WebData Struct Reference

List of all members.

Public Attributes

realtype ** P [NGRP]
int * pivot [NGRP]
int ns
int mxns
int mp
int mq
int mx
int my
int ngrp
int ngx
int ngy
int mxmp
int jgx [NGX+1]
int jgy [NGY+1]
int jigx [MX]
int jigy [MY]
int jxr [NGX]
int jyr [NGY]
realtype acoef [NS][NS]
realtype bcoef [NS]
realtype diff [NS]
realtype cox [NS]
realtype coy [NS]
realtype dx
realtype dy
realtype srur
realtype fsave [NEQ]
N_Vector rewt
void * cvode_mem
realtype fBsave [NEQ]
void * cvadj_mem
void * cvode_memF

Member Data Documentation

realtype ** P

int * pivot

int ns

int mxns

int mp

int mq

int mx

int my

int ngrp

int ngx

int ngy

int mxmp

int jgx

int jgy

int jigx (  ) 

int jigy

int jxr

int jyr

realtype acoef

realtype bcoef

realtype diff

realtype cox

realtype coy

realtype dx

realtype dy

realtype srur

realtype fsave

void * cvode_mem

realtype fBsave

void * cvadj_mem

void * cvode_memF

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