List.h File Reference

#include "SimTKcommon/internal/common.h"
#include "SimTKcommon/internal/Array.h"
#include "SimTKcommon/internal/Concretize.h"
#include <complex>
#include <cassert>

Go to the source code of this file.


namespace  SimTK


class  ListBase
class  ListBase< T * >
class  ListView
 ListView is a 'dummy' class which is completely interchangeable with List. More...
class  List
 Container class with hidden implementation. More...




 SimTK_LIST_SPECIALIZE (signed char)
 SimTK_LIST_SPECIALIZE (unsigned char)
 SimTK_LIST_SPECIALIZE (std::complex< float >)
 SimTK_LIST_SPECIALIZE (std::complex< double >)
 SimTK_LIST_SPECIALIZE (std::complex< long double >)
template<class T>
int findFirstOf (const List< T > &l, const T &test)
 If the type T supports an "==" operator, you can instantiate this method to find the first element of an List<T> which matches the supplied test element.
template<class T>
int findFirstOf (const ListView< T > &lv, const T &test)
template<class T>
Array< int > findAllOf (const List< T > &l, const T &test)
 If the type T supports an "==" operator, you can instantiate this method to find the indices of all elements of an List<T> at which the elements match the supplied test element.
template<class T>
Array< int > findAllOf (const ListView< T > &lv, const T &test)
template<class T>
bool contains (const List< T > &l, const T &test)
 If the type T supports an "==" operator, you can instantiate this method to find out if an List<T> contains a particular test element.
template<class T>
bool contains (const ListView< T > &lv, const T &test)

Define Documentation

#define SimTK_LIST_SPECIALIZE (  ) 


template <> class ListBase< T > : public ArrayBase< T > {           \
    typedef ArrayBase< T > Base;                                    \
public:                                                             \
    ListBase() { }                                                  \
    ListBase(int n) : Base(n) { }                                \
    ListBase(int n, const T& initVal) : Base(n,initVal) { }      \
    ListBase(int n, const T* initVals): Base(n,initVals) { }     \
    ListBase(const ListBase& l, int offset, int length) : Base(l,offset,length) { }   \
    ListBase(ListBase&       l, int offset, int length) : Base(l,offset,length) { }   \
    /* default copy, assignment, destructor; inherit most operators & methods */            \
    ListBase& operator+=(const T& x) { Base::operator+=(x); return *this; } \
    bool isEmpty(int) const { return false; }                            \

Generated on Fri Sep 26 07:44:21 2008 for SimTKcore by  doxygen 1.5.6