sundials_direct.h File Reference

#include <sundials/sundials_types.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  _DlsMat


#define SUNDIALS_DENSE   1
#define SUNDIALS_BAND   2
#define DENSE_COL(A, j)   ((A->cols)[j])
#define DENSE_ELEM(A, i, j)   ((A->cols)[j][i])
#define BAND_COL(A, j)   (((A->cols)[j])+(A->s_mu))
#define BAND_COL_ELEM(col_j, i, j)   (col_j[(i)-(j)])
#define BAND_ELEM(A, i, j)   ((A->cols)[j][(i)-(j)+(A->s_mu)])


typedef struct _DlsMatDlsMat


SUNDIALS_EXPORT DlsMat NewDenseMat (int M, int N)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT DlsMat NewBandMat (int N, int mu, int ml, int smu)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT void DestroyMat (DlsMat A)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int * NewIntArray (int N)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT realtype * NewRealArray (int N)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT void DestroyArray (void *p)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT void PrintMat (DlsMat A)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT realtype ** newDenseMat (int m, int n)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT realtype ** newBandMat (int n, int smu, int ml)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT void destroyMat (realtype **a)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int * newIntArray (int n)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT realtype * newRealArray (int m)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT void destroyArray (void *v)

Define Documentation

#define BAND_COL ( A,
 )     (((A->cols)[j])+(A->s_mu))

#define BAND_COL_ELEM ( col_j,
 )     (col_j[(i)-(j)])

#define BAND_ELEM ( A,
 )     ((A->cols)[j][(i)-(j)+(A->s_mu)])

#define DENSE_COL ( A,
 )     ((A->cols)[j])

#define DENSE_ELEM ( A,
 )     ((A->cols)[j][i])

#define SUNDIALS_BAND   2

#define SUNDIALS_DENSE   1

Typedef Documentation

typedef struct _DlsMat * DlsMat

Function Documentation

SUNDIALS_EXPORT void destroyArray ( void *  v  ) 

SUNDIALS_EXPORT void DestroyArray ( void *  p  ) 

SUNDIALS_EXPORT void destroyMat ( realtype **  a  ) 

Referenced by main().

SUNDIALS_EXPORT void DestroyMat ( DlsMat  A  ) 

SUNDIALS_EXPORT realtype** newBandMat ( int  n,
int  smu,
int  ml 

SUNDIALS_EXPORT DlsMat NewBandMat ( int  N,
int  mu,
int  ml,
int  smu 

SUNDIALS_EXPORT realtype** newDenseMat ( int  m,
int  n 

Referenced by main().

SUNDIALS_EXPORT DlsMat NewDenseMat ( int  M,
int  N 

SUNDIALS_EXPORT int* newIntArray ( int  n  ) 

SUNDIALS_EXPORT int* NewIntArray ( int  N  ) 

SUNDIALS_EXPORT realtype* newRealArray ( int  m  ) 

SUNDIALS_EXPORT realtype* NewRealArray ( int  N  ) 

SUNDIALS_EXPORT void PrintMat ( DlsMat  A  ) 

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