Study Class Reference

#include <Study.h>

Inheritance diagram for Study:


List of all members.

Detailed Description

The handle class which serves as the abstract parent of all Studies.


There are two distinct users of this class:

Only methods intended for Study Users and a few bookkeeping methods are in the main Study class, which is a SimTK Handle class, meaning that it consists only of a single pointer, which points to a Study::Guts class. The Guts class is abstract, and virtual methods to be implemented by Study Developers in the concrete Study are defined there, along with other utilities of use to the concrete Study Developer but not to the end user. The Guts class is declared in a separate header file, and only people who are writing their own Study classes need look there.

Public Member Functions

 Study ()
 Study (const Study &)
Studyoperator= (const Study &)
 ~Study ()
 Study (const System &sys)
const StringgetName () const
const StringgetVersion () const
const System & getSystem () const
const StategetState () const
StateupdState ()
bool isOwnerHandle () const
 Is this handle the owner of this rep? This is true if the handle is empty or if its rep points back here.
bool isEmptyHandle () const
bool isSameStudy (const Study &otherStudy) const
const Study::GutsgetStudyGuts () const
Study::GutsupdStudyGuts ()
void adoptStudyGuts (Study::Guts *g)
 Study (Study::Guts *g)
bool hasGuts () const


class Guts


class  Guts
 This is the declaration for the Study::Guts class, the abstract object to which a Study handle points. More...

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Study (  )  [inline]

Study ( const Study  ) 

~Study (  ) 

Study ( const System &  sys  )  [explicit]

Study ( Study::Guts g  )  [inline, explicit]

Member Function Documentation

Study& operator= ( const Study  ) 

const String& getName (  )  const

const String& getVersion (  )  const

const System& getSystem (  )  const

const State& getState (  )  const

State& updState (  ) 

bool isOwnerHandle (  )  const

Is this handle the owner of this rep? This is true if the handle is empty or if its rep points back here.

bool isEmptyHandle (  )  const

bool isSameStudy ( const Study otherStudy  )  const

const Study::Guts& getStudyGuts (  )  const [inline]

Study::Guts& updStudyGuts (  )  [inline]

void adoptStudyGuts ( Study::Guts g  ) 

bool hasGuts (  )  const [inline]

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class Guts [friend]

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Generated on Fri Sep 26 07:44:30 2008 for SimTKcore by  doxygen 1.5.6