Ipopt Namespace Reference


class  AdaptiveMuUpdate
 Non-monotone mu update. More...
class  AlgorithmBuilder
 Builder to create a complete IpoptAlg object. More...
class  AlgorithmStrategyObject
 This is the base class for all algorithm strategy objects. More...
class  AugRestoSystemSolver
 Class that converts the an augmented system with compound restoration pieces into a smaller "pivoted" system to be solved with an existing AugSystemSolver. More...
class  AugSystemSolver
 Base class for Solver for the augmented system. More...
class  BacktrackingLineSearch
 General implementation of a backtracking line search. More...
class  BacktrackingLSAcceptor
 Base class for backtracking line search acceptors. More...
class  CachedResults
 Cache Priority Enum. More...
class  DependentResult
 Templated class which stores one entry for the CachedResult class. More...
class  CompoundMatrix
 Class for Matrices consisting of other matrices. More...
class  CompoundMatrixSpace
 This is the matrix space for CompoundMatrix. More...
class  CompoundSymMatrix
 Class for symmetric matrices consisting of other matrices. More...
class  CompoundSymMatrixSpace
 This is the matrix space for CompoundSymMatrix. More...
class  CompoundVector
 Class of Vectors consisting of other vectors. More...
class  CompoundVectorSpace
 This vectors space is the vector space for CompoundVector. More...
class  ConvergenceCheck
 Base class for checking the algorithm termination criteria. More...
class  DefaultIterateInitializer
 Class implementing the default initialization procedure (based on user options) for the iterates. More...
class  DenseGenMatrix
 Class for dense general matrices. More...
class  DenseGenMatrixSpace
 This is the matrix space for DenseGenMatrix. More...
class  DenseSymMatrix
 Class for dense symetrix matrices. More...
class  DenseSymMatrixSpace
 This is the matrix space for DenseSymMatrix. More...
class  DenseVector
 Dense Vector Implementation. More...
class  DenseVectorSpace
 This vectors space is the vector space for DenseVector. More...
class  DiagMatrix
 Class for diagonal matrices. More...
class  DiagMatrixSpace
 This is the matrix space for DiagMatrix. More...
class  EqMultiplierCalculator
 Base Class for objects that compute estimates for the equality constraint multipliers y_c and y_d. More...
class  ExactHessianUpdater
 Implementation of the HessianUpdater for the use of exact second derivatives. More...
class  IpoptException
 This is the base class for all exceptions. More...
class  ExpansionMatrix
 Class for expansion/projection matrices. More...
class  ExpansionMatrixSpace
 This is the matrix space for ExpansionMatrix. More...
class  FilterEntry
 Class for one filter entry. More...
class  Filter
 Class for the filter. More...
class  FilterLSAcceptor
 Filter line search. More...
class  GenTMatrix
 Class for general matrices stored in triplet format. More...
class  GenTMatrixSpace
 This is the matrix space for a GenTMatrix with fixed sparsity structure. More...
class  GradientScaling
 This class does problem scaling by setting the scaling parameters based on the maximum of the gradient at the user provided initial point. More...
class  HessianUpdater
 Abstract base class for objects responsible for updating the Hessian information. More...
class  IdentityMatrix
 Class for Matrices which are multiples of the identity matrix. More...
class  IdentityMatrixSpace
 This is the matrix space for IdentityMatrix. More...
class  IpoptAlgorithm
 The main ipopt algorithm class. More...
class  IpoptApplication
 This is the main application class for making calls to Ipopt. More...
class  IpoptCalculatedQuantities
 Class for all IPOPT specific calculated quantities. More...
class  IpoptData
 Class to organize all the data required by the algorithm. More...
class  IpoptNLP
 This is the abstract base class for classes that map the traditional NLP into something that is more useful by Ipopt. More...
class  IterateInitializer
 Base class for all methods for initializing the iterates. More...
class  IteratesVector
 Specialized CompoundVector class specifically for the algorithm iterates. More...
class  IteratesVectorSpace
 Vector Space for the IteratesVector class. More...
class  IterationOutput
 Base class for objects that do the output summary per iteration. More...
class  Journalist
 Class responsible for all message output. More...
class  Journal
 Journal class (part of the Journalist implementation. More...
class  FileJournal
 FileJournal class. More...
class  LapackSolverInterface
 Interface to the linear solver Lapack, derived from SparseSymLinearSolverInterface. More...
class  LeastSquareMultipliers
 Class for calculator for the least-square equality constraint multipliers. More...
class  LimMemQuasiNewtonUpdater
 Implementation of the HessianUpdater for limit-memory quasi-Newton approximation of the Lagrangian Hessian. More...
class  LineSearch
 Base class for line search objects. More...
class  LoqoMuOracle
 Implementation of the LOQO formula for computing the barrier parameter. More...
class  LowRankAugSystemSolver
 Solver for the augmented system with LowRankUpdateSymMatrix Hessian matrices. More...
class  LowRankUpdateSymMatrix
 Class for symmetric matrices, represented as low-rank updates. More...
class  LowRankUpdateSymMatrixSpace
 This is the matrix space for LowRankUpdateSymMatrix. More...
class  Matrix
 Matrix Base Class. More...
class  MatrixSpace
 MatrixSpace base class, corresponding to the Matrix base class. More...
class  MonotoneMuUpdate
 Monotone Mu Update. More...
class  MultiVectorMatrix
 Class for Matrices with few columns that consists of Vectors. More...
class  MultiVectorMatrixSpace
 This is the matrix space for MultiVectorMatrix. More...
class  MuOracle
 Abstract Base Class for classes that are able to compute a suggested value of the barrier parameter that can be used as an oracle in the NonmontoneMuUpdate class. More...
class  MuUpdate
