| RigidTendonMuscle () |
| RigidTendonMuscle (const std::string &name, double maxIsometricForce, double optimalFiberLength, double tendonSlackLength, double pennationAngle) |
void | setActivation (SimTK::State &s, double activation) const override |
| activation level for this muscle More...
const Function & | get_active_force_length_curve () const |
| Get the value of the active_force_length_curve property. More...
Function & | upd_active_force_length_curve () |
| Get a writable reference to the active_force_length_curve property. More...
void | set_active_force_length_curve (const Function &value) |
| Set the value of the active_force_length_curve property. More...
const Function & | get_passive_force_length_curve () const |
| Get the value of the passive_force_length_curve property. More...
Function & | upd_passive_force_length_curve () |
| Get a writable reference to the passive_force_length_curve property. More...
void | set_passive_force_length_curve (const Function &value) |
| Set the value of the passive_force_length_curve property. More...
const Function & | get_force_velocity_curve () const |
| Get the value of the force_velocity_curve property. More...
Function & | upd_force_velocity_curve () |
| Get a writable reference to the force_velocity_curve property. More...
void | set_force_velocity_curve (const Function &value) |
| Set the value of the force_velocity_curve property. More...
const double & | get_max_isometric_force () const |
| Get the value of the max_isometric_force property. More...
double & | upd_max_isometric_force () |
| Get a writable reference to the max_isometric_force property. More...
void | set_max_isometric_force (const double &value) |
| Set the value of the max_isometric_force property. More...
const double & | get_optimal_fiber_length () const |
| Get the value of the optimal_fiber_length property. More...
double & | upd_optimal_fiber_length () |
| Get a writable reference to the optimal_fiber_length property. More...
void | set_optimal_fiber_length (const double &value) |
| Set the value of the optimal_fiber_length property. More...
const double & | get_tendon_slack_length () const |
| Get the value of the tendon_slack_length property. More...
double & | upd_tendon_slack_length () |
| Get a writable reference to the tendon_slack_length property. More...
void | set_tendon_slack_length (const double &value) |
| Set the value of the tendon_slack_length property. More...
const double & | get_pennation_angle_at_optimal () const |
| Get the value of the pennation_angle_at_optimal property. More...
double & | upd_pennation_angle_at_optimal () |
| Get a writable reference to the pennation_angle_at_optimal property. More...
void | set_pennation_angle_at_optimal (const double &value) |
| Set the value of the pennation_angle_at_optimal property. More...
const double & | get_max_contraction_velocity () const |
| Get the value of the max_contraction_velocity property. More...
double & | upd_max_contraction_velocity () |
| Get a writable reference to the max_contraction_velocity property. More...
void | set_max_contraction_velocity (const double &value) |
| Set the value of the max_contraction_velocity property. More...
const bool & | get_ignore_tendon_compliance () const |
| Get the value of the ignore_tendon_compliance property. More...
bool & | upd_ignore_tendon_compliance () |
| Get a writable reference to the ignore_tendon_compliance property. More...
void | set_ignore_tendon_compliance (const bool &value) |
| Set the value of the ignore_tendon_compliance property. More...
const bool & | get_ignore_activation_dynamics () const |
| Get the value of the ignore_activation_dynamics property. More...
bool & | upd_ignore_activation_dynamics () |
| Get a writable reference to the ignore_activation_dynamics property. More...
void | set_ignore_activation_dynamics (const bool &value) |
| Set the value of the ignore_activation_dynamics property. More...
| Muscle () |
| Default constructor. More...
double | getMaxIsometricForce () const |
| get/set the maximum isometric force (in N) that the fibers can generate More...
void | setMaxIsometricForce (double maxIsometricForce) |
double | getOptimalFiberLength () const |
| get/set the optimal length (in m) of the muscle fibers (lumped as a single fiber) More...
void | setOptimalFiberLength (double optimalFiberLength) |
double | getTendonSlackLength () const |
| get/set the resting (slack) length (in m) of the tendon that is in series with the muscle fiber More...
void | setTendonSlackLength (double tendonSlackLength) |
double | getPennationAngleAtOptimalFiberLength () const |
| get/set the angle (in radians) between fibers at their optimal fiber length and the tendon More...
void | setPennationAngleAtOptimalFiberLength (double pennationAngle) |
double | getMaxContractionVelocity () const |
| get/set the maximum contraction velocity of the fibers, in optimal fiber-lengths per second More...
