Testing.h File Reference

This file defines a SimTK::Test class and some related macros which provide functionality useful in regression tests. More...

#include "SimTKcommon/basics.h"
#include "SimTKcommon/Simmatrix.h"
#include "SimTKcommon/internal/Random.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <ctime>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>

Go to the source code of this file.


class  Test
 This is the main class to support testing. More...
class  Subtest
 Internal utility class for generating test messages for subtests. More...


namespace  SimTK

This is the top-level SimTK namespace into which all SimTK names are placed to avoid collision with other symbols.


#define SimTK_START_TEST(testName)
 Invoke this macro before anything else in your test's main().
#define SimTK_END_TEST()
 Invoke this macro as the last thing in your test's main().
#define SimTK_SUBTEST(testFunction)   do {SimTK::Test::Subtest sub(#testFunction); (testFunction)();} while(false)
 Invoke a subtest in the form of a no-argument function, arranging for some friendly output and timing information.
#define SimTK_SUBTEST1(testFunction, arg1)   do {SimTK::Test::Subtest sub(#testFunction); (testFunction)(arg1);} while(false)
 Invoke a subtest in the form of a 1-argument function, arranging for some friendly output and timing information.
#define SimTK_SUBTEST2(testFunction, arg1, arg2)   do {SimTK::Test::Subtest sub(#testFunction); (testFunction)(arg1,arg2);} while(false)
 Invoke a subtest in the form of a 2-argument function, arranging for some friendly output and timing information.
#define SimTK_SUBTEST3(testFunction, arg1, arg2, arg3)   do {SimTK::Test::Subtest sub(#testFunction); (testFunction)(arg1,arg2,arg3);} while(false)
 Invoke a subtest in the form of a 3-argument function, arranging for some friendly output and timing information.
#define SimTK_SUBTEST4(testFunction, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4)   do {SimTK::Test::Subtest sub(#testFunction); (testFunction)(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4);} while(false)
 Invoke a subtest in the form of a 4-argument function, arranging for some friendly output and timing information.
#define SimTK_TEST(cond)   {SimTK_ASSERT_ALWAYS((cond), "Test condition failed.");}
 Test that some condition holds and complain if it doesn't.
#define SimTK_TEST_FAILED(msg)   {SimTK_ASSERT_ALWAYS(!"Test case failed.", msg);}
 Call this if you have determined that a test case has failed and just need to report it and die.
#define SimTK_TEST_FAILED1(fmt, a1)   {SimTK_ASSERT1_ALWAYS(!"Test case failed.",fmt,a1);}
 Call this if you have determined that a test case has failed and just need to report it and die.
#define SimTK_TEST_FAILED2(fmt, a1, a2)   {SimTK_ASSERT2_ALWAYS(!"Test case failed.",fmt,a1,a2);}
 Call this if you have determined that a test case has failed and just need to report it and die.
#define SimTK_TEST_EQ(v1, v2)
 Test that two numerical values are equal to within a reasonable numerical error tolerance, using a relative and absolute error tolerance.
#define SimTK_TEST_EQ_SIZE(v1, v2, n)
 Test that two numerical values are equal to within a specified multiple of the default error tolerance.
#define SimTK_TEST_EQ_TOL(v1, v2, tol)
 Test that two numerical values are equal to within a specified numerical error tolerance, using a relative and absolute error tolerance.
#define SimTK_TEST_NOTEQ(v1, v2)
 Test that two numerical values are NOT equal to within a reasonable numerical error tolerance, using a relative and absolute error tolerance.
#define SimTK_TEST_NOTEQ_SIZE(v1, v2, n)
 Test that two numerical values are NOT equal to within a specified multiple of the default error tolerance, using a relative and absolute error tolerance.
#define SimTK_TEST_NOTEQ_TOL(v1, v2, tol)
 Test that two numerical values are NOT equal to within a specified numerical error tolerance, using a relative and absolute error tolerance.
#define SimTK_TEST_MUST_THROW(stmt)
 Test that the supplied statement throws an std::exception of some kind.
#define SimTK_TEST_MUST_THROW_EXC(stmt, exc)
 Test that the supplied statement throws a particular exception.
#define SimTK_TEST_MAY_THROW(stmt)
 Allow the supplied statement to throw any std::exception without failing.
#define SimTK_TEST_MAY_THROW_EXC(stmt, exc)
 Allow the supplied statement to throw a particular exception without failing.
 Include a bad statement when in Debug and insist that it get caught, but don't include the statement at all in Release.
#define SimTK_TEST_MUST_THROW_EXC_DEBUG(stmt, exc)   SimTK_TEST_MUST_THROW_EXC(stmt,exc)
 Include a bad statement when in Debug and insist that it get caught, but don't include the statement at all in Release.