 Abstract Base Class for classes that implement methods for computing the barrier and fraction-to-the-boundary rule parameter for the current iteration. More...
class  NLP
 Brief Class Description. More...
class  NLPScalingObject
 This is the abstract base class for problem scaling. More...
class  StandardScalingBase
 This is a base class for many standard scaling techniques. More...
class  NoNLPScalingObject
 Class implementing the scaling object that doesn't to any scaling. More...
class  Observer
 Slight Variation of the Observer Design Pattern. More...
class  Subject
 Slight Variation of the Observer Design Pattern (Subject part). More...
class  OptimalityErrorConvergenceCheck
 Brief Class Description. More...
class  OptionsList
 This class stores a list of user set options. More...
class  OrigIpoptNLP
 This class maps the traditional NLP into something that is more useful by Ipopt. More...
class  OrigIterationOutput
 Class for the iteration summary output for the original NLP. More...
class  PDFullSpaceSolver
 This is the implemetation of the Primal-Dual System, using the full space approach with a direct linear solver. More...
class  PDPerturbationHandler
 Class for handling the perturbation factors delta_x, delta_s, delta_c, and delta_d in the primal dual system. More...
class  PDSystemSolver
 Pure Primal Dual System Solver Base Class. More...
class  ProbingMuOracle
 Implementation of the probing strategy for computing the barrier parameter. More...
class  QualityFunctionMuOracle
 Implementation of the probing strategy for computing the barrier parameter. More...
class  Referencer
 Psydo-class, from which everything has to inherit that wants to use be registered as a Referencer for a ReferencedObject. More...
class  ReferencedObject
 ReferencedObject class. More...
class  RegisteredOption
 Base class for registered options. More...
class  RegisteredOptions
 Class for storing registered options. More...
class  RestoFilterConvergenceCheck
 Convergence check for the restoration phase as called by the filter. More...
class  RestoIpoptNLP
 This class maps the traditional NLP into something that is more useful by Ipopt. More...
class  RestoIterateInitializer
 Class implementing the default initialization procedure (based on user options) for the iterates. More...
class  RestoIterationOutput
 Class for the iteration summary output for the restoration phase. More...
class  MinC_1NrmRestorationPhase
 Restoration Phase that minimizes the 1-norm of the constraint violation - using the interior point method (Ipopt). More...
class  RestorationPhase
 Base class for different restoration phases. More...
class  RestoRestorationPhase
 Recursive Restoration Phase for the.MinC_1NrmRestorationPhase. More...
class  ScaledMatrix
 Class for a Matrix in conjunction with its scaling factors for row and column scaling. More...
class  ScaledMatrixSpace
 This is the matrix space for ScaledMatrix. More...
class  SmartPtr
 Template class for Smart Pointers. More...
class  SolveStatistics
 This class collects statistics about an optimziation run, such as iteration count, final infeasibilities etc. More...
class  SparseSymLinearSolverInterface
 Base class for interfaces to symmetric indefinite linear solvers for sparse matrices. More...
class  StdAugSystemSolver
 Solver for the augmented system for triple type matrices. More...
class  StdInterfaceTNLP
 Implementation of a TNLP for the Standard C interface. More...
class  SumMatrix
 Class for Matrices which are sum of matrices. More...
class  SumMatrixSpace
 Class for matrix space for SumMatrix. More...
class  SumSymMatrix
 Class for Matrices which are sum of symmetric matrices. More...
class  SumSymMatrixSpace
 Class for matrix space for SumSymMatrix. More...
class  SymLinearSolver
 Base class for all derived symmetric linear solvers. More...
class  SymMatrix
 This is the base class for all derived symmetric matrix types. More...
class  SymMatrixSpace
 SymMatrixSpace base class, corresponding to the SymMatrix base class. More...
class  SymScaledMatrix
 Class for a Matrix in conjunction with its scaling factors for row and column scaling. More...
class  SymScaledMatrixSpace
 This is the matrix space for SymScaledMatrix. More...
class  SymTMatrix
 Class for symmetric matrices stored in triplet format. More...
class  SymTMatrixSpace
 This is the matrix space for a SymTMatrix with fixed sparsity structure. More...
class  TaggedObject
 TaggedObject class. More...
class  TimedTask
 This class is used to collect timing information for a particular task. More...
class  TimingStatistics
 This class collects all timing statistics for Ipopt. More...
class  TNLP
 Base class for all NLP's that use standard triplet matrix form and dense vectors. More...
class  TNLPAdapter
 This class Adapts the TNLP interface so it looks like an NLP interface. More...
class  TripletHelper
class  TripletToCSRConverter
 Class for converting symmetric matrices given in triplet format to matrices in compressed sparse row (CSR) format of the upper triangual part (or, equivalently, compressed sparse column (CSC) format for the lower triangular part). More...
class  TripletToDenseConverter
 Class for converting symmetric matrices given in triplet format to matrices in dense format. More...
class  TSymLinearSolver
 General driver for linear solvers for sparse indefinite symmetric matrices. More...
class  TSymScalingMethod
 Base class for the method for computing scaling factors for symmetric matrices in triplet format. More...
class  UserScaling
 This class does problem scaling by getting scaling parameters from the user (through the NLP interface). More...
class  Vector
 Vector Base Class. More...
class  VectorSpace
 VectorSpace base class, corresponding to the Vector base class. More...
class  WarmStartIterateInitializer
 Class implementing an initialization procedure for warm starts. More...
class  ZeroMatrix
 Class for Matrices with only zero entries. More...
class  ZeroMatrixSpace
 Class for matrix space for ZeroMatrix. More...


