat< MM, NN >::Type & updSubMat (int i, int j)
void setSubMat (int i, int j, const typename SubMat< MM, NN >::Type &value)
TDropRow dropRow (int i) const
 Return a matrix one row smaller than this one by dropping row i. More...
TDropCol dropCol (int j) const
 Return a matrix one column smaller than this one by dropping column j. More...
TDropRowCol dropRowCol (int i, int j) const
 Return a matrix one row and one column smaller than this one by dropping row i and column j. More...
TAppendRow appendRow (const Row< N, EE, SS > &row) const
 Return a matrix one row larger than this one by adding a row to the end. More...
TAppendCol appendCol (const Vec< M, EE, SS > &col) const
 Return a matrix one column larger than this one by adding a column to the end. More...
TAppendRowCol appendRowCol (const Row< N+1, ER, SR > &row, const Vec< M+1, EC, SC > &col) const
 Return a matrix one row and one column larger than this one by adding a row to the bottom and a column to the right. More...
TAppendRow insertRow (int i, const Row< N, EE, SS > &row) const
 Return a matrix one row larger than this one by inserting a row *before* row i. More...
TAppendCol insertCol (int j, const Vec< M, EE, SS > &col) const
 Return a matrix one column larger than this one by inserting a column *before* column j. More...
TAppendRowCol insertRowCol (int i, int j, const Row< N+1, ER, SR > &row, const Vec< M+1, EC, SC > &col) const
 Return a matrix one row and one column larger than this one by inserting a row *before* row i and a column *before* column j. More...
bool isNaN () const
 Return true if any element of this Mat contains a NaN anywhere. More...
bool isInf () const
 Return true if any element of this Mat contains a +Inf or -Inf somewhere but no element contains a NaN anywhere. More...
bool isFinite () const
 Return true if no element contains an Infinity or a NaN. More...
bool isNumericallyEqual (const Mat< M, N, E2, CS2, RS2 > &m, double tol) const
 Test whether this matrix is numerically equal to some other matrix with the same shape, using a specified tolerance. More...
bool isNumericallyEqual (const Mat< M, N, E2, CS2, RS2 > &m) const
 Test whether this matrix is numerically equal to some other matrix with the same shape, using a default tolerance which is the looser of the default tolerances of the two objects being compared. More...
bool isNumericallyEqual (const P &e, double tol=getDefaultTolerance()) const
 Test whether this is numerically a "scalar" matrix, meaning that it is a diagonal matrix in which each diagonal element is numerically equal to the same scalar, using either a specified tolerance or the matrix's default tolerance (which is always the same or looser than the default tolerance for one of its elements). More...
bool isNumericallySymmetric (double tol=getDefaultTolerance()) const
 A Matrix is symmetric (actually Hermitian) if it is square and each element (i,j) is the Hermitian transpose of element (j,i). More...
bool isExactlySymmetric () const
 A Matrix is symmetric (actually Hermitian) if it is square and each element (i,j) is the Hermitian (conjugate) transpose of element (j,i). More...
TRow colSum () const
 Returns a row vector (Row) containing the column sums of this matrix. More...
TRow sum () const
 This is an alternate name for colSum(); behaves like the Matlab function of the same name. More...
TCol rowSum () const
 Returns a column vector (Vec) containing the row sums of this matrix. More...
std::string toString () const
 toString() returns a string representation of the Mat. More...
const P & get (int i, int j) const
 Variant of indexing operator that's scripting friendly to get entry (i, j) More...
void set (int i, int j, const P &value)
 Variant of indexing operator that's scripting friendly to set entry (i, j) More...

