Force::GlobalDamper Class Reference

#include <Force.h>

Inheritance diagram for Force::GlobalDamper:

Force PIMPLHandle

List of all members.

Detailed Description

A general energy "drain" on the system.

This is done by effectively adding a damper to every generalized speed (mobility) in the system. Each generalized speed u_i feels a force -dampingFactor*u_i. This usually is not physically meaningful, but it can be useful in some circumstances just to drain energy out of the model when the specific energy-draining mechanism is not important. You can have more than one of these in which case the dampingFactors are added. No individual dampingFactor is allowed to be negative. This is not a potential force and hence does not contribute to potential energy.

Public Member Functions

 GlobalDamper (GeneralForceSubsystem &forces, const SimbodyMatterSubsystem &matter, Real damping)
 SimTK_INSERT_DERIVED_HANDLE_DECLARATIONS (GlobalDamper, GlobalDamperImpl, Force)

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

GlobalDamper ( GeneralForceSubsystem forces,
const SimbodyMatterSubsystem matter,
Real  damping 

Member Function Documentation

GlobalDamperImpl  ,

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Generated on Fri Sep 26 07:44:32 2008 for SimTKcore by  doxygen 1.5.6