typedef SimTK::Real Number
 Type of all numbers.
typedef int Index
 Type of all indices of vectors, matrices etc.
typedef int Int
 Type of default integer.


enum  ENormType { NORM_1 = 0, NORM_2, NORM_MAX }
 Norm types. More...
enum  HessianApproximationType { EXACT = 0, LIMITED_MEMORY }
 enumeration for the Hessian information type. More...
enum  RegisteredOptionType { OT_Number, OT_Integer, OT_String, OT_Unknown }
enum  ApplicationReturnStatus {
  Solve_Succeeded = 0, Solved_To_Acceptable_Level = 1, Infeasible_Problem_Detected = 2, Search_Direction_Becomes_Too_Small = 3,
  Diverging_Iterates = 4, User_Requested_Stop = 5, Maximum_Iterations_Exceeded = -1, Restoration_Failed = -2,
  Error_In_Step_Computation = -3, Not_Enough_Degrees_Of_Freedom = -10, Invalid_Problem_Definition = -11, Invalid_Option = -12,
  Invalid_Number_Detected = -13, Unrecoverable_Exception = -100, NonIpopt_Exception_Thrown = -101, Insufficient_Memory = -102,
  Internal_Error = -199
 Return codes for the Optimize call for an application. More...
enum  AlgorithmMode { RegularMode = 0, RestorationPhaseMode = 1 }
 enum to indicate the mode in which the algorithm is More...
enum  ESymSolverStatus {
 Enum to report outcome of a linear solve. More...
enum  SolverReturn {
 enum for the return from the optimize algorithm (obviously we need to add more) More...
Journalist Enumerations.
enum  EJournalLevel {
 Print Level Enum. More...
enum  EJournalCategory {
 Category Selection Enum. More...


void RegisterOptions_Algorithm (const SmartPtr< RegisteredOptions > &roptions)
Number IpBlasDdot (Index size, const Number *x, Index incX, const Number *y, Index incY)
 Wrapper for BLAS function DDOT.
Number IpBlasDnrm2 (Index size, const Number *x, Index incX)
 Wrapper for BLAS function DNRM2.
Number IpBlasDasum (Index size, const Number *x, Index incX)
 Wrapper for BLAS function DASUM.
Index IpBlasIdamax (Index size, const Number *x, Index incX)
 Wrapper for BLAS function DASUM.
void IpBlasDcopy (Index size, const Number *x, Index incX, Number *y, Index incY)
 Wrapper for BLAS subroutine DCOPY.
void IpBlasDaxpy (Index size, Number alpha, const Number *x, Index incX, Number *y, Index incY)
 Wrapper for BLAS subroutine DAXPY.
void IpBlasDscal (Index size, Number alpha, Number *x, Index incX)
 Wrapper for BLAS subroutine DSCAL.
void IpBlasDgemv (bool trans, Index nRows, Index nCols, Number alpha, const Number *A, Index ldA, const Number *x, Index incX, Number beta, Number *y, Index incY)
 Wrapper for BLAS subroutine DGEMV.
void IpBlasDsymv (Index n, Number alpha, const Number *A, Index ldA, const Number *x, Index incX, Number beta, Number *y, Index incY)
 Wrapper for BLAS subroutine DSYMV.
void IpBlasDgemm (bool transa, bool transb, Index m, Index n, Index k, Number alpha, const Number *A, Index ldA, const Number *B, Index ldB, Number beta, Number *C, Index ldC)
 Wrapper for BLAS subroutine DGEMM.
void IpBlasDsyrk (bool trans, Index ndim, Index nrank, Number alpha, const Number *A, Index ldA, Number beta, Number *C, Index ldC)
 Wrapper for BLAS subroutine DSYRK.
void IpBlasDtrsm (bool trans, Index ndim, Index nrhs, Number alpha, const Number *A, Index ldA, Number *B, Index ldB)
 Wrapper for BLAS subroutine DTRSM.
void RegisterOptions_Interfaces (const SmartPtr< RegisteredOptions > &roptions)
void IpLapackDpotrs (Index ndim, Index nrhs, const Number *a, Index lda, Number *b, Index ldb)
 Wrapper for LAPACK subroutine DPOTRS.
void IpLapackDpotrf (Index ndim, Number *a, Index lda, Index &info)
 Wrapper for LAPACK subroutine DPOTRF.
void IpLapackDsyev (bool compute_eigenvectors, Index ndim, Number *a, Index lda, Number *w, Index &info)
 Wrapper for LAPACK subroutine DSYEV.
void RegisterOptions_LinearSolvers (const SmartPtr< RegisteredOptions > &roptions)
 Exception that can be used to indicate errors with options.
template<class U1, class U2>
bool ComparePointers (const U1 *lhs, const U2 *rhs)
 Declare excpetion that is thrown when invalid NLP data is provided.
bool IsFiniteNumber (Number val)
 Function returning true iff the argument is a valid double number (not NaN or Inf).
ipfint Max (ipfint a, ipfint b)
ipfint Min (ipfint a, ipfint b)
Number Max (Number a, Number b)
Number Max (Number a, Number b, Number c)
Number Max (Number a, Number b, Number c, Number d)
Number Min (Number a, Number b)
Number Min (Number a, Number b, Number c)
Number Min (Number a, Number b, Number c, Number d)
Some exceptions used in multiple places
 Exception FAILED_INITIALIZATION for problem during initialization of a strategy object (or other problems).
 Exception FAILED_INITIALIZATION for problem during initialization of a strategy object (or other problems).
 Exception FAILED_INITIALIZATION for problem during initialization of a strategy object (or other problems).
 Exception FAILED_INITIALIZATION for problem during initialization of a strategy object (or other problems).
 Exception FAILED_INITIALIZATION for problem during initialization of a strategy object (or other problems).
 Exception FAILED_INITIALIZATION for problem during initialization of a strategy object (or other problems).
 Exception FAILED_INITIALIZATION for problem during initialization of a strategy object (or other problems).
 Exception FAILED_INITIALIZATION for problem during initialization of a strategy object (or other problems).
 Exception RESTORATION_FAILED for all trouble with the restoration phase.
 Exception RESTORATION_FAILED for all trouble with the restoration phase.
 Exception RESTORATION_FAILED for all trouble with the restoration phase.
 Exception RESTORATION_FAILED for all trouble with the restoration phase.
SmartPtr friend function declarations.
template<class U>
U * GetRawPtr (const SmartPtr< U > &smart_ptr)
template<class U>
SmartPtr< const U > ConstPtr (const SmartPtr< U > &smart_ptr)
template<class U>
bool IsNull (const SmartPtr< U > &smart_ptr)
template<class U>
bool IsValid (const SmartPtr< U > &smart_ptr)
template<class U1, class U2>
bool operator== (const SmartPtr< U1 > &lhs, const SmartPtr< U2 > &rhs)
template<class U1, class U2>
bool operator== (const SmartPtr< U1 > &lhs, U2 *raw_rhs)
template<class U1, class U2>
bool operator== (U1 *lhs, const SmartPtr< U2 > &raw_rhs)
template<class U1, class U2>
bool operator!= (const SmartPtr< U1 > &lhs, const SmartPtr< U2 > &rhs)
template<class U1, class U2>
bool operator!= (const SmartPtr< U1 > &lhs, U2 *raw_rhs)
template<class U1, class U2>
bool operator!= (U1 *lhs, const SmartPtr< U2 > &raw_rhs)


