#include <Integrator.h>
This is an abstract class. Subclasses implement a variety of different integration methods, which vary in their speed, accuracy, stability, and various other properties.
An Integrator is most often used in combination with a TimeStepper. The TimeStepper automates much of the work of using an Integrator: invoking it repeatedly to advance time, calling event handlers, reintializing the Integrator as necessary, and so on. A typical use of an Integrator generally resembles the following:
// Instantiate an Integrator subclass which is appropriate for your problem. VerletIntegrator integ(system); // Set configuration options on the Integrator. integ.setAccuracy(1e-3); // Create a TimeStepper and use it to run the simulation. TimeStepper stepper(system, integ); stepper.initialize(initialState); stepper.stepTo(finalTime);
Given a continuous system of differential equations for state variables y, and optionally a manifold (set of algebraic equations) on which the solution must lie, an Integrator object will advance that system through time. If the full system is continuous, this is sufficient. However, most interesting systems consist of both continuous and discrete equations, in which case the overall time advancement is handled by a TimeStepper object which will use an Integrator as an "inner loop" for advancing the system across continuous intervals between discrete updates. In that case, in addition to continuous state variables y there will be a set of discrete variables d which are held constant during an integration interval.
The continuous part of the system is an ODE-on-a-manifold system suitable for solution via coordinate projection[1], structured like this: (1) y' = f[d](t,y) differential equations (2) 0 = c[d](t,y) algebraic equations (manifold is c=0) (3) e = e[d](t,y) event triggers (watch for zero crossings) with initial conditions t0,y0 such that c=0. The [d] is a reminder that the overall system is dependent on discrete variables d as well as y, but d cannot change during a continuous interval.
By "ODE on a manifold" we mean that the ODE (1) automatically satisfies the condition that IF c==0, THEN c'=0, where c'=partial(c)/partial(t) + [partial(c)/partial(y)]*y'. This is a less stringent condition than an ODE with "first integral" invariant, in which c'=0 regardless of whether c=0.
[1] Hairer, Lubich, Wanner, "Geometric Numerical Integration: Structure-Preserving Algorithms for Ordinary Differential Equations", 2nd ed., section IV.4, pg 109ff, Springer, 2006.
The discrete variables d are updated by the time stepper upon occurence of specific events, which terminate a continuous interval. The Integrator detects these using a set of scalar-valued event trigger functions shown as equation (3) above. An event trigger function for a particular event must be designed so that it has a zero crossing when the event occurs. The integrator can thus watch for sign changes in event triggers and terminate the current step when a zero crossing occurs, notifying the system and giving it a chance to handle the event; that is, update its state variables discontinuously.
The zero crossings of continuous event trigger functions will be isolated quickly; discontinuous ones have to be "binary chopped" which is more expensive but they will still work.
We are given a set of weights W for the y's, and a set of tolerances T for the constraint errors. Given an accuracy specification (like 0.1%), the integrators here are expected to solve for y(t) such that the local error |W*y|_RMS <= accuracy, and |T*c(t,y)|_RMS <= accuracy at all times.
TODO: isolation tolerances for witnesses; dealing with simultaneity.
