SimTK Regression Testing

SimTK defines some utilities to facilitate the creation of regression tests for SimTK facilities. More...


class  Test
 This is the main class to support testing. More...
class  Subtest
 Internal utility class for generating test messages for subtests. More...


 Test (const std::string &name)
 ~Test ()
template<class T >
static double defTol ()
template<class T1 , class T2 >
static double defTol2 ()
static bool numericallyEqual (float v1, float v2, int n, double tol=defTol< float >())
static bool numericallyEqual (double v1, double v2, int n, double tol=defTol< double >())
static bool numericallyEqual (long double v1, long double v2, int n, double tol=defTol< long double >())
static bool numericallyEqual (int i1, int i2, int n, double tol=0)
static bool numericallyEqual (unsigned u1, unsigned u2, int n, double tol=0)
static bool numericallyEqual (float v1, double v2, int n, double tol=defTol< float >())
static bool numericallyEqual (double v1, float v2, int n, double tol=defTol< float >())
static bool numericallyEqual (float v1, long double v2, int n, double tol=defTol< float >())
static bool numericallyEqual (long double v1, float v2, int n, double tol=defTol< float >())
static bool numericallyEqual (double v1, long double v2, int n, double tol=defTol< double >())
static bool numericallyEqual (long double v1, double v2, int n, double tol=defTol< double >())
static bool numericallyEqual (int i1, float f2, int n, double tol=defTol< float >())
static bool numericallyEqual (float f1, int i2, int n, double tol=defTol< float >())
static bool numericallyEqual (unsigned i1, float f2, int n, double tol=defTol< float >())
static bool numericallyEqual (float f1, unsigned i2, int n, double tol=defTol< float >())
static bool numericallyEqual (int i1, double f2, int n, double tol=defTol< double >())
static bool numericallyEqual (double f1, int i2, int n, double tol=defTol< double >())
static bool numericallyEqual (unsigned i1, double f2, int n, double tol=defTol< double >())
static bool numericallyEqual (double f1, unsigned i2, int n, double tol=defTol< double >())
static bool numericallyEqual (int i1, long double f2, int n, double tol=defTol< long double >())
static bool numericallyEqual (long double f1, int i2, int n, double tol=defTol< long double >())
static bool numericallyEqual (unsigned i1, long double f2, int n, double tol=defTol< long double >())
static bool numericallyEqual (long double f1, unsigned i2, int n, double tol=defTol< long double >())
template<class P >
static bool numericallyEqual (const std::complex< P > &v1, const std::complex< P > &v2, int n, double tol=defTol< P >())
template<class P >
static bool numericallyEqual (const conjugate< P > &v1, const conjugate< P > &v2, int n, double tol=defTol< P >())
template<class P >
static bool numericallyEqual (const std::complex< P > &v1, const conjugate< P > &v2, int n, double tol=defTol< P >())
template<class P >
static bool numericallyEqual (const conjugate< P > &v1, const std::complex< P > &v2, int n, double tol=defTol< P >())
template<class P >
static bool numericallyEqual (const negator< P > &v1, const negator< P > &v2, int n, double tol=defTol< P >())
template<class P >
static bool numericallyEqual (const P &v1, const negator< P > &v2, int n, double tol=defTol< P >())
template<class P >
static bool numericallyEqual (const negator< P > &v1, const P &v2, int n, double tol=defTol< P >())
template<class P >
static bool numericallyEqual (const negator< std::complex< P > > &v1, const conjugate< P > &v2, int n, double tol=defTol< P >())
template<class P >
static bool numericallyEqual (const negator< conjugate< P > > &v1, const std::complex< P > &v2, int n, double tol=defTol< P >())
template<class P >
static bool numericallyEqual (const std::complex< P > &v1, const negator< conjugate< P > > &v2, int n, double tol=defTol< P >())
template<class P >
static bool numericallyEqual (const conjugate< P > &v1, const negator< std::complex< P > > &v2, int n, double tol=defTol< P >())
template<int M, class E1 , int S1, class E2 , int S2>
static bool numericallyEqual (const Vec< M, E1, S1 > &v1, const Vec< M, E2, S2 > &v2, int n, double tol=(defTol2< E1, E2 >()))
template<int N, class E1 , int S1, class E2 , int S2>
static bool numericallyEqual (const Row< N, E1, S1 > &v1, const Row< N, E2, S2 > &v2, int n, double tol=(defTol2< E1, E2 >()))
template<int M, int N, class E1 , int CS1, int RS1, class E2 , int CS2, int RS2>
static bool numericallyEqual (const Mat< M, N, E1, CS1, RS1 > &v1, const Mat< M, N, E2, CS2, RS2 > &v2, int n, double tol=(defTol2< E1, E2 >()))
template<int N, class E1 , int S1, class E2 , int S2>
static bool numericallyEqual (const SymMat< N, E1, S1 > &v1, const SymMat< N, E2, S2 > &v2, int n, double tol=(defTol2< E1, E2 >()))
template<class E1 , class E2 >
static bool numericallyEqual (const VectorView_< E1 > &v1, const VectorView_< E2 > &v2, int n, double tol=(defTol2< E1, E2 >()))
template<class E1 , class E2 >
static bool numericallyEqual (const Vector_< E1 > &v1, const Vector_< E2 > &v2, int n, double tol=(defTol2< E1, E2 >()))
template<class E1 , class E2 >
static bool numericallyEqual (const RowVectorView_< E1 > &v1, const RowVectorView_< E2 > &v2, int n, double tol=(defTol2< E1, E2 >()))
template<class E1 , class E2 >
static bool numericallyEqual (const RowVector_< E1 > &v1, const RowVector_< E2 > &v2, int n, double tol=(defTol2< E1, E2 >()))
template<class E1 , class E2 >
static bool numericallyEqual (const MatrixView_< E1 > &v1, const MatrixView_< E2 > &v2, int n, double tol=(defTol2< E1, E2 >()))
template<class E1 , class E2 >
static bool numericallyEqual (const Matrix_< E1 > &m1, const Matrix_< E2 > &m2, int n, double tol=(defTol2< E1, E2 >()))
template<class P >
static bool numericallyEqual (const Rotation_< P > &R1, const Rotation_< P > &R2, int n, double tol=defTol< P >())
template<class P >
static bool numericallyEqual (const Transform_< P > &T1, const Transform_< P > &T2, int n, double tol=defTol< P >())
template<class P >
static bool numericallyEqual (const Gyration_< P > &G1, const Gyration_< P > &G2, int n, double tol=defTol< P >())
template<class P >
static bool numericallyEqual (const Inertia_< P > &I1, const Inertia_< P > &I2, int n, double tol=defTol< P >())
static Real randReal ()
static Complex randComplex ()
static Conjugate randConjugate ()
static float randFloat ()
static double randDouble ()
template<int M>
static Vec< M > randVec ()
template<int N>
static Row< N > randRow ()
template<int M, int N>
static Mat< M, N > randMat ()
template<int N>
static SymMat< N > randSymMat ()
static Vector randVector (int m)
static Matrix randMatrix (int m, int n)
static Vec3 randVec3 ()
static Mat33 randMat33 ()
static SymMat33 randSymMat33 ()
static SpatialVec randSpatialVec ()
static SpatialMat randSpatialMat ()
static Rotation randRotation ()
static Transform randTransform ()
 ~Subtest ()