int * ipiv = 0
double * afact

Typedef Documentation

typedef int Index

Type of all indices of vectors, matrices etc.

typedef int Int

Type of default integer.

typedef SimTK::Real Number

Type of all numbers.

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum to indicate the mode in which the algorithm is


Return codes for the Optimize call for an application.


Category Selection Enum.

J_USER_APPLICATION  This can be used by the user's application.

Print Level Enum.


enum ENormType

Norm types.


Enum to report outcome of a linear solve.

SYMSOLVER_SUCCESS  Successful solve.
SYMSOLVER_SINGULAR  Matrix seems to be singular; solve was aborted.
SYMSOLVER_WRONG_INERTIA  The number of negative eigenvalues is not correct.
SYMSOLVER_CALL_AGAIN  Call the solver interface again after the matrix values have been restored.
SYMSOLVER_FATAL_ERROR  Unrecoverable error in linear solver occured.

The optimization will be aborted.

enumeration for the Hessian information type.



enum for the return from the optimize algorithm (obviously we need to add more)


Function Documentation

bool Ipopt::ComparePointers ( const U1 *  lhs,
const U2 *  rhs 
) [inline]

References dbg_smartptr_verbosity, and DBG_START_FUN.

Referenced by operator==().

SmartPtr< const U > ConstPtr ( const SmartPtr< U > &  smart_ptr  )  [inline]

Use to get the value of the raw ptr (i.e. to pass to other methods/functions, etc.) Note: This method does NOT copy, therefore, modifications using this value modify the underlying object contained by the SmartPtr, NEVER delete this returned value.

References SmartPtr::GetRawPtr.

Referenced by NLPScalingObject::apply_grad_obj_scaling(), StandardScalingBase::apply_vector_scaling_c(), StandardScalingBase::apply_vector_scaling_d(), NLPScalingObject::apply_vector_scaling_d_LU(), NLPScalingObject::apply_vector_scaling_d_LU_NonConst(), StandardScalingBase::apply_vector_scaling_x(), NLPScalingObject::apply_vector_scaling_x_LU(), NLPScalingObject::apply_vector_scaling_x_LU_NonConst(), AlgorithmBuilder::BuildIpoptObjects(), OrigIpoptNLP::c(), ScaledMatrix::ColumnScaling(), ScaledMatrixSpace::ColumnScaling(), IpoptCalculatedQuantities::curr_d_minus_s(), IpoptCalculatedQuantities::curr_grad_barrier_obj_s(), IpoptCalculatedQuantities::curr_grad_barrier_obj_x(), IpoptCalculatedQuantities::curr_grad_lag_s(), IpoptCalculatedQuantities::curr_grad_lag_with_damping_s(), IpoptCalculatedQuantities::curr_grad_lag_with_damping_x(), IpoptCalculatedQuantities::curr_grad_lag_x(), IpoptCalculatedQuantities::curr_jac_c_times_vec(), IpoptCalculatedQuantities::curr_jac_cT_times_vec(), IpoptCalculatedQuantities::curr_jac_d_times_vec(), IpoptCalculatedQuantities::curr_jac_dT_times_vec(), IpoptCalculatedQuantities::curr_relaxed_compl_s_L(), IpoptCalculatedQuantities::curr_relaxed_compl_s_U(), IpoptCalculatedQuantities::curr_relaxed_compl_x_L(), IpoptCalculatedQuantities::curr_relaxed_compl_x_U(), IpoptCalculatedQuantities::curr_sigma_s(), IpoptCalculatedQuantities::curr_sigma_x(), IpoptCalculatedQuantities::curr_slack_s_L(), IpoptCalculatedQuantities::curr_slack_s_U(), IpoptCalculatedQuantities::curr_slack_x_L(), IpoptCalculatedQuantities::curr_slack_x_U(), OrigIpoptNLP::d(), StandardScalingBase::DetermineScaling(), RestoIpoptNLP::DR_x(), OrigIpoptNLP::FinalizeSolution(), RegisteredOptions::GetOption(), RestoIpoptNLP::grad_f(), OrigIpoptNLP::grad_f(), IpoptCalculatedQuantities::grad_kappa_times_damping_s(), IpoptCalculatedQuantities::grad_kappa_times_damping_x(), OrigIpoptNLP::h(), OrigIpoptNLP::InitializeStructures(), OrigIpoptNLP::jac_c(), OrigIpoptNLP::jac_d(), IteratesVectorSpace::MakeNewIteratesVector(), IpoptApplication::OptimizeTNLP(), IpoptApplication::Options(), DefaultIterateInitializer::push_variables(), SymScaledMatrix::RowColScaling(), SymScaledMatrixSpace::RowColScaling(), ScaledMatrix::RowScaling(), ScaledMatrixSpace::RowScaling(), IpoptData::set_delta(), IpoptData::set_delta_aff(), IpoptData::set_trial(), IpoptCalculatedQuantities::trial_d_minus_s(), IpoptCalculatedQuantities::trial_grad_lag_s(), IpoptCalculatedQuantities::trial_grad_lag_x(), IpoptCalculatedQuantities::trial_jac_cT_times_vec(), IpoptCalculatedQuantities::trial_jac_dT_times_vec(), IpoptCalculatedQuantities::trial_slack_s_L(), IpoptCalculatedQuantities::trial_slack_s_U(), IpoptCalculatedQuantities::trial_slack_x_L(), IpoptCalculatedQuantities::trial_slack_x_U(), NLPScalingObject::unapply_grad_obj_scaling(), StandardScalingBase::unapply_vector_scaling_c(), StandardScalingBase::unapply_vector_scaling_d(), NLPScalingObject::unapply_vector_scaling_d_LU(), NLPScalingObject::unapply_vector_scaling_d_LU_NonConst(), StandardScalingBase::unapply_vector_scaling_x(), IpoptCalculatedQuantities::unscaled_curr_dual_infeasibility(), and LimMemQuasiNewtonUpdater::UpdateHessian().



