#include <SimbodyMatterSubsystem.h>
Equations represented:
qdot = Q u zdot = zdot(t,q,u,z)
M udot + ~G mult = f(t,q,u,z) G udot = b(t,q,u)
[P] [bp] G=[V] b=[bv] f=T+J*(F-C) [A] [ba]
pdotdot = P udot - bp(t,q,u) = 0 vdot = V udot - bv(t,q,u) = 0 a(t,q,u,udot) = A udot - ba(t,q,u) = 0
pdot = P u - c(t,q) = 0 v(t,q,u) = 0
p(t,q) = 0 n(q) = 0
where M(q) is the mass matrix, G(q) the acceleration constraint matrix, C(q,u) the coriolis and gyroscopic forces, T is user-applied joint mobility forces, F is user-applied body forces and torques and gravity. J* is the operator that maps spatial forces to joint mobility forces. p() are the holonomic (position) constraints, v() the non-holonomic (velocity) constraints, and a() the acceleration-only constraints, which must be linear, with A the coefficient matrix for a(). pdot, pdotdot are obtained by differentiation of p(), vdot by differentiation of v(). P=partial(pdot)/partial(u) (yes, that's u, not q), V=partial(v)/partial(u). (We can get partial(p)/partial(q) when we need it as P*Q^-1.) n(q) is the set of quaternion normalization constraints, which exist only at the position level and are uncoupled from everything else.
We calculate the constraint multipliers like this: G M^-1 ~G mult = G udot0 - b, udot0=M^-1 f using the pseudo inverse of G M^-1 ~G to give a least squares solution for mult: mult = pinv(G M^-1 ~G)(G M^-1 f - b). Then the real udot is udot = udot0 - udotC, with udotC = M^-1 ~G mult. Note: M^-1* is an O(N) operator that provides the desired result; it *does not* require forming or factoring M.
NOTE: only the following constraint matrices have to be formed and factored:
* [G M^-1 ~G] to calculate multipliers (square, symmetric: LDL' if * well conditioned, else pseudoinverse) * * [P Q^-1] for projection onto position manifold (pseudoinverse) * * [P;V] for projection onto velocity manifold (pseudoinverse) * (using Matlab notation meaning rows of P over rows of V) *
When working in a weighted norm with weights W on the state variables and weights T (1/tolerance) on the constraint errors, the matrices we need are actually [Tp PQ^1 Wq^1], [Tpv [P;V] Wu^-1], etc. with T and W diagonal weighting matrices. These can then be used to find least squares solutions in the weighted norms.
In many cases these matrices consist of decoupled blocks which can be solved independently; we try to take advantage of that whenever possible to solve a set of smaller systems rather than one large one. Also, in the majority of biosimulation applications we are likely to have only holonomic (position) constraints, so there is no V or A and G=P is the whole story.
Public Member Functions | |
SimbodyMatterSubsystem () | |
Create a tree containing only the ground body (body 0). | |
SimbodyMatterSubsystem (MultibodySystem &) | |
~SimbodyMatterSubsystem () | |
SimbodyMatterSubsystem (const SimbodyMatterSubsystem &ss) | |
SimbodyMatterSubsystem & | operator= (const SimbodyMatterSubsystem &ss) |
bool | getShowDefaultGeometry () const |
Get whether default decorative geometry is displayed for bodies in this system. | |
void | setShowDefaultGeometry (bool show) |
Set whether default decorative geometry is displayed for bodies in this system. | |
Real | calcSystemMass (const State &s) const |
Calculate the total system mass. | |
Vec3 | calcSystemMassCenterLocationInGround (const State &s) const |
Return the location r_OG_C of the system mass center C, measured from the ground origin OG, and expressed in Ground. | |
MassProperties | calcSystemMassPropertiesInGround (const State &s) const |
Return total system mass, mass center location measured from the Ground origin, and system inertia taken about the Ground origin, expressed in Ground. | |
Inertia | calcSystemCentralInertiaInGround (const State &s) const |
Return the system inertia matrix taken about the system center of mass, expressed in Ground. | |
Vec3 | calcSystemMassCenterVelocityInGround (const State &s) const |
Return the velocity V_G_C = d/dt r_OG_C of the system mass center C in the Ground frame G, expressed in G. | |