Detailed Description

SimTK defines some utilities to facilitate the creation of regression tests for SimTK facilities.

These utilities consist of a SimTK::Test class and related support macros.

Features include:

The Testing.h header file is not automatically included with SimTKcommon.h; you have to ask for it explicilty. Here's how you use this facility:

 #include "SimTKcommon/Testing.h"
 void myFirstSubtest() {...}
 void myNextSubtest() {...}
 int main() {

The arguments to SimTK_SUBTEST are function names and will be called with "()" appended. If your subtest functions have arguments, use SimTK_SUBTEST1(name,arg) or SimTK_SUBTEST2(name,arg1,arg2) which will call name(arg) or name(arg1,arg2) as appropriate.

This will result in nice output including execution times for the overall test and the individual subtests, and arrange for any exceptions raised in the tests to be caught, properly reported, and cause a non-zero return from main(). If everything runs successfully, main() will return 0. Here is an example of the output produced:

 Starting test TestScalar ...
   testIsNaN            ... done. testIsNaN            time: 0ms.
   testIsInf            ... done. testIsInf            time: 0ms.
   testIsFinite         ... done. testIsFinite         time: 0ms.
   testSignBit          ... done. testSignBit          time: 0ms.
   testSign             ... done. testSign             time: 0ms.
   testSquareAndCube    ... done. testSquareAndCube    time: 0ms.
 Done. TestScalar time: 15ms.