void | setMaxContractionVelocity (double maxContractionVelocity) |
bool | getIgnoreTendonCompliance (const SimTK::State &s) const |
| Get/set Modeling (runtime) option to ignore tendon compliance when computing muscle dynamics. More...
void | setIgnoreTendonCompliance (SimTK::State &s, bool ignore) const |
bool | getIgnoreActivationDynamics (const SimTK::State &s) const |
| Get/set Modeling (runtime) option to ignore activation dynamics when computing muscle dynamics. More...
void | setIgnoreActivationDynamics (SimTK::State &s, bool ignore) const |
virtual double | getActivation (const SimTK::State &s) const |
| get the activation level of the muscle, which modulates the active force of the muscle and has a normalized (0 to 1) value Note: method remains virtual to permit override by deprecated muscles. More...
double | getFiberLength (const SimTK::State &s) const |
| get the current working fiber length (m) for the muscle More...
double | getPennationAngle (const SimTK::State &s) const |
| get the current pennation angle (radians) between the fiber and tendon at the current fiber length More...
double | getCosPennationAngle (const SimTK::State &s) const |
| get the cosine of the current pennation angle (radians) between the fiber and tendon at the current fiber length More...
double | getTendonLength (const SimTK::State &s) const |
| get the current tendon length (m) given the current joint angles and fiber length More...
double | getNormalizedFiberLength (const SimTK::State &s) const |
| get the current normalized fiber length (fiber_length/optimal_fiber_length) More...
double | getFiberLengthAlongTendon (const SimTK::State &s) const |
| get the current fiber length (m) projected (*cos(pennationAngle)) onto the tendon direction More...
double | getTendonStrain (const SimTK::State &s) const |
| get the current tendon strain (delta_l/tendon_slack_length is dimensionless) More...
double | getFiberPotentialEnergy (const SimTK::State &s) const |
| the potential energy (J) stored in the fiber due to its parallel elastic element More...
double | getTendonPotentialEnergy (const SimTK::State &s) const |
| the potential energy (J) stored in the tendon More...
double | getMusclePotentialEnergy (const SimTK::State &s) const |
| the total potential energy (J) stored in the muscle More...
double | getPassiveForceMultiplier (const SimTK::State &s) const |
| get the passive fiber (parallel elastic element) force multiplier More...
double | getActiveForceLengthMultiplier (const SimTK::State &s) const |
| get the active fiber (contractile element) force multiplier due to current fiber length More...
double | getFiberVelocity (const SimTK::State &s) const |
| get current fiber velocity (m/s) positive is lengthening More...
double | getNormalizedFiberVelocity (const SimTK::State &s) const |
| get normalized fiber velocity. More...
double | getFiberVelocityAlongTendon (const SimTK::State &s) const |
| get the current fiber velocity (m/s) projected onto the tendon direction More...
double | getPennationAngularVelocity (const SimTK::State &s) const |
| get pennation angular velocity (radians/s) More...
double | getTendonVelocity (const SimTK::State &s) const |
| get the tendon velocity (m/s) positive is lengthening More...
double | getForceVelocityMultiplier (const SimTK::State &s) const |
| get the dimensionless multiplier resulting from the fiber's force-velocity curve More...
double | getFiberForce (const SimTK::State &s) const |
| get the current fiber force (N) applied to the tendon More...
double | getFiberForceAlongTendon (const SimTK::State &s) const |
| get the force of the fiber (N/m) along the direction of the tendon More...
double | getActiveFiberForce (const SimTK::State &s) const |
| get the current active fiber force (N) due to activation*force_length*force_velocity relationships More...
double | getPassiveFiberForce (const SimTK::State &s) const |
| get the total force applied by all passive elements in the fiber (N) More...
double | getActiveFiberForceAlongTendon (const SimTK::State &s) const |
| get the current active fiber force (N) projected onto the tendon direction More...
double | getPassiveFiberForceAlongTendon (const SimTK::State &s) const |
| get the total force applied by all passive elements in the fiber (N) projected onto the tendon direction More...
double | getTendonForce (const SimTK::State &s) const |
| get the current tendon force (N) applied to bones More...
double | getFiberStiffness (const SimTK::State &s) const |
| get the current fiber stiffness (N/m) defined as the partial derivative of fiber force with respect to fiber length More...
