Classes | |
class | SwigPyIterator |
class | State |
A State object records a snapshot of the current state of a simulation at a point in time. More... | |
class | Force |
Force objects apply forces to the particles in a System, or alter their behavior in other ways. More... | |
class | AmoebaAngleForce |
This class implements an interaction between triplets of particles that varies with the angle between them. More... | |
class | AmoebaBondForce |
This class implements an interaction between pairs of particles that varies with the distance between them. More... | |
class | AmoebaGeneralizedKirkwoodForce |
This class implements an implicit solvation force using the generalized Kirkwood/Grycuk model. More... | |
class | AmoebaInPlaneAngleForce |
This class implements an interaction at trigonal centers corresponding to the projected in-plane angle bend energy between four particles. More... | |
class | AmoebaMultipoleForce |
This class implements the Amoeba multipole interaction. More... | |
class | AmoebaOutOfPlaneBendForce |
This class implements the Amoeba out-of-plane bend interaction. More... | |
class | AmoebaPiTorsionForce |
This class implements the Amoeba pi-torsion interaction. More... | |
class | AmoebaStretchBendForce |
This class implements the Amoeba stretch-bend interaction. More... | |
class | AmoebaTorsionTorsionForce |
This class implements the Amoeba torsion-torsion interaction. More... | |
class | AmoebaVdwForce |
This class implements a buffered 14-7 potential used to model van der Waals forces. More... | |
class | AmoebaWcaDispersionForce |
This class implements a nonbonded interaction between pairs of particles typically used along with AmoebaGeneralizedKirkwoodForce as part of an implicit solvent model. More... | |
class | AndersenThermostat |
This class uses the Andersen method to maintain constant temperature. More... | |
class | Integrator |
An Integrator defines a method for simulating a System by integrating the equations of motion. More... | |
class | BrownianIntegrator |
This is an Integrator which simulates a System using Brownian dynamics. More... | |
class | CMAPTorsionForce |
This class implements an interaction between pairs of dihedral angles. More... | |
class | CMMotionRemover |
This class prevents the center of mass of a System from drifting. More... | |
class | Context |
A Context stores the complete state of a simulation. More... | |
class | CustomAngleForce |
This class implements interactions between sets of three particles that depend on the angle between them. More... | |
class | CustomBondForce |
This class implements bonded interactions between pairs of particles. More... | |
class | CustomCompoundBondForce |
This class supports a wide variety of bonded interactions. More... | |
class | CustomExternalForce |
This class implements an "external" force on particles. More... | |
class | CustomGBForce |
This class implements complex, multiple stage nonbonded interactions between particles. More... | |
class | CustomHbondForce |
This class supports a wide variety of energy functions used to represent hydrogen bonding. More... | |
class | CustomIntegrator |
This is an Integrator that can be used to implemented arbitrary, user defined integration algorithms. More... | |
class | CustomNonbondedForce |
This class implements nonbonded interactions between particles. More... | |
class | CustomTorsionForce |
This class implements interactions between sets of four particles that depend on the torsion angle between them. More... | |
class | GBSAOBCForce |
This class implements an implicit solvation force using the GBSA-OBC model. More... | |
class | GBVIForce |
This class implements an implicit solvation force using the GB/VI model. More... | |
class | HarmonicAngleForce |
This class implements an interaction between groups of three particles that varies harmonically with the angle between them. More... | |
class | HarmonicBondForce |