Declare excpetion that is thrown when invalid NLP data is provided.



Exception RESTORATION_FAILED for all trouble with the restoration phase.


Exception RESTORATION_FAILED for all trouble with the restoration phase.


Exception RESTORATION_FAILED for all trouble with the restoration phase.


Exception RESTORATION_FAILED for all trouble with the restoration phase.


Exception that can be used to indicate errors with options.





Exception FAILED_INITIALIZATION for problem during initialization of a strategy object (or other problems).

This is thrown by a strategy object, if a problem arises during initialization, such as a value out of a feasible range.


Exception FAILED_INITIALIZATION for problem during initialization of a strategy object (or other problems).

This is thrown by a strategy object, if a problem arises during initialization, such as a value out of a feasible range.


Exception FAILED_INITIALIZATION for problem during initialization of a strategy object (or other problems).

This is thrown by a strategy object, if a problem arises during initialization, such as a value out of a feasible range.


Exception FAILED_INITIALIZATION for problem during initialization of a strategy object (or other problems).

This is thrown by a strategy object, if a problem arises during initialization, such as a value out of a feasible range.


Exception FAILED_INITIALIZATION for problem during initialization of a strategy object (or other problems).

This is thrown by a strategy object, if a problem arises during initialization, such as a value out of a feasible range.


Exception FAILED_INITIALIZATION for problem during initialization of a strategy object (or other problems).

This is thrown by a strategy object, if a problem arises during initialization, such as a value out of a feasible range.


Exception FAILED_INITIALIZATION for problem during initialization of a strategy object (or other problems).

This is thrown by a strategy object, if a problem arises during initialization, such as a value out of a feasible range.


Exception FAILED_INITIALIZATION for problem during initialization of a strategy object (or other problems).

This is thrown by a strategy object, if a problem arises during initialization, such as a value out of a feasible range.

U * GetRawPtr ( const SmartPtr< U > &  smart_ptr  )  [inline]

Use to get the value of the raw ptr (i.e. to pass to other methods/functions, etc.) Note: This method does NOT copy, therefore, modifications using this value modify the underlying object contained by the SmartPtr, NEVER delete this returned value.

References DBG_START_FUN, and SmartPtr::ptr_.