Detailed Description

This file defines a SimTK::Test class and some related macros which provide functionality useful in regression tests.

Define Documentation

#define SimTK_END_TEST (  ) 
} catch(const std::exception& e) {                  \
        std::cerr << "Test failed due to exception: "   \
                  << e.what() << std::endl;             \
        return 1;                                       \
    } catch(...) {                                      \
        std::cerr << "Test failed due to unrecognized exception.\n";    \
        return 1;                                       \
    }                                                   \
    return 0;

Invoke this macro as the last thing in your test's main().

#define SimTK_START_TEST ( testName   ) 
SimTK::Test simtk_test_(testName);  \
    try {

Invoke this macro before anything else in your test's main().

#define SimTK_SUBTEST ( testFunction   )     do {SimTK::Test::Subtest sub(#testFunction); (testFunction)();} while(false)

Invoke a subtest in the form of a no-argument function, arranging for some friendly output and timing information.

#define SimTK_SUBTEST1 ( testFunction,
arg1   )     do {SimTK::Test::Subtest sub(#testFunction); (testFunction)(arg1);} while(false)

Invoke a subtest in the form of a 1-argument function, arranging for some friendly output and timing information.

#define SimTK_SUBTEST2 ( testFunction,
arg2   )     do {SimTK::Test::Subtest sub(#testFunction); (testFunction)(arg1,arg2);} while(false)

Invoke a subtest in the form of a 2-argument function, arranging for some friendly output and timing information.

#define SimTK_SUBTEST3 ( testFunction,
arg3   )     do {SimTK::Test::Subtest sub(#testFunction); (testFunction)(arg1,arg2,arg3);} while(false)

Invoke a subtest in the form of a 3-argument function, arranging for some friendly output and timing information.

#define SimTK_SUBTEST4 ( testFunction,
arg4   )     do {SimTK::Test::Subtest sub(#testFunction); (testFunction)(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4);} while(false)

Invoke a subtest in the form of a 4-argument function, arranging for some friendly output and timing information.

#define SimTK_TEST ( cond   )     {SimTK_ASSERT_ALWAYS((cond), "Test condition failed.");}

Test that some condition holds and complain if it doesn't.

#define SimTK_TEST_EQ ( v1,
v2   ) 
{SimTK_ASSERT_ALWAYS(SimTK::Test::numericallyEqual((v1),(v2),1),   \
     "Test values should have been numerically equivalent at default tolerance.");}

Test that two numerical values are equal to within a reasonable numerical error tolerance, using a relative and absolute error tolerance.

In the case of composite types, the test is performed elementwise.

#define SimTK_TEST_EQ_SIZE ( v1,
{SimTK_ASSERT1_ALWAYS(SimTK::Test::numericallyEqual((v1),(v2),(n)),   \
     "Test values should have been numerically equivalent at size=%d times default tolerance.",(n));}

Test that two numerical values are equal to within a specified multiple of the default error tolerance.

#define SimTK_TEST_EQ_TOL ( v1,
tol   ) 
{SimTK_ASSERT1_ALWAYS(SimTK::Test::numericallyEqual((v1),(v2),1,(tol)),   \
     "Test values should have been numerically equivalent at tolerance=%g.",(tol));}

Test that two numerical values are equal to within a specified numerical error tolerance, using a relative and absolute error tolerance.

In the case of composite types, the test is performed elementwise.

#define SimTK_TEST_FAILED ( msg   )     {SimTK_ASSERT_ALWAYS(!"Test case failed.", msg);}

Call this if you have determined that a test case has failed and just need to report it and die.

Pass the message as a string in quotes.

#define SimTK_TEST_FAILED1 ( fmt,
a1   )     {SimTK_ASSERT1_ALWAYS(!"Test case failed.",fmt,a1);}

Call this if you have determined that a test case has failed and just need to report it and die.