This class implements an interaction between pairs of particles that varies harmonically with the distance between them. More... | |
class | LangevinIntegrator |
This is an Integrator which simulates a System using Langevin dynamics. More... | |
class | LocalEnergyMinimizer |
Given a Context, this class searches for a new set of particle positions that represent a local minimum of the potential energy. More... | |
class | MonteCarloBarostat |
This class uses a Monte Carlo algorithm to adjust the size of the periodic box, simulating the effect of constant pressure. More... | |
class | NonbondedForce |
This class implements nonbonded interactions between particles, including a Coulomb force to represent electrostatics and a Lennard-Jones force to represent van der Waals interactions. More... | |
class | OpenMMException |
This class is used for all exceptions thrown by OpenMM. More... | |
class | VirtualSite |
A VirtualSite describes the rules for computing a particle's position based on other particles. More... | |
class | OutOfPlaneSite |
This is a VirtualSite that computes the particle location based on three other particles' locations. More... | |
class | PeriodicTorsionForce |
This class implements an interaction between groups of four particles that varies periodically with the torsion angle between them. More... | |
class | Platform |
A Platform defines an implementation of all the kernels needed to perform some calculation. More... | |
class | RBTorsionForce |
This class implements an interaction between groups of four particles that varies with the torsion angle between them according to the Ryckaert-Bellemans potential. More... | |
class | RPMDIntegrator |
This is an Integrator which simulates a System using ring polymer molecular dynamics (RPMD). More... | |
class | SerializationNode |
A SerializationNode stores information about an object during serialization or deserialization. | |
class | SerializationProxy |
A SerializationProxy is an object that knows how to serialize and deserialize objects of a particular type. | |
class | System |
This class represents a molecular system. More... | |
class | ThreeParticleAverageSite |
This is a VirtualSite that computes the particle location as a weighted average of three other particle's locations. More... | |
class | TwoParticleAverageSite |
This is a VirtualSite that computes the particle location as a weighted average of two other particle's locations. More... | |
class | VariableLangevinIntegrator |
This is an error contolled, variable time step Integrator that simulates a System using Langevin dynamics. More... | |
class | VariableVerletIntegrator |
This is an error contolled, variable time step Integrator that simulates a System using the leap-frog Verlet algorithm. More... | |
class | VerletIntegrator |
This is an Integrator which simulates a System using the leap-frog Verlet algorithm. More... | |
class | XmlSerializer |
XmlSerializer is used for serializing objects as XML, and for reconstructing them again. More... | |
Functions | |
def | swig_import_helper |
def | ios_base_sync_with_stdio |
def | ios_base_xalloc |
def | endl |
def | ends |
def | flush |
def | stripUnits |
getState(self, quantity) -> value with no units | |
def | AndersenThermostat_Temperature |
AndersenThermostat_Temperature() -> std::string const &. | |
def | AndersenThermostat_CollisionFrequency |
AndersenThermostat_CollisionFrequency() -> std::string const &. | |
def | LocalEnergyMinimizer_minimize |
minimize(Context context, double tolerance=1, int maxIterations=0) minimize(Context context, double tolerance=1) LocalEnergyMinimizer_minimize(Context context) | |
def | MonteCarloBarostat_Pressure |
MonteCarloBarostat_Pressure() -> std::string const &. | |
def | Platform_registerPlatform |
Platform_registerPlatform(Platform platform) | |
def | Platform_getNumPlatforms |
Platform_getNumPlatforms() -> int. | |
def | Platform_getPlatform |
Platform_getPlatform(int index) -> Platform. | |
def | Platform_getPlatformByName |
Platform_getPlatformByName(std::string const & name) -> Platform. | |