Referenced by Journalist::AddFileJournal(), StandardScalingBase::apply_hessian_scaling(), StandardScalingBase::apply_jac_c_scaling(), StandardScalingBase::apply_jac_d_scaling(), AlgorithmBuilder::BuildBasicAlgorithm(), AlgorithmBuilder::BuildIpoptObjects(), RestoIpoptNLP::c(), OrigIpoptNLP::c(), LeastSquareMultipliers::CalculateMultipliers(), RestoFilterConvergenceCheck::CheckConvergence(), IpoptCalculatedQuantities::curr_avrg_compl(), IpoptCalculatedQuantities::curr_barrier_error(), IpoptCalculatedQuantities::curr_barrier_obj(), IpoptCalculatedQuantities::curr_centrality_measure(), IpoptCalculatedQuantities::curr_complementarity(), IpoptCalculatedQuantities::curr_dual_infeasibility(), IpoptCalculatedQuantities::curr_exact_hessian(), IpoptCalculatedQuantities::curr_f(), IpoptCalculatedQuantities::curr_grad_barrier_obj_s(), IpoptCalculatedQuantities::curr_grad_barrier_obj_x(), IpoptCalculatedQuantities::curr_grad_f(), IpoptCalculatedQuantities::curr_grad_lag_s(), IpoptCalculatedQuantities::curr_grad_lag_with_damping_s(), IpoptCalculatedQuantities::curr_grad_lag_with_damping_x(), IpoptCalculatedQuantities::curr_grad_lag_x(), IpoptCalculatedQuantities::curr_gradBarrTDelta(), IpoptCalculatedQuantities::curr_nlp_constraint_violation(), IpoptCalculatedQuantities::curr_nlp_error(), IpoptCalculatedQuantities::curr_primal_dual_system_error(), IpoptCalculatedQuantities::curr_primal_infeasibility(), IpoptCalculatedQuantities::curr_relaxed_compl_s_L(), IpoptCalculatedQuantities::curr_relaxed_compl_s_U(), IpoptCalculatedQuantities::curr_relaxed_compl_x_L(), IpoptCalculatedQuantities::curr_relaxed_compl_x_U(), RestoIpoptNLP::d(), OrigIpoptNLP::d(), RestoIpoptNLP::d_L(), RestoIpoptNLP::d_U(), StandardScalingBase::DetermineScaling(), GradientScaling::DetermineScalingParametersImpl(), IpoptCalculatedQuantities::dual_frac_to_the_bound(), TripletHelper::GetNumberEntries(), TNLPAdapter::GetScalingParameters(), TNLPAdapter::GetSpaces(), RestoIpoptNLP::GetSpaces(), TNLPAdapter::GetStartingPoint(), RestoIpoptNLP::grad_f(), IpoptCalculatedQuantities::grad_kappa_times_damping_s(), IpoptCalculatedQuantities::grad_kappa_times_damping_x(), RestoIpoptNLP::h(), RestoIpoptNLP::HessianMatrixSpace(), RestoIpoptNLP::InitializeStructures(), OrigIpoptNLP::InitializeStructures(), OrigIpoptNLP::IntermediateCallBack(), IpoptApplication::IpoptApplication(), RestoIpoptNLP::jac_c(), OrigIpoptNLP::jac_c(), RestoIpoptNLP::jac_d(), OrigIpoptNLP::jac_d(), StdAugSystemSolver::MultiSolve(), IpoptApplication::OptimizeNLP(), IpoptApplication::OptimizeTNLP(), RestoIpoptNLP::Pd_L(), RestoIpoptNLP::Pd_U(), RestoRestorationPhase::PerformRestoration(), MinC_1NrmRestorationPhase::PerformRestoration(), IpoptCalculatedQuantities::primal_frac_to_the_bound(), RestoIpoptNLP::Px_L(), RestoIpoptNLP::Px_U(), IpoptApplication::ReOptimizeNLP(), IpoptApplication::ReOptimizeTNLP(), IpoptData::set_trial(), RestoIterateInitializer::SetInitialIterates(), SymScaledMatrix::SetUnscaledMatrixNonConst(), ScaledMatrix::SetUnscaledMatrixNonConst(), LowRankAugSystemSolver::Solve(), AugRestoSystemSolver::Solve(), IpoptCalculatedQuantities::trial_avrg_compl(), IpoptCalculatedQuantities::trial_barrier_obj(), IpoptCalculatedQuantities::trial_complementarity(), IpoptCalculatedQuantities::trial_dual_infeasibility(), IpoptCalculatedQuantities::trial_f(), IpoptCalculatedQuantities::trial_grad_f(), IpoptCalculatedQuantities::trial_grad_lag_s(), IpoptCalculatedQuantities::trial_grad_lag_x(), IpoptCalculatedQuantities::trial_primal_dual_system_error(), IpoptCalculatedQuantities::trial_primal_infeasibility(), RestoIpoptNLP::uninitialized_h(), IpoptCalculatedQuantities::unscaled_curr_dual_infeasibility(), IpoptCalculatedQuantities::unscaled_curr_nlp_constraint_violation(), IpoptCalculatedQuantities::unscaled_curr_nlp_error(), LimMemQuasiNewtonUpdater::UpdateHessian(), RestoIterationOutput::WriteOutput(), RestoIpoptNLP::x_L(), and RestoIpoptNLP::x_U().

Number IpBlasDasum ( Index  size,
const Number x,
Index  incX 

Wrapper for BLAS function DASUM.

Compute 1-norm of vector x

References F77_FUNC, and n.

Referenced by DenseVector::AsumImpl(), SymTMatrix::HasValidNumbersImpl(), GenTMatrix::HasValidNumbersImpl(), and DenseGenMatrix::HasValidNumbersImpl().

void IpBlasDaxpy ( Index  size,
Number  alpha,
const Number x,
Index  incX,
Number y,
Index  incY 

Wrapper for BLAS subroutine DAXPY.

Adding the alpha multiple of vector x to vector y

References daxpy(), and F77_FUNC.

Referenced by DenseVector::AddScalarImpl(), and DenseVector::AxpyImpl().

void IpBlasDcopy ( Index  size,
const Number x,
Index  incX,
Number y,
Index  incY 

Number IpBlasDdot ( Index  size,
const Number x,
Index  incX,
const Number y,
Index  incY 

Wrapper for BLAS function DDOT.

Compute dot product of vector x and vector y

References ddot(), F77_FUNC, and n.

Referenced by DenseVector::DotImpl().

void IpBlasDgemm ( bool  transa,
bool  transb,
Index  m,
Index  n,
Index  k,
Number  alpha,
const Number A,
Index  ldA,
const Number B,
Index  ldB,
Number  beta,
Number C,
Index  ldC 

Wrapper for BLAS subroutine DGEMM.

Multiplying two matrices

References F77_FUNC.

Referenced by DenseGenMatrix::AddMatrixProduct().

void IpBlasDgemv ( bool  trans,
Index  nRows,
Index  nCols,
Number  alpha,
const Number A,
Index  ldA,
const Number x,
Index  incX,
Number  beta,
Number y,
Index  incY 

Wrapper for BLAS subroutine DGEMV.

Multiplying a matrix with a vector.

References F77_FUNC.

Referenced by DenseGenMatrix::MultVectorImpl(), and DenseGenMatrix::TransMultVectorImpl().

Number IpBlasDnrm2 ( Index  size,
const Number x,
Index  incX 

Wrapper for BLAS function DNRM2.

Compute 2-norm of vector x

References F77_FUNC, and n.

Referenced by DenseVector::Nrm2Impl().

void IpBlasDscal ( Index  size,
Number  alpha,
Number x,
Index  incX 

Wrapper for BLAS subroutine DSCAL.

Scaling vector x by scalar alpha

References dscal(), and F77_FUNC.

Referenced by DenseGenMatrix::ScaleColumns(), and DenseVector::ScalImpl().

void IpBlasDsymv ( Index  n,
Number  alpha,
const Number A,
Index  ldA,
const Number x,
Index  incX,
Number  beta,
Number y,
Index  incY 

Wrapper for BLAS subroutine DSYMV.

Multiplying a symmetric matrix with a vector.

References F77_FUNC.

Referenced by DenseSymMatrix::MultVectorImpl().

void IpBlasDsyrk ( bool  trans,
Index  ndim,
Index  nrank,
Number  alpha,
const Number A,
Index  ldA,
Number  beta,
Number C,
Index  ldC 

Wrapper for BLAS subroutine DSYRK.

