API  4.5.1
For C++ developers
OpenSim::ModelFactory Class Reference

This class provides utilities for creating OpenSim models. More...

Static Public Member Functions

Create a model
static Model createNLinkPendulum (int numLinks)
 Create a pendulum with the provided number of links. More...
static Model createPendulum ()
 This is a convenience for createNLinkPendulum(1). More...
static Model createDoublePendulum ()
 This is a convenience for createNLinkPendulum(2). More...
static Model createSlidingPointMass ()
 This model contains: More...
static Model createPlanarPointMass ()
 This model contains: More...
Modify a Model
static void replaceMusclesWithPathActuators (Model &model)
 Replace muscles in a model with a PathActuator of the same path, optimal force, and min/max control defaults. More...
static void removeMuscles (Model &model)
 Remove muscles from the model. More...
static void replaceJointWithWeldJoint (Model &model, const std::string &jointName)
 Replace a joint in the model with a WeldJoint. More...
static void createReserveActuators (Model &model, double optimalForce, double bound=SimTK::NaN, bool skipCoordinatesWithExistingActuators=true)
 Add CoordinateActuators for each unconstrained coordinate (e.g., ! Coordinate::isConstrained()) in the model, using the provided optimal force. More...
static void replacePathsWithFunctionBasedPaths (Model &model, const Set< FunctionBasedPath > &functionBasedPaths)
 Replace the paths of the forces in the model with the provided Set of FunctionBasedPaths. More...

Detailed Description

This class provides utilities for creating OpenSim models.

Member Function Documentation

◆ createDoublePendulum()

static Model OpenSim::ModelFactory::createDoublePendulum ( )

This is a convenience for createNLinkPendulum(2).

◆ createNLinkPendulum()

static Model OpenSim::ModelFactory::createNLinkPendulum ( int  numLinks)

Create a pendulum with the provided number of links.

For each link, there is a body /bodyset/b# (where # is the link index starting at 0), a PinJoint /jointset/j# with coordinate /jointset/j#/q#, a CoordinateActuator /tau#, a Marker /markerset/marker# at the origin of the link's body, and a PhysicalOffsetFrame /b#center at the center of the link.

◆ createPendulum()

static Model OpenSim::ModelFactory::createPendulum ( )

This is a convenience for createNLinkPendulum(1).

◆ createPlanarPointMass()

static Model OpenSim::ModelFactory::createPlanarPointMass ( )

This model contains:

  • 2 bodies: a massless body "intermed", and "body" with mass 1.
  • 2 slider joints: "tx" and "ty" (coordinates "tx" and "ty").
  • 2 coordinate actuators: "force_x" and "force_y". Gravity is default; that is, (0, -g, 0).

◆ createReserveActuators()

static void OpenSim::ModelFactory::createReserveActuators ( Model model,
double  optimalForce,
double  bound = SimTK::NaN,
bool  skipCoordinatesWithExistingActuators = true 

Add CoordinateActuators for each unconstrained coordinate (e.g., ! Coordinate::isConstrained()) in the model, using the provided optimal force.

Increasing the optimal force decreases the required control signal to generate a given actuation level. The actuators are added to the model's ForceSet and are named "reserve_<coordinate-path>" with forward slashes converted to underscores. The bound argument, if supplied, sets the min and max controls to -bound and bound, respectively. The fourth (optional) argument specifies whether or not to skip coordinates that already have CoordinateActuators associated with them (default: true).

◆ createSlidingPointMass()

static Model OpenSim::ModelFactory::createSlidingPointMass ( )

This model contains:

  • 1 body: mass 1.0 kg, /body.
  • 1 joint: SliderJoint along x axis, /jointset/slider, with coordinate /slider/position.
  • 1 actuator: CoordinateActuator, controls [-10, 10], /forceset/actuator. Gravity is default; that is, (0, -g, 0).

◆ removeMuscles()

static void OpenSim::ModelFactory::removeMuscles ( Model model)

Remove muscles from the model.

This only removes muscles within the model's ForceSet.

◆ replaceJointWithWeldJoint()

static void OpenSim::ModelFactory::replaceJointWithWeldJoint ( Model model,
const std::string &  jointName 

Replace a joint in the model with a WeldJoint.

This assumes the joint is in the JointSet and that the joint's connectees are PhysicalOffsetFrames.

◆ replaceMusclesWithPathActuators()

static void OpenSim::ModelFactory::replaceMusclesWithPathActuators ( Model model)

Replace muscles in a model with a PathActuator of the same path, optimal force, and min/max control defaults.

This only replaces muscles within the model's ForceSet.

◆ replacePathsWithFunctionBasedPaths()

static void OpenSim::ModelFactory::replacePathsWithFunctionBasedPaths ( Model model,
const Set< FunctionBasedPath > &  functionBasedPaths 

Replace the paths of the forces in the model with the provided Set of FunctionBasedPaths.

The name of each FunctionBasedPath should match the component path (i.e., '/forceset/soleus_r') of the corresponding Force in the model. The Force objects in the model must have a property named 'path' that stores an object derived from AbstractGeometryPath.

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