double | getFiberStiffnessAlongTendon (const SimTK::State &s) const |
| get the stiffness of the fiber (N/m) along the direction of the tendon, that is the partial derivative of the fiber force along the tendon with respect to small changes in fiber length along the tendon More...
double | getTendonStiffness (const SimTK::State &s) const |
| get the current tendon stiffness (N/m) defined as the partial derivative of tendon force with respect to tendon length More...
double | getMuscleStiffness (const SimTK::State &s) const |
| get the current muscle stiffness (N/m) defined as the partial derivative of muscle force with respect to muscle length More...
double | getFiberActivePower (const SimTK::State &s) const |
| get the current active fiber power (W) More...
double | getFiberPassivePower (const SimTK::State &s) const |
| get the current passive fiber power (W) More...
double | getTendonPower (const SimTK::State &s) const |
| get the current tendon power (W) More...
double | getMusclePower (const SimTK::State &s) const |
| get the current muscle power (W) More...
double | getStress (const SimTK::State &s) const override |
| get the stress in the muscle (part of the Actuator interface as well) More...
void | setExcitation (SimTK::State &s, double excitation) const |
| set the excitation (control) for this muscle. More...
double | getExcitation (const SimTK::State &s) const |
void | computeEquilibrium (SimTK::State &s) const override final |
| Find and set the equilibrium state of the muscle (if any) More...
void | assign (Object &aObject) override |
| This allows copy assignment in the Java GUI. More...
| PathActuator () |
AbstractGeometryPath & | updPath () |
const AbstractGeometryPath & | getPath () const |
template<typename PathType > |
PathType & | updPath () |
template<typename PathType > |
const PathType & | getPath () const |
template<typename PathType > |
PathType * | tryUpdPath () |
template<typename PathType > |
const PathType * | tryGetPath () const |
GeometryPath & | updGeometryPath () |
const GeometryPath & | getGeometryPath () const |
bool | hasVisualPath () const override |
| Return a flag indicating whether the Force is applied along a path that can be visualized. More...
void | setOptimalForce (double aOptimalForce) |
double | getOptimalForce () const override |
virtual double | getLength (const SimTK::State &s) const |
virtual double | getLengtheningSpeed (const SimTK::State &s) const |
double | getSpeed (const SimTK::State &s) const final |
double | getPower (const SimTK::State &s) const override |
double | getStress (const SimTK::State &s) const override |
void | addNewPathPoint (const std::string &proposedName, const PhysicalFrame &aBody, const SimTK::Vec3 &aPositionOnBody) |
double | computeActuation (const SimTK::State &s) const override |
virtual double | computeMomentArm (const SimTK::State &s, Coordinate &aCoord) const |
const AbstractGeometryPath & | get_path () const |
| Get the value of the path property. More...
AbstractGeometryPath & | upd_path () |
| Get a writable reference to the path property. More...
void | set_path (const AbstractGeometryPath &value) |
| Set the value of the path property. More...
const double & | get_optimal_force () const |
| Get the value of the optimal_force property. More...
double & | upd_optimal_force () |
| Get a writable reference to the optimal_force property. More...
void | set_optimal_force (const double &value) |
| Set the value of the optimal_force property. More...
void | assign (Object &aObject) override |
| This allows copy assignment in the Java GUI. More...
PathActuator * | clone () const override |
| Create a new heap-allocated copy of the concrete object to which this Object refers. More...
const std::string & | getConcreteClassName () const override |
| Returns the class name of the concrete Object-derived class of the actual object referenced by this Object, as a string. More...
| ScalarActuator () |
virtual double | getControl (const SimTK::State &s) const |
| Convenience method to get control given scalar (double) valued control. More...
int | numControls () const override |
virtual void | setActuation (const SimTK::State &s, double aActuation) const |
virtual double | getActuation (const SimTK::State &s) const |
void | setMinControl (const double &aMinControl) |
| Methods to manage the bounds on ScalarActuator's control. More...
double | getMinControl () const |
void | setMaxControl (const double &aMaxControl) |
double | getMaxControl () const |
void | overrideActuation (SimTK::State &s, bool flag) const |
| Enable/disable a ScalarActuator's override actuation. More...
bool | isActuationOverridden (const SimTK::State &s) const |
| return ScalarActuator's override status More...
