MassProperties.h File Reference

These are utility classes for dealing with mass properties, particularly those messy inertias. More...

#include "SimTKcommon/Scalar.h"
#include "SimTKcommon/SmallMatrix.h"
#include "SimTKcommon/Orientation.h"
#include <iostream>

Go to the source code of this file.


class  Inertia_< P >
 The physical meaning of an inertia is the distribution of a rigid body's mass about a particular point. More...
class  Gyration_< P >
 A Gyration matrix is a unit-mass inertia matrix; you can convert it to an Inertia by multiplying it by the actual body mass. More...
class  SpatialInertia_< P >
 A spatial inertia contains the mass, center of mass point, and inertia matrix for a rigid body. More...
class  ArticulatedInertia_< P >
 An articulated body inertia (ABI) matrix P(q) contains the spatial inertia properties that a body appears to have when it is the free base body of an articulated multibody tree in a given configuration q. More...
class  MassProperties
 This class contains the mass, center of mass, and inertia of a rigid body B. More...


namespace  SimTK

This is the top-level SimTK namespace into which all SimTK names are placed to avoid collision with other symbols.


typedef Vec< 2, Vec3 > SpatialVec
 SpatialVec[0] is the rotational component; [1] is translational.
typedef Vec< 2, Vec< 3, float > > fSpatialVec
typedef Vec< 2, Vec< 3, double > > dSpatialVec
typedef Row< 2, Row3 > SpatialRow
 This is the type of a transposed SpatialVec.
typedef Row< 2, Row< 3, float > > fSpatialRow
typedef Row< 2, Row< 3, double > > dSpatialRow
typedef Mat< 2, 2, Mat33 > SpatialMat
 This is used for primarily for spatial mass properties.
typedef Mat< 2, 2, Mat
< 3, 3, float > > 
typedef Mat< 2, 2, Mat
< 3, 3, double > > 
typedef Gyration_< Real > Gyration
 A gyration (unit inertia) tensor at default precision.
typedef Gyration_< float > fGyration
 A gyration (unit inertia) tensor at float precision.
typedef Gyration_< double > dGyration
 A gyration (unit inertia) tensor at double precision.
typedef Inertia_< Real > Inertia
 An inertia tensor at default precision.
typedef Inertia_< float > fInertia
 An inertia tensor at float precision.
typedef Inertia_< double > dInertia
 An inertia tensor at double precision.
typedef SpatialInertia_< Real > SpatialInertia
 A spatial (rigid body) inertia matrix at default precision.
typedef SpatialInertia_< float > fSpatialInertia
 A spatial (rigid body) inertia matrix at float precision.
typedef SpatialInertia_< double > dSpatialInertia
 A spatial (rigid body) inertia matrix at double precision.
typedef ArticulatedInertia_< Real > ArticulatedInertia
 An articulated body inertia matrix at default precision.
typedef ArticulatedInertia_
< float > 
 An articulated body inertia matrix at float precision.
typedef ArticulatedInertia_
< double > 
 An articulated body inertia matrix at double precision.


std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &o, const MassProperties &)

Detailed Description

These are utility classes for dealing with mass properties, particularly those messy inertias.

Generated on Thu Aug 12 16:37:41 2010 for SimTKcore by  doxygen 1.6.1