The message is a printf format string in quotes; here with one argument expected.

#define SimTK_TEST_FAILED2 ( fmt,
a2   )     {SimTK_ASSERT2_ALWAYS(!"Test case failed.",fmt,a1,a2);}

Call this if you have determined that a test case has failed and just need to report it and die.

The message is a printf format string in quotes; here with two arguments expected.

#define SimTK_TEST_MAY_THROW ( stmt   ) 
do {int threw=0; try {stmt;}                \
        catch(const std::exception&){threw=1;}  \
        catch(...){threw=2;}                    \
        if (threw==2) SimTK_TEST_FAILED1("Expected statement\n%s\n  to throw an std::exception but it threw something else.",#stmt); \

Allow the supplied statement to throw any std::exception without failing.

#define SimTK_TEST_MAY_THROW_EXC ( stmt,
exc   ) 
do {int threw=0; try {stmt;}                \
        catch(const exc&){threw=1;}             \
        catch(...){threw=2;}                    \
        if (threw==2) SimTK_TEST_FAILED2("Expected statement\n----\n%s\n----\n  to throw exception type %s but it threw something else.",#stmt,#exc); \

Allow the supplied statement to throw a particular exception without failing.

#define SimTK_TEST_MUST_THROW ( stmt   ) 
do {int threw=0; try {stmt;}                \
        catch(const std::exception&){threw=1;}  \
        catch(...){threw=2;}                    \
        if (threw==0) SimTK_TEST_FAILED1("Expected statement\n----\n%s\n----\n  to throw an exception but it did not.",#stmt); \
        if (threw==2) SimTK_TEST_FAILED1("Expected statement\n%s\n  to throw an std::exception but it threw something else.",#stmt); \

Test that the supplied statement throws an std::exception of some kind.

#define SimTK_TEST_MUST_THROW_DEBUG ( stmt   )     SimTK_TEST_MUST_THROW(stmt)

Include a bad statement when in Debug and insist that it get caught, but don't include the statement at all in Release.

#define SimTK_TEST_MUST_THROW_EXC ( stmt,
exc   ) 
do {int threw=0; try {stmt;}                \
        catch(const exc&){threw=1;}             \
        catch(...){threw=2;}                    \
        if (threw==0) SimTK_TEST_FAILED1("Expected statement\n----\n%s\n----\n  to throw an exception but it did not.",#stmt); \
        if (threw==2) SimTK_TEST_FAILED2("Expected statement\n----\n%s\n----\n  to throw exception type %s but it threw something else.",#stmt,#exc); \

Test that the supplied statement throws a particular exception.

exc   )     SimTK_TEST_MUST_THROW_EXC(stmt,exc)

Include a bad statement when in Debug and insist that it get caught, but don't include the statement at all in Release.

#define SimTK_TEST_NOTEQ ( v1,
v2   ) 
{SimTK_ASSERT_ALWAYS(!SimTK::Test::numericallyEqual((v1),(v2),1),   \
     "Test values should NOT have been numerically equivalent (at default tolerance).");}

Test that two numerical values are NOT equal to within a reasonable numerical error tolerance, using a relative and absolute error tolerance.

In the case of composite types, the equality test is performed elementwise.

#define SimTK_TEST_NOTEQ_SIZE ( v1,
{SimTK_ASSERT1_ALWAYS(!SimTK::Test::numericallyEqual((v1),(v2),(n)),   \
     "Test values should NOT have been numerically equivalent at size=%d times default tolerance.",(n));}

Test that two numerical values are NOT equal to within a specified multiple of the default error tolerance, using a relative and absolute error tolerance.

In the case of composite types, the equality test is performed elementwise.

#define SimTK_TEST_NOTEQ_TOL ( v1,
tol   ) 
{SimTK_ASSERT1_ALWAYS(!SimTK::Test::numericallyEqual((v1),(v2),1,(tol)),   \
     "Test values should NOT have been numerically equivalent at tolerance=%g.",(tol));}

Test that two numerical values are NOT equal to within a specified numerical error tolerance, using a relative and absolute error tolerance.

In the case of composite types, the equality test is performed elementwise.

Generated on Thu Aug 12 16:37:47 2010 for SimTKcore by  doxygen 1.6.1