Static Public Member Functions

static Vec3P convertAngVelToBodyFixed321Dot (const Vec3P &q, const Vec3P &w_PB_B)
 Given Euler angles forming a body-fixed 3-2-1 sequence, and the relative angular velocity vector of B in the parent frame, *BUT EXPRESSED IN THE BODY FRAME*, return the Euler angle derivatives. More...
static Vec3P convertBodyFixed321DotToAngVel (const Vec3P &q, const Vec3P &qd)
 Inverse of the above routine. More...
static Vec3P convertAngVelDotToBodyFixed321DotDot (const Vec3P &q, const Vec3P &w_PB_B, const Vec3P &wdot_PB_B)
static Mat33P calcNForBodyXYZInBodyFrame (const Vec3P &q)
 Given Euler angles q forming a body-fixed X-Y-Z sequence return the block N_B of the system N matrix such that qdot=N_B(q)*w_PB_B where w_PB_B is the angular velocity of B in P EXPRESSED IN *B*!!! Note that N_B=N_P*R_PB. More...
static Mat33P calcNForBodyXYZInBodyFrame (const Vec3P &cq, const Vec3P &sq)
 This faster version of calcNForBodyXYZInBodyFrame() assumes you have already calculated the cosine and sine of the three q's. More...
static Mat33P calcNForBodyXYZInParentFrame (const Vec3P &q)
 Given Euler angles q forming a body-fixed X-Y-Z (123) sequence return the block N_P of the system N matrix such that qdot=N_P(q)*w_PB where w_PB is the angular velocity of B in P expressed in P (not the convention that Kane uses, where angular velocities are expressed in the outboard body B). More...
static Mat33P calcNForBodyXYZInParentFrame (const Vec3P &cq, const Vec3P &sq)
 This faster version of calcNForBodyXYZInParentFrame() assumes you have already calculated the cosine and sine of the three q's. More...
static Vec3P multiplyByBodyXYZ_N_P (const Vec2P &cosxy, const Vec2P &sinxy, RealP oocosy, const Vec3P &w_PB)
 This is the fastest way to form the product qdot=N_P*w_PB for a body-fixed XYZ sequence where angular velocity of child in parent is expected to be expressed in the parent. More...
static Vec3P multiplyByBodyXYZ_NT_P (const Vec2P &cosxy, const Vec2P &sinxy, RealP oocosy, const Vec3P &q)
 This is the fastest way to form the product v_P=~N_P*q=~(~q*N_P); see the untransposed method multiplyByBodyXYZ_N_P() for information. More...
static Vec3P convertAngVelInParentToBodyXYZDot (const Vec2P &cosxy, const Vec2P &sinxy, RealP oocosy, const Vec3P &w_PB)
 Calculate first time derivative qdot of body-fixed XYZ Euler angles q given sines and cosines of the Euler angles and the angular velocity w_PB of child B in parent P, expressed in P. More...
static Vec3P convertAngAccInParentToBodyXYZDotDot (const Vec2P &cosxy, const Vec2P &sinxy, RealP oocosy, const Vec3P &qdot, const Vec3P &b_PB)
 Calculate second time derivative qdotdot of body-fixed XYZ Euler angles q given sines and cosines of the Euler angles, the first derivative qdot and the angular acceleration b_PB of child B in parent P, expressed in P. More...
static Vec3P multiplyByBodyXYZ_NInv_P (const Vec2P &cosxy, const Vec2P &sinxy, const Vec3P &qdot)
 Fastest way to form the product w_PB=NInv_P*qdot. More...
static Vec3P multiplyByBodyXYZ_NInvT_P (const Vec2P &cosxy, const Vec2P &sinxy, const Vec3P &v_P)
 Fastest way to form the product q=~NInv_P*v_P=~(~v_P*NInv_P). More...
static Mat33P calcNDotForBodyXYZInBodyFrame (const Vec3P &q, const Vec3P &qdot)
 Given Euler angles forming a body-fixed X-Y-Z (123) sequence q, and their time derivatives qdot, return the block of the NDot matrix such that qdotdot=N(q)*wdot + NDot(q,u)*w where w is the angular velocity of B in P EXPRESSED IN *B*!!! This matrix will be singular if Y (q[1]) gets near 90 degrees! See calcNForBodyXYZInBodyFrame() for the matrix we're differentiating here. More...
static Mat33P calcNDotForBodyXYZInBodyFrame (const Vec3P &cq, const Vec3P &sq, const Vec3P &qdot)
 This faster version of calcNDotForBodyXYZInBodyFrame() assumes you have already calculated the cosine and sine of the three q's. More...
static Mat33P calcNDotForBodyXYZInParentFrame (const Vec3P &q, const Vec3P &qdot)
 Given Euler angles forming a body-fixed X-Y-Z (123) sequence q, and their time derivatives qdot, return the block of the NDot matrix such that qdotdot=N(q)*wdot + NDot(q,u)*w where w is the angular velocity of B in P expressed in P. More...
static Mat33P calcNDotForBodyXYZInParentFrame (const Vec2P &cq, const Vec2P &sq, RealP ooc1, const Vec3P &qdot)
 This faster version of calcNDotForBodyXYZInParentFrame() assumes you have already calculated the cosine and sine of the three q's. More...
static Mat33P calcNInvForBodyXYZInBodyFrame (const Vec3P &q)
 Inverse of routine calcNForBodyXYZInBodyFrame(). More...
static Mat33P calcNInvForBodyXYZInBodyFrame (const Vec3P &cq, const Vec3P &sq)
 This faster version of calcNInvForBodyXYZInBodyFrame() assumes you have already calculated the cosine and sine of the three q's. More...
static Mat33P calcNInvForBodyXYZInParentFrame (const Vec3P &q)
 Inverse of the above routine. More...
static Mat33P calcNInvForBodyXYZInParentFrame (const Vec3P &cq, const Vec3P &sq)
 This faster version of calcNInvForBodyXYZInParentFrame() assumes you have already calculated the cosine and sine of the three q's. More...
static Vec3P convertAngVelInBodyFrameToBodyXYZDot (const Vec3P &q, const Vec3P &w_PB_B)
 Given Euler angles forming a body-fixed X-Y-Z (123) sequence, and the relative angular velocity vector w_PB_B of B in the parent frame, BUT EXPRESSED IN THE BODY FRAME, return the Euler angle derivatives. More...
static Vec3P convertAngVelInBodyFrameToBodyXYZDot (const Vec3P &cq, const Vec3P &sq, const Vec3P &w_PB_B)
 This faster version of convertAngVelInBodyFrameToBodyXYZDot() assumes you have already calculated the cosine and sine of the three q's. More...
static Vec3P convertBodyXYZDotToAngVelInBodyFrame (const Vec3P &q, const Vec3P &qdot)
 Inverse of the above routine. More...
static Vec3P convertBodyXYZDotToAngVelInBodyFrame (const Vec3P &cq, const Vec3P &sq, const Vec3P &qdot)
 This faster version of convertBodyXYZDotToAngVelInBodyFrame() assumes you have already calculated the cosine and sine of the three q's. More...
static Vec3P convertAngVelDotInBodyFrameToBodyXYZDotDot (const Vec3P &q, const Vec3P &w_PB_B, const Vec3P &wdot_PB_B)
 TODO: sherm: is this right? Warning: everything is measured in the *PARENT* frame, but has to be expressed in the *BODY* frame. More...
static Vec3P convertAngVelDotInBodyFrameToBodyXYZDotDot (const Vec3P &cq, const Vec3P &sq, const Vec3P &w_PB_B, const Vec3P &wdot_PB_B)
 This faster version of convertAngVelDotInBodyFrameToBodyXYZDotDot() assumes you have already calculated the cosine and sine of the three q's. More...
static Mat43P calcUnnormalizedNForQuaternion (const Vec4P &q)
 Given a possibly unnormalized quaternion q, calculate the 4x3 matrix N which maps angular velocity w to quaternion derivatives qdot. More...
static Mat43P calcUnnormalizedNDotForQuaternion (const Vec4P &qdot)
 Given the time derivative qdot of a possibly unnormalized quaternion q, calculate the 4x3 matrix NDot which is the time derivative of the matrix N as described in calcUnnormalizedNForQuaternion(). More...
static Mat34P calcUnnormalizedNInvForQuaternion (const Vec4P &q)
 Given a (possibly unnormalized) quaternion q, calculate the 3x4 matrix NInv (= N^-1) which maps quaternion derivatives qdot to angular velocity w, where the angular velocity is in the parent frame, i.e. More...
static Vec4P convertAngVelToQuaternionDot (const Vec4P &q, const Vec3P &w_PB_P)
 Given a possibly unnormalized quaternion (0th element is the scalar) and the relative angular velocity vector of B in its parent, expressed in the *PARENT*, return the quaternion derivatives. More...
static Vec3P convertQuaternionDotToAngVel (const Vec4P &q, const Vec4P &qdot)
 Inverse of the above routine. More...
static Vec4P OLDconvertAngVelDotToQuaternionDotDot (const Vec4P &q, const Vec3P &w_PB_P, const Vec3P &wdot_PB_P)
 Given a quaternion q representing R_PB, angular velocity of B in P, and the time derivative of the angular velocity, return the second time derivative qdotdot of the quaternion. More...
static Vec4P convertAngVelDotToQuaternionDotDot (const Vec4P &q, const Vec3P &w_PB, const Vec3P &b_PB)
 We want to differentiate qdot=N(q)*w to get qdotdot=N*b+NDot*w where b is angular acceleration wdot. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from SimTK::Mat< 3, 3, P >
static int size ()
 Return the total number of elements M*N contained in this Mat. More...
static int nrow ()
 Return the number of rows in this Mat, echoing the value supplied for the template paramter M. More...
static int ncol ()
 Return the number of columns in this Mat, echoing the value supplied for the template paramter N. More...
static const MatgetAs (const P *p)
static MatupdAs (P *p)
static Mat< M, N, P, M, 1 > getNaN ()
static double getDefaultTolerance ()
 For approximate comparisions, the default tolerance to use for a matrix is its shortest dimension times its elements' default tolerance. More...

