Transform Class Reference

#include <Transform.h>

List of all members.

Detailed Description

This class represents the rotate-and-shift transform which gives the location and orientation of a new frame F in a base (reference) frame B.

A frame is an orthogonal, right-handed set of three axes, and an origin point. A transform X from frame B to F consists of 3 perpendicular unit vectors defining F's axes as viewed from B (that is, as expressed in the basis formed by B's axes), and a vector from B's origin point OB to F's origin point OF. Note that the meaning of "B" comes from the context in which the transform is used. We use the phrase "frame F is in frame B" to describe the above relationship, that is, "in" means both measured from and expressed in.

The axis vectors constitute a Rotation. They are ordered 1-2-3 or x-y-z as you prefer, with z = x X y, making a right-handed set. These axes are arranged as columns of a 3x3 rotation matrix R_BF = [ x y z ] which is a direction cosine (rotation) matrix useful for conversions between frame B and F. (The columns of R_BF are F's coordinate axes, expressed in B.) For example, given a vector vF expressed in the F frame, that same vector re-expressed in B is given by vB = R_BF*vF. F's origin point OF is stored as the translation vector T_BF=(OF-OB) and expressed in B.

Transform is designed to behave as much as possible like the computer graphics 4x4 transform X which would be arranged like this:

 *         [       |   ]
 *     X = [   R   | T ]    R is a 3x3 orthogonal rotation matrix
 *         [.......|...]    T os a 3x1 translation vector
 *         [ 0 0 0   1 ]

These can be composed directly by matrix multiplication, but more importantly they have a particularly simple inverse:

 *    -1   [       |    ]
 *   X   = [  ~R   | T* ]   ~R is R transpose, T* = ~R(-T).
 *         [.......|....]
 *         [ 0 0 0   1  ] 

This inverse is so simple that we compute it simply by defining another type, InverseTransform, which is identical to Transform in memory but behaves as though it contains the inverse. That way we invert just by changing point of view (recasting) rather than computing.

This is a "POD" (plain old data) class with a well-defined memory layout on which a client of this class may depend: There are exactly 4 consecutive, packed 3-vectors in the order x,y,z,T. That is, this class is equivalent to an array of 12 Reals with the order x1,x2,x3,y1,y2,y3,z1,z2,z3,T1,T2,T3. It is expressly allowed to reinterpret Transform objects in any appropriate manner that depends on this memory layout.