Public Types | |
enum | SuccessfulStepStatus { ReachedReportTime = 1, ReachedEventTrigger = 2, ReachedScheduledEvent = 3, TimeHasAdvanced = 4, ReachedStepLimit = 5, EndOfSimulation = 6, StartOfContinuousInterval = 7, InvalidSuccessfulStepStatus = -1 } |
When a step is successful, it will return an indication of what caused it to stop where it did. More... | |
enum | TerminationReason { ReachedFinalTime = 1, AnUnrecoverableErrorOccurred = 2, EventHandlerRequestedTermination = 3, InvalidTerminationReason = -1 } |
Once the simulation has ended, getTerminationReason() may be called to find out what caused it to end. More... | |
Public Member Functions | |
Integrator () | |
const char * | getMethodName () |
Get the name of this integration method. | |
int | getMethodMinOrder () |
Get the minimum order this Integrator may use. | |
int | getMethodMaxOrder () |
Get the maximum order this Integrator may use. | |
bool | methodHasErrorControl () |
Get whether this Integrator provides error control. | |
void | initialize (const State &state) |
Supply the integrator with a starting state. | |
void | reinitialize (Stage stage, bool shouldTerminate) |
After an event handler has made a discontinuous change to the Integrator's "advanced state", this method must be called to reinitialize the Integrator. | |
const State & | getState () const |
Return a State corresponding to the "current" time at the end of the last call to stepTo() or stepBy(). | |
Real | getTime () const |
Get the time of the current State. This is equivalent to calling getState().getTime(). | |
bool | isStateInterpolated () const |
Get whether getState() will return an interpolated state or just the same thing as getAdvancedState() does. | |
const State & | getAdvancedState () const |
Return the state representing the trajectory point to which the integrator has irreversibly advanced. | |
Real | getAdvancedTime () const |
Get the time of the advanced State. This is equivalent to calling getAdvancedState().getTime(). | |
State & | updAdvancedState () |
Get a non-const reference to the advanced state. | |
Real | getAccuracyInUse () const |
Get the accuracy which is being used for error control. | |
Real | getConstraintToleranceInUse () const |
Get the constraint tolerance which is being used for error control. | |
Real | getTimeScaleInUse () const |
Get the characteristic timescale of the System being integrated. | |
const Vector & | getStateWeightsInUse () const |
Get the vector of weights being used to normalize errors in the state variables. | |
const Vector & | getConstraintWeightsInUse () const |
Get the vector of weights being used to normalize constraint errors. | |
SuccessfulStepStatus | stepTo (Real reportTime, Real scheduledEventTime=Infinity) |
Integrate the System until something happens which requires outside processing, and return a status code describing what happened. | |
SuccessfulStepStatus | stepBy (Real interval, Real scheduledEventTime=Infinity) |
Integrate the System until something happens which requires outside processing, and return a status code describing what happened. | |
Vec2 | getEventWindow () const |
Get the window (tLow, tHigh] within which one or more events have been localized. | |
const std::vector< EventId > & | getTriggeredEvents () const |
Get the IDs of all events which have been localized within the event window. | |
const std::vector< Real > & | getEstimatedEventTimes () const |
Get the estimated times of all events which have been localized within the event window. | |
const std::vector < EventStatus::EventTrigger > & | getEventTransitionsSeen () const |
Get EventTriggers describing the events which have been localized within the event window. | |
bool | isSimulationOver () const |
Get whether the simulation has terminated. | |
TerminationReason | getTerminationReason () const |
Get the reason the simulation terminated. | |
void | resetAllStatistics () |
Reset all statistics to zero. | |
Real | getActualInitialStepSizeTaken () const |
Get the size of the first successful step after the last initialize() call. | |
Real | getPreviousStepSizeTaken () const |
Get the size of the most recent successful step. | |
Real | getPredictedNextStepSize () const |
Get the step size that will be attempted first on the next call to stepTo() or stepBy(). | |
long | getNStepsAttempted () const |
Get the total number of steps that have been attempted (successfully or unsuccessfully) since the last call to resetAllStatistics(). | |
long | getNStepsTaken () const |
Get the total number of steps that have been successfully taken since the last call to resetAllStatistics(). | |
long | getNRealizations () const |
Get the total number of state realizations that have been performed since the last call to resetAllStatistics(). | |
long | getNProjections () const |
Get the total number of times a state has been projected since the last call to resetAllStatistics(). | |
long | getNErrorTestFailures () const |
Get the number of attempted steps that have failed due to the error being unacceptably high since the last call to resetAllStatistics(). | |
long | getNRealizationFailures () const |
Get the number of attempted steps that have failed due to an error when realizing the state since the last call to resetAllStatistics(). | |