Adding a high-rank update to a matrix

References F77_FUNC.

Referenced by DenseSymMatrix::HighRankUpdate().

void IpBlasDtrsm ( bool  trans,
Index  ndim,
Index  nrhs,
Number  alpha,
const Number A,
Index  ldA,
Number B,
Index  ldB 

Wrapper for BLAS subroutine DTRSM.

Backsolve for a lower triangular matrix.

References DIAG, and F77_FUNC.

Referenced by DenseGenMatrix::CholeskyBackSolveMatrix().

Index IpBlasIdamax ( Index  size,
const Number x,
Index  incX 

Wrapper for BLAS function DASUM.

Compute index for largest absolute element of vector x

References F77_FUNC, idamax(), and n.

Referenced by DenseVector::AmaxImpl().

void IpLapackDpotrf ( Index  ndim,
Number a,
Index  lda,
Index info 

Wrapper for LAPACK subroutine DPOTRF.

Compute Cholesky factorization (lower triangular factor). info is the return value from the LAPACK routine.

References F77_FUNC, __fcvdenx_lap.f__::INFO, and THROW_EXCEPTION.

Referenced by DenseGenMatrix::ComputeCholeskyFactor().

void IpLapackDpotrs ( Index  ndim,
Index  nrhs,
const Number a,
Index  lda,
Number b,
Index  ldb 

Wrapper for LAPACK subroutine DPOTRS.

Solving a linear system given a Cholesky factorization. We assume that the Cholesky factor is lower traiangular.

References DBG_ASSERT, F77_FUNC, __fcvdenx_lap.f__::INFO, THROW_EXCEPTION, and uplo.

Referenced by DenseGenMatrix::CholeskySolveMatrix(), and DenseGenMatrix::CholeskySolveVector().

void IpLapackDsyev ( bool  compute_eigenvectors,
Index  ndim,
Number a,
Index  lda,
Number w,
Index info 

Wrapper for LAPACK subroutine DSYEV.

Compute the Eigenvalue decomposition for a given matrix. If compute_eigenvectors is true, a will contain the eigenvectors in its columns on return.

References DBG_ASSERT, F77_FUNC, fkinkryx::i, __fcvdenx_lap.f__::INFO, LWORK, THROW_EXCEPTION, and WORK.

Referenced by DenseGenMatrix::ComputeEigenVectors().

bool IsFiniteNumber ( Number  val  ) 

bool IsNull ( const SmartPtr< U > &  smart_ptr  )  [inline]

bool IsValid ( const SmartPtr< U > &  smart_ptr  )  [inline]

Use this to check if the SmartPtr is not null This is preferred to if(GetRawPtr(sp) != NULL)

References SmartPtr::IsNull.