Vec3 | calcSystemMassCenterAccelerationInGround (const State &s) const |
Return the acceleration A_G_C = d^2/dt^2 r_OG_C of the system mass center C in the Ground frame G, expressed in G. | |
SpatialVec | calcSystemMomentumAboutGroundOrigin (const State &s) const |
Return the momentum of the system as a whole (angular, linear) measured in the ground frame, taken about the ground origin and expressed in ground. | |
MobilizedBodyIndex | adoptMobilizedBody (MobilizedBodyIndex parent, MobilizedBody &child) |
const MobilizedBody & | getMobilizedBody (MobilizedBodyIndex) const |
MobilizedBody & | updMobilizedBody (MobilizedBodyIndex) |
const MobilizedBody::Ground & | getGround () const |
MobilizedBody::Ground & | updGround () |
MobilizedBody::Ground & | Ground () |
ConstraintIndex | adoptConstraint (Constraint &) |
const Constraint & | getConstraint (ConstraintIndex) const |
Constraint & | updConstraint (ConstraintIndex) |
void | calcAcceleration (const State &, const Vector &mobilityForces, const Vector_< SpatialVec > &bodyForces, Vector &udot, Vector_< SpatialVec > &A_GB) const |
This is the primary dynamics operator. | |
void | calcAccelerationIgnoringConstraints (const State &, const Vector &mobilityForces, const Vector_< SpatialVec > &bodyForces, Vector &udot, Vector_< SpatialVec > &A_GB) const |
This operator is similar to calcAcceleration but ignores the effects of acceleration constraints. | |
void | calcMInverseV (const State &, const Vector &v, Vector &MinvV, Vector_< SpatialVec > &A_GB) const |
This operator calculates M^-1 v where M is the system mass matrix and v is a supplied vector with one entry per mobility. | |
void | calcSpatialKinematicsFromInternal (const State &, const Vector &v, Vector_< SpatialVec > &Jv) const |
Requires realization through Stage::Position. | |
void | calcInternalGradientFromSpatial (const State &, const Vector_< SpatialVec > &dEdR, Vector &dEdQ) const |
Requires realization through Stage::Position. | |
Real | calcKineticEnergy (const State &) const |
Requires realization through Stage::Velocity. | |
void | calcTreeEquivalentMobilityForces (const State &, const Vector_< SpatialVec > &bodyForces, Vector &mobilityForces) const |
Accounts for applied forces and centrifugal forces produced by non-zero velocities in the State. | |
void | calcQDot (const State &s, const Vector &u, Vector &qdot) const |
Must be in Stage::Position to calculate qdot = Q(q)*u. | |
void | calcQDotDot (const State &s, const Vector &udot, Vector &qdotdot) const |
Must be in Stage::Velocity to calculate qdotdot = Q(q)*udot + Qdot(q,u)*u. | |
void | multiplyByQMatrix (const State &s, bool transposeMatrix, const Vector &in, Vector &out) const |
Must be in Stage::Position to calculate out_q = Q(q)*in_u (e.g., qdot=Q*u) or out_u = ~Q*in_q. | |
void | multiplyByQMatrixInverse (const State &s, bool transposeMatrix, const Vector &in, Vector &out) const |
Must be in Stage::Position to calculate out_u = QInv(q)*in_q (e.g., u=QInv*qdot) or out_q = ~QInv*in_u. | |
void | calcMobilizerReactionForces (const State &s, Vector_< SpatialVec > &forces) const |
Calculate the mobilizer reaction force generated by each MobilizedBody. | |
int | getNBodies () const |
The number of bodies includes all rigid bodies, massless bodies and ground but not particles. | |
int | getNConstraints () const |
This is the total number of defined constraints, each of which may generate more than one constraint equation. | |
int | getNParticles () const |
TODO: total number of particles. | |
int | getNMobilities () const |
The sum of all the mobilizer degrees of freedom. | |
int | getTotalQAlloc () const |
The sum of all the q vector allocations for each joint. | |
int | getTotalMultAlloc () const |
This is the sum of all the allocations for constraint multipliers, one per acceleration constraint equation. | |
void | setUseEulerAngles (State &, bool) const |
For all mobilizers offering unrestricted orientation, decide what method we should use to model their orientations. | |
bool | getUseEulerAngles (const State &) const |