(Admittedly the timings aren't much use in that example!)

Within your subtests, several useful macros and static functions are available. By using these macros, the resulting message will include the actual line number at which the test failure occurred.

      SimTK_TEST(cond)             -- this is like assert(cond)
      SimTK_TEST_FAILED("message") -- like assert(!"message")
      SimTK_TEST_EQ(a,b)           -- equal to within a default tolerance
      SimTK_TEST_NOTEQ(a,b)        -- not equal to within a default tolerance
      SimTK_TEST_EQ_SIZE(a,b,n)    -- equal to within n * default tolerance
      SimTK_TEST_NOTEQ_SIZE(a,b,n) -- not equal to within n * default tolerance
      SimTK_TEST_EQ_TOL(a,b,tol)   -- same as above with specified tolerance
      SimTK_TEST_MUST_THROW(statement)    -- we expect the statement to throw some exception
      SimTK_TEST_MUST_THROW_EXC(statement, exception) -- we expect a particular exception type

The SimTK_TEST_EQ macros test scalar and composite numerical values for equality to within a numerical tolerance, using both relative and absolute tolerances. The default is the value of SignificantReal for the underlying numerical type. For composite types the equality test is done elementwise; that is, we apply it strictly to each pair of elements not to an overall norm.

The SimTK_TEST_EQ_SIZE macros allows you to specify a multiple of default tolerance to be used. This is necessary for most Matrix operations since attainable accuracy falls off with the size of the matrix. Typically, if the smallest dimension of the Matrix is n, then the tolerance you should allow is n*scalarTol where scalarTol is the default tolerance for a scalar operation. Note that you still need to specify size when comparing Vector or scalar values if those values were produced using a matrix computation.

The SimTK_TEST_EQ_TOL macros take a user-specified tolerance value for the elementwise tests, overriding the default.

The SimTK::Test class has a number of static methods that are useful in tests. Currently these are all for generating numerical objects filled with random numbers (all uniform between -1 and 1). These are:

      randReal()      randFloat()     randDouble()
      randComplex()   randConjugate()
      randVec<M>()    randRow<N>()    randMat<M,N>()  randSymMat<N>()
      randVector(m)   randMatrix(m,n)
      randVec3()      randMat33()
      randSpatialVec() randSpatialMat()
      randRotation()  randTransform()

These are invoked Test::randReal() etc.

Function Documentation

static double defTol (  )  [inline, static, inherited]
static double defTol2 (  )  [inline, static, inherited]

References SimTK::max().