Detailed Description

template<class P>
class SimTK::Rotation_< P >

The Rotation class is a Mat33 that guarantees that the matrix is a legitimate 3x3 array associated with the relative orientation of two right-handed, orthogonal, unit vector bases.

The Rotation class takes advantage of known properties of orthogonal matrices. For example, multiplication by a rotation matrix preserves a vector's length so unit vectors are still unit vectors afterwards and don't need to be re-normalized.

A rotation is an orthogonal matrix whose columns and rows are directions (that is, unit vectors) that are mutually orthogonal. Furthermore, if the columns (or rows) are labeled x,y,z it always holds that z = x X y (rather than -(x X y)) ensuring that this is a right-handed rotation matrix and not a reflection. This is equivalent to saying that the determinant of a rotation matrix is 1, not -1.

Suppose there is a vector v_F expressed in terms of the right-handed, orthogonal unit vectors Fx, Fy, Fz and one would like to express v instead as v_G, in terms of a right-handed, orthogonal unit vectors Gx, Gy, Gz. To calculate it, we form a rotation matrix R_GF whose columns are the F unit vectors re-expressed in G:

            G F   (      |      |      )
     R_GF =  R  = ( Fx_G | Fy_G | Fz_G )
                  (      |      |      )
     Fx_G = ~( ~Fx*Gx, ~Fx*Gy, ~Fx*Gz ), etc.

(~Fx*Gx means dot(Fx,Gx)). Note that we use "monogram" notation R_GF in code to represent the more typographically demanding superscripted notation for rotation matrices. Now we can re-express the vector v from frame F to frame G via

     v_G = R_GF * v_F. 

Because a rotation is orthogonal, its transpose is its inverse. Hence R_FG = ~R_GF (where ~ is the SimTK "transpose" operator). This transpose matrix can be used to expressed v_G in terms of Fx, Fy, Fz as

     v_F = R_FG * v_G  or  v_F = ~R_GF * v_G

In either direction, correct behavior can be obtained by using the recommended notation and then matching up the frame labels (after interpreting the "~" operator as reversing the labels).

Member Typedef Documentation

template<class P>
typedef UnitVec<P,Mat33P::RowSpacing> SimTK::Rotation_< P >::ColType

The column and row unit vector types do not necessarily have unit spacing.

template<class P>
typedef UnitRow<P,Mat33P::ColSpacing> SimTK::Rotation_< P >::RowType

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<class P>
SimTK::Rotation_< P >::Rotation_ ( )
template<class P>
SimTK::Rotation_< P >::Rotation_ ( const Rotation_< P > &  R)
template<class P>
SimTK::Rotation_< P >::Rotation_ ( RealP  angle,
const CoordinateAxis axis 

Constructor for right-handed rotation by an angle (in radians) about a coordinate axis.

template<class P>
SimTK::Rotation_< P >::Rotation_ ( RealP  angle,
const CoordinateAxis::XCoordinateAxis   

Constructor for right-handed rotation by an angle (in radians) about a coordinate axis.

template<class P>
SimTK::Rotation_< P >::Rotation_ ( RealP  angle,
const CoordinateAxis::YCoordinateAxis   

Constructor for right-handed rotation by an angle (in radians) about a coordinate axis.

template<class P>
SimTK::Rotation_< P >::Rotation_ ( RealP  angle,
const CoordinateAxis::ZCoordinateAxis   

Constructor for right-handed rotation by an angle (in radians) about a coordinate axis.

template<class P>
SimTK::Rotation_< P >::Rotation_ ( RealP  angle,
const UnitVec3P unitVector 

Constructor for right-handed rotation by an angle (in radians) about an arbitrary vector.

template<class P>
SimTK::Rotation_< P >::Rotation_ ( RealP  angle,
const Vec3P nonUnitVector 

Constructor for right-handed rotation by an angle (in radians) about an arbitrary vector.

template<class P>
SimTK::Rotation_< P >::Rotation_ ( BodyOrSpaceType  bodyOrSpace,
RealP  angle1,
const CoordinateAxis axis1,
RealP  angle2,
const CoordinateAxis axis2 

Constructor for two-angle, two-axes, Body-fixed or Space-fixed rotation sequences (angles are in radians)

template<class P>
SimTK::Rotation_< P >::Rotation_ ( BodyOrSpaceType  bodyOrSpace,
RealP  angle1,
const CoordinateAxis axis1,
RealP  angle2,
const CoordinateAxis axis2,
RealP  angle3,
const CoordinateAxis axis3 

Constructor for three-angle Body-fixed or Space-fixed rotation sequences (angles are in radians)

template<class P>
SimTK::Rotation_< P >::Rotation_ ( const QuaternionP q)

Constructor for creating a rotation matrix from a quaternion.

template<class P>
SimTK::Rotation_< P >::Rotation_ ( const Mat33P m,

Construct a Rotation_ directly from a Mat33P (we trust that m is a valid Rotation_!)

template<class P>
SimTK::Rotation_< P >::Rotation_ ( const Mat33P m)

Constructs an (hopefully nearby) orthogonal rotation matrix from a generic Mat33P.

template<class P>
SimTK::Rotation_< P >::Rotation_ ( const UnitVec3P uvec,
const CoordinateAxis  axis 

Calculate R_AB by knowing one of B's unit vector expressed in A.

