PdbResidue Class Reference

One residue in a protein or nucleic acid, or a single molecule in the case of non-polymer structures. More...

#include <Pdb.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 PdbResidue (String name, PdbResidueId id)
 PdbResidue (const class Compound &compound, int residueNumber, const Transform &transform=Transform())
 PdbResidue (const State &state, const class Compound &compound, int residueNumber, const Transform &transform=Transform())
std::ostream & write (std::ostream &os, int &nextAtomSerialNumber, char chainId, const Transform &transform) const
bool hasAtom (SimTK::String argName) const
const PdbAtomgetAtom (String argName) const
PdbAtomupdAtom (String argName)
const PdbResidueIdgetResidueId () const
const char * getName () const
int getPdbResidueNumber () const
char getInsertionCode () const
size_t getNumAtoms () const
const PdbAtomgetAtom (Pdb::AtomIndex atomIx) const
void addAtom (const PdbAtom &atom)

Protected Member Functions

void parsePdbLine (const String &line)


class PdbChain

Detailed Description

One residue in a protein or nucleic acid, or a single molecule in the case of non-polymer structures.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

PdbResidue ( String  name,
PdbResidueId  id 
) [explicit]
PdbResidue ( const class Compound compound,
int  residueNumber,
const Transform transform = Transform() 
) [explicit]
PdbResidue ( const State state,
const class Compound compound,
int  residueNumber,
const Transform transform = Transform() 
) [explicit]

Member Function Documentation

void addAtom ( const PdbAtom atom  ) 
const PdbAtom& getAtom ( Pdb::AtomIndex  atomIx  )  const [inline]
const PdbAtom& getAtom ( String  argName  )  const
char getInsertionCode (  )  const [inline]
const char* getName (  )  const [inline]
size_t getNumAtoms (  )  const [inline]
int getPdbResidueNumber (  )  const [inline]
const PdbResidueId& getResidueId (  )  const [inline]

Referenced by PdbChain::appendResidue().

bool hasAtom ( SimTK::String  argName  )  const
void parsePdbLine ( const String line  )  [protected]
PdbAtom& updAtom ( String  argName  ) 
std::ostream& write ( std::ostream &  os,
int &  nextAtomSerialNumber,
char  chainId,
const Transform transform 
) const

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class PdbChain [friend]

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Generated on Thu Aug 12 16:37:56 2010 for SimTKcore by  doxygen 1.6.1