SimTKcommon Directory Reference


directory  internal


file  basics.h [code]

Includes internal headers providing declarations for the basic SimTK Core classes.

file  Constants.h [code]

This header is the common gathering place for numerical, *machine-independent* constants in SimTK.

file  Mechanics.h [code]

This header collects all the Mechanics header files in one place.

file  Orientation.h [code]

These are numerical utility classes for dealing with the relative orientations of geometric objects.

file  Scalar.h [code]

This is a user-includable header which includes everything needed to make use of SimMatrix Scalar code.

file  Simmatrix.h [code]

This is the header which should be included in user programs that would like to make use of all the Simmatrix facilities, but none of the other parts of SimTKcommon.

file  SmallMatrix.h [code]

This file is the user-includeable header to be included in user programs to provide fixed-length Vec & Mat classes.

file  TemplatizedLapack.h [code]

These is a templatized, C++ callable interface to LAPACK and BLAS.

file  Testing.h [code]

This file defines a SimTK::Test class and some related macros which provide functionality useful in regression tests.

Generated on Thu Aug 12 16:38:35 2010 for SimTKcore by  doxygen 1.6.1