int | getNQuaternionsInUse (const State &) const |
void | setMobilizerIsPrescribed (State &, MobilizedBodyIndex, bool) const |
bool | isMobilizerPrescribed (const State &, MobilizedBodyIndex) const |
bool | isUsingQuaternion (const State &, MobilizedBodyIndex) const |
QuaternionPoolIndex | getQuaternionPoolIndex (const State &, MobilizedBodyIndex) const |
AnglePoolIndex | getAnglePoolIndex (const State &, MobilizedBodyIndex) const |
void | setConstraintIsDisabled (State &, ConstraintIndex constraint, bool) const |
bool | isConstraintDisabled (const State &, ConstraintIndex constraint) const |
void | convertToEulerAngles (const State &inputState, State &outputState) const |
Given a State which is modeled using quaternions, convert it to a representation based on Euler angles and store the result in another state. | |
void | convertToQuaternions (const State &inputState, State &outputState) const |
Given a State which is modeled using Euler angles, convert it to a representation based on quaternions and store the result in another state. | |
const SpatialVec & | getCoriolisAcceleration (const State &, MobilizedBodyIndex) const |
const SpatialVec & | getTotalCoriolisAcceleration (const State &, MobilizedBodyIndex) const |
const SpatialVec & | getGyroscopicForce (const State &, MobilizedBodyIndex) const |
const SpatialVec & | getCentrifugalForces (const State &, MobilizedBodyIndex) const |
const SpatialMat & | getArticulatedBodyInertia (const State &s, MobilizedBodyIndex) const |
const Vector_< Vec3 > & | getAllParticleLocations (const State &) const |
const Vector_< Vec3 > & | getAllParticleVelocities (const State &) const |
const Vec3 & | getParticleLocation (const State &s, ParticleIndex p) const |
const Vec3 & | getParticleVelocity (const State &s, ParticleIndex p) const |
Vector & | updAllParticleMasses (State &s) const |
void | setAllParticleMasses (State &s, const Vector &masses) const |
Vector_< Vec3 > & | updAllParticleLocations (State &) const |
Vector_< Vec3 > & | updAllParticleVelocities (State &) const |
Vec3 & | updParticleLocation (State &s, ParticleIndex p) const |
Vec3 & | updParticleVelocity (State &s, ParticleIndex p) const |
void | setParticleLocation (State &s, ParticleIndex p, const Vec3 &r) const |
void | setParticleVelocity (State &s, ParticleIndex p, const Vec3 &v) const |
void | setAllParticleLocations (State &s, const Vector_< Vec3 > &r) const |
void | setAllParticleVelocities (State &s, const Vector_< Vec3 > &v) const |
const Vector & | getAllParticleMasses (const State &) const |
TODO: not implemented yet; particles must be treated as rigid bodies for now. | |
const Vector_< Vec3 > & | getAllParticleAccelerations (const State &) const |
const Vec3 & | getParticleAcceleration (const State &s, ParticleIndex p) const |
void | addInStationForce (const State &, MobilizedBodyIndex bodyB, const Vec3 &stationOnB, const Vec3 &forceInG, Vector_< SpatialVec > &bodyForcesInG) const |
Apply a force to a point on a body (a station). | |
void | addInBodyTorque (const State &, MobilizedBodyIndex, const Vec3 &torqueInG, Vector_< SpatialVec > &bodyForcesInG) const |
Apply a torque to a body. | |
void | addInMobilityForce (const State &, MobilizedBodyIndex, MobilizerUIndex which, Real f, Vector &mobilityForces) const |
Apply a scalar joint force or torque to an axis of the indicated body's mobilizer. | |
bool | projectQConstraints (State &s, Real consAccuracy, const Vector &yWeights, const Vector &ooTols, Vector &yErrest, System::ProjectOptions) const |
This is a solver you can call after the State has been realized to stage Position. | |
bool | projectUConstraints (State &s, Real consAccuracy, const Vector &yWeights, const Vector &ooTols, Vector &yErrest, System::ProjectOptions) const |
This is a solver you can call after the State has been realized to stage Velocity. | |
const SimbodyMatterSubsystemRep & | getRep () const |
SimbodyMatterSubsystemRep & | updRep () |
Public Attributes | |
SimbodyMatterSubsystem | |
Subsystem |
Create a tree containing only the ground body (body 0).
