Simbody  3.3
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file  BicubicSurface.h [code]
 This file defines the BicubicSurface class, and the BicubicFunction class that uses it to create a two-argument Function object.
file  CollisionDetectionAlgorithm.h [code]
file  Contact.h [code]
file  ContactGeometry.h [code]
 Defines the ContactGeometry class and its API-visible local subclasses for individual contact shapes.
file  ContactTracker.h [code]
file  GCVSPLUtil.h [code]
file  Geo.h [code]
 Defines geometric primitive shapes and algorthms.
file  Geo_BicubicBezierPatch.h [code]
 Provides primitive operations for a single bicubic Bezier patch using either single or double precision.
file  Geo_BicubicHermitePatch.h [code]
 Provides primitive operations for a single bicubic Hermite patch using either single or double precision.
file  Geo_Box.h [code]
 Defines primitive operations involving 3d rectangular boxes.
file  Geo_CubicBezierCurve.h [code]
 Provides primitive operations for a single bicubic Bezier curve using either single or double precision.
file  Geo_CubicHermiteCurve.h [code]
 Provides primitive operations for a single cubic Hermite curve using either single or double precision.
file  Geo_LineSeg.h [code]
 Collects primitive operations involving line segments.
file  Geo_Point.h [code]
 Defines primitive computations involving points.
file  Geo_Sphere.h [code]
 Defines primitive operations on spheres.
file  Geo_Triangle.h [code]
 Defines primitive operations on triangles.
file  Geodesic.h [code]
 This file defines the Geodesic class.
file  GeodesicIntegrator.h [code]
 Contains a stripped-down low overhead numerical integrator for use with small, fixed-sized sets of Differential-Algebraic equations such as arise when computing geodesics over smooth surfaces.
file  OBBTree.h [code]
 Defines an oriented bounding box tree with generalized leaves.
file  OrientedBoundingBox.h [code]
file  ParticleConSurfaceSystem.h [code]
file  Spline.h [code]
file  SplineFitter.h [code]