New ability ! You can now open a txt Visual3D file containing output variables ! Please note a couple of things : - Visual3D do not export Time data but only Frames. So if you try to plot Time for the x-axis, it won't work. Select Frames. - If you export more than one trial in one txt file, meaning you have the same variables names for all the different trials, I add automatically a number at the end of each variable name. For instance, you will have something like : AnkleAngle1 , KneeAngle2 , AnkleAngle3, KneeAngle4.... There is a real need to do it this way as Matlab can't afford Tables with same column headers names. - I used the output txt files from the pipeline command : Export_Data_To_Ascii_File with these parameters by default : ! /SIGNAL_COMPONENTS= ! /COMPONENT_SEQUENCE= ! /SIGNAL_PRECISION= ! /EVENT_SEQUENCE= ! /EXCLUDE_EVENTS= ! /USE_POINT_RATE=FALSE ! /NORMALIZE_DATA=FALSE ! /NORMALIZE_POINTS=101 ! /EXPORT_MEAN_AND_STD_DEV=FALSE ! /USE_P2D_FORMAT=FALSE ! /USE_XML_FORMAT=FALSE ! /USE_SHORT_FILENAME=FALSE ! /EXPORT_EMPTY_SIGNALS=FALSE ! /EXPORT_WITHOUT_HEADER=FALSE ! /EXPORT_NAN=FALSE ! /USE_SCIENTIFIC_NOTATION=FALSE ; I can not guarantee the capacity of this tool to read txt file with different parameters set on.