Note: The other vectors are perpendicular (but somewhat arbitrarily so).

template<class P>
SimTK::Rotation_< P >::Rotation_ ( const UnitVec3P uveci,
const CoordinateAxis axisi,
const Vec3P vecjApprox,
const CoordinateAxis axisjApprox 

Calculate R_AB by knowing one of B's unit vectors u1 (could be Bx, By, or Bz) expressed in A and a vector v (also expressed in A) that is approximately in the desired direction for a second one of B's unit vectors, u2 (!= u1).

If v is not perpendicular to u1, no worries - we'll find a direction for u2 that is perpendicular to u1 and comes closest to v. The third vector u3 is +/- u1 X u2, as appropriate for a right-handed rotation matrix.

template<class P>
SimTK::Rotation_< P >::Rotation_ ( const InverseRotation_< P > &  R)

Like copy constructor but for inverse rotation. This allows implicit conversion from InverseRotation_ to Rotation_.

Member Function Documentation

template<class P>
Rotation_& SimTK::Rotation_< P >::setRotationToIdentityMatrix ( )
template<class P>
Rotation_& SimTK::Rotation_< P >::setRotationToNaN ( )
template<class P>
Rotation_& SimTK::Rotation_< P >::operator= ( const Rotation_< P > &  R)
template<class P>
Rotation_& SimTK::Rotation_< P >::setRotationFromAngleAboutAxis ( RealP  angle,
const CoordinateAxis axis 

Set this Rotation_ object to a right-handed rotation by an angle (in radians) about a coordinate axis.

template<class P>
Rotation_& SimTK::Rotation_< P >::setRotationFromAngleAboutX ( RealP  angle)

Set this Rotation_ object to a right-handed rotation by an angle (in radians) about a coordinate axis.

template<class P>
Rotation_& SimTK::Rotation_< P >::setRotationFromAngleAboutY ( RealP  angle)

Set this Rotation_ object to a right-handed rotation by an angle (in radians) about a coordinate axis.

template<class P>
Rotation_& SimTK::Rotation_< P >::setRotationFromAngleAboutZ ( RealP  angle)

Set this Rotation_ object to a right-handed rotation by an angle (in radians) about a coordinate axis.

template<class P>
Rotation_& SimTK::Rotation_< P >::setRotationFromAngleAboutX ( RealP  cosAngle,
RealP  sinAngle 

Set this Rotation_ object to a right-handed rotation by an angle (in radians) about a coordinate axis.

template<class P>
Rotation_& SimTK::Rotation_< P >::setRotationFromAngleAboutY ( RealP  cosAngle,
RealP  sinAngle 

Set this Rotation_ object to a right-handed rotation by an angle (in radians) about a coordinate axis.

template<class P>
Rotation_& SimTK::Rotation_< P >::setRotationFromAngleAboutZ ( RealP  cosAngle,
RealP  sinAngle 

Set this Rotation_ object to a right-handed rotation by an angle (in radians) about a coordinate axis.

template<class P>
Rotation_& SimTK::Rotation_< P >::setRotationFromAngleAboutNonUnitVector ( RealP  angle,
const Vec3P nonUnitVector 

Set this Rotation_ object to a right-handed rotation of an angle (in radians) about an arbitrary vector.

template<class P>
Rotation_& SimTK::Rotation_< P >::setRotationFromAngleAboutUnitVector ( RealP  angle,
const UnitVec3P unitVector 

Set this Rotation_ object to a right-handed rotation of an angle (in radians) about an arbitrary vector.

template<class P>
Rotation_& SimTK::Rotation_< P >::setRotationFromTwoAnglesTwoAxes ( BodyOrSpaceType  bodyOrSpace,
RealP  angle1,
const CoordinateAxis axis1,
RealP  angle2,
const CoordinateAxis axis2 

Set this Rotation_ object to a two-angle, two-axes, Body-fixed or Space-fixed rotation sequences (angles are in radians)

template<class P>
Rotation_& SimTK::Rotation_< P >::setRotationFromThreeAnglesThreeAxes ( BodyOrSpaceType  bodyOrSpace,
RealP  angle1,
const CoordinateAxis axis1,
RealP  angle2,
const CoordinateAxis axis2,
RealP  angle3,
const CoordinateAxis axis3 

Set this Rotation_ object to a three-angle Body-fixed or Space-fixed rotation sequences (angles are in radians)

template<class P>
void SimTK::Rotation_< P >::setRotationToBodyFixedXY ( const Vec2P v)

Set this Rotation_ to represent a rotation characterized by subsequent rotations of: +v[0] about the body frame's X axis, followed by a rotation of +v[1] about the body frame's NEW Y axis.

See Kane, Spacecraft Dynamics, pg. 423, body-three: 1-2-3.

template<class P>
void SimTK::Rotation_< P >::setRotationToBodyFixedXYZ ( const Vec3P v)

Set this Rotation_ to represent a rotation characterized by subsequent rotations of: +v[0] about the body frame's X axis, followed by a rotation of +v[1] about the body frame's NEW Y axis, followed by a rotation of +v[2] about the body frame's NEW Z axis.

See Kane, Spacecraft Dynamics, pg. 423, body-three: 1-2-3.

template<class P>
Rotation_& SimTK::Rotation_< P >::setRotationFromQuaternion ( const QuaternionP q)

Method for creating a rotation matrix from a quaternion.

template<class P>
Rotation_& SimTK::Rotation_< P >::setRotationFromApproximateMat33 ( const Mat33P m)

Set this Rotation_ object to an (hopefully nearby) orthogonal rotation matrix from a generic Mat33P.

template<class P>
Rotation_& SimTK::Rotation_< P >::setRotationFromOneAxis ( const UnitVec3P uvec,
const CoordinateAxis  axis 

Calculate R_AB by knowing one of B's unit vector expressed in A.

Note: The other vectors are perpendicular (but somewhat arbitrarily so).

template<class P>
Rotation_& SimTK::Rotation_< P >::setRotationFromTwoAxes ( const UnitVec3P uveci,
const CoordinateAxis axisi,
const Vec3P vecjApprox,
const CoordinateAxis axisjApprox 

Calculate R_AB by knowing one of B's unit vectors u1 (could be Bx, By, or Bz) expressed in A and a vector v (also expressed in A) that is approximately in the desired direction for a second one of B's unit vectors, u2 (!= u1).

