InverseTransform Class Reference

#include <Transform.h>

List of all members.

Detailed Description

Transform from frame B to frame F, but with the internal representation inverted.

That is, we store R*,T* here but the transform this represents is

 *  B F    [       |   ]
 *   X   = [   R   | T ]   where R=~(R*), T = - ~(R*)(T*).
 *         [.......|...]
 *         [ 0 0 0   1 ] 

Public Member Functions

 InverseTransform ()
 operator Transform () const
InverseTransformoperator= (const Transform &X)
const Transforminvert () const
TransformupdInvert ()
const Transformoperator~ () const
Transformoperator~ ()
Transform compose (const Transform &X_FY) const
Transform compose (const InverseTransform &X_FY) const
Vec3 xformFrameVecToBase (const Vec3 &vF) const
Vec3 xformBaseVecToFrame (const Vec3 &vB) const
Vec3 shiftFrameStationToBase (const Vec3 &sF) const
Vec3 shiftBaseStationToFrame (const Vec3 &sB) const
const InverseRotationR () const
InverseRotationupdR ()
const InverseRotation::ColTypex () const
const InverseRotation::ColTypey () const
const InverseRotation::ColTypez () const
const RotationRInv () const
RotationupdRInv ()
Vec3 T () const
void setT (const Vec3 &T_BF)
const Vec3TInv () const
void setTInv (const Vec3 &T)
Mat34 toMat34 () const
 For compatibility with Transform, but we don't provide an "as" method here since the internal storage layout is somewhat odd.
Mat44 toMat44 () const
 Return the equivalent 4x4 transformation matrix.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

InverseTransform (  )  [inline]

Member Function Documentation

Transform compose ( const InverseTransform X_FY  )  const [inline]

Transform compose ( const Transform X_FY  )  const [inline]

const Transform& invert (  )  const [inline]

operator Transform (  )  const [inline]

InverseTransform& operator= ( const Transform X  )  [inline]

Transform& operator~ (  )  [inline]

const Transform& operator~ (  )  const [inline]

const InverseRotation& R (  )  const [inline]

const Rotation& RInv (  )  const [inline]

void setT ( const Vec3 T_BF  )  [inline]

void setTInv ( const Vec3 T  )  [inline]

Vec3 shiftBaseStationToFrame ( const Vec3 sB  )  const [inline]

Vec3 shiftFrameStationToBase ( const Vec3 sF  )  const [inline]

Vec3 T (  )  const [inline]

const Vec3& TInv (  )  const [inline]

Mat34 toMat34 (  )  const [inline]

For compatibility with Transform, but we don't provide an "as" method here since the internal storage layout is somewhat odd.

Mat44 toMat44 (  )  const [inline]

Return the equivalent 4x4 transformation matrix.

Transform& updInvert (  )  [inline]

InverseRotation& updR (  )  [inline]

Rotation& updRInv (  )  [inline]

const InverseRotation::ColType& x (  )  const [inline]

Vec3 xformBaseVecToFrame ( const Vec3 vB  )  const [inline]

Vec3 xformFrameVecToBase ( const Vec3 vF  )  const [inline]

const InverseRotation::ColType& y (  )  const [inline]

const InverseRotation::ColType& z (  )  const [inline]

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