static bool numericallyEqual ( const Inertia_< P > &  I1,
const Inertia_< P > &  I2,
int  n,
double  tol = defTol<P>() 
) [inline, static, inherited]
static bool numericallyEqual ( const Gyration_< P > &  G1,
const Gyration_< P > &  G2,
int  n,
double  tol = defTol<P>() 
) [inline, static, inherited]
static bool numericallyEqual ( const Transform_< P > &  T1,
const Transform_< P > &  T2,
int  n,
double  tol = defTol<P>() 
) [inline, static, inherited]
static bool numericallyEqual ( const Rotation_< P > &  R1,
const Rotation_< P > &  R2,
int  n,
double  tol = defTol<P>() 
) [inline, static, inherited]
static bool numericallyEqual ( const Matrix_< E1 > &  m1,
const Matrix_< E2 > &  m2,
int  n,
double  tol = (defTol2<E1,E2>()) 
) [inline, static, inherited]
static bool numericallyEqual ( const MatrixView_< E1 > &  v1,
const MatrixView_< E2 > &  v2,
int  n,
double  tol = (defTol2<E1,E2>()) 
) [inline, static, inherited]
static bool numericallyEqual ( const RowVector_< E1 > &  v1,
const RowVector_< E2 > &  v2,
int  n,
double  tol = (defTol2<E1,E2>()) 
) [inline, static, inherited]
static bool numericallyEqual ( const RowVectorView_< E1 > &  v1,
const RowVectorView_< E2 > &  v2,
int  n,
double  tol = (defTol2<E1,E2>()) 
) [inline, static, inherited]
static bool numericallyEqual ( const Vector_< E1 > &  v1,
const Vector_< E2 > &  v2,
int  n,
double  tol = (defTol2<E1,E2>()) 
) [inline, static, inherited]
static bool numericallyEqual ( const VectorView_< E1 > &  v1,
const VectorView_< E2 > &  v2,
int  n,
double  tol = (defTol2<E1,E2>()) 
) [inline, static, inherited]
static bool numericallyEqual ( const SymMat< N, E1, S1 > &  v1,
const SymMat< N, E2, S2 > &  v2,
int  n,
double  tol = (defTol2<E1,E2>()) 
) [inline, static, inherited]
static bool numericallyEqual ( const Mat< M, N, E1, CS1, RS1 > &  v1,
const Mat< M, N, E2, CS2, RS2 > &  v2,
int  n,
double  tol = (defTol2<E1,E2>()) 
) [inline, static, inherited]
static bool numericallyEqual ( const Row< N, E1, S1 > &  v1,
const Row< N, E2, S2 > &  v2,
int  n,
double  tol = (defTol2<E1,E2>()) 
) [inline, static, inherited]
static bool numericallyEqual ( const Vec< M, E1, S1 > &  v1,
const Vec< M, E2, S2 > &  v2,
int  n,
double  tol = (defTol2<E1,E2>()) 
) [inline, static, inherited]
static bool numericallyEqual ( const conjugate< P > &  v1,
const negator< std::complex< P > > &  v2,
int  n,
double  tol = defTol<P>() 
) [inline, static, inherited]
static bool numericallyEqual ( const std::complex< P > &  v1,
const negator< conjugate< P > > &  v2,
int  n,
double  tol = defTol<P>() 
) [inline, static, inherited]
static bool numericallyEqual ( const negator< conjugate< P > > &  v1,
const std::complex< P > &  v2,
int  n,
double  tol = defTol<P>() 
) [inline, static, inherited]
static bool numericallyEqual ( const negator< std::complex< P > > &  v1,
const conjugate< P > &  v2,
int  n,
double  tol = defTol<P>() 
) [inline, static, inherited]
static bool numericallyEqual ( const negator< P > &  v1,
const P &  v2,
int  n,
double  tol = defTol<P>() 
) [inline, static, inherited]
static bool numericallyEqual ( const P &  v1,
const negator< P > &  v2,
int  n,
double  tol = defTol<P>() 
) [inline, static, inherited]
static bool numericallyEqual ( const negator< P > &  v1,
const negator< P > &  v2,
int  n,
double  tol = defTol<P>() 
) [inline, static, inherited]
static bool numericallyEqual ( const conjugate< P > &  v1,
const std::complex< P > &  v2,
int  n,
double  tol = defTol<P>() 
) [inline, static, inherited]
static bool numericallyEqual ( const std::complex< P > &  v1,
const conjugate< P > &  v2,
int  n,
double  tol = defTol<P>() 
) [inline, static, inherited]
static bool numericallyEqual ( const conjugate< P > &  v1,
const conjugate< P > &  v2,
int  n,
double  tol = defTol<P>() 
) [inline, static, inherited]
static bool numericallyEqual ( const std::complex< P > &  v1,
const std::complex< P > &  v2,
int  n,
double  tol = defTol<P>() 
) [inline, static, inherited]
static bool numericallyEqual ( long double  f1,
unsigned  i2,
int  n,
double  tol = defTol<long double>() 
) [inline, static, inherited]
static bool numericallyEqual ( unsigned  i1,
long double  f2,
int  n,
double  tol = defTol<long double>() 
) [inline, static, inherited]
static bool numericallyEqual ( long double  f1,
int  i2,
int  n,
double  tol = defTol<long double>() 
) [inline, static, inherited]
static bool numericallyEqual ( int  i1,
long double  f2,
int  n,
double  tol = defTol<long double>() 
) [inline, static, inherited]
static bool numericallyEqual ( double  f1,
unsigned  i2,
int  n,
double  tol = defTol<double>() 
) [inline, static, inherited]
static bool numericallyEqual ( unsigned  i1,
double  f2,
int  n,
double  tol = defTol<double>() 
) [inline, static, inherited]
static bool numericallyEqual ( double  f1,
int  i2,
int  n,
double  tol = defTol<double>() 
) [inline, static, inherited]
static bool numericallyEqual ( int  i1,
double  f2,
int  n,
double  tol = defTol<double>() 
) [inline, static, inherited]
static bool numericallyEqual ( float  f1,
unsigned  i2,
int  n,
double  tol = defTol<float>() 
) [inline, static, inherited]
static bool numericallyEqual ( unsigned  i1,
float  f2,
int  n,
double  tol = defTol<float>() 
) [inline, static, inherited]
static bool numericallyEqual ( float  f1,
int  i2,
int  n,
double  tol = defTol<float>() 
) [inline, static, inherited]
static bool numericallyEqual ( int  i1,
float  f2,
int  n,
double  tol = defTol<float>() 
) [inline, static, inherited]
static bool numericallyEqual ( long double  v1,
double  v2,
int  n,
double  tol = defTol<double>() 
) [inline, static, inherited]
static bool numericallyEqual ( double  v1,
long double  v2,
int  n,
double  tol = defTol<double>() 
) [inline, static, inherited]
static bool numericallyEqual ( long double  v1,
float  v2,
int  n,
double  tol = defTol<float>() 
) [inline, static, inherited]
static bool numericallyEqual ( float  v1,
long double  v2,
int  n,
double  tol = defTol<float>() 
) [inline, static, inherited]
static bool numericallyEqual ( double  v1,
float  v2,
int  n,
double  tol = defTol<float>() 
) [inline, static, inherited]
static bool numericallyEqual ( float  v1,
double  v2,
int  n,
double  tol = defTol<float>() 
) [inline, static, inherited]
static bool numericallyEqual ( unsigned  u1,
unsigned  u2,
int  n,
double  tol = 0 
) [inline, static, inherited]
static bool numericallyEqual ( int  i1,
int  i2,
int  n,
double  tol = 0 
) [inline, static, inherited]
static bool numericallyEqual ( long double  v1,
long double  v2,
int  n,
double  tol = defTol<long double>() 
) [inline, static, inherited]