If v is not perpendicular to u1, no worries - we'll find a direction for u2 that is perpendicular to u1 and comes closest to v. The third vector u3 is +/- u1 X u2, as appropriate for a right-handed rotation matrix.

template<class P>
RealP SimTK::Rotation_< P >::convertOneAxisRotationToOneAngle ( const CoordinateAxis axis1) const

Converts rotation matrix to a single orientation angle.

Note: The result is most meaningful if the Rotation_ matrix is one that can be produced by such a sequence.

template<class P>
Vec2P SimTK::Rotation_< P >::convertTwoAxesRotationToTwoAngles ( BodyOrSpaceType  bodyOrSpace,
const CoordinateAxis axis1,
const CoordinateAxis axis2 
) const

Converts rotation matrix to two orientation angles.

Note: The result is most meaningful if the Rotation_ matrix is one that can be produced by such a sequence.

template<class P>
Vec3P SimTK::Rotation_< P >::convertThreeAxesRotationToThreeAngles ( BodyOrSpaceType  bodyOrSpace,
const CoordinateAxis axis1,
const CoordinateAxis axis2,
const CoordinateAxis axis3 
) const

Converts rotation matrix to three orientation angles.

Note: The result is most meaningful if the Rotation_ matrix is one that can be produced by such a sequence.

template<class P>
QuaternionP SimTK::Rotation_< P >::convertRotationToQuaternion ( ) const

Converts rotation matrix to a quaternion.

template<class P>
Vec4P SimTK::Rotation_< P >::convertRotationToAngleAxis ( ) const

Converts rotation matrix to angle-axis form.

template<class P>
Vec2P SimTK::Rotation_< P >::convertRotationToBodyFixedXY ( ) const

A convenient special case of convertTwoAxesRotationToTwoAngles().

template<class P>
Vec3P SimTK::Rotation_< P >::convertRotationToBodyFixedXYZ ( ) const

A convenient special case of convertThreeAxesRotationToThreeAngles().

template<class P>
SymMat33P SimTK::Rotation_< P >::reexpressSymMat33 ( const SymMat33P S_BB) const

Perform an efficient transform of a symmetric matrix that must be re-expressed with a multiply from both left and right, such as an inertia matrix.

Details: assuming this Rotation is R_AB, and given a symmetric dyadic matrix S_BB expressed in B, we can reexpress it in A using S_AA=R_AB*S_BB*R_BA. The matrix should be one that is formed as products of vectors expressed in A, such as inertia, gyration or covariance matrices. This can be done efficiently exploiting properties of R (orthogonal) and S (symmetric). Total cost is 57 flops.

template<class P>
bool SimTK::Rotation_< P >::isSameRotationToWithinAngle ( const Rotation_< P > &  R,
RealP  okPointingAngleErrorRads 
) const

Return true if "this" Rotation is nearly identical to "R" within a specified pointing angle error.

template<class P>
bool SimTK::Rotation_< P >::isSameRotationToWithinAngleOfMachinePrecision ( const Rotation_< P > &  R) const

Return true if "this" Rotation is nearly identical to "R" within a specified pointing angle error.

template<class P>
RealP SimTK::Rotation_< P >::getMaxAbsDifferenceInRotationElements ( const Rotation_< P > &  R) const
template<class P>
bool SimTK::Rotation_< P >::areAllRotationElementsSameToEpsilon ( const Rotation_< P > &  R,
RealP  epsilon 
) const
template<class P>
bool SimTK::Rotation_< P >::areAllRotationElementsSameToMachinePrecision ( const Rotation_< P > &  R) const
template<class P>
Rotation_< P > & SimTK::Rotation_< P >::operator= ( const InverseRotation_< P > &  R)

Like copy assignment but for inverse rotation.

template<class P>
const InverseRotation_<P>& SimTK::Rotation_< P >::invert ( ) const

Convert from Rotation_ to InverseRotation_ (no cost). Overrides base class invert().

template<class P>
InverseRotation_<P>& SimTK::Rotation_< P >::updInvert ( )

Convert from Rotation_ to writable InverseRotation_ (no cost).

template<class P>
const InverseRotation_<P>& SimTK::Rotation_< P >::transpose ( ) const

Transpose, and transpose operators.

For an orthogonal matrix like this one, transpose is the same thing as inversion. These override the base class transpose methods.

template<class P>
const InverseRotation_<P>& SimTK::Rotation_< P >::operator~ ( ) const

Transpose, and transpose operators.

For an orthogonal matrix like this one, transpose is the same thing as inversion. These override the base class transpose methods.

template<class P>
InverseRotation_<P>& SimTK::Rotation_< P >::updTranspose ( )

Transpose, and transpose operators.

For an orthogonal matrix like this one, transpose is the same thing as inversion. These override the base class transpose methods.

template<class P>
InverseRotation_<P>& SimTK::Rotation_< P >::operator~ ( )

Transpose, and transpose operators.

For an orthogonal matrix like this one, transpose is the same thing as inversion. These override the base class transpose methods.

template<class P>
Rotation_< P > & SimTK::Rotation_< P >::operator*= ( const Rotation_< P > &  R)

In-place composition of Rotation matrices.

template<class P>
Rotation_< P > & SimTK::Rotation_< P >::operator/= ( const Rotation_< P > &  R)

In-place composition of Rotation matrices.

template<class P>
Rotation_< P > & SimTK::Rotation_< P >::operator*= ( const InverseRotation_< P > &  R)

In-place composition of Rotation matrices.

template<class P>
Rotation_< P > & SimTK::Rotation_< P >::operator/= ( const InverseRotation_< P > &  R)

In-place composition of Rotation matrices.

template<class P>
const Mat33P& SimTK::Rotation_< P >::asMat33 ( ) const

Conversion from Rotation to its base class Mat33.

Note: asMat33 is more efficient than toMat33() (no copy), but you have to know the internal layout.

template<class P>
Mat33P SimTK::Rotation_< P >::toMat33 ( ) const

Conversion from Rotation to its base class Mat33.

