Files | |
file | AnalyticGeometry.h [code] |
This is the client-side interface to analytic geometry suitable for using to generate mass properties, collisions, etc. | |
file | Array.h [code] |
This file defines the Array_<T,X> class and related support classes including base classes ArrayViewConst_<T,X> and ArrayView_<T,X>, and helper class ArrayIndexTraits<X>. | |
file | AtomicInteger.h [code] |
file | BigMatrix.h [code] |
This file defines the client side of the SimTK::Matrix classes, which hold medium to large, variable-sized matrices whose elements are packed SimTK "Composite Numerical Types" (CNTs). | |
file | SimTKcommon/internal/common.h [code] |
Mandatory first inclusion for any SimTK source or header file. | |
file | CompositeNumericalTypes.h [code] |
The purpose of the CNT<T> class is to hide the differences between built-in numerical types and composite ones like Vec<3>. | |
file | Concretize.h [code] |
file | conjugate.h [code] |
This file defines the conjugate<R> template class, where R is one of the three built-in real types. | |
file | CoordinateAxis.h [code] |
file | DecorativeGeometry.h [code] |
This is the client-side interface to an implementation-independent representation of "Decorations" suitable for visualization, annotation, logging, or debugging but which cannot have any effect on the behavior of a System or the evolution of a Study. | |
file | Enumeration.h [code] |
file | Event.h [code] |
This file declares the types needed for SimTK's support for Events. | |
file | EventHandler.h [code] |
file | EventReporter.h [code] |
file | Exception.h [code] |
file | ExceptionMacros.h [code] |
This file contains macros which are convenient to use for sprinkling error checking around liberally in SimTK programs, a practice which is highly encouraged. | |
file | Fortran.h [code] |
This header defines a set of macros which are useful for making calls to Fortran routines from C++ programs. | |
file | Function.h [code] |
file | MassProperties.h [code] |
These are utility classes for dealing with mass properties, particularly those messy inertias. | |
file | Mat.h [code] |
This file declares class Mat<NROWS, NCOLS, ELEMENT_TYPE, COL_SPACING, ROW_SPACING>. | |
file | MatrixCharacteristics.h [code] |
Here we declare the classes needed for managing the properties of matrices, which we call Matrix Characteristics. | |
file | MatrixHelper.h [code] |
Here we declare the detailed interface to the Simmatrix classes. | |
file | Measure.h [code] |
This file declares the base class AbstractMeasure for all derived Measure handle classes, and the handle classes for built-in Measures. | |
file | MeasureImplementation.h [code] |
file | negator.h [code] |
This file defines the negator<N> template which is an adaptor for the numeric types N (Real, Complex, conjugate). | |
file | NTraits.h [code] |
This file contains classes and typedefs needed to provide uniform handling of floating point numeric values. | |
file | Parallel2DExecutor.h [code] |
file | ParallelExecutor.h [code] |
file | Plugin.h [code] |
file | PolygonalMesh.h [code] |
file | PolynomialRootFinder.h [code] |
file | PrivateImplementation.h [code] |
This header provides declarations of the user-visible portion of the PIMPLHandle template classes that are used in the SimTK Core to implement the PIMPL (private implementation) design pattern. | |
file | PrivateImplementation_Defs.h [code] |
This header provides the definitions of the PIMPLHandle template methods as declared in PrivateImplementation.h, and also the declaration and definition of the template classes used for creating well- behaved implementation classes. | |
file | Quaternion.h [code] |
file | Random.h [code] |
file | Rotation.h [code] |
file | Row.h [code] |
This file declares class Row<NCOLS, ELEMENT_TYPE, STRIDE>. | |
file | SmallDefsThatNeedBig.h [code] |
This file defines leftover SmallMatrix implementations which need to know about our BigMatrix classes. | |
file | SmallMatrixMixed.h [code] |
This file defines global functions and class members which use a mix of Vec, Row, and Mat types and hence need to wait until everything is defined. | |
file | SpatialAlgebra.h [code] |
These are declarations for special matrices and vectors of use in implementing Rodriguez and Jain's Spatial Operator Algebra. | |
file | StableArray.h [code] |
file | Stage.h [code] |
file | State.h [code] |
file | String.h [code] |
file | Study.h [code] |
file | StudyGuts.h [code] |
file | Subsystem.h [code] |
file | SubsystemGuts.h [code] |
file | SymMat.h [code] |
This file declares class SymMat<M, ELEMENT_TYPE, ROW_SPACING>. | |
file | System.h [code] |
file | SystemGuts.h [code] |
file | ThreadLocal.h [code] |
file | Transform.h [code] |
file | UnitVec.h [code] |
file | Value.h [code] |
file | Vec.h [code] |
Declaration of class Vec<NROWS, ELEMENT_TYPE, STRIDE>. | |
file | VectorMath.h [code] |
This file defines a large number of standard math functions that can be applied to vectors and matrices (both the large matrix and small matrix classes). | |
file | Xml.h [code] |