References SimTK::abs(), and SimTK::max().

static bool numericallyEqual ( double  v1,
double  v2,
int  n,
double  tol = defTol<double>() 
) [inline, static, inherited]

References SimTK::abs(), and SimTK::max().

static bool numericallyEqual ( float  v1,
float  v2,
int  n,
double  tol = defTol<float>() 
) [inline, static, inherited]

References SimTK::abs(), and SimTK::max().

Referenced by Test::numericallyEqual().

static Complex randComplex (  )  [inline, static, inherited]

References Test::randReal().

static Conjugate randConjugate (  )  [inline, static, inherited]

References Test::randReal().

static double randDouble (  )  [inline, static, inherited]

References Test::randReal().

static float randFloat (  )  [inline, static, inherited]

References Test::randReal().

static Mat<M,N> randMat (  )  [inline, static, inherited]
static Mat33 randMat33 (  )  [inline, static, inherited]

Referenced by Test::randSpatialMat().

static Matrix randMatrix ( int  m,
int  n 
) [inline, static, inherited]

References Test::randVector().

static Real randReal (  )  [inline, static, inherited]
static Rotation randRotation (  )  [inline, static, inherited]

References Test::randReal(), and Test::randVec3().

Referenced by Test::randTransform().

static Row<N> randRow (  )  [inline, static, inherited]
static SpatialMat randSpatialMat (  )  [inline, static, inherited]

References Test::randMat33().

static SpatialVec randSpatialVec (  )  [inline, static, inherited]

References Test::randVec3().

static SymMat<N> randSymMat (  )  [inline, static, inherited]
static SymMat33 randSymMat33 (  )  [inline, static, inherited]
static Transform randTransform (  )  [inline, static, inherited]
static Vec<M> randVec (  )  [inline, static, inherited]

References Test::randReal().

Referenced by Test::randSymMat().

static Vec3 randVec3 (  )  [inline, static, inherited]
static Vector randVector ( int  m  )  [inline, static, inherited]

References Test::randReal().

Referenced by Test::randMatrix().

Test ( const std::string &  name  )  [inline, inherited]
~Subtest (  )  [inline, inherited]
~Test (  )  [inline, inherited]

Generated on Thu Aug 12 16:37:48 2010 for SimTKcore by  doxygen 1.6.1