Note: asMat33 is more efficient than toMat33() (no copy), but you have to know the internal layout.

template<class P>
const RowType& SimTK::Rotation_< P >::row ( int  i) const
template<class P>
const ColType& SimTK::Rotation_< P >::col ( int  j) const
template<class P>
const ColType& SimTK::Rotation_< P >::x ( ) const
template<class P>
const ColType& SimTK::Rotation_< P >::y ( ) const
template<class P>
const ColType& SimTK::Rotation_< P >::z ( ) const
template<class P>
const RowType& SimTK::Rotation_< P >::operator[] ( int  i) const
template<class P>
const ColType& SimTK::Rotation_< P >::operator() ( int  j) const
template<class P>
Rotation_& SimTK::Rotation_< P >::setRotationFromMat33TrustMe ( const Mat33P m)

Set the Rotation_ matrix directly - but you had better know what you are doing!

template<class P>
Rotation_& SimTK::Rotation_< P >::setRotationColFromUnitVecTrustMe ( int  colj,
const UnitVec3P uvecj 

Set the Rotation_ matrix directly - but you had better know what you are doing!

template<class P>
Rotation_& SimTK::Rotation_< P >::setRotationFromUnitVecsTrustMe ( const UnitVec3P colA,
const UnitVec3P colB,
const UnitVec3P colC 

Set the Rotation_ matrix directly - but you had better know what you are doing!

template<class P>
void SimTK::Rotation_< P >::setRotationToBodyFixedXYZ ( const Vec3P c,
const Vec3P s 

Given cosines and sines (in that order) of three angles, set this Rotation matrix to the body-fixed 1-2-3 sequence of those angles.

Cost is 18 flops.

template<class P>
static Vec3P SimTK::Rotation_< P >::convertAngVelToBodyFixed321Dot ( const Vec3P q,
const Vec3P w_PB_B 

Given Euler angles forming a body-fixed 3-2-1 sequence, and the relative angular velocity vector of B in the parent frame, *BUT EXPRESSED IN THE BODY FRAME*, return the Euler angle derivatives.

You are dead if q[1] gets near 90 degrees! See Kane's Spacecraft Dynamics, page 428, body-three: 3-2-1.

template<class P>
static Vec3P SimTK::Rotation_< P >::convertBodyFixed321DotToAngVel ( const Vec3P q,
const Vec3P qd 

Inverse of the above routine.

Returned angular velocity is B in P, expressed in *B*: w_PB_B.

template<class P>
static Vec3P SimTK::Rotation_< P >::convertAngVelDotToBodyFixed321DotDot ( const Vec3P q,
const Vec3P w_PB_B,
const Vec3P wdot_PB_B 
template<class P>
static Mat33P SimTK::Rotation_< P >::calcNForBodyXYZInBodyFrame ( const Vec3P q)

Given Euler angles q forming a body-fixed X-Y-Z sequence return the block N_B of the system N matrix such that qdot=N_B(q)*w_PB_B where w_PB_B is the angular velocity of B in P EXPRESSED IN *B*!!! Note that N_B=N_P*R_PB.

This matrix will be singular if Y (q[1]) gets near 90 degrees!

This version is very expensive because it has to calculate sines and cosines. If you already have those, use the alternate form of this method.

Cost: about 100 flops for sin/cos plus 12 to calculate N_B.

See Also
Kane's Spacecraft Dynamics, page 427, body-three: 1-2-3.
template<class P>
static Mat33P SimTK::Rotation_< P >::calcNForBodyXYZInBodyFrame ( const Vec3P cq,
const Vec3P sq 

This faster version of calcNForBodyXYZInBodyFrame() assumes you have already calculated the cosine and sine of the three q's.

Note that we only look at the cosines and sines of q[1] and q[2]; q[0] does not matter so you don't have to fill in the 0'th element of cq and sq. Cost is one divide plus 6 flops, say 12 flops.

template<class P>
static Mat33P SimTK::Rotation_< P >::calcNForBodyXYZInParentFrame ( const Vec3P q)

Given Euler angles q forming a body-fixed X-Y-Z (123) sequence return the block N_P of the system N matrix such that qdot=N_P(q)*w_PB where w_PB is the angular velocity of B in P expressed in P (not the convention that Kane uses, where angular velocities are expressed in the outboard body B).

Note that N_P = N_B*~R_PB. This matrix will be singular if Y (q[1]) gets near 90 degrees!

This version is very expensive because it has to calculate sines and cosines. If you already have those, use the alternate form of this method.

Cost: about 100 flops for sin/cos plus 12 to calculate N_P.

template<class P>
static Mat33P SimTK::Rotation_< P >::calcNForBodyXYZInParentFrame ( const Vec3P cq,
const Vec3P sq 

This faster version of calcNForBodyXYZInParentFrame() assumes you have already calculated the cosine and sine of the three q's.

Note that we only look at the cosines and sines of q[0] and q[1]; q[2] does not matter so you don't have to fill in the 3rd element of cq and sq. Cost is one divide plus 6 flops, say 12 flops.

See Also
Paul Mitiguy
template<class P>
static Vec3P SimTK::Rotation_< P >::multiplyByBodyXYZ_N_P ( const Vec2P cosxy,
const Vec2P sinxy,
RealP  oocosy,
const Vec3P w_PB 

This is the fastest way to form the product qdot=N_P*w_PB for a body-fixed XYZ sequence where angular velocity of child in parent is expected to be expressed in the parent.

Here we assume you have previously calculated sincos(qx), sincos(qy), and 1/cos(qy). Cost is 10 flops, faster even than the 15 it would take if you had saved N_P and then formed the N_P*w_PB product explicitly.

template<class P>
static Vec3P SimTK::Rotation_< P >::multiplyByBodyXYZ_NT_P ( const Vec2P cosxy,
const Vec2P sinxy,
RealP  oocosy,
const Vec3P q 

This is the fastest way to form the product v_P=~N_P*q=~(~q*N_P); see the untransposed method multiplyByBodyXYZ_N_P() for information.

Cost is 9 flops.

template<class P>
static Vec3P SimTK::Rotation_< P >::convertAngVelInParentToBodyXYZDot ( const Vec2P cosxy,
const Vec2P sinxy,
RealP  oocosy,
const Vec3P w_PB 

Calculate first time derivative qdot of body-fixed XYZ Euler angles q given sines and cosines of the Euler angles and the angular velocity w_PB of child B in parent P, expressed in P.