long | getNProjectionFailures () const |
Get the number of attempted steps that have failed due to an error when projecting the state since the last call to resetAllStatistics(). | |
void | setFinalTime (Real tFinal) |
Set the time at which the simulation should end. | |
void | setInitialStepSize (Real hinit) |
Set the initial step size that should be attempted. | |
void | setMinimumStepSize (Real hmin) |
Set the minimum step size that should ever be used. | |
void | setMaximumStepSize (Real hmax) |
Set the maximum step size that should ever be used. | |
void | setFixedStepSize (Real stepSize) |
Set the integrator to use a single fixed step size for all steps. | |
void | setAccuracy (Real accuracy) |
Set the overall accuracy that should be used for integration. | |
void | setRelativeTolerance (Real relTol) |
Set the relative error tolerance to be used for integration. | |
void | setAbsoluteTolerance (Real absTol) |
Set the absolute error tolerance to be used for integration. | |
void | setConstraintTolerance (Real consTol) |
Set the tolerance within which constraints must be satisfied. | |
void | setInternalStepLimit (int nSteps) |
Set the maximum number of steps that may be taken within a single call to stepTo() or stepBy(). | |
void | setReturnEveryInternalStep (bool shouldReturn) |
Set whether the Integrator should return from stepTo() or stepBy() after every internal step, even if no event has occurred and the report time has not been reached. | |
void | setProjectEveryStep (bool forceProject) |
Set whether the system should be projected back to the constraint manifold after every step. | |
void | setAllowInterpolation (bool shouldInterpolate) |
Set whether the Integrator is permitted to return interpolated states for reporting purposes which may be less accurate than the "real" states that form the trajectory. | |
void | setProjectInterpolatedStates (bool shouldProject) |
Set whether interpolated states should be projected back to the constraint manifold after interpolation is performed. | |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static String | successfulStepStatusString (SuccessfulStepStatus) |
Get a human readable description of the reason a step returned. | |
Protected Member Functions | |
const IntegratorRep & | getRep () const |
IntegratorRep & | updRep () |
Protected Attributes | |
IntegratorRep * | rep |
Friends | |
class | IntegratorRep |
enum SuccessfulStepStatus |
When a step is successful, it will return an indication of what caused it to stop where it did.
When unsuccessful it will throw an exception so you won't see any return value.
When return of control is due ONLY to reaching a report time, (status is ReachedReportTime) the integrator's getState() method may return an interpolated value at an earlier time than its getAdvancedState() method would return. For the other returns, and whenever the report time coincides with the end of an internal step, getState() and getAdvancedState() will be identical.
Note: we ensure algorithmically that no report time, scheduled time, or final time t can occur *within* an event window, that is, we will never have t_low < t < t_high for any interesting t. Further, t_report, t_scheduled and t_final can coincide with t_high but only t_report can be at t_low. The interior of t_low:t_high is a "no man's land" where we don't understand the solution, so must be avoided.
ReachedReportTime | stopped only to report; might be interpolated |
ReachedEventTrigger | localized an event; this is the *before* state (interpolated) |
ReachedScheduledEvent | reached the limit provided in stepTo() (scheduled event) |
TimeHasAdvanced | user requested control whenever an internal step is successful |
ReachedStepLimit | took a lot of internal steps but didn't return control yet |
EndOfSimulation | termination; don't call again |
StartOfContinuousInterval | the beginning of a continuous interval: either the start of the simulation, or t_high after an event handler has modified the state. |
InvalidSuccessfulStepStatus |
enum TerminationReason |
Once the simulation has ended, getTerminationReason() may be called to find out what caused it to end.
ReachedFinalTime | The simulation reached the time specified by setFinalTime(). |
AnUnrecoverableErrorOccurred | An error occurred which the Integrator was unable to handle. |
EventHandlerRequestedTermination | An event handler function requested that the simulation terminate immediately. |
InvalidTerminationReason | This will be returned if getTerminationReason() is called before the simulation has ended. |
Integrator | ( | ) | [inline] |
const char* getMethodName | ( | ) |
int getMethodMinOrder | ( | ) |
Get the minimum order this Integrator may use.
int getMethodMaxOrder | ( | ) |
Get the maximum order this Integrator may use.
bool methodHasErrorControl | ( | ) |
Get whether this Integrator provides error control.
An error controlled Integrator will dynamically adjust its step size to maintain the level of accuracy specified with setAccuracy(). An Integrator which does not provide error control cannot do this, and will usually ignore the value specified with setAccuracy().
void initialize | ( | const State & | state | ) |
Supply the integrator with a starting state.