def | Platform_findPlatform |
Platform_findPlatform(vectorstring kernelNames) -> Platform. | |
def | Platform_loadPluginLibrary |
Platform_loadPluginLibrary(std::string const & file) | |
def | Platform_loadPluginsFromDirectory |
Platform_loadPluginsFromDirectory(std::string const & directory) -> vectorstring. | |
def | Platform_getDefaultPluginsDirectory |
Platform_getDefaultPluginsDirectory() -> std::string const &. | |
def | Platform_getOpenMMVersion |
Platform_getOpenMMVersion() -> std::string const &. | |
def | SerializationProxy_registerProxy |
SerializationProxy_registerProxy(std::type_info const & type, SerializationProxy proxy) | |
def | SerializationProxy_getProxy |
getProxy(std::string const & typeName) -> SerializationProxy SerializationProxy_getProxy(std::type_info const & type) -> SerializationProxy | |
def | XmlSerializer_serializeSystem |
XmlSerializer_serializeSystem(System object) -> std::string. | |
def | XmlSerializer_deserializeSystem |
XmlSerializer_deserializeSystem(char const * inputString) -> System. | |
def | XmlSerializer__serializeForce |
XmlSerializer__serializeForce(Force object) -> std::string. | |
def | XmlSerializer__deserializeForce |
XmlSerializer__deserializeForce(char const * inputString) -> Force. | |
def | XmlSerializer__serializeIntegrator |
XmlSerializer__serializeIntegrator(Integrator object) -> std::string. | |
def | XmlSerializer__deserializeIntegrator |
XmlSerializer__deserializeIntegrator(char const * inputString) -> Integrator. | |
def | XmlSerializer__serializeStateAsLists |
XmlSerializer__serializeStateAsLists(std::vector< Vec3,std::allocator< Vec3 > > const & pos, std::vector< Vec3,std::allocator< Vec3 > > const & vel, std::vector< Vec3,std::allocator< Vec3 > > const & forces, double kineticEnergy, double potentialEnergy, double time, std::vector< Vec3,std::allocator< Vec3 > > const & boxVectors, mapstringdouble params, int types) -> std::string. | |
def | XmlSerializer__deserializeStringIntoLists |
XmlSerializer__deserializeStringIntoLists(std::string const & stateAsString) -> PyObject *. | |
Variables | |
tuple | _openmm swig_import_helper() |
int | _newclass 0 |
ios_base_swigregister _openmm.ios_base_swigregister | |
cvar _openmm.cvar | |
ios_base_sync_with_stdio _openmm.ios_base_sync_with_stdio | |
ios_base_xalloc _openmm.ios_base_xalloc | |
ios_swigregister _openmm.ios_swigregister | |
ostream_swigregister _openmm.ostream_swigregister | |
cin cvar.cin | |
cout cvar.cout | |
cerr cvar.cerr | |
clog cvar.clog | |
istream_swigregister _openmm.istream_swigregister | |
iostream_swigregister _openmm.iostream_swigregister | |
endl_cb_ptr _openmm.endl_cb_ptr | |
endl _openmm.endl | |
ends_cb_ptr _openmm.ends_cb_ptr | |
ends _openmm.ends | |
flush_cb_ptr _openmm.flush_cb_ptr | |
flush _openmm.flush | |
SwigPyIterator_swigregister _openmm.SwigPyIterator_swigregister | |
pairii_swigregister _openmm.pairii_swigregister | |
vectord_swigregister _openmm.vectord_swigregister | |
vectorddd_swigregister _openmm.vectorddd_swigregister | |
vectori_swigregister _openmm.vectori_swigregister | |
vectorii_swigregister _openmm.vectorii_swigregister | |
vectorpairii_swigregister _openmm.vectorpairii_swigregister | |
vectorstring_swigregister _openmm.vectorstring_swigregister | |
mapstringstring_swigregister _openmm.mapstringstring_swigregister | |
mapstringdouble_swigregister _openmm.mapstringdouble_swigregister | |
tuple | RMIN_PER_SIGMA math.pow(2, 1/6.0) |
tuple | RVDW_PER_SIGMA math.pow(2, 1/6.0) |
Force_swigregister _openmm.Force_swigregister | |
NmPerAngstrom cvar.NmPerAngstrom | |
AngstromsPerNm cvar.AngstromsPerNm | |
PsPerFs cvar.PsPerFs | |
FsPerPs cvar.FsPerPs | |
KJPerKcal cvar.KJPerKcal | |
KcalPerKJ cvar.KcalPerKJ | |
RadiansPerDegree cvar.RadiansPerDegree | |
DegreesPerRadian cvar.DegreesPerRadian | |
SigmaPerVdwRadius cvar.SigmaPerVdwRadius | |
VdwRadiusPerSigma cvar.VdwRadiusPerSigma | |
AmoebaAngleForce_swigregister _openmm.AmoebaAngleForce_swigregister | |