SimbodyMatterSubsystem | ( | MultibodySystem & | ) | [explicit] |
~SimbodyMatterSubsystem | ( | ) | [inline] |
SimbodyMatterSubsystem | ( | const SimbodyMatterSubsystem & | ss | ) | [inline] |
SimbodyMatterSubsystem& operator= | ( | const SimbodyMatterSubsystem & | ss | ) | [inline] |
References Subsystem::operator=().
bool getShowDefaultGeometry | ( | ) | const |
Get whether default decorative geometry is displayed for bodies in this system.
void setShowDefaultGeometry | ( | bool | show | ) |
Set whether default decorative geometry is displayed for bodies in this system.
Real calcSystemMass | ( | const State & | s | ) | const |
Return the location r_OG_C of the system mass center C, measured from the ground origin OG, and expressed in Ground.
MassProperties calcSystemMassPropertiesInGround | ( | const State & | s | ) | const |
Return total system mass, mass center location measured from the Ground origin, and system inertia taken about the Ground origin, expressed in Ground.
Return the system inertia matrix taken about the system center of mass, expressed in Ground.
Return the velocity V_G_C = d/dt r_OG_C of the system mass center C in the Ground frame G, expressed in G.
Return the acceleration A_G_C = d^2/dt^2 r_OG_C of the system mass center C in the Ground frame G, expressed in G.
SpatialVec calcSystemMomentumAboutGroundOrigin | ( | const State & | s | ) | const |
Return the momentum of the system as a whole (angular, linear) measured in the ground frame, taken about the ground origin and expressed in ground.
(The linear component is independent of the "about" point.)
MobilizedBodyIndex adoptMobilizedBody | ( | MobilizedBodyIndex | parent, | |
MobilizedBody & | child | |||
) |
const MobilizedBody& getMobilizedBody | ( | MobilizedBodyIndex | ) | const |
MobilizedBody& updMobilizedBody | ( | MobilizedBodyIndex | ) |
const MobilizedBody::Ground& getGround | ( | ) | const |
MobilizedBody::Ground& updGround | ( | ) |
MobilizedBody::Ground& Ground | ( | ) | [inline] |
ConstraintIndex adoptConstraint | ( | Constraint & | ) |
const Constraint& getConstraint | ( | ConstraintIndex | ) | const |
Constraint& updConstraint | ( | ConstraintIndex | ) |
void calcAcceleration | ( | const State & | , | |
const Vector & | mobilityForces, | |||
const Vector_< SpatialVec > & | bodyForces, | |||
Vector & | udot, | |||
Vector_< SpatialVec > & | A_GB | |||
) | const |
This is the primary dynamics operator.
It takes a state which has been realized to the Dynamics stage, a complete set of forces to apply, and returns the accelerations that result. Only the forces supplied here, and those resulting from centrifugal effects, affect the results. Everything in the matter subsystem is accounted for including velocities and acceleration constraints, which will always be satisified as long as the constraints are consistent. If the position and velocity constraints aren't already satisified in the State, these accelerations are harder to interpret physically, but they will still be calculated and the acceleration constraints will still be satisified. No attempt will be made to satisfy position and velocity constraints, or even to check whether they are statisfied. This is an O(n*nc^2) operator worst case where all nc constraint equations are coupled. Requires prior realization through Stage::Dynamics.
void calcAccelerationIgnoringConstraints | ( | const State & | , | |
const Vector & | mobilityForces, | |||
const Vector_< SpatialVec > & | bodyForces, | |||
Vector & | udot, | |||
Vector_< SpatialVec > & | A_GB | |||
) | const |
This operator is similar to calcAcceleration but ignores the effects of acceleration constraints.
The supplied forces and velocity-induced centrifugal effects are properly accounted for, but any forces that would have resulted from enforcing the contraints are not present. This is an O(N) operator. Requires prior realization through Stage::Dynamics.
void calcMInverseV | ( | const State & | , | |
const Vector & | v, | |||
Vector & | MinvV, | |||
Vector_< SpatialVec > & | A_GB | |||
) | const |
This operator calculates M^-1 v where M is the system mass matrix and v is a supplied vector with one entry per mobility.
