UserData Struct Reference

List of all members.

Public Attributes

realtype dx
realtype dy
realtype hdcoef
realtype hacoef
realtype vdcoef
realtype q4
realtype om
realtype hdco
realtype haco
realtype vdco
realtype uext [NVARS *(MXSUB+2)*(MYSUB+2)]
int my_pe
int isubx
int isuby
long int nvmxsub
long int nvmxsub2
long int Nlocal
MPI_Comm comm
int nvmxsub
int nvmxsub2
int npes
realtype z [100]
realtype ** P [MX][MY]
realtype ** Jbd [MX][MY]
int * pivot [MX][MY]
realtype p [2]
long int local_N
long int npes
long int my_pe
long int nperpe
long int nrem
realtype * z1
realtype * z2
realtype * p
long int isubx
long int isuby
realtype dz
int thispe
int mx
int my
int ixsub
int jysub
int npex
int npey
int mxsub
int mysub
int n_local
realtype coeffx
realtype coeffy
realtype coeffxy
long int thispe
long int mx
long int my
long int ixsub
long int jysub
long int npex
long int npey
long int mxsub
long int mysub
N_Vector pp
int ns
int np
int nsmxsub
int nsmxsub2
realtype ** acoef
realtype cox [NUM_SPECIES]
realtype coy [NUM_SPECIES]
realtype bcoef [NUM_SPECIES]
realtype rhs [NUM_SPECIES]
realtype cext [(MXSUB+2)*(MYSUB+2)*NUM_SPECIES]
N_Vector rates
realtype ** PP [MXSUB][MYSUB]
N_Vector ewt
void * ida_mem
long int mm
realtype coeff
long int Neq
long int ns
long int np
realtype * bcoef
realtype * cox
realtype * coy
realtype ax
realtype ay
int Nlocal
realtype uround
realtype sqruround
realtype lb [NVAR]
realtype ub [NVAR]

Member Data Documentation

realtype dx

Referenced by main().

realtype dy

Referenced by main().

realtype hdcoef

Referenced by main().

realtype hacoef

Referenced by main().

realtype vdcoef

Referenced by main().

realtype q4

realtype om

realtype hdco

realtype haco

realtype vdco

realtype uext

int my_pe

Referenced by main().

int isubx

int isuby

int nvmxsub

int nvmxsub2

long int Nlocal

MPI_Comm comm

Referenced by main().

int nvmxsub

int nvmxsub2

int npes

Referenced by main().

realtype z

realtype ** P

realtype ** Jbd (  ) 

int * pivot

realtype * p

Referenced by main().

long int local_N

Referenced by main().

long int npes

long int my_pe

long int nperpe

Referenced by main().

long int nrem

Referenced by main().

realtype* z1

Referenced by main().

realtype * z2

Referenced by main().

realtype* p

long int isubx

long int isuby

realtype dz

int thispe

long int mx

long int my

int ixsub

Referenced by PsetupHeat().

int jysub

Referenced by PsetupHeat().

int npex

Referenced by PsetupHeat().

int npey

Referenced by PsetupHeat().

int mxsub

Referenced by PsetupHeat().

int mysub

Referenced by PsetupHeat().

int n_local

realtype coeffx

realtype coeffy

realtype coeffxy

Referenced by PsetupHeat().

long int thispe

long int mx

long int my

long int ixsub

long int jysub

long int npex

long int npey

long int mxsub

long int mysub

Referenced by main(), PsetupHeat(), and PsolveHeat().

long int ns

long int np

int nsmxsub

int nsmxsub2

realtype ** acoef

Referenced by main().

realtype * cox

realtype * coy

realtype * bcoef

realtype rhs

realtype cext

Referenced by main().

realtype** PP[MXSUB][MYSUB]

void* ida_mem

long int mm

Referenced by heatres(), and main().

realtype coeff

Referenced by heatres().

long int Neq

long int ns

long int np

realtype * bcoef

realtype* cox

realtype * coy

realtype ax

realtype ay

int Nlocal

realtype uround

realtype sqruround

realtype lb[NVAR]

Referenced by main().

realtype ub[NVAR]

Referenced by main().

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Generated on Fri Sep 26 07:44:25 2008 for SimTKcore by  doxygen 1.5.6