IMDEnergies Struct Reference

#include <imd.h>

List of all members.

Public Attributes

int32 tstep
 integer timestep index
float T
 Temperature in degrees Kelvin.
float Etot
 Total energy, in Kcal/mol.
float Epot
 Potential energy, in Kcal/mol.
float Evdw
 Van der Waals energy, in Kcal/mol.
float Eelec
 Electrostatic energy, in Kcal/mol.
float Ebond
 Bond energy, Kcal/mol.
float Eangle
 Angle energy, Kcal/mol.
float Edihe
 Dihedral energy, Kcal/mol.
float Eimpr
 Improper energy, Kcal/mol.

Member Data Documentation

integer timestep index

float T

Temperature in degrees Kelvin.

float Etot

Total energy, in Kcal/mol.

float Epot

Potential energy, in Kcal/mol.

float Evdw

Van der Waals energy, in Kcal/mol.

float Eelec

Electrostatic energy, in Kcal/mol.

float Ebond

Bond energy, Kcal/mol.

float Eangle

Angle energy, Kcal/mol.

float Edihe

Dihedral energy, Kcal/mol.

float Eimpr

Improper energy, Kcal/mol.

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Generated on Fri Sep 26 07:44:25 2008 for SimTKcore by  doxygen 1.5.6