
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00003  * $Revision: 1.4 $
00004  * $Date: 2006/11/29 00:05:07 $
00005  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00006  * Programmer(s): Alan C. Hindmarsh and Radu Serban @ LLNL
00007  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00008  * Copyright (c) 2002, The Regents of the University of California.
00009  * Produced at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
00010  * All rights reserved.
00011  * For details, see the LICENSE file.
00012  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00013  * This is the header file for a generic BAND linear solver
00014  * package, based on the DlsMat type defined in sundials_direct.h.
00015  *
00016  * There are two sets of band solver routines listed in
00017  * this file: one set uses type DlsMat defined below and the
00018  * other set uses the type realtype ** for band matrix arguments.
00019  * Routines that work with the type DlsMat begin with "Band".
00020  * Routines that work with realtype ** begin with "band"
00021  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00022  */
00024 #ifndef _SUNDIALS_BAND_H
00025 #define _SUNDIALS_BAND_H
00027 #ifdef __cplusplus  /* wrapper to enable C++ usage */
00028 extern "C" {
00029 #endif
00031 #include <sundials/sundials_direct.h>
00033 /*
00034  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00035  * Function : BandGBTRF
00036  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00037  * Usage : ier = BandGBTRF(A, p);
00038  *         if (ier != 0) ... A is singular
00039  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00040  * BandGBTRF performs the LU factorization of the N by N band
00041  * matrix A. This is done using standard Gaussian elimination
00042  * with partial pivoting.
00043  *
00044  * A successful LU factorization leaves the "matrix" A and the
00045  * pivot array p with the following information:
00046  *
00047  * (1) p[k] contains the row number of the pivot element chosen
00048  *     at the beginning of elimination step k, k=0, 1, ..., N-1.
00049  *
00050  * (2) If the unique LU factorization of A is given by PA = LU,
00051  *     where P is a permutation matrix, L is a lower triangular
00052  *     matrix with all 1's on the diagonal, and U is an upper
00053  *     triangular matrix, then the upper triangular part of A
00054  *     (including its diagonal) contains U and the strictly lower
00055  *     triangular part of A contains the multipliers, I-L.
00056  *
00057  * BandGBTRF returns 0 if successful. Otherwise it encountered
00058  * a zero diagonal element during the factorization. In this case
00059  * it returns the column index (numbered from one) at which
00060  * it encountered the zero.
00061  *
00062  * Important Note: A must be allocated to accommodate the increase
00063  * in upper bandwidth that occurs during factorization. If
00064  * mathematically, A is a band matrix with upper bandwidth mu and
00065  * lower bandwidth ml, then the upper triangular factor U can
00066  * have upper bandwidth as big as smu = MIN(n-1,mu+ml). The lower
00067  * triangular factor L has lower bandwidth ml. Allocate A with
00068  * call A = BandAllocMat(N,mu,ml,smu), where mu, ml, and smu are
00069  * as defined above. The user does not have to zero the "extra"
00070  * storage allocated for the purpose of factorization. This will
00071  * handled by the BandGBTRF routine.
00072  *
00073  * BandGBTRF is only a wrapper around bandGBTRF. All work is done
00074  * in bandGBTRF works directly on the data in the DlsMat A (i.e.,
00075  * the field cols).
00076  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00077  */
00079 SUNDIALS_EXPORT int BandGBTRF(DlsMat A, int *p);
00080 SUNDIALS_EXPORT int bandGBTRF(realtype **a, int n, int mu, int ml, int smu, int *p);
00082 /*
00083  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00084  * Function : BandGBTRS
00085  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00086  * Usage : BandGBTRS(A, p, b);
00087  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00088  * BandGBTRS solves the N-dimensional system A x = b using
00089  * the LU factorization in A and the pivot information in p
00090  * computed in BandGBTRF. The solution x is returned in b. This
00091  * routine cannot fail if the corresponding call to BandGBTRF
00092  * did not fail.
00093  *
00094  * BandGBTRS is only a wrapper around bandGBTRS which does all the
00095  * work directly on the data in the DlsMat A (i.e., the field cols).
00096  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00097  */
00099 SUNDIALS_EXPORT void BandGBTRS(DlsMat A, int *p, realtype *b);
00100 SUNDIALS_EXPORT void bandGBTRS(realtype **a, int n, int smu, int ml, int *p, realtype *b);
00102 /*
00103  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00104  * Function : BandZero
00105  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00106  * Usage : BandZero(A);
00107  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00108  * A(i,j) <- 0.0,    j-(A->mu) <= i <= j+(A->ml).
00109  *
00110  * BandZero is a wrapper around bandZero which accesses the data of
00111  * the DlsMat A (i.e. the field cols)
00112  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00113  */
00115 SUNDIALS_EXPORT void BandZero(DlsMat A);
00116 SUNDIALS_EXPORT void bandZero(realtype **a, int n, int mu, int ml, int smu);
00118 /*
00119  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00120  * Function : BandCopy
00121  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00122  * Usage : BandCopy(A, B, copymu, copyml);
00123  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00124  * BandCopy copies the submatrix with upper and lower bandwidths
00125  * copymu, copyml of the N by N band matrix A into the N by N
00126  * band matrix B.
00127  * 
00128  * BandCopy is a wrapper around bandCopy which accesses the data
00129  * in the DlsMat A and B (i.e. the fields cols)
00130  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00131  */
00133 SUNDIALS_EXPORT void BandCopy(DlsMat A, DlsMat B, int copymu, int copyml);
00134 SUNDIALS_EXPORT void bandCopy(realtype **a, realtype **b, int n, int a_smu, int b_smu,
00135                   int copymu, int copyml);
00137 /*
00138  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00139  * Function: BandScale
00140  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00141  * Usage : BandScale(c, A);
00142  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00143  * A(i,j) <- c*A(i,j),   j-(A->mu) <= i <= j+(A->ml).
00144  *
00145  * BandScale is a wrapper around bandScale which performs the actual
00146  * scaling by accessing the data in the DlsMat A (i.e. the field
00147  * cols).
00148  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00149  */
00151 SUNDIALS_EXPORT void BandScale(realtype c, DlsMat A);
00152 SUNDIALS_EXPORT void bandScale(realtype c, realtype **a, int n, int mu, int ml, int smu);
00154 /*
00155  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00156  * Function : BandAddI
00157  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00158  * Usage : BandAddI(A);
00159  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00160  * A(j,j) <- A(j,j)+1.0,   0 <= j <= (A->size)-1.
00161  *
00162  * BandAddI is a wrapper around bandAddI which performs the actual
00163  * work by accessing the data in the DlsMat A (i.e. the field cols)
00164  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
00165  */
00167 SUNDIALS_EXPORT void BandAddI(DlsMat A);
00168 SUNDIALS_EXPORT void bandAddI(realtype **a, int n, int smu);
00170 #ifdef __cplusplus
00171 }
00172 #endif
00174 #endif

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