If v is a set of mobility forces f, the result is a generalized acceleration (udot=M^-1 f). Only the supplied vector is used, and M depends only on position states, so the result here is not affected by velocities in the State. However, this fast O(N) operator requires that the Dynamics stage operators are already available, so the State must be realized to Stage::Dynamics even though velocities are ignored. Requires prior realization through Stage::Dynamics.
void calcSpatialKinematicsFromInternal | ( | const State & | , | |
const Vector & | v, | |||
Vector_< SpatialVec > & | Jv | |||
) | const |
Requires realization through Stage::Position.
void calcInternalGradientFromSpatial | ( | const State & | , | |
const Vector_< SpatialVec > & | dEdR, | |||
Vector & | dEdQ | |||
) | const |
Requires realization through Stage::Position.
Real calcKineticEnergy | ( | const State & | ) | const |
Requires realization through Stage::Velocity.
void calcTreeEquivalentMobilityForces | ( | const State & | , | |
const Vector_< SpatialVec > & | bodyForces, | |||
Vector & | mobilityForces | |||
) | const |
Accounts for applied forces and centrifugal forces produced by non-zero velocities in the State.
Returns a set of mobility forces which replace both the applied bodyForces and the centrifugal forces. Requires prior realization through Stage::Dynamics.
Must be in Stage::Position to calculate qdot = Q(q)*u.
Must be in Stage::Velocity to calculate qdotdot = Q(q)*udot + Qdot(q,u)*u.
void multiplyByQMatrix | ( | const State & | s, | |
bool | transposeMatrix, | |||
const Vector & | in, | |||
Vector & | out | |||
) | const |
Must be in Stage::Position to calculate out_q = Q(q)*in_u (e.g., qdot=Q*u) or out_u = ~Q*in_q.
Note that one of "in" and "out" is always "q-like" while the other is "u-like", but which is which changes if the matrix is transposed. Note that the transposed operation here is the same as multiplying by Q on the right, with the Vectors viewed as RowVectors instead. This is an O(N) operator since Q is block diagonal.
void multiplyByQMatrixInverse | ( | const State & | s, | |
bool | transposeMatrix, | |||
const Vector & | in, | |||
Vector & | out | |||
) | const |
Must be in Stage::Position to calculate out_u = QInv(q)*in_q (e.g., u=QInv*qdot) or out_q = ~QInv*in_u.
Note that one of "in" and "out" is always "q-like" while the other is "u-like", but which is which changes if the matrix is transposed. Note that the transposed operation here is the same as multiplying by QInv on the right, with the Vectors viewed as RowVectors instead. This is an O(N) operator since QInv is block diagonal.
void calcMobilizerReactionForces | ( | const State & | s, | |
Vector_< SpatialVec > & | forces | |||
) | const |
Calculate the mobilizer reaction force generated by each MobilizedBody.
This is the constraint force that would be required to make the system move in the same way if that MobilizedBody were converted to a Free body. A mobilizer exerts equal and opposite reaction forces on the parent and child bodies. This method reports the force on the child body. The force is applied at the origin of the outboard frame M, and expressed in the ground frame.
The State must have been realized to Stage::Acceleration to use this method.
int getNBodies | ( | ) | const |
The number of bodies includes all rigid bodies, massless bodies and ground but not particles.
Bodies and their inboard mobilizers have the same number since they are grouped together as a MobilizedBody MobilizedBody numbering starts with ground at 0 with a regular labeling such that children have higher body numbers than their parents. Mobilizer 0 is meaningless (or I suppose you could think of it as the weld joint that attaches ground to the universe), but otherwise mobilizer n is the inboard mobilizer of body n.
int getNConstraints | ( | ) | const |
This is the total number of defined constraints, each of which may generate more than one constraint equation.
int getNParticles | ( | ) | const |
TODO: total number of particles.
int getNMobilities | ( | ) | const |
The sum of all the mobilizer degrees of freedom.
This is also the length of the state variable vector u and the mobility forces array.
int getTotalQAlloc | ( | ) | const |
The sum of all the q vector allocations for each joint.
There may be some that are not in use for particular modeling options.
int getTotalMultAlloc | ( | ) | const |
This is the sum of all the allocations for constraint multipliers, one per acceleration constraint equation.
void setUseEulerAngles | ( | State & | , | |
bool | ||||
) | const |
For all mobilizers offering unrestricted orientation, decide what method we should use to model their orientations.