Referenced by IpoptData::AcceptTrialPoint(), AdaptiveMuUpdate::AdaptiveMuUpdate(), Journalist::AddJournal(), CompoundMatrix::AddMSinvZImpl(), StandardScalingBase::apply_hessian_scaling(), StandardScalingBase::apply_jac_c_scaling(), StandardScalingBase::apply_jac_d_scaling(), StandardScalingBase::apply_vector_scaling_c(), StandardScalingBase::apply_vector_scaling_c_NonConst(), StandardScalingBase::apply_vector_scaling_d(), StandardScalingBase::apply_vector_scaling_d_NonConst(), StandardScalingBase::apply_vector_scaling_x(), StandardScalingBase::apply_vector_scaling_x_NonConst(), BacktrackingLineSearch::BacktrackingLineSearch(), RestoFilterConvergenceCheck::CheckConvergence(), OptimalityErrorConvergenceCheck::CheckConvergence(), TNLPAdapter::CheckDerivatives(), CompoundVector::CompoundVector(), IpoptData::CopyTrialToCurrent(), CompoundMatrix::CreateBlockFromSpace(), StandardScalingBase::DetermineScaling(), UserScaling::DetermineScalingParametersImpl(), GradientScaling::DetermineScalingParametersImpl(), TNLPAdapter::Eval_grad_f(), BacktrackingLineSearch::FindAcceptableTrialPoint(), TNLPAdapter::GetBoundsInformation(), OptionsList::GetEnumValue(), OptionsList::GetIntegerValue(), OptionsList::GetNumericValue(), TNLPAdapter::GetScalingParameters(), TNLPAdapter::GetSpaces(), OrigIpoptNLP::GetSpaces(), TNLPAdapter::GetStartingPoint(), OptionsList::GetStringValue(), IteratesVector::GetTagSum(), SymScaledMatrix::GetUnscaledMatrixNonConst(), ScaledMatrix::GetUnscaledMatrixNonConst(), SumSymMatrix::HasValidNumbersImpl(), SumMatrix::HasValidNumbersImpl(), ScaledMatrix::HasValidNumbersImpl(), LowRankUpdateSymMatrix::HasValidNumbersImpl(), DiagMatrix::HasValidNumbersImpl(), StandardScalingBase::have_c_scaling(), StandardScalingBase::have_d_scaling(), StandardScalingBase::have_x_scaling(), TSymLinearSolver::IncreaseQuality(), IpoptNLP::Initialize(), IpoptApplication::Initialize(), TSymLinearSolver::InitializeImpl(), StdAugSystemSolver::InitializeImpl(), MinC_1NrmRestorationPhase::InitializeImpl(), RestoIterationOutput::InitializeImpl(), RestoIterateInitializer::InitializeImpl(), FilterLSAcceptor::InitializeImpl(), DefaultIterateInitializer::InitializeImpl(), BacktrackingLineSearch::InitializeImpl(), AdaptiveMuUpdate::InitializeImpl(), OrigIpoptNLP::InitializeStructures(), IpoptAlgorithm::IpoptAlgorithm(), IpoptCalculatedQuantities::IpoptCalculatedQuantities(), CompoundVector::IsCompConst(), CompoundVector::IsCompNull(), DefaultIterateInitializer::least_square_mults(), LowRankAugSystemSolver::LowRankAugSystemSolver(), LowRankUpdateSymMatrixSpace::LowRankUpdateSymMatrixSpace(), IteratesVector::MakeNewContainer(), MinC_1NrmRestorationPhase::MinC_1NrmRestorationPhase(), MonotoneMuUpdate::MonotoneMuUpdate(), StdAugSystemSolver::MultiSolve(), SymScaledMatrix::MultVectorImpl(), SumSymMatrix::MultVectorImpl(), SumMatrix::MultVectorImpl(), ScaledMatrix::MultVectorImpl(), LowRankUpdateSymMatrix::MultVectorImpl(), DiagMatrix::MultVectorImpl(), CompoundSymMatrix::MultVectorImpl(), CompoundMatrix::MultVectorImpl(), IpoptNLP::NLP_scaling(), StdAugSystemSolver::NumberOfNegEVals(), RegisteredOptions::OutputLatexOptionDocumentation(), RestoRestorationPhase::PerformRestoration(), MinC_1NrmRestorationPhase::PerformRestoration(), Vector::Print(), Matrix::Print(), SymScaledMatrix::PrintImpl(), ScaledMatrix::PrintImpl(), LowRankUpdateSymMatrix::PrintImpl(), DiagMatrix::PrintImpl(), ProbingMuOracle::ProbingMuOracle(), QualityFunctionMuOracle::QualityFunctionMuOracle(), OptionsList::ReadFromStream(), IpoptApplication::ReOptimizeNLP(), IpoptApplication::ReOptimizeTNLP(), ScaledMatrixSpace::ScaledMatrixSpace(), IpoptData::set_delta(), IpoptData::set_delta_aff(), IpoptData::set_trial(), CompoundMatrixSpace::SetCompSpace(), RestoIterateInitializer::SetInitialIterates(), DefaultIterateInitializer::SetInitialIterates(), OptionsList::SetIntegerValue(), OptionsList::SetNumericValue(), OptionsList::SetStringValue(), CompoundMatrix::SinvBlrmZMTdBrImpl(), LowRankAugSystemSolver::Solve(), AugRestoSystemSolver::Solve(), StdAugSystemSolver::StdAugSystemSolver(), TNLPAdapter::TNLPAdapter(), SumMatrix::TransMultVectorImpl(), ScaledMatrix::TransMultVectorImpl(), CompoundMatrix::TransMultVectorImpl(), TSymLinearSolver::TSymLinearSolver(), StandardScalingBase::unapply_vector_scaling_c(), StandardScalingBase::unapply_vector_scaling_c_NonConst(), StandardScalingBase::unapply_vector_scaling_d(), StandardScalingBase::unapply_vector_scaling_d_NonConst(), StandardScalingBase::unapply_vector_scaling_x(), StandardScalingBase::unapply_vector_scaling_x_NonConst(), LimMemQuasiNewtonUpdater::UpdateHessian(), Vector::Vector(), IpoptData::W(), RestoIterationOutput::WriteOutput(), and OrigIterationOutput::WriteOutput().

Number Ipopt::Max ( Number  a,
Number  b,
Number  c,
Number  d 
) [inline]

References Max(), and SimTK::max().

Number Ipopt::Max ( Number  a,
Number  b,
Number  c 
) [inline]

References Max(), and SimTK::max().

Number Ipopt::Max ( Number  a,
Number  b 
) [inline]

ipfint Ipopt::Max ( ipfint  a,
ipfint  b 
) [inline]

Number Ipopt::Min ( Number  a,
Number  b,
Number  c,
Number  d 
) [inline]

References Min(), and SimTK::min().

Number Ipopt::Min ( Number  a,
Number  b,
Number  c 
) [inline]

References Min(), and SimTK::min().

Number Ipopt::Min ( Number  a,
Number  b 
) [inline]

ipfint Ipopt::Min ( ipfint  a,
ipfint  b 
) [inline]

bool operator!= ( U1 *  lhs,
const SmartPtr< U2 > &  raw_rhs 
) [inline]

bool operator!= ( const SmartPtr< U1 > &  lhs,
U2 *  raw_rhs 
) [inline]

bool operator!= ( const SmartPtr< U1 > &  lhs,
const SmartPtr< U2 > &  rhs 
) [inline]

Use to get the value of the raw ptr (i.e. to pass to other methods/functions, etc.) Note: This method does NOT copy, therefore, modifications using this value modify the underlying object contained by the SmartPtr, NEVER delete this returned value.

References dbg_smartptr_verbosity, DBG_START_FUN, and SmartPtr::operator==.

bool operator== ( U1 *  lhs,
const SmartPtr< U2 > &  raw_rhs 
) [inline]

bool operator== ( const SmartPtr< U1 > &  lhs,
U2 *  raw_rhs 
) [inline]

bool operator== ( const SmartPtr< U1 > &  lhs,
const SmartPtr< U2 > &  rhs 
) [inline]

Use to get the value of the raw ptr (i.e. to pass to other methods/functions, etc.) Note: This method does NOT copy, therefore, modifications using this value modify the underlying object contained by the SmartPtr, NEVER delete this returned value.

References ComparePointers(), dbg_smartptr_verbosity, DBG_START_FUN, and SmartPtr::GetRawPtr.

void RegisterOptions_Algorithm ( const SmartPtr< RegisteredOptions > &  roptions  ) 

void RegisterOptions_Interfaces ( const SmartPtr< RegisteredOptions > &  roptions  ) 

void RegisterOptions_LinearSolvers ( const SmartPtr< RegisteredOptions > &  roptions  ) 

Variable Documentation

double* afact

int* ipiv = 0

Referenced by Mat::invert().

Generated on Fri Sep 26 07:44:25 2008 for SimTKcore by  doxygen 1.5.6