Constraint::ConstantAngle Class Reference

#include <Constraint.h>

Inheritance diagram for Constraint::ConstantAngle:

Constraint PIMPLHandle

List of all members.

Detailed Description

One constraint equation.

This constraint enforces that a vector fixed to one body (the "base body") must maintain a fixed angle with respect to a vector fixed on the other body (the "follower body"). That is, we have a single constraint equation that prohibits rotation about the mutual perpendicular to the two vectors.

This constraint is enforced by an internal scalar torque applied equal and opposite on each body, about the mutual perpendicular to the two vectors.

The assembly condition is the same as the run-time constraint: the bodies must be rotated until the vectors have the right angle between them.

Public Member Functions

 ConstantAngle (MobilizedBody &baseBody_B, const UnitVec3 &defaultAxis_B, MobilizedBody &followerBody_F, const UnitVec3 &defaultAxis_F, Real angle=Pi/2)
ConstantAnglesetAxisDisplayLength (Real)
ConstantAnglesetAxisDisplayWidth (Real)
Real getAxisDisplayLength () const
Real getAxisDisplayWidth () const
ConstantAnglesetDefaultBaseAxis (const UnitVec3 &)
ConstantAnglesetDefaultFollowerAxis (const UnitVec3 &)
ConstantAnglesetDefaultAngle (Real)
MobilizedBodyIndex getBaseMobilizedBodyIndex () const
MobilizedBodyIndex getFollowerMobilizedBodyIndex () const
const UnitVec3getDefaultBaseAxis () const
const UnitVec3getDefaultFollowerAxis () const
Real getDefaultAngle () const
const UnitVec3getBaseAxis (const State &) const
const UnitVec3getFollowerAxis (const State &) const
Real getAngle (const State &) const
Real getPositionError (const State &) const
Real getVelocityError (const State &) const
Real getAccelerationError (const State &) const
Real getMultiplier (const State &) const
Real getTorqueOnFollowerBody (const State &) const
 SimTK_INSERT_DERIVED_HANDLE_DECLARATIONS (ConstantAngle, ConstantAngleImpl, Constraint)

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ConstantAngle ( MobilizedBody baseBody_B,
const UnitVec3 defaultAxis_B,
MobilizedBody followerBody_F,
const UnitVec3 defaultAxis_F,
Real  angle = Pi/2 

Member Function Documentation

ConstantAngle& setAxisDisplayLength ( Real   ) 

ConstantAngle& setAxisDisplayWidth ( Real   ) 

Real getAxisDisplayLength (  )  const

Real getAxisDisplayWidth (  )  const

ConstantAngle& setDefaultBaseAxis ( const UnitVec3  ) 

ConstantAngle& setDefaultFollowerAxis ( const UnitVec3  ) 

ConstantAngle& setDefaultAngle ( Real   ) 

MobilizedBodyIndex getBaseMobilizedBodyIndex (  )  const

MobilizedBodyIndex getFollowerMobilizedBodyIndex (  )  const

const UnitVec3& getDefaultBaseAxis (  )  const

const UnitVec3& getDefaultFollowerAxis (  )  const

Real getDefaultAngle (  )  const

const UnitVec3& getBaseAxis ( const State  )  const

const UnitVec3& getFollowerAxis ( const State  )  const

Real getAngle ( const State  )  const

Real getPositionError ( const State  )  const

Real getVelocityError ( const State  )  const

Real getAccelerationError ( const State  )  const

Real getMultiplier ( const State  )  const

Real getTorqueOnFollowerBody ( const State  )  const

ConstantAngleImpl  ,

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Generated on Fri Sep 26 07:44:31 2008 for SimTKcore by  doxygen 1.5.6