This must be called before the first call to stepBy() or stepTo(). The specified state is copied into the Integrator's internally maintained current state; subsequent changes to the State object passed in here will not affect the integration.
Referenced by main().
void reinitialize | ( | Stage | stage, | |
bool | shouldTerminate | |||
) |
After an event handler has made a discontinuous change to the Integrator's "advanced state", this method must be called to reinitialize the Integrator.
Event handlers can do varying amounts of damage and some events will require no reinitialization, or minimal reinitialization, depending on details of the particular integration method. So after the handler has mangled our State, we tell the Integrator the lowest Stage which was changed and allow the Integrator to figure out how much reinitialization to do.
If 'shouldTerminate" is passed in true, the Integrator will wrap things up and report that the end of the simulation has been reached.
const State& getState | ( | ) | const |
Return a State corresponding to the "current" time at the end of the last call to stepTo() or stepBy().
This may be an interpolated value earlier than getAdvancedState().
Referenced by main().
Real getTime | ( | ) | const [inline] |
Get the time of the current State. This is equivalent to calling getState().getTime().
bool isStateInterpolated | ( | ) | const |
Get whether getState() will return an interpolated state or just the same thing as getAdvancedState() does.
In most cases, you should not have reason to care whether the state is interpolated or not.
const State& getAdvancedState | ( | ) | const |
Return the state representing the trajectory point to which the integrator has irreversibly advanced.
This may be later than the state return by getState().
Real getAdvancedTime | ( | ) | const [inline] |
Get the time of the advanced State. This is equivalent to calling getAdvancedState().getTime().
State& updAdvancedState | ( | ) |
Get a non-const reference to the advanced state.
Real getAccuracyInUse | ( | ) | const |
Get the accuracy which is being used for error control.
Usually this is the same value that was specified to setAccuracy().
Real getConstraintToleranceInUse | ( | ) | const |
Get the constraint tolerance which is being used for error control.
Usually this is the same value that was specified to setConstraintTolerance().
Real getTimeScaleInUse | ( | ) | const |
const Vector& getStateWeightsInUse | ( | ) | const |
Get the vector of weights being used to normalize errors in the state variables.
This is calculated by calling calcYUnitWeights() on the System.
const Vector& getConstraintWeightsInUse | ( | ) | const |
Get the vector of weights being used to normalize constraint errors.
This is calculated by calling calcYErrUnitTolerances() on the System.
static String successfulStepStatusString | ( | SuccessfulStepStatus | ) | [static] |
Get a human readable description of the reason a step returned.
SuccessfulStepStatus stepTo | ( | Real | reportTime, | |
Real | scheduledEventTime = Infinity | |||
) |
SuccessfulStepStatus stepBy | ( | Real | interval, | |
Real | scheduledEventTime = Infinity | |||
) |
Integrate the System until something happens which requires outside processing, and return a status code describing what happened.
interval | the interval from the current time (as returned by getTime()) until the next scheduled report | |
scheduledEventTime | the time of the next scheduled event |
Vec2 getEventWindow | ( | ) | const |
const std::vector<EventId>& getTriggeredEvents | ( | ) | const |
const std::vector<Real>& getEstimatedEventTimes | ( | ) | const |
const std::vector<EventStatus::EventTrigger>& getEventTransitionsSeen | ( | ) | const |
bool isSimulationOver | ( | ) | const |
TerminationReason getTerminationReason | ( | ) | const |
Get the reason the simulation terminated.
This should only be called if isSimulationOver() returns true.
void resetAllStatistics | ( | ) |
Reset all statistics to zero.
Real getActualInitialStepSizeTaken | ( | ) | const |
Get the size of the first successful step after the last initialize() call.