Cost is 10 flops.

Theory: calculate qdot=N_P(q)*w_PB using multiplyByBodyXYZ_N_P().

See Also
cosxycos(qx), cos(qy)
sinxysin(qx), sin(qy)
w_PBangular velocity of B in P, exp. in P
template<class P>
static Vec3P SimTK::Rotation_< P >::convertAngAccInParentToBodyXYZDotDot ( const Vec2P cosxy,
const Vec2P sinxy,
RealP  oocosy,
const Vec3P qdot,
const Vec3P b_PB 

Calculate second time derivative qdotdot of body-fixed XYZ Euler angles q given sines and cosines of the Euler angles, the first derivative qdot and the angular acceleration b_PB of child B in parent P, expressed in P.

Cost is 22 flops.

Theory: we have qdot=N_P*w_PB, which we differentiate in P to get qdotdot=N_P*b_PB + NDot_P*w_PB. Note that NDot_P=NDot_P(q,qdot) and w_PB=NInv_P*qdot (because N_P is invertible). We can then rewrite qdotdot=N_P*b_PB + NDot_P*(NInv_P*qdot) which can be calculated very efficiently. The second term is just an acceleration remainder term quadratic in qdot.

cosxycos(qx), cos(qy)
sinxysin(qx), sin(qy)
qdotpreviously calculated BodyXYZDot
b_PBangular acceleration, a.k.a. wdot_PB
template<class P>
static Vec3P SimTK::Rotation_< P >::multiplyByBodyXYZ_NInv_P ( const Vec2P cosxy,
const Vec2P sinxy,
const Vec3P qdot 

Fastest way to form the product w_PB=NInv_P*qdot.

This is never singular. Cost is 9 flops.

template<class P>
static Vec3P SimTK::Rotation_< P >::multiplyByBodyXYZ_NInvT_P ( const Vec2P cosxy,
const Vec2P sinxy,
const Vec3P v_P 

Fastest way to form the product q=~NInv_P*v_P=~(~v_P*NInv_P).

This is never singular. Cost is 10 flops.

template<class P>
static Mat33P SimTK::Rotation_< P >::calcNDotForBodyXYZInBodyFrame ( const Vec3P q,
const Vec3P qdot 

Given Euler angles forming a body-fixed X-Y-Z (123) sequence q, and their time derivatives qdot, return the block of the NDot matrix such that qdotdot=N(q)*wdot + NDot(q,u)*w where w is the angular velocity of B in P EXPRESSED IN *B*!!! This matrix will be singular if Y (q[1]) gets near 90 degrees! See calcNForBodyXYZInBodyFrame() for the matrix we're differentiating here.

This version is very expensive because it has to calculate sines and cosines. If you already have those, use the alternate form of this method.
template<class P>
static Mat33P SimTK::Rotation_< P >::calcNDotForBodyXYZInBodyFrame ( const Vec3P cq,
const Vec3P sq,
const Vec3P qdot 

This faster version of calcNDotForBodyXYZInBodyFrame() assumes you have already calculated the cosine and sine of the three q's.

Note that we only look at the cosines and sines of q[1] and q[2]; q[0] does not matter so you don't have to fill in the 0'th element of cq and sq. Cost is one divide plus 21 flops.

template<class P>
static Mat33P SimTK::Rotation_< P >::calcNDotForBodyXYZInParentFrame ( const Vec3P q,
const Vec3P qdot 

Given Euler angles forming a body-fixed X-Y-Z (123) sequence q, and their time derivatives qdot, return the block of the NDot matrix such that qdotdot=N(q)*wdot + NDot(q,u)*w where w is the angular velocity of B in P expressed in P.

This matrix will be singular if Y (q[1]) gets near 90 degrees! See calcNForBodyXYZInParentFrame() for the matrix we're differentiating here.

This version is very expensive because it has to calculate sines and cosines. If you already have those, use the alternate form of this method.
template<class P>
static Mat33P SimTK::Rotation_< P >::calcNDotForBodyXYZInParentFrame ( const Vec2P cq,
const Vec2P sq,
RealP  ooc1,
const Vec3P qdot 

This faster version of calcNDotForBodyXYZInParentFrame() assumes you have already calculated the cosine and sine of the three q's.

Note that we only look at the cosines and sines of q[0] and q[1]. Cost is 21 flops.

template<class P>
static Mat33P SimTK::Rotation_< P >::calcNInvForBodyXYZInBodyFrame ( const Vec3P q)

Inverse of routine calcNForBodyXYZInBodyFrame().

Return the inverse NInv_B of the N_B block computed above, such that w_PB_B=NInv_B(q)*qdot where w_PB_B is the angular velocity of B in P EXPRESSED IN *B*!!! (Kane's convention.) Note that NInv_B=~R_PB*NInv_P. This matrix is never singular.

This version is very expensive because it has to calculate sines and cosines. If you already have those, use the alternate form of this method.
template<class P>
static Mat33P SimTK::Rotation_< P >::calcNInvForBodyXYZInBodyFrame ( const Vec3P cq,
const Vec3P sq 

This faster version of calcNInvForBodyXYZInBodyFrame() assumes you have already calculated the cosine and sine of the three q's.

Note that we only look at the cosines and sines of q[1] and q[2]; q[0] does not matter so you don't have to fill in the 0'th element of cq and sq. Cost is 3 flops.

template<class P>
static Mat33P SimTK::Rotation_< P >::calcNInvForBodyXYZInParentFrame ( const Vec3P q)

Inverse of the above routine.

Return the inverse NInv_P of the N_P block computed above, such that w_PB=NInv_P(q)*qdot where w_PB is the angular velocity of B in P (expressed in P). Note that NInv_P=R_PB*NInv_B. This matrix is never singular.

This version is very expensive because it has to calculate sines and cosines. If you already have those, use the alternate form of this method.
template<class P>
static Mat33P SimTK::Rotation_< P >::calcNInvForBodyXYZInParentFrame ( const Vec3P cq,
const Vec3P sq 

This faster version of calcNInvForBodyXYZInParentFrame() assumes you have already calculated the cosine and sine of the three q's.