void | setOverrideActuation (SimTK::State &s, double value) const |
| set the actuation value used when the override is true More...
double | getOverrideActuation (const SimTK::State &s) const |
| return override actuation More...
const double & | get_min_control () const |
| Get the value of the min_control property. More...
double & | upd_min_control () |
| Get a writable reference to the min_control property. More...
void | set_min_control (const double &value) |
| Set the value of the min_control property. More...
const double & | get_max_control () const |
| Get the value of the max_control property. More...
double & | upd_max_control () |
| Get a writable reference to the max_control property. More...
void | set_max_control (const double &value) |
| Set the value of the max_control property. More...
void | assign (Object &aObject) override |
| This allows copy assignment in the Java GUI. More...
| Actuator () |
virtual const SimTK::Vector | getDefaultControls () |
| Actuator default controls are zero. More...
virtual const SimTK::VectorView_< double > | getControls (const SimTK::State &s) const |
virtual void | getControls (const SimTK::Vector &modelControls, SimTK::Vector &actuatorControls) const |
| Convenience methods for getting, setting and adding to actuator controls from/into the model controls. More...
virtual void | setControls (const SimTK::Vector &actuatorControls, SimTK::Vector &modelControls) const |
| set actuator controls subvector into the right slot in the system-wide model controls More...
virtual void | addInControls (const SimTK::Vector &actuatorControls, SimTK::Vector &modelControls) const |
| add actuator controls to the values already occupying the slot in the system-wide model controls More...
void | assign (Object &aObject) override |
| This allows copy assignment in the Java GUI. More...
virtual bool | shouldBeParallelized () const |
| Tell Simbody to parallelize this force. More...
bool | appliesForce (const SimTK::State &s) const |
| Return if the Force is applied (or enabled) or not. More...
void | setAppliesForce (SimTK::State &s, bool applyForce) const |
| Set whether or not the Force is applied. More...
SimTK::ForceIndex | getForceIndex () const |
| Return the index to the SimTK::Force in the underlying system. More...
const bool & | get_appliesForce () const |
| Get the value of the appliesForce property. More...
bool & | upd_appliesForce () |
| Get a writable reference to the appliesForce property. More...
void | set_appliesForce (const bool &value) |
| Set the value of the appliesForce property. More...
void | assign (Object &aObject) override |
| This allows copy assignment in the Java GUI. More...
| ModelComponent () |
| Default constructor. More...
| ModelComponent (const std::string &aFileName, bool aUpdateFromXMLNode=true) |
| Construct ModelComponent from an XML file. More...
| ModelComponent (SimTK::Xml::Element &aNode) |
| Construct ModelComponent from a specific node in an XML document. More...
virtual | ~ModelComponent () |
| Destructor is virtual to allow concrete model component cleanup. More...
void | connectToModel (Model &model) |
| Connect this ModelComponent to its aggregate- a Model. More...
const Model & | getModel () const |
| Get a const reference to the Model this component is part of. More...
Model & | updModel () |
| Get a modifiable reference to the Model this component is part of. More...
bool | hasModel () const |
| Does this ModelComponent have a Model associated with it? More...
void | preScale (const SimTK::State &s, const ScaleSet &scaleSet) |
| Perform any computations that must occur before ModelComponent::scale() is invoked on all ModelComponents in the Model. More...
void | scale (const SimTK::State &s, const ScaleSet &scaleSet) |
| Scale the ModelComponent. More...
void | postScale (const SimTK::State &s, const ScaleSet &scaleSet) |
| Perform any computations that must occur after ModelComponent::scale() has been invoked on all ModelComponents in the Model. More...
void | assign (Object &aObject) override |
| This allows copy assignment in the Java GUI. More...
| Component () |
| Default constructor. More...
| Component (const std::string &aFileName, bool aUpdateFromXMLNode=true) |
| Construct Component from an XML file. More...
| Component (SimTK::Xml::Element &aNode) |
| Construct Component from a specific node in an XML document. More...
| Component (const Component &)=default |
| Use default copy constructor and assignment operator. More...