Real getPreviousStepSizeTaken | ( | ) | const |
Real getPredictedNextStepSize | ( | ) | const |
long getNStepsAttempted | ( | ) | const |
Get the total number of steps that have been attempted (successfully or unsuccessfully) since the last call to resetAllStatistics().
long getNStepsTaken | ( | ) | const |
Get the total number of steps that have been successfully taken since the last call to resetAllStatistics().
long getNRealizations | ( | ) | const |
Get the total number of state realizations that have been performed since the last call to resetAllStatistics().
long getNProjections | ( | ) | const |
Get the total number of times a state has been projected since the last call to resetAllStatistics().
long getNErrorTestFailures | ( | ) | const |
Get the number of attempted steps that have failed due to the error being unacceptably high since the last call to resetAllStatistics().
long getNRealizationFailures | ( | ) | const |
Get the number of attempted steps that have failed due to an error when realizing the state since the last call to resetAllStatistics().
long getNProjectionFailures | ( | ) | const |
Get the number of attempted steps that have failed due to an error when projecting the state since the last call to resetAllStatistics().
void setFinalTime | ( | Real | tFinal | ) |
Set the time at which the simulation should end.
The default is infinity. Some integrators may not support this option.
void setInitialStepSize | ( | Real | hinit | ) |
Set the initial step size that should be attempted.
The default depends on the integration method. Some integrators may not support this option.
void setMinimumStepSize | ( | Real | hmin | ) |
Set the minimum step size that should ever be used.
The default depends on the integration method. Some integrators may not support this option.
void setMaximumStepSize | ( | Real | hmax | ) |
Set the maximum step size that should ever be used.
The default depends on the integration method. Some integrators may not support this option.
void setFixedStepSize | ( | Real | stepSize | ) |
Set the integrator to use a single fixed step size for all steps.
This is exactly equivalent to calling setInitialStepSize(), setMinimumStepSize(), and setMaximumStepSize(), passing the same value to each one. This will therefore not work correctly if the integrator does not support minimum and/or maximum step sizes.
void setAccuracy | ( | Real | accuracy | ) |
Set the overall accuracy that should be used for integration.
If the Integrator does not support error control (methodHasErrorControl() returns false), this may have no effect.
Referenced by integrate(), and main().
void setRelativeTolerance | ( | Real | relTol | ) |
Set the relative error tolerance to be used for integration.
Some Integrators do not allow relative and absolute tolerances to be specified independently, in which case this will have no effect. Even for Integrators which do support it, it is usually sufficient to call only setAccuracy(), and allow the Integrator to select relative and absolute tolerances accordingly.
void setAbsoluteTolerance | ( | Real | absTol | ) |
Set the absolute error tolerance to be used for integration.
Some Integrators do not allow relative and absolute tolerances to be specified independently, in which case this will have no effect. Even for Integrators which do support it, it is usually sufficient to call only setAccuracy(), and allow the Integrator to select relative and absolute tolerances accordingly.
void setConstraintTolerance | ( | Real | consTol | ) |
Set the tolerance within which constraints must be satisfied.
void setInternalStepLimit | ( | int | nSteps | ) |
void setReturnEveryInternalStep | ( | bool | shouldReturn | ) |
Set whether the Integrator should return from stepTo() or stepBy() after every internal step, even if no event has occurred and the report time has not been reached.
The default is false.
Referenced by integrate().
void setProjectEveryStep | ( | bool | forceProject | ) |
Set whether the system should be projected back to the constraint manifold after every step.
If this is false, projection will only be performed when the constraint error exceeds the allowed tolerance.
void setAllowInterpolation | ( | bool | shouldInterpolate | ) |
Set whether the Integrator is permitted to return interpolated states for reporting purposes which may be less accurate than the "real" states that form the trajectory.
Setting this to true may significantly affect performance, since the Integrator will be forced to decrease its step size at every scheduled reporting time.
This option is generally only meaningful if interpolated states are less accurate than other states on the trajectory. If an Integrator can produce interpolated states that have the same accuracy as the rest of the trajectory, it may ignore this option.
void setProjectInterpolatedStates | ( | bool | shouldProject | ) |
Set whether interpolated states should be projected back to the constraint manifold after interpolation is performed.
const IntegratorRep& getRep | ( | ) | const [inline, protected] |
IntegratorRep& updRep | ( | ) | [inline, protected] |
friend class IntegratorRep [friend] |
IntegratorRep* rep [protected] |