Public Member Functions

 Transform ()
 Default constructor gives an identity transform.
 Transform (const Rotation &R, const Vec3 &T)
 Combine a rotation and a translation into a transform.
 Transform (const Rotation &R)
 Construct or default-convert a rotation into a transform containing that rotation and zero translation.
 Transform (const Vec3 &T)
 Construct or default-convert a translation (expressed as a Vec3) into a transform with that translation and a zero rotation.
Transformoperator= (const InverseTransform &X)
 Assignment from InverseTransform.
Transformset (const Rotation &R, const Vec3 &T)
 Assign a new value to this transform, explicitly providing the rotation and translation separately.
TransformsetToZero ()
 By zero we mean "zero transform", i.e., an identity rotation and zero translation.
TransformsetToNaN ()
 This fills both the rotation and translation with NaNs.
const InverseTransforminvert () const
 Return a read-only inverse of the current Transform, simply by casting it to the InverseTransform type.
InverseTransformupdInvert ()
 Return a writable (lvalue) inverse of the current transform, simply by casting it to the InverseTransform type.
const InverseTransformoperator~ () const
 Overload transpose operator to mean inversion.
InverseTransformoperator~ ()
 Overload transpose operator to mean inversion.
Transform compose (const Transform &X_FY) const
 Compose the current transform (X_BF) with the given one.
Transform compose (const InverseTransform &X_FY) const
 Compose the current transform (X_BF) with one that is supplied as an InverseTransform (typically as a result of applying the "~" operator to a transform).
Vec3 xformFrameVecToBase (const Vec3 &vF) const
 Transform a vector expressed in our "F" frame to our "B" frame.
Vec3 xformBaseVecToFrame (const Vec3 &vB) const
 Transform a vector expressed in our "B" frame to our "F" frame.
Vec3 shiftFrameStationToBase (const Vec3 &sF) const
 Transform a point (station) measured from and expressed in our "F" frame to that same point but measured from and expressed in our "B" frame.
Vec3 shiftBaseStationToFrame (const Vec3 &sB) const
 Transform a point (station) measured from and expressed in our "B" frame to that same point but measured from and expressed in our "F" frame.
const RotationR () const
 Return a read-only reference to the contained rotation R_BF.
RotationupdR ()
 Return a writable (lvalue) reference to the contained rotation R_BF.
const Rotation::ColTypex () const
 Return a read-only reference to the x direction (unit vector) of the F frame, expressed in the B frame.
const Rotation::ColTypey () const
 Return a read-only reference to the y direction (unit vector) of the F frame, expressed in the B frame.
const Rotation::ColTypez () const
 Return a read-only reference to the z direction (unit vector) of the F frame, expressed in the B frame.
const InverseRotationRInv () const
 Return a read-only reference to the inverse (transpose) of our contained rotation, that is R_FB.
InverseRotationupdRInv ()
 Return a writable (lvalue) reference to the inverse (transpose) of our contained rotation, that is R_FB.
const Vec3T () const
 Return a read-only reference to our translation vector T_BF.
Vec3updT ()
 Return a writable (lvalue) reference to our translation vector T_BF.
TransformsetT (const Vec3 &T)
 Assign a new value to our translation vector.
Vec3 TInv () const
 Calculate the inverse of the translation vector in this transform.
TransformsetTInv (const Vec3 &T_FB)
 Assign a value to the inverse of our translation vector.
const Mat34asMat34 () const
 Recast this transform as a read-only 3x4 matrix.
Mat34 toMat34 () const
 Less efficient version of asMat34(); copies into return variable.
Mat44 toMat44 () const
 Return the equivalent 4x4 transformation matrix.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Transform (  )  [inline]

Default constructor gives an identity transform.

Transform ( const Rotation R,
const Vec3 T 
) [inline]

Combine a rotation and a translation into a transform.

Transform ( const Rotation R  )  [inline]

Construct or default-convert a rotation into a transform containing that rotation and zero translation.

Transform ( const Vec3 T  )  [inline]

Construct or default-convert a translation (expressed as a Vec3) into a transform with that translation and a zero rotation.

Member Function Documentation

const Mat34& asMat34 (  )  const [inline]

Recast this transform as a read-only 3x4 matrix.

This is a zero-cost reinterpretation of the data; the first three columns are the columns of the rotation and the last column is the translation.

Transform compose ( const InverseTransform X_FY  )  const [inline]

Compose the current transform (X_BF) with one that is supplied as an InverseTransform (typically as a result of applying the "~" operator to a transform).

That is, return X_BY=X_BF*X_FY, but now X_FY is represented as ~X_YF. Cost is an extra 18 flops to calculate X_FY.T(), total 81 flops.

Transform compose ( const Transform X_FY  )  const [inline]

Compose the current transform (X_BF) with the given one.

That is, return X_BY=X_BF*X_FY. Cost is 63 flops.

const InverseTransform& invert (  )  const [inline]

Return a read-only inverse of the current Transform, simply by casting it to the InverseTransform type.

Zero cost.

Transform & operator= ( const InverseTransform X  )  [inline]

Assignment from InverseTransform.

This means that the transform we're assigning to must end up with the same meaning as the inverse transform X has, so we'll need to end up with:

Cost: one frame conversion and a negation, 18 flops.

InverseTransform& operator~ (  )  [inline]

Overload transpose operator to mean inversion.

See also:

const InverseTransform& operator~ (  )  const [inline]

Overload transpose operator to mean inversion.