AmoebaBondForce_swigregister _openmm.AmoebaBondForce_swigregister | |
AmoebaGeneralizedKirkwoodForce_swigregister _openmm.AmoebaGeneralizedKirkwoodForce_swigregister | |
AmoebaInPlaneAngleForce_swigregister _openmm.AmoebaInPlaneAngleForce_swigregister | |
AmoebaMultipoleForce_swigregister _openmm.AmoebaMultipoleForce_swigregister | |
AmoebaOutOfPlaneBendForce_swigregister _openmm.AmoebaOutOfPlaneBendForce_swigregister | |
AmoebaPiTorsionForce_swigregister _openmm.AmoebaPiTorsionForce_swigregister | |
AmoebaStretchBendForce_swigregister _openmm.AmoebaStretchBendForce_swigregister | |
AmoebaTorsionTorsionForce_swigregister _openmm.AmoebaTorsionTorsionForce_swigregister | |
AmoebaVdwForce_swigregister _openmm.AmoebaVdwForce_swigregister | |
AmoebaWcaDispersionForce_swigregister _openmm.AmoebaWcaDispersionForce_swigregister | |
AndersenThermostat_swigregister _openmm.AndersenThermostat_swigregister | |
Integrator_swigregister _openmm.Integrator_swigregister | |
BrownianIntegrator_swigregister _openmm.BrownianIntegrator_swigregister | |
CMAPTorsionForce_swigregister _openmm.CMAPTorsionForce_swigregister | |
CMMotionRemover_swigregister _openmm.CMMotionRemover_swigregister | |
Context_swigregister _openmm.Context_swigregister | |
CustomAngleForce_swigregister _openmm.CustomAngleForce_swigregister | |
CustomBondForce_swigregister _openmm.CustomBondForce_swigregister | |
CustomCompoundBondForce_swigregister _openmm.CustomCompoundBondForce_swigregister | |
CustomExternalForce_swigregister _openmm.CustomExternalForce_swigregister | |
CustomGBForce_swigregister _openmm.CustomGBForce_swigregister | |
CustomHbondForce_swigregister _openmm.CustomHbondForce_swigregister | |
CustomIntegrator_swigregister _openmm.CustomIntegrator_swigregister | |
CustomNonbondedForce_swigregister _openmm.CustomNonbondedForce_swigregister | |
CustomTorsionForce_swigregister _openmm.CustomTorsionForce_swigregister | |
GBSAOBCForce_swigregister _openmm.GBSAOBCForce_swigregister | |
GBVIForce_swigregister _openmm.GBVIForce_swigregister | |
HarmonicAngleForce_swigregister _openmm.HarmonicAngleForce_swigregister | |
HarmonicBondForce_swigregister _openmm.HarmonicBondForce_swigregister | |
LangevinIntegrator_swigregister _openmm.LangevinIntegrator_swigregister | |
LocalEnergyMinimizer_swigregister _openmm.LocalEnergyMinimizer_swigregister | |
MonteCarloBarostat_swigregister _openmm.MonteCarloBarostat_swigregister | |
NonbondedForce_swigregister _openmm.NonbondedForce_swigregister | |
OpenMMException_swigregister _openmm.OpenMMException_swigregister | |
VirtualSite_swigregister _openmm.VirtualSite_swigregister | |
OutOfPlaneSite_swigregister _openmm.OutOfPlaneSite_swigregister | |
PeriodicTorsionForce_swigregister _openmm.PeriodicTorsionForce_swigregister | |
Platform_swigregister _openmm.Platform_swigregister | |
RBTorsionForce_swigregister _openmm.RBTorsionForce_swigregister | |
RPMDIntegrator_swigregister _openmm.RPMDIntegrator_swigregister | |
SerializationNode_swigregister _openmm.SerializationNode_swigregister | |
SerializationProxy_swigregister _openmm.SerializationProxy_swigregister | |
System_swigregister _openmm.System_swigregister | |
ThreeParticleAverageSite_swigregister _openmm.ThreeParticleAverageSite_swigregister | |
TwoParticleAverageSite_swigregister _openmm.TwoParticleAverageSite_swigregister | |
VariableLangevinIntegrator_swigregister _openmm.VariableLangevinIntegrator_swigregister | |
VariableVerletIntegrator_swigregister _openmm.VariableVerletIntegrator_swigregister | |
VerletIntegrator_swigregister _openmm.VerletIntegrator_swigregister | |
XmlSerializer_swigregister _openmm.XmlSerializer_swigregister | |
def simtk.openmm.openmm.AndersenThermostat_CollisionFrequency | ( | ) |
AndersenThermostat_CollisionFrequency() -> std::string const &.
This is the name of the parameter which store the current collision frequency (in 1/ps).
def simtk.openmm.openmm.AndersenThermostat_Temperature | ( | ) |
AndersenThermostat_Temperature() -> std::string const &.
