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CIRS for a standardized creep test using a flat, porous 2.0mm diameter indenter with a 0.35N applied load.
Creep: Flat 2mm, 0.35N v2.2
Jun 30, 2010

This release corrects an error in version 2.1. For thickness greater than 3.5mm, the previous release searched for a best-fit curve over thicknesses equal to 1.0mm rather than 3.6mm. Any results obtained for thickness greater than 3.5mm should be repeated with this updated release. This release CIRS has a range of thicknesses from 1.0mm to 5.0mm.Notes  

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Jul 08, 2010
709 MB
CIRS files

Aug 08, 2011
9 KB
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Please refer to the program as VA-Squish and cite it as: Keenan et al., 2009 (https://simtk.org/home/va-squish). (2009)

Keenan KE, Kourtis LC, Besier TF, Lindsey DP, Gold GE, Delp SL, Beaupre GS. New resource for the computation of cartilage biphasic material properties with the interpolant response surface method. Comput Methods Biomech Biomed Engin, 12(4):415-422, 2009. (2009)

Keenan KE, Kourtis L, Besier T, Lindsey DP, Gold GE, Delp SL, Beaupre GS: Web-based resource for the computation of cartilage biphasic material properties with the interpolant response surface method. Trans Orthop Res Soc, 32:603. (2007)