Component & | operator= (const Component &)=default |
virtual | ~Component ()=default |
| Destructor is virtual to allow concrete Component to cleanup. More...
virtual void | generateDecorations (bool fixed, const ModelDisplayHints &hints, const SimTK::State &state, SimTK::Array_< SimTK::DecorativeGeometry > &appendToThis) const |
| Optional method for generating arbitrary display geometry that reflects this Component at the specified state. More...
const SimTK::MultibodySystem & | getSystem () const |
| Get the underlying MultibodySystem that this component is connected to. More...
bool | hasSystem () const |
| Check if this component has an underlying MultibodySystem. More...
bool | isComponentInOwnershipTree (const Component *component) const |
| Does the provided component already exist anywhere in the ownership tree (not just subcomponents of this component)? More...
void | addComponent (Component *subcomponent) |
Add a Component (as a subcomponent) of this component. More...
template<typename T = Component> |
ComponentList< const T > | getComponentList () const |
| Get an iterator through the underlying subcomponents that this component is composed of. More...
template<typename T = Component> |
ComponentList< T > | updComponentList () |
| Similar to getComponentList(), except the resulting list allows one to modify the components. More...
template<typename T = Component> |
unsigned | countNumComponents () const |
| Uses getComponentList<T>() to count the number of underlying subcomponents of the specified type. More...
std::string | getAbsolutePathString () const |
| Get the complete (absolute) pathname for this Component to its ancestral Component, which is the root of the tree to which this Component belongs. More...
ComponentPath | getAbsolutePath () const |
| Return a ComponentPath of the absolute path of this Component. More...
std::string | getRelativePathString (const Component &wrt) const |
| Get the relative path of this Component with respect to another Component, as a string. More...
ComponentPath | getRelativePath (const Component &wrt) const |
| Get the relative path of this Component with respect to another Component. More...
bool | hasComponent (const std::string &pathname) const |
| Query if there is a component (of any type) at the specified path name. More...
template<class C = Component> |
bool | hasComponent (const std::string &pathname) const |
| Query if there is a component of a given type at the specified path name. More...
template<class C = Component> |
const C & | getComponent (const std::string &pathname) const |
| Get a unique subcomponent of this Component by its path name and type 'C'. More...
template<class C = Component> |
const C & | getComponent (const ComponentPath &pathname) const |
const Component & | getComponent (const std::string &pathname) const |
| Similar to the templatized getComponent(), except this returns the component as the generic Component type. More...
template<class C = Component> |
C & | updComponent (const std::string &name) |
| Get a writable reference to a subcomponent. More...
template<class C = Component> |
C & | updComponent (const ComponentPath &name) |
Component & | updComponent (const std::string &pathname) |
| Similar to the templatized updComponent(), except this returns the component as the generic Component type. More...
unsigned | printComponentsMatching (const std::string &substring) const |
| Print a list to the console of all components whose absolute path name contains the given string. More...
int | getNumStateVariables () const |
| Get the number of "continuous" state variables maintained by the Component and its subcomponents. More...
Array< std::string > | getStateVariableNames () const |
| Get the names of continuous state variables maintained by the Component and its subcomponents. More...
Array< std::string > | getDiscreteVariableNames () const |
| Get the names of discrete state variables maintained by the Component and its subcomponents. More...
Array< std::string > | getModelingOptionNames () const |
| Get the names of the modeling options maintained by the Component and its subcomponents. More...
void | finalizeFromProperties () |
| Define a Component's internal data members and structure according to its properties. More...
void | finalizeConnections (Component &root) |
| Satisfy the Component's connections specified by its Sockets and Inputs. More...
void | clearConnections () |
| Disconnect/clear this Component from its aggregate component. More...
void | addToSystem (SimTK::MultibodySystem &system) const |
| Have the Component add itself to the underlying computational System. More...
void | initStateFromProperties (SimTK::State &state) const |
| Initialize Component's state variable values from its properties. More...
void | setPropertiesFromState (const SimTK::State &state) |
| Set Component's properties given a state. More...
int | getNumSockets () const |
| Get the number of Sockets in this Component. More...
std::vector< std::string > | getSocketNames () const |
| Collect and return the names of the sockets in this component. More...
template<typename T > |
const T & | getConnectee (const std::string &name) const |
| Get the "connectee" object that the Component's Socket is bound to. More...
template<typename T > |
const T & | getConnectee (const std::string &name, int index) const |
| Get the "connectee" object at the provided index that the Component's Socket is bound to. More...
const Object & | getConnectee (const std::string &name) const |
| Get the connectee as an Object. More...
const Object & | getConnectee (const std::string &name, int index) const |
| Get the connectee at the provided index as an Object. More...
const AbstractSocket * | tryGetSocket (const std::string &name) const |
| Returns a pointer to the AbstractSocket with a given socket name, or nullptr if the socket with the given name does not exist on the component. More...
const AbstractSocket & | getSocket (const std::string &name) const |
| Get an AbstractSocket for the given socket name. More...
const AbstractSocket * | tryUpdSocket (const std::string &name) |
| Returns a writable pointer to the AbstractSocket with a given socket name, or nullptr if the socket with the given name does not exist on the component. More...