This is the name of the parameter which stores the current temperature of the heat bath (in Kelvin).
def simtk.openmm.openmm.endl | ( | args | ) |
def simtk.openmm.openmm.ends | ( | args | ) |
def simtk.openmm.openmm.flush | ( | args | ) |
def simtk.openmm.openmm.ios_base_sync_with_stdio | ( | __sync = True | ) |
def simtk.openmm.openmm.ios_base_xalloc | ( | ) |
def simtk.openmm.openmm.LocalEnergyMinimizer_minimize | ( | args | ) |
minimize(Context context, double tolerance=1, int maxIterations=0) minimize(Context context, double tolerance=1) LocalEnergyMinimizer_minimize(Context context)
Search for a new set of particle positions that represent a local potential energy minimum. On exit, the Context will have been updated with the new positions.
context | a Context specifying the System to minimize and the initial particle positions |
tolerance | this specifies how precisely the energy minimum must be located. Minimization will be halted once the root-mean-square value of all force components reaches this tolerance. The default value is 1. |
maxIterations | the maximum number of iterations to perform. If this is 0, minimation is continued until the results converge without regard to how many iterations it takes. The default value is 0. |
def simtk.openmm.openmm.MonteCarloBarostat_Pressure | ( | ) |
MonteCarloBarostat_Pressure() -> std::string const &.
This is the name of the parameter which stores the current pressure acting on the system (in bar).
def simtk.openmm.openmm.Platform_findPlatform | ( | args | ) |
def simtk.openmm.openmm.Platform_getDefaultPluginsDirectory | ( | ) |
Platform_getDefaultPluginsDirectory() -> std::string const &.
Get the default directory from which to load plugins. If the environment variable OPENMM_PLUGIN_DIR is set, this returns its value. Otherwise, it returns a platform specific default location.
def simtk.openmm.openmm.Platform_getNumPlatforms | ( | ) |
Platform_getNumPlatforms() -> int.
Get the number of Platforms that have been registered.
def simtk.openmm.openmm.Platform_getOpenMMVersion | ( | ) |
Platform_getOpenMMVersion() -> std::string const &.
Get a string containing the version number of the OpenMM library.
def simtk.openmm.openmm.Platform_getPlatform | ( | args | ) |
def simtk.openmm.openmm.Platform_getPlatformByName | ( | args | ) |
def simtk.openmm.openmm.Platform_loadPluginLibrary | ( | args | ) |
Platform_loadPluginLibrary(std::string const & file)
Load a dynamic library (DLL) which contains an OpenMM plugin. Typically, each Platform is distributed as a separate dynamic library. This method can then be called at runtime to load each available library. Each library should contain an initializer function to register any Platforms and KernelFactories that it contains.
If the file does not exist or cannot be loaded, an exception is thrown.
file | the path to the dynamic library file. This is interpreted using the operating system's rules for loading libraries. Typically it may be either an absolute path or relative to a set of standard locations. |
def simtk.openmm.openmm.Platform_loadPluginsFromDirectory | ( | args | ) |
Platform_loadPluginsFromDirectory(std::string const & directory) -> vectorstring.
Load multiple dynamic libraries (DLLs) which contain OpenMM plugins from a single directory. This method loops over every file contained in the specified directory and calls loadPluginLibrary() for each one. If an error occurs while trying to load a particular file, that file is simply ignored.
directory | the path to the directory containing libraries to load |
def simtk.openmm.openmm.Platform_registerPlatform | ( | args | ) |
Platform_registerPlatform(Platform platform)
Register a new Platform.
def simtk.openmm.openmm.SerializationProxy_getProxy | ( | args | ) |
getProxy(std::string const & typeName) -> SerializationProxy SerializationProxy_getProxy(std::type_info const & type) -> SerializationProxy
Get the SerializationProxy to use for objects of a particular type, specified by type_info.
type | the type_info of the object type to get a proxy for |
def simtk.openmm.openmm.SerializationProxy_registerProxy | ( | args | ) |
SerializationProxy_registerProxy(std::type_info const & type, SerializationProxy proxy)
Register a SerializationProxy to be used for objects of a particular type.
type | the type_info for the object type |
proxy | the proxy to use for objects of the specified type |
def simtk.openmm.openmm.stripUnits | ( | args | ) |
getState(self, quantity) -> value with no units
import simtk
x = 5 print x
x = stripUnits((5*simtk.unit.nanometer,)) x
arg1 = 5*simtk.unit.angstrom x = stripUnits((arg1,)) x
arg1 = 5 x = stripUnits((arg1,)) x
arg1 = (1*simtk.unit.angstrom, 5*simtk.unit.angstrom) x = stripUnits((arg1,)) x
((0.10000000000000001, 0.5),)
arg1 = (1*simtk.unit.angstrom,
... 5*simtk.unit.kilojoule_per_mole, ... 1*simtk.unit.kilocalorie_per_mole)
y = stripUnits((arg1,)) y
((0.10000000000000001, 5, 4.1840000000000002),)
def simtk.openmm.openmm.swig_import_helper | ( | ) |
def simtk.openmm.openmm.XmlSerializer__deserializeForce | ( | args | ) |
XmlSerializer__deserializeForce(char const * inputString) -> Force.