Choices are: quaternions (best for dynamics), or rotation angles (1-2-3 Euler sequence, good for optimization). TODO: (1) other Euler sequences, (2) allow settable zero rotation for Euler sequence, with convenient way to say "this is zero".
bool getUseEulerAngles | ( | const State & | ) | const |
int getNQuaternionsInUse | ( | const State & | ) | const |
void setMobilizerIsPrescribed | ( | State & | , | |
MobilizedBodyIndex | , | |||
bool | ||||
) | const |
bool isMobilizerPrescribed | ( | const State & | , | |
MobilizedBodyIndex | ||||
) | const |
bool isUsingQuaternion | ( | const State & | , | |
MobilizedBodyIndex | ||||
) | const |
QuaternionPoolIndex getQuaternionPoolIndex | ( | const State & | , | |
MobilizedBodyIndex | ||||
) | const |
AnglePoolIndex getAnglePoolIndex | ( | const State & | , | |
MobilizedBodyIndex | ||||
) | const |
void setConstraintIsDisabled | ( | State & | , | |
ConstraintIndex | constraint, | |||
bool | ||||
) | const |
bool isConstraintDisabled | ( | const State & | , | |
ConstraintIndex | constraint | |||
) | const |
Given a State which is modeled using quaternions, convert it to a representation based on Euler angles and store the result in another state.
Given a State which is modeled using Euler angles, convert it to a representation based on quaternions and store the result in another state.
const SpatialVec& getCoriolisAcceleration | ( | const State & | , | |
MobilizedBodyIndex | ||||
) | const |
const SpatialVec& getTotalCoriolisAcceleration | ( | const State & | , | |
MobilizedBodyIndex | ||||
) | const |
const SpatialVec& getGyroscopicForce | ( | const State & | , | |
MobilizedBodyIndex | ||||
) | const |
const SpatialVec& getCentrifugalForces | ( | const State & | , | |
MobilizedBodyIndex | ||||
) | const |
const SpatialMat& getArticulatedBodyInertia | ( | const State & | s, | |
MobilizedBodyIndex | ||||
) | const |
TODO: not implemented yet; particles must be treated as rigid bodies for now.
void addInStationForce | ( | const State & | , | |
MobilizedBodyIndex | bodyB, | |||
const Vec3 & | stationOnB, | |||
const Vec3 & | forceInG, | |||
Vector_< SpatialVec > & | bodyForcesInG | |||
) | const |
Apply a force to a point on a body (a station).
Provide the station in the body frame, force in the ground frame. Must be realized to Position stage prior to call.
void addInBodyTorque | ( | const State & | , | |
MobilizedBodyIndex | , | |||
const Vec3 & | torqueInG, | |||
Vector_< SpatialVec > & | bodyForcesInG | |||
) | const |
Apply a torque to a body.
Provide the torque vector in the ground frame.
void addInMobilityForce | ( | const State & | , | |
MobilizedBodyIndex | , | |||
MobilizerUIndex | which, | |||
Real | f, | |||
Vector & | mobilityForces | |||
) | const |
Apply a scalar joint force or torque to an axis of the indicated body's mobilizer.
bool projectQConstraints | ( | State & | s, | |
Real | consAccuracy, | |||
const Vector & | yWeights, | |||
const Vector & | ooTols, | |||
Vector & | yErrest, | |||
System::ProjectOptions | ||||
) | const |
This is a solver you can call after the State has been realized to stage Position.
It will project the Q constraints along the error norm so that getQConstraintNorm() <= consAccuracy, and will project out the corresponding component of yErrest so that yErrest's Q norm is reduced. Returns true if it does anything at all to State or yErrest.
bool projectUConstraints | ( | State & | s, | |
Real | consAccuracy, | |||
const Vector & | yWeights, | |||
const Vector & | ooTols, | |||
Vector & | yErrest, | |||
System::ProjectOptions | ||||
) | const |
This is a solver you can call after the State has been realized to stage Velocity.
It will project the U constraints along the error norm so that getUConstraintNorm() <= consAccuracy, and will project out the corresponding component of yErrest so that yErrest's U norm is reduced. Returns true if it does anything at all to State or yErrest.
const SimbodyMatterSubsystemRep& getRep | ( | ) | const |
SimbodyMatterSubsystemRep& updRep | ( | ) |