API  4.5
For C++ developers
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345678910]
 COpenSim::AbstractChannelOne of the values of an Output
 COpenSim::AbstractDataTableAbstractDataTable is the base-class of all DataTable_(templated) allowing storage of DataTable_ templated on different types to be stored in a container like std::vector
 COpenSim::AbstractOutputOutput formalizes the access to a value of interest computed by the owning Component
 COpenSim::AbstractPropertyAn abstract property is a serializable (name,value) pair, for which we do not know the type of the value
 COpenSim::AbstractSocketA Socket formalizes the dependency between a Component and another object (typically another Component) without owning that object
 COpenSim::AbstractValueArrayValueArray (of type T) represents an array of SimTK::Value (of type T)
 COpenSim::Array< T >A class for storing an array of values of type T
 COpenSim::Array< bool >
 COpenSim::Array< const OpenSim::Object *>
 COpenSim::Array< double >
 COpenSim::Array< int >
 COpenSim::Array< JointReactionKey >
 COpenSim::Array< OpenSim::Array< double > *>
 COpenSim::Array< OpenSim::ExternalForce *>
 COpenSim::Array< OpenSim::Object *>
 COpenSim::Array< OpenSim::Property_Deprecated *>
 COpenSim::Array< OpenSim::StateVector >
 COpenSim::Array< OpenSim::Storage *>
 COpenSim::Array< std::string >
 COpenSim::ArrayPtrs< T >
 COpenSim::ArrayPtrs< AbstractPathPoint >
 COpenSim::ArrayPtrs< Analysis >
 COpenSim::ArrayPtrs< Bhargava2004MuscleMetabolicsProbe_MetabolicMuscleParameter >
 COpenSim::ArrayPtrs< Body >
 COpenSim::ArrayPtrs< BodyScale >
 COpenSim::ArrayPtrs< const OpenSim::Actuator >
 COpenSim::ArrayPtrs< Constraint >
 COpenSim::ArrayPtrs< ContactGeometry >
 COpenSim::ArrayPtrs< Control >
 COpenSim::ArrayPtrs< Controller >
 COpenSim::ArrayPtrs< Coordinate >
 COpenSim::ArrayPtrs< ExternalForce >
 COpenSim::ArrayPtrs< Force >
 COpenSim::ArrayPtrs< Function >
 COpenSim::ArrayPtrs< IKTask >
 COpenSim::ArrayPtrs< Joint >
 COpenSim::ArrayPtrs< Marker >
 COpenSim::ArrayPtrs< MarkerPair >
 COpenSim::ArrayPtrs< Measurement >
 COpenSim::ArrayPtrs< MocoWeight >
 COpenSim::ArrayPtrs< ModelComponent >
 COpenSim::ArrayPtrs< OpenSim::Actuator >
 COpenSim::ArrayPtrs< OpenSim::Constraint >
 COpenSim::ArrayPtrs< OpenSim::ControlLinearNode >
 COpenSim::ArrayPtrs< OpenSim::Force >
 COpenSim::ArrayPtrs< OpenSim::Function >
 COpenSim::ArrayPtrs< OpenSim::MarkerFrame >
 COpenSim::ArrayPtrs< OpenSim::Muscle >
 COpenSim::ArrayPtrs< OpenSim::Object >
 COpenSim::ArrayPtrs< OpenSim::ObjectGroup >
 COpenSim::ArrayPtrs< OpenSim::Property_Deprecated >
 COpenSim::ArrayPtrs< OpenSim::Storage >
 COpenSim::ArrayPtrs< OrientationWeight >
 COpenSim::ArrayPtrs< Probe >
 COpenSim::ArrayPtrs< Scale >
 COpenSim::ArrayPtrs< StorageCoordinatePair >
 COpenSim::ArrayPtrs< TrackingTask >
 COpenSim::ArrayPtrs< Umberger2010MuscleMetabolicsProbe_MetabolicMuscleParameter >
 COpenSim::ArrayPtrs< WrapObject >
 COpenSim::Component::CacheVariable< T >A cache variable containing a value of type T
A class to specify a filter to be used to iterate through components
 COpenSim::ComponentList< T >
Collection (linked list) of components to iterate through
 COpenSim::ComponentPathA representation of a path within a Component tree
 CContactParameters public Object
 CContactParametersSet public Set
 CCoordinateIndexUnique integer type for local Coordinate indexing
 COpenSim::IO::CwdChangerA class that:
 COpenSim::DataAdapterDataAdapter is an abstract class defining an interface for reading/writing in/out the contents of a DataTable
 COpenSim::DataQueue_< T >DataQueue is a wrapper around the std::queue customized to handle data processing and synchronization, and limiting the interface to only the subset of operations needed for this use case
 COpenSim::DataQueue_< SimTK::Rotation_< double > >
 COpenSim::DataQueueEntry_< U >This base class defines the interface for a DataQueue
 COpenSim::EventStruct representing an event extracted from a C3D file
 COpenSim::MuscleActivationDynamics::ExcitationGetterThe ExcitationGetter abstract class defines a standard interface for supplying muscle excitation to activation models
 COpenSim::Muscle::FiberVelocityInfoFiberVelocityInfo contains velocity quantities related to the velocity of the muscle (fiber + tendon) complex
 COpenSim::FileDeletionThrowerThis class helps a user cause an exception within the code
 COpenSim::FileRemoverWhen an instance of this class is destructed, it removes (deletes) the file at the path provided in the constructor
 COpenSim::IOA class for performing input and output with OpenSim API
 COpenSim::LatinHypercubeDesignA class for generating Latin hypercube designs
 COpenSim::LoggerThis is a singleton class (single instance) for logging messages and controlling how those messages are presented to the user
 COpenSim::ManagerA class that manages the execution of a simulation