Note that we only look at the cosines and sines of q[0] and q[1]; q[2] does not matter so you don't have to fill in the 3rd element of cq and sq. Cost is 3 flops.

template<class P>
static Vec3P SimTK::Rotation_< P >::convertAngVelInBodyFrameToBodyXYZDot ( const Vec3P q,
const Vec3P w_PB_B 

Given Euler angles forming a body-fixed X-Y-Z (123) sequence, and the relative angular velocity vector w_PB_B of B in the parent frame, BUT EXPRESSED IN THE BODY FRAME, return the Euler angle derivatives.

You are dead if q[1] gets near 90 degrees!

This version is very expensive because it has to calculate sines and cosines. If you already have those, use the alternate form of this method.
See Also
Kane's Spacecraft Dynamics, page 427, body-three: 1-2-3.
template<class P>
static Vec3P SimTK::Rotation_< P >::convertAngVelInBodyFrameToBodyXYZDot ( const Vec3P cq,
const Vec3P sq,
const Vec3P w_PB_B 

This faster version of convertAngVelInBodyFrameToBodyXYZDot() assumes you have already calculated the cosine and sine of the three q's.

Note that we only look at the cosines and sines of q[1] and q[2]; q[0] does not matter so you don't have to fill in the 0'th element of cq and sq. Cost is XXX.

template<class P>
static Vec3P SimTK::Rotation_< P >::convertBodyXYZDotToAngVelInBodyFrame ( const Vec3P q,
const Vec3P qdot 

Inverse of the above routine.

Returned angular velocity is B in P, expressed in *B*: w_PB_B.

This version is very expensive because it has to calculate sines and cosines. If you already have those, use the alternate form of this method.
template<class P>
static Vec3P SimTK::Rotation_< P >::convertBodyXYZDotToAngVelInBodyFrame ( const Vec3P cq,
const Vec3P sq,
const Vec3P qdot 

This faster version of convertBodyXYZDotToAngVelInBodyFrame() assumes you have already calculated the cosine and sine of the three q's.

Note that we only look at the cosines and sines of q[1] and q[2]; q[0] does not matter so you don't have to fill in the 0'th element of cq and sq. Cost is XXX flops.

template<class P>
static Vec3P SimTK::Rotation_< P >::convertAngVelDotInBodyFrameToBodyXYZDotDot ( const Vec3P q,
const Vec3P w_PB_B,
const Vec3P wdot_PB_B 

TODO: sherm: is this right? Warning: everything is measured in the *PARENT* frame, but has to be expressed in the *BODY* frame.

This version is very expensive because it has to calculate sines and cosines. If you already have those, use the alternate form of this method.
template<class P>
static Vec3P SimTK::Rotation_< P >::convertAngVelDotInBodyFrameToBodyXYZDotDot ( const Vec3P cq,
const Vec3P sq,
const Vec3P w_PB_B,
const Vec3P wdot_PB_B 

This faster version of convertAngVelDotInBodyFrameToBodyXYZDotDot() assumes you have already calculated the cosine and sine of the three q's.

Note that we only look at the cosines and sines of q[1] and q[2]; q[0] does not matter so you don't have to fill in the 0'th element of cq and sq. Cost is XXX flops.

template<class P>
static Mat43P SimTK::Rotation_< P >::calcUnnormalizedNForQuaternion ( const Vec4P q)

Given a possibly unnormalized quaternion q, calculate the 4x3 matrix N which maps angular velocity w to quaternion derivatives qdot.

We expect the angular velocity in the parent frame, i.e. w==w_PB_P. We don't normalize, so N=|q|N' where N' is the normalized version. Cost is 7 flops.

template<class P>
static Mat43P SimTK::Rotation_< P >::calcUnnormalizedNDotForQuaternion ( const Vec4P qdot)

Given the time derivative qdot of a possibly unnormalized quaternion q, calculate the 4x3 matrix NDot which is the time derivative of the matrix N as described in calcUnnormalizedNForQuaternion().

Note that NDot = d/dt N = d/dt (|q|N') = |q|(d/dt N'), where N' is the normalized matrix, since the length of the quaternion should be a constant. Cost is 7 flops.

template<class P>
static Mat34P SimTK::Rotation_< P >::calcUnnormalizedNInvForQuaternion ( const Vec4P q)

Given a (possibly unnormalized) quaternion q, calculate the 3x4 matrix NInv (= N^-1) which maps quaternion derivatives qdot to angular velocity w, where the angular velocity is in the parent frame, i.e.

w==w_PB_P. Note: when the quaternion is not normalized, this is not precisely the (pseudo)inverse of N. inv(N)=inv(N')/|q| but we're returning |q|*inv(N')=|q|^2*inv(N). That is, NInv*N =|q|^2*I, which is I if the original q was normalized. (Note: N*NInv != I, not even close.) Cost is 7 flops.

template<class P>
static Vec4P SimTK::Rotation_< P >::convertAngVelToQuaternionDot ( const Vec4P q,
const Vec3P w_PB_P 

Given a possibly unnormalized quaternion (0th element is the scalar) and the relative angular velocity vector of B in its parent, expressed in the *PARENT*, return the quaternion derivatives.

This is never singular. Cost is 27 flops.

template<class P>
static Vec3P SimTK::Rotation_< P >::convertQuaternionDotToAngVel ( const Vec4P q,
const Vec4P qdot 

Inverse of the above routine.

Returned AngVel is expressed in the *PARENT* frame: w_PB_P. Cost is 28 flops.

template<class P>
static Vec4P SimTK::Rotation_< P >::OLDconvertAngVelDotToQuaternionDotDot ( const Vec4P q,
const Vec3P w_PB_P,
const Vec3P wdot_PB_P 

Given a quaternion q representing R_PB, angular velocity of B in P, and the time derivative of the angular velocity, return the second time derivative qdotdot of the quaternion.

Everything is measured and expressed in the parent. Cost is 78 flops.

template<class P>
static Vec4P SimTK::Rotation_< P >::convertAngVelDotToQuaternionDotDot ( const Vec4P q,
const Vec3P w_PB,
const Vec3P b_PB 

We want to differentiate qdot=N(q)*w to get qdotdot=N*b+NDot*w where b is angular acceleration wdot.

Note that NDot=NDot(qdot), but it is far better to calculate the matrix-vector product NDot(N*w)*w directly rather than calculate NDot separately. That gives

NDot*w = -(w^2)/4 * q

Cost is 41 flops.

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