VTKEventReporter Class Reference

This is an EventReporter that makes it easy to generate on-screen movies of any simulation. More...

#include <VTKEventReporter.h>

Inheritance diagram for VTKEventReporter:
PeriodicEventReporter ScheduledEventReporter EventReporter

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 VTKEventReporter (MultibodySystem &system, Real reportInterval)
 ~VTKEventReporter ()
const VTKVisualizergetVisualizer () const
 Get the VTKVisualizer which generates the images.
VTKVisualizerupdVisualizer ()
void handleEvent (const State &state) const
 This method is invoked to handle the event.

Protected Member Functions

const VTKEventReporterRep & getRep () const
VTKEventReporterRep & updRep () const

Protected Attributes

VTKEventReporterRep * rep

Detailed Description

This is an EventReporter that makes it easy to generate on-screen movies of any simulation.

Simply create a VTKEventReporter, then invoke addEventReporter() on the MultibodySystem's default subsystem.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

VTKEventReporter ( MultibodySystem system,
Real  reportInterval 
~VTKEventReporter (  ) 

Member Function Documentation

const VTKEventReporterRep& getRep (  )  const [inline, protected]
const VTKVisualizer& getVisualizer (  )  const

Get the VTKVisualizer which generates the images.

It may be used to configure the display.

void handleEvent ( const State state  )  const [virtual]

This method is invoked to handle the event.

It is given a State which describes the system at the time when the event occurs.

Implements EventReporter.

VTKEventReporterRep& updRep (  )  const [inline, protected]
VTKVisualizer& updVisualizer (  ) 

Member Data Documentation

VTKEventReporterRep* rep [protected]

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Generated on Thu Aug 12 16:38:02 2010 for SimTKcore by  doxygen 1.6.1