[Bit-twiddling Functions]

signBit(i) provides a fast way to determine the value of the sign bit (as a bool) for integral and floating types. More...


bool signBit (unsigned char i)
bool signBit (unsigned short i)
bool signBit (unsigned int i)
bool signBit (unsigned long i)
bool signBit (unsigned long long i)
bool signBit (signed char i)
bool signBit (short i)
bool signBit (int i)
bool signBit (long long i)
bool signBit (long i)
bool signBit (const float &f)
bool signBit (const double &d)
bool signBit (const negator< float > &nf)
bool signBit (const negator< double > &nd)

Detailed Description

signBit(i) provides a fast way to determine the value of the sign bit (as a bool) for integral and floating types.

Note that this is significantly different than sign(x); be sure you know what you're doing if you use this method. signBit() refers to the underlying representation rather than the numerical value. For example, for floating types there are two zeroes, +0 and -0 which have opposite sign bits but the same sign (0). Also, unsigned types have sign() of 0 or 1, but they are considered here to have a sign bit of 0 always, since the stored high bit does not indicate a negative value.


See also:

Function Documentation

bool SimTK::signBit ( const negator< double > &  nd  )  [inline]
bool SimTK::signBit ( const negator< float > &  nf  )  [inline]
bool SimTK::signBit ( const double &  d  )  [inline]
bool SimTK::signBit ( const float &  f  )  [inline]
bool SimTK::signBit ( long  i  )  [inline]
bool SimTK::signBit ( long long  i  )  [inline]
bool SimTK::signBit ( int  i  )  [inline]
bool SimTK::signBit ( short  i  )  [inline]
bool SimTK::signBit ( signed char  i  )  [inline]
bool SimTK::signBit ( unsigned long long  i  )  [inline]
bool SimTK::signBit ( unsigned long  i  )  [inline]
bool SimTK::signBit ( unsigned int  i  )  [inline]
bool SimTK::signBit ( unsigned short  i  )  [inline]
bool SimTK::signBit ( unsigned char  i  )  [inline]

Generated on Thu Aug 12 16:37:48 2010 for SimTKcore by  doxygen 1.6.1