sundials_math.h File Reference

#include <sundials/sundials_types.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


#define MIN(A, B)   ((A) < (B) ? (A) : (B))
#define MAX(A, B)   ((A) > (B) ? (A) : (B))
#define SQR(A)   ((A)*(A))
#define ABS   RAbs
#define SQRT   RSqrt
#define EXP   RExp


SUNDIALS_EXPORT realtype RPowerI (realtype base, int exponent)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT realtype RPowerR (realtype base, realtype exponent)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT realtype RSqrt (realtype x)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT realtype RAbs (realtype x)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT realtype RExp (realtype x)

Define Documentation

#define ABS   RAbs

Referenced by GetSol(), and MAXNORM().

#define EXP   RExp

Referenced by FCVFUN(), INITBX(), and PREC_JAC().

#define MAX ( A,
B   )     ((A) > (B) ? (A) : (B))

Referenced by FCVPSOL(), and MAXNORM().

#define MIN ( A,
B   )     ((A) < (B) ? (A) : (B))

#define SQR ( A   )     ((A)*(A))

#define SQRT   RSqrt

Referenced by main().

Function Documentation

SUNDIALS_EXPORT realtype RAbs ( realtype  x  ) 

SUNDIALS_EXPORT realtype RExp ( realtype  x  ) 

SUNDIALS_EXPORT realtype RPowerI ( realtype  base,
int  exponent 

SUNDIALS_EXPORT realtype RPowerR ( realtype  base,
realtype  exponent 

SUNDIALS_EXPORT realtype RSqrt ( realtype  x  ) 

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