def simtk.openmm.openmm.XmlSerializer__deserializeIntegrator | ( | args | ) |
XmlSerializer__deserializeIntegrator(char const * inputString) -> Integrator.
def simtk.openmm.openmm.XmlSerializer__deserializeStringIntoLists | ( | args | ) |
XmlSerializer__deserializeStringIntoLists(std::string const & stateAsString) -> PyObject *.
def simtk.openmm.openmm.XmlSerializer__serializeForce | ( | args | ) |
XmlSerializer__serializeForce(Force object) -> std::string.
def simtk.openmm.openmm.XmlSerializer__serializeIntegrator | ( | args | ) |
XmlSerializer__serializeIntegrator(Integrator object) -> std::string.
def simtk.openmm.openmm.XmlSerializer__serializeStateAsLists | ( | args | ) |
XmlSerializer__serializeStateAsLists(std::vector< Vec3,std::allocator< Vec3 > > const & pos, std::vector< Vec3,std::allocator< Vec3 > > const & vel, std::vector< Vec3,std::allocator< Vec3 > > const & forces, double kineticEnergy, double potentialEnergy, double time, std::vector< Vec3,std::allocator< Vec3 > > const & boxVectors, mapstringdouble params, int types) -> std::string.
def simtk.openmm.openmm.XmlSerializer_deserializeSystem | ( | args | ) |
XmlSerializer_deserializeSystem(char const * inputString) -> System.
This method exists only for backward compatibility.
def simtk.openmm.openmm.XmlSerializer_serializeSystem | ( | args | ) |
XmlSerializer_serializeSystem(System object) -> std::string.
This method exists only for backward compatibility.
int _newclass 0 |
tuple _openmm swig_import_helper() |
AmoebaAngleForce_swigregister _openmm.AmoebaAngleForce_swigregister |
AmoebaBondForce_swigregister _openmm.AmoebaBondForce_swigregister |
AmoebaGeneralizedKirkwoodForce_swigregister _openmm.AmoebaGeneralizedKirkwoodForce_swigregister |
AmoebaInPlaneAngleForce_swigregister _openmm.AmoebaInPlaneAngleForce_swigregister |
AmoebaMultipoleForce_swigregister _openmm.AmoebaMultipoleForce_swigregister |
AmoebaOutOfPlaneBendForce_swigregister _openmm.AmoebaOutOfPlaneBendForce_swigregister |
AmoebaPiTorsionForce_swigregister _openmm.AmoebaPiTorsionForce_swigregister |
AmoebaStretchBendForce_swigregister _openmm.AmoebaStretchBendForce_swigregister |
AmoebaTorsionTorsionForce_swigregister _openmm.AmoebaTorsionTorsionForce_swigregister |
AmoebaVdwForce_swigregister _openmm.AmoebaVdwForce_swigregister |
AmoebaWcaDispersionForce_swigregister _openmm.AmoebaWcaDispersionForce_swigregister |
AndersenThermostat_swigregister _openmm.AndersenThermostat_swigregister |
AngstromsPerNm cvar.AngstromsPerNm |
BrownianIntegrator_swigregister _openmm.BrownianIntegrator_swigregister |
cerr cvar.cerr |
cin cvar.cin |
clog cvar.clog |
CMAPTorsionForce_swigregister _openmm.CMAPTorsionForce_swigregister |
CMMotionRemover_swigregister _openmm.CMMotionRemover_swigregister |
Context_swigregister _openmm.Context_swigregister |
cout cvar.cout |
CustomAngleForce_swigregister _openmm.CustomAngleForce_swigregister |
CustomBondForce_swigregister _openmm.CustomBondForce_swigregister |
CustomCompoundBondForce_swigregister _openmm.CustomCompoundBondForce_swigregister |
CustomExternalForce_swigregister _openmm.CustomExternalForce_swigregister |
CustomGBForce_swigregister _openmm.CustomGBForce_swigregister |
CustomHbondForce_swigregister _openmm.CustomHbondForce_swigregister |
CustomIntegrator_swigregister _openmm.CustomIntegrator_swigregister |
CustomNonbondedForce_swigregister _openmm.CustomNonbondedForce_swigregister |
