OpenSim::AbstractTool Class Reference

An abstract class for specifying the interface for an investigation. More...

#include <AbstractTool.h>

Inheritance diagram for OpenSim::AbstractTool:
OpenSim::Object OpenSim::AnalyzeTool OpenSim::CMCTool OpenSim::ForwardTool OpenSim::IKTool OpenSim::PerturbationTool

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual ~AbstractTool ()
 AbstractTool ()
 Default constructor.
 AbstractTool (const std::string &aFileName, bool aUpdateFromXMLNode=true)
 Construct from file, and an optional GuiModel.
 AbstractTool (const AbstractTool &aObject)
 Copy constructor.
AbstractTooloperator= (const AbstractTool &aTool)
 Assignment operator.
virtual void setModel (Model &aModel) SWIG_DECLARE_EXCEPTION
 Set the model to be investigated.
virtual ModelgetModel () const
 Get the model to be investigated.
bool getReplaceForceSet () const
void setReplaceForceSet (bool aReplace)
Array< std::string > & getForceSetFiles ()
void setForceSetFiles (const Array< std::string > &aForceSetFiles)
int getOutputPrecision () const
void setOutputPrecision (int aPrecision)
AnalysisSetgetAnalysisSet () const
 Get the analysis set.
const std::string & getResultsDir () const
 Get Results Directory.
void setResultsDir (const std::string &aString)
double getInitialTime () const
double getFinalTime () const
void setInitialTime (const double aInitialTime)
void setFinalTime (const double aFinalTime)
double getStartTime () const
void setStartTime (const double aStartTime)
int getMaximumNumberOfSteps () const
void setMaximumNumberOfSteps (int aMaxSteps)
double getMaxDT () const
void setMaxDT (double aMaxDT)
double getMinDT () const
void setMinDT (double aMinDT)
double getErrorTolerance () const
void setErrorTolerance (double aErrorTolerance)
const std::string & getModelFilename () const
void setModelFilename (const std::string &aModelFile)
bool getSolveForEquilibrium () const
void setSolveForEquilibrium (bool aSolve)
void loadModel (const std::string &aToolSetupFileName, ForceSet *rOriginalForceSet=0)
 Load and construct a model based on the property settings of this investigation.
void updateModelForces (Model &model, const std::string &aToolSetupFileName, ForceSet *rOriginalForceSet=0) SWIG_DECLARE_EXCEPTION
 Update the forces applied to a model.
void addAnalysisSetToModel ()
 Adds Analysis objects from analysis set to model.
void addControllerSetToModel ()
 Adds Controller objects from Controller set to model.
void removeControllerSetFromModel ()
 Remove Analysis objects that were added earlier from analysis set to model.
void removeAnalysisSetFromModel ()
 Remove Analysis objects that were added earlier from analysis set to model.
void setToolOwnsModel (const bool trueFalse)
const bool getToolOwnsModel () const
std::string getControlsFileName () const
 Interfaces to build controller from a file and add it to the tool.
void setControlsFileName (const std::string &controlsFilename)
 A Convenience method to add a ControlSetController from a file and add it to the model.
virtual bool run () SWIG_DECLARE_EXCEPTION=0
virtual void printResults (const std::string &aBaseName, const std::string &aDir="", double aDT=-1.0, const std::string &aExtension=".sto")
 Print the results of the analysis.
void initializeExternalLoads (SimTK::State &s, const double &analysisStartTime, const double &analysisFinalTime, Model &aModel, const std::string &aExternalLoadsFileName, const std::string &aExternalLoadsModelKinematicsFileName, const std::string &aExternalLoadsBody1, const std::string &aExternalLoadsBody2, double aLowpassCutoffFrequencyForLoadKinematics, PrescribedForce &rRightForceApp, PrescribedForce &rLeftForceApp, PrescribedForce &rRightTorqueApp, PrescribedForce &rLeftTorqueApp)
bool createExternalLoads (const std::string &aExternalLoadsFileName, const std::string &aExternalLoadsModelKinematicsFileName, Model &aModel, const std::string &body1Name, const std::string &body2Name, PrescribedForce *&rightForceApp, PrescribedForce *&leftForceApp, PrescribedForce *&rightTorqueApp, PrescribedForce *&leftTorqueApp)
void computePointFunctions (SimTK::State &s, double startTime, double endTime, const Body &body, const Storage &aQStore, const Storage &aUStore, VectorGCVSplineR1R3 &aPGlobal, GCVSpline *&xfunc, GCVSpline *&yfunc, GCVSpline *&zfunc)
 Compute the position and velocity functions that set the position and velocity of the point at which the linear spring applies its force.
virtual void updateFromXMLNode ()
 Override default implementation by object to intercept and fix the XML node underneath the tool to match current version.
virtual void loadQStorage (const std::string &statesFileName, Storage &rQStore) const