AbstractSocket & | updSocket (const std::string &name) |
| Get a writable reference to the AbstractSocket for the given socket name. More...
template<typename T > |
const Socket< T > & | getSocket (const std::string &name) const |
| Get a const reference to the concrete Socket provided by this Component by name. More...
template<typename T > |
Socket< T > & | updSocket (const std::string &name) |
| Get a writable reference to the concrete Socket provided by this Component by name. More...
int | getModelingOption (const SimTK::State &state, const std::string &path) const |
| Based on a specified path, get the value of a modeling option. More...
int | getModelingOption (const SimTK::State &state, const ComponentPath &path) const |
void | setModelingOption (SimTK::State &state, const std::string &path, int flag) const |
| Based on a specified path, set the value of a modeling option. More...
void | setModelingOption (SimTK::State &state, const ComponentPath &path, int flag) const |
template<typename T > |
const T & | getInputValue (const SimTK::State &state, const std::string &name) const |
| Get the Input value that this component is dependent on. More...
template<typename T > |
const T & | getOutputValue (const SimTK::State &state, const std::string &name) const |
| Get the Output value provided by this Component by name. More...
double | getStateVariableValue (const SimTK::State &state, const std::string &name) const |
| Get the value of a state variable allocated by this Component. More...
double | getStateVariableValue (const SimTK::State &state, const ComponentPath &path) const |
| Get the value of a state variable allocated by this Component. More...
void | setStateVariableValue (SimTK::State &state, const std::string &name, double value) const |
| Set the value of a state variable allocated by this Component by name. More...
SimTK::Vector | getStateVariableValues (const SimTK::State &state) const |
| Get all values of the state variables allocated by this Component. More...
void | setStateVariableValues (SimTK::State &state, const SimTK::Vector &values) const |
| Set all values of the state variables allocated by this Component. More...
double | getStateVariableDerivativeValue (const SimTK::State &state, const std::string &name) const |
| Get the value of a state variable derivative computed by this Component. More...
double | getStateVariableDerivativeValue (const SimTK::State &state, const ComponentPath &path) const |
| Get the value of a state variable derivative computed by this Component. More...
void | assign (Object &aObject) override |
| This allows copy assignment in the Java GUI. More...
int | getNumInputs () const |
| Access the number of Inputs that this component has. More...
int | getNumOutputs () const |
| Access the number of Outputs that this component has. More...
std::vector< std::string > | getInputNames () const |
| Collect and return the names of Inputs in this component as an std::vector. More...
std::vector< std::string > | getOutputNames () const |
| Collect and return the names of Outputs in this component as an std::vector. More...
const AbstractInput & | getInput (const std::string &name) const |
| Get an Input provided by this Component by name. More...
AbstractInput & | updInput (const std::string &name) |
| Get a writable reference to an Input provided by this Component by name. More...
template<typename T > |
const Input< T > & | getInput (const std::string &name) const |
| Get a concrete Input that you can directly ask for its values. More...
const AbstractOutput * | tryGetOutput (const std::string &name) const |
| If it exists on the component, returns a pointer to the named Output ; otherwise, returns a nullptr . More...
const AbstractOutput & | getOutput (const std::string &name) const |
| Get the Output provided by this Component by name. More...
AbstractOutput * | tryUpdOutput (const std::string &name) |
| If it exists on the component returns a writable pointer to the named Output ; otherwise, returns a nullptr More...
AbstractOutput & | updOutput (const std::string &name) |
| Get a writable reference to an Output provided by this Component by name. More...
SimTK::IteratorRange< OutputConstIterator > | getOutputs () const |
| Iterate through all Outputs of this component. More...
virtual | ~Object () |
| Virtual destructor for cleanup. More...
bool | isEqualTo (const Object &aObject) const |
| Equality operator wrapper for use from languages not supporting operator overloading. More...