CustomTorsionForce_swigregister _openmm.CustomTorsionForce_swigregister |
cvar _openmm.cvar |
DegreesPerRadian cvar.DegreesPerRadian |
endl _openmm.endl |
endl_cb_ptr _openmm.endl_cb_ptr |
ends _openmm.ends |
ends_cb_ptr _openmm.ends_cb_ptr |
flush _openmm.flush |
flush_cb_ptr _openmm.flush_cb_ptr |
Force_swigregister _openmm.Force_swigregister |
FsPerPs cvar.FsPerPs |
GBSAOBCForce_swigregister _openmm.GBSAOBCForce_swigregister |
GBVIForce_swigregister _openmm.GBVIForce_swigregister |
HarmonicAngleForce_swigregister _openmm.HarmonicAngleForce_swigregister |
HarmonicBondForce_swigregister _openmm.HarmonicBondForce_swigregister |
Integrator_swigregister _openmm.Integrator_swigregister |
ios_base_swigregister _openmm.ios_base_swigregister |
ios_base_sync_with_stdio _openmm.ios_base_sync_with_stdio |
ios_base_xalloc _openmm.ios_base_xalloc |
ios_swigregister _openmm.ios_swigregister |
iostream_swigregister _openmm.iostream_swigregister |
istream_swigregister _openmm.istream_swigregister |
KcalPerKJ cvar.KcalPerKJ |
KJPerKcal cvar.KJPerKcal |
LangevinIntegrator_swigregister _openmm.LangevinIntegrator_swigregister |
LocalEnergyMinimizer_swigregister _openmm.LocalEnergyMinimizer_swigregister |
mapstringdouble_swigregister _openmm.mapstringdouble_swigregister |
mapstringstring_swigregister _openmm.mapstringstring_swigregister |
MonteCarloBarostat_swigregister _openmm.MonteCarloBarostat_swigregister |
NmPerAngstrom cvar.NmPerAngstrom |
NonbondedForce_swigregister _openmm.NonbondedForce_swigregister |
OpenMMException_swigregister _openmm.OpenMMException_swigregister |
ostream_swigregister _openmm.ostream_swigregister |
OutOfPlaneSite_swigregister _openmm.OutOfPlaneSite_swigregister |
pairii_swigregister _openmm.pairii_swigregister |
PeriodicTorsionForce_swigregister _openmm.PeriodicTorsionForce_swigregister |
Platform_swigregister _openmm.Platform_swigregister |
PsPerFs cvar.PsPerFs |
RadiansPerDegree cvar.RadiansPerDegree |
RBTorsionForce_swigregister _openmm.RBTorsionForce_swigregister |
tuple RMIN_PER_SIGMA math.pow(2, 1/6.0) |
RPMDIntegrator_swigregister _openmm.RPMDIntegrator_swigregister |
tuple RVDW_PER_SIGMA math.pow(2, 1/6.0) |
SerializationNode_swigregister _openmm.SerializationNode_swigregister |
SerializationProxy_swigregister _openmm.SerializationProxy_swigregister |
SigmaPerVdwRadius cvar.SigmaPerVdwRadius |
SwigPyIterator_swigregister _openmm.SwigPyIterator_swigregister |
System_swigregister _openmm.System_swigregister |
ThreeParticleAverageSite_swigregister _openmm.ThreeParticleAverageSite_swigregister |
TwoParticleAverageSite_swigregister _openmm.TwoParticleAverageSite_swigregister |
VariableLangevinIntegrator_swigregister _openmm.VariableLangevinIntegrator_swigregister |
VariableVerletIntegrator_swigregister _openmm.VariableVerletIntegrator_swigregister |
VdwRadiusPerSigma cvar.VdwRadiusPerSigma |
vectord_swigregister _openmm.vectord_swigregister |
vectorddd_swigregister _openmm.vectorddd_swigregister |
vectori_swigregister _openmm.vectori_swigregister |
vectorii_swigregister _openmm.vectorii_swigregister |
vectorpairii_swigregister _openmm.vectorpairii_swigregister |
vectorstring_swigregister _openmm.vectorstring_swigregister |
VerletIntegrator_swigregister _openmm.VerletIntegrator_swigregister |
VirtualSite_swigregister _openmm.VirtualSite_swigregister |
XmlSerializer_swigregister _openmm.XmlSerializer_swigregister |