See also:

const Rotation& R (  )  const [inline]

Return a read-only reference to the contained rotation R_BF.

const InverseRotation& RInv (  )  const [inline]

Return a read-only reference to the inverse (transpose) of our contained rotation, that is R_FB.

Transform& set ( const Rotation R,
const Vec3 T 
) [inline]

Assign a new value to this transform, explicitly providing the rotation and translation separately.

We return a reference to the now-modified transform as though this were an assignment operator.

Transform& setT ( const Vec3 T  )  [inline]

Assign a new value to our translation vector.

We expect the supplied vector T to be expressed in our B frame. A reference to the now-modified transform is returned as though this were an assignment operator.

Transform& setTInv ( const Vec3 T_FB  )  [inline]

Assign a value to the inverse of our translation vector.

That is, we're given a vector in F which we invert and reexpress in B to store it in T, so that we get the original argument back if we ask for the inverse of T. Sorry, can't update TInv as an lvalue, but here we want -(~R_BF*T_BF)=T_FB => T_BF=-(R_BF*T_FB) so we can calculate it in 18 flops. A reference to the now-modified transform is returned as though this were an assignment operator.

Transform& setToNaN (  )  [inline]

This fills both the rotation and translation with NaNs.

Note: this is not the same as a default-constructed transform, which is a legitimate identity transform instead. We return a reference to the now-modified transform as though this were an assignment operator.

Transform& setToZero (  )  [inline]

By zero we mean "zero transform", i.e., an identity rotation and zero translation.

We return a reference to the now-modified transform as though this were an assignment operator.

Vec3 shiftBaseStationToFrame ( const Vec3 sB  )  const [inline]

Transform a point (station) measured from and expressed in our "B" frame to that same point but measured from and expressed in our "F" frame.

Cost is 18 flops.

Vec3 shiftFrameStationToBase ( const Vec3 sF  )  const [inline]

Transform a point (station) measured from and expressed in our "F" frame to that same point but measured from and expressed in our "B" frame.

Cost is 18 flops.

const Vec3& T (  )  const [inline]

Return a read-only reference to our translation vector T_BF.

Vec3 TInv (  )  const [inline]

Calculate the inverse of the translation vector in this transform.

The returned vector will be the negative of the original and will be expressed in the F frame rather than our B frame. Cost is 18 flops.

Mat34 toMat34 (  )  const [inline]

Less efficient version of asMat34(); copies into return variable.

Mat44 toMat44 (  )  const [inline]

Return the equivalent 4x4 transformation matrix.

InverseTransform& updInvert (  )  [inline]

Return a writable (lvalue) inverse of the current transform, simply by casting it to the InverseTransform type.

That is, this is an lvalue. Zero cost.

Rotation& updR (  )  [inline]

Return a writable (lvalue) reference to the contained rotation R_BF.

InverseRotation& updRInv (  )  [inline]

Return a writable (lvalue) reference to the inverse (transpose) of our contained rotation, that is R_FB.

Vec3& updT (  )  [inline]

Return a writable (lvalue) reference to our translation vector T_BF.

Caution: if you write through this reference you update the transform.

const Rotation::ColType& x (  )  const [inline]

Return a read-only reference to the x direction (unit vector) of the F frame, expressed in the B frame.

Vec3 xformBaseVecToFrame ( const Vec3 vB  )  const [inline]

Transform a vector expressed in our "B" frame to our "F" frame.

Note that this involves rotation only; it is independent of the translation stored in this transform. Cost is 15 flops.

Vec3 xformFrameVecToBase ( const Vec3 vF  )  const [inline]

Transform a vector expressed in our "F" frame to our "B" frame.

Note that this involves rotation only; it is independent of the translation stored in this transform. Cost is 15 flops.

const Rotation::ColType& y (  )  const [inline]

Return a read-only reference to the y direction (unit vector) of the F frame, expressed in the B frame.

const Rotation::ColType& z (  )  const [inline]

Return a read-only reference to the z direction (unit vector) of the F frame, expressed in the B frame.

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