Object & | operator= (const Object &aObject) |
| Copy assignment copies he base class fields, including the properties. More...
virtual bool | operator== (const Object &aObject) const |
| Determine if two objects are equal. More...
virtual bool | operator< (const Object &aObject) const |
| Provide an ordering for objects so they can be put in sorted containers. More...
void | setName (const std::string &name) |
| Set the name of the Object. More...
const std::string & | getName () const |
| Get the name of this Object. More...
void | setDescription (const std::string &description) |
| Set description, a one-liner summary. More...
const std::string & | getDescription () const |
| Get description, a one-liner summary. More...
const std::string & | getAuthors () const |
| Get Authors of this Object. More...
void | setAuthors (const std::string &authors) |
| Set Authors of this object. More...
const std::string & | getReferences () const |
| Get references or publications to cite if using this object. More...
void | setReferences (const std::string &references) |
| Set references or publications to cite if using this object. More...
int | getNumProperties () const |
| Determine how many properties are stored with this Object. More...
const AbstractProperty & | getPropertyByIndex (int propertyIndex) const |
| Get a const reference to a property by its index number, returned as an AbstractProperty. More...
AbstractProperty & | updPropertyByIndex (int propertyIndex) |
| Get a writable reference to a property by its index number, returned as an AbstractProperty. More...
bool | hasProperty (const std::string &name) const |
| Return true if this Object has a property of any type with the given name, which must not be empty. More...
const AbstractProperty & | getPropertyByName (const std::string &name) const |
| Get a const reference to a property by its name, returned as an AbstractProperty. More...
AbstractProperty & | updPropertyByName (const std::string &name) |
| Get a writable reference to a property by its name, returned as an AbstractProperty. More...
template<class T > |
bool | hasProperty () const |
| Return true if this Object contains an unnamed, one-object property that contains objects of the given template type T. More...
template<class T > |
const Property< T > & | getProperty (const PropertyIndex &index) const |
| Get property of known type Property<T> as a const reference; the property must be present and have the right type. More...
template<class T > |
const Property< T > & | getPropertyByName (const std::string &name) const |
| Get property of known type Property<T> as a const reference; the property must be present and have the right type. More...
template<class T > |
Property< T > & | updProperty (const PropertyIndex &index) |
| Get property of known type Property<T> as a writable reference; the property must be present and have the right type. More...
template<class T > |
Property< T > & | updPropertyByName (const std::string &name) |
| Get property of known type Property<T> as a writable reference; the property must be present and have the right type.
bool | isObjectUpToDateWithProperties () const |
| Returns true if no property's value has changed since the last time setObjectIsUpToDateWithProperties() was called. More...
void | readObjectFromXMLNodeOrFile (SimTK::Xml::Element &objectElement, int versionNumber) |
| We're given an XML element from which we are to populate this Object. More...
void | updateXMLNode (SimTK::Xml::Element &parent, const AbstractProperty *prop=nullptr) const |
| Serialize this object into the XML node that represents it. More...
bool | getInlined () const |
| Inlined means an in-memory Object that is not associated with an XMLDocument. More...
void | setInlined (bool aInlined, const std::string &aFileName="") |
| Mark this as inlined or not and optionally provide a file name to associate with the new XMLDocument for the non-inline case. More...
std::string | getDocumentFileName () const |
| If there is a document associated with this object then return the file name maintained by the document. More...
int | getDocumentFileVersion () const |
| If there is a document associated with this object then return its version number. More...
void | setAllPropertiesUseDefault (bool aUseDefault) |
bool | print (const std::string &fileName) const |
| Write this Object into an XML file of the given name; conventionally the suffix to use is ".osim". More...
std::string | dump () const |
| dump the XML representation of this Object into an std::string and return it. More...
virtual bool | isA (const char *type) const |
| The default implementation returns true only if the supplied string is "Object"; each Object-derived class overrides this to match its own class name. More...
const std::string & | toString () const |
| Wrapper to be used on Java side to display objects in tree; this returns just the object's name. More...
PropertySet & | getPropertySet () |
| OBSOLETE: Get a reference to the PropertySet maintained by the Object. More...
const PropertySet & | getPropertySet () const |