 CMemberSubcomponentIndexUnique integer type for local member subcomponent indexing
 COpenSim::MocoInverseSolutionThis class holds the solution from MocoInverse
 COpenSim::MocoKinematicConstraintA model kinematic constraint to be enforced in the optimal control problem
 COpenSim::MocoProblemInfoThis class is mostly for internal use for MocoProblemRep to pass select information about a problem to the MocoGoals and MocoPathConstraints of the problem during initializeOnModel()
 COpenSim::MocoProblemRepThe primary intent of this class is for use by MocoSolvers, but users can also use this class to apply parameter values to the model and evaluate cost terms
 COpenSim::MocoStudyFactoryThis class creates MocoStudies of common interest
 COpenSim::MocoTrajectoryThe values of the variables in an optimal control problem
 COpenSim::ModelFactoryThis class provides utilities for creating OpenSim models
 COpenSim::ModelVisualizerThis class manages runtime visualization of a Model that is being manipulated through the OpenSim API
 COpenSim::Muscle::MuscleDynamicsInfoMuscleDynamicsInfo contains quantities that are related to the forces that the muscle generates
The MuscleLengthInfo struct contains information about the muscle that is strictly a function of the length of the fiber and the tendon, and the orientation of the muscle fiber
 COpenSim::Muscle::MusclePotentialEnergyInfoMusclePotentialEnergyInfo contains quantities related to the potential energy of the muscle (fiber + tendon) complex
 COpenSim::ObjectThis is the base class for all OpenSim objects that are serializable (meaning they can be written to and read back from files)
 COpenSim::Object_GetClassName< T >
 COpenSim::Object_GetClassName< bool >
 COpenSim::Object_GetClassName< char >
 COpenSim::Object_GetClassName< double >
 COpenSim::Object_GetClassName< float >
 COpenSim::Object_GetClassName< int >
 COpenSim::Object_GetClassName< long double >
 COpenSim::Object_GetClassName< long int >
 COpenSim::Object_GetClassName< long long int >
 COpenSim::Object_GetClassName< short int >
 COpenSim::Object_GetClassName< signed char >
 COpenSim::Object_GetClassName< SimTK::Quaternion_< SimTK::Real > >
 COpenSim::Object_GetClassName< SimTK::Rotation_< SimTK::Real > >
 COpenSim::Object_GetClassName< SimTK::SpatialVec >
 COpenSim::Object_GetClassName< SimTK::Transform >
 COpenSim::Object_GetClassName< SimTK::Vec2 >
 COpenSim::Object_GetClassName< SimTK::Vec3 >
 COpenSim::Object_GetClassName< SimTK::Vec6 >
 COpenSim::Object_GetClassName< SimTK::Vector_< SimTK::Real > >
 COpenSim::Object_GetClassName< SimTK::Vector_< SimTK::SpatialVec > >
 COpenSim::Object_GetClassName< SimTK::Vector_< SimTK::Vec3 > >
 COpenSim::Object_GetClassName< SimTK::Vector_< SimTK::Vec6 > >
 COpenSim::Object_GetClassName< std::string >
 COpenSim::Object_GetClassName< unsigned char >
 COpenSim::Object_GetClassName< unsigned int >
 COpenSim::Object_GetClassName< unsigned long int >
 COpenSim::Object_GetClassName< unsigned long long int >
 COpenSim::Object_GetClassName< unsigned short int >
 COpenSim::ObjectProperty< T >
 COpenSim::MocoTropterSolver::OCProblem< T >Internal tropter optimal control problem
 COpenSim::PointForceDirectionConvenience class for a generic representation of geometry of a complex Force (or any other object) with multiple points of contact through which forces are applied to bodies
 COpenSim::PropertyGroupA class implementing a property group
 COpenSim::PropertySetA property set is simply a set of properties
 COpenSim::PropertyTableA property table is the container that an OpenSim Object uses to hold its properties (each derived from base class AbstractProperty)
 COpenSim::RootSolverA class for finding the N roots of N one-dimensional non-linear equations
This is a low level Quintic Bezier curve class that contains functions to design continuous sets of 'C' shaped Bezier curves, and to evaluate their values and derivatives
 COpenSim::SignalA class for signal processing
 COpenSim::SimpleProperty< T >
This is a class that acts as a user friendly wrapper to QuinticBezerCurveSet to build specific kinds of physiologically plausible muscle curves using C2 continuous sets of quintic Bezier curves
 COpenSim::StateVectorA class which stores a vector of states or data at a specified time
 COpenSim::StopwatchRecord and report elapsed real time ("clock" or "wall" time) in seconds
 COpenSim::ThreadsafeJar< T >This class lets you store objects of a single type for reuse by multiple threads, ensuring threadsafe access to each of those objects
 COpenSim::Property< T >::TypeHelperThis is the generic definition of Property::TypeHelper to be used whenever T does not have a specialization, meaning that T must be a type derived from class Object
 COpenSim::UnitsA class implementing various units for measuring quantities
 COpenSim::ValueArrayDictionaryValueArrayDictionary represents an associative array mapping from a string to an AbstractValueArray