Protected Attributes

 Pointer to the model being investigated.
PropertyStr _modelFileProp
 Name of the xml file used to deserialize or construct a model.
std::string & _modelFile
PropertyBool _replaceForceSetProp
 Whether the force set included in the model file is replaced (if true) or appended to (if false) with force sets read in from file.
bool & _replaceForceSet
PropertyStrArray _forceSetFilesProp
 Names of the xml files used to construct an force set for the model.
Array< std::string > & _forceSetFiles
PropertyStr _resultsDirProp
 Directory used for writing results.
std::string & _resultsDir
PropertyInt _outputPrecisionProp
 Output precision.
int & _outputPrecision
PropertyDbl _tiProp
 Initial time for the investigation.
double & _ti
PropertyDbl _tfProp
 Final time for the investigation.
double & _tf
OpenSim::PropertyBool _solveForEquilibriumForAuxiliaryStatesProp
 A flag used to specify whether or not equilibrium is solved for for the auxiliary states.
bool & _solveForEquilibriumForAuxiliaryStates
PropertyInt _maxStepsProp
 Maximum number of steps for the integrator.
int & _maxSteps
PropertyDbl _maxDTProp
 Maximum integration step size.
double & _maxDT
PropertyDbl _minDTProp
 Minimum integration step size.
double & _minDT
PropertyDbl _errorToleranceProp
 Integrator error tolerance.
double & _errorTolerance
PropertyObj _analysisSetProp
 Set of analyses to be run during the study.
PropertyObj _controllerSetProp
bool _toolOwnsModel
 Whether the tool owns the model it operates on.
 pointers to functions used for ground force reactions

Detailed Description

An abstract class for specifying the interface for an investigation.

Frank C. Anderson

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

AbstractTool::~AbstractTool (  )  [virtual]


AbstractTool::AbstractTool (  ) 

Default constructor.

OpenSim::AbstractTool::AbstractTool ( const std::string &  aFileName,
bool  aUpdateFromXMLNode = true 

Construct from file, and an optional GuiModel.

The object is constructed from the root element of the XML document. The type of object is the tag name of the XML root element.

aFileName File name of the document.
AbstractTool::AbstractTool ( const AbstractTool aTool  ) 

Copy constructor.

Copy constructors for all SimulationTools only copy the non-XML variable members of the object; that is, the object's DOMnode and XMLDocument are not copied but set to NULL. This is because the object and all its derived classes need to establish the correct connection to the XML document nodes. Thus the object needs to reconstruct based on the XML document, not the values of the object's member variables.

There are three proper ways to generate an XML document for a AbstractTool:

1) Construction based on XML file (

See also:
AbstractTool(const char *aFileName)). In this case, the XML document is created by parsing the XML file.

2) Construction by AbstractTool(const XMLDocument *aDocument). This constructor explictly requests construction based on an XML document. In this way the proper connection between an object's node and the corresponding node within the XML document is established. This constructor is a copy constructor of sorts because all essential AbstractTool member variables should be held within the XML document. The advantage of this style of construction is that nodes within the XML document, such as comments that may not have any associated AbstractTool member variable, are preserved.

3) A call to generateXMLDocument(). This method generates an XML document for the AbstractTool from scratch. Only the essential document nodes are created (that is, nodes that correspond directly to member variables.).

aTool Object to be copied.
See also:
AbstractTool(const XMLDocument *aDocument)
AbstractTool(const char *aFileName)

Copy constructors for all SimulationTools only copy the non-XML variable members of the object; that is, the object's DOMnode and XMLDocument are not copied but set to NULL. The reason for this is that for the object and all its derived classes to establish the correct connection to the XML document nodes, the the object would need to reconstruct based on the XML document not the values of the object's member variables.

There are three proper ways to generate an XML document for a AbstractTool:

1) Construction based on XML file (

See also:
AbstractTool(const char *aFileName)). In this case, the XML document is created by parsing the XML file.

2) Construction by AbstractTool(const XMLDocument *aDocument). This constructor explictly requests construction based on an XML document. In this way the proper connection between an object's node and the corresponding node within the XML document is established. This constructor is a copy constructor of sorts because all essential AbstractTool member variables should be held within the XML document. The advantage of this style of construction is that nodes within the XML document, such as comments that may not have any associated AbstractTool member variable, are preserved.

3) A call to generateXMLDocument(). This method generates an XML document for the AbstractTool from scratch. Only the essential document nodes are created (that is, nodes that correspond directly to member variables.).

aTool Object to be copied.
See also:
AbstractTool(const XMLDocument *aDocument)
AbstractTool(const char *aFileName)

Member Function Documentation

void AbstractTool::addAnalysisSetToModel (  ) 

Adds Analysis objects from analysis set to model.

NOTE: Makes copies of analyses. Also, both this tool and the model have ownership of their analysis objects, thereofre making a copy is necessary so a single analysis won't be deleted twice.

To avoid leaking when the tool is run from the GUI, pointers to the model's copy of the analyses are kept around so that they can be removed at the end of tool execution. _analysisCopies is used to do this book keeping.

NOTE: Makes copies of analyses. Also, both this tool and the model have ownership of their analysis objects, so making a copy is necessary so a single analysis won't be deleted twice.

To avoid leaking when the tool is run from the GUI, pointers to the model's copy of the analyses are kept around so that they can be removed at the end of tool execution. _analysisCopies is used to do this book keeping.

void AbstractTool::addControllerSetToModel (  ) 

Adds Controller objects from Controller set to model.

NOTE: Makes copies of Controller. Also, both this tool and the model have ownership of their Controller objects, so making a copy is necessary so a single analysis won't be deleted twice.

To avoid leaking when the tool is run from the GUI, pointers to the model's copy of the Controller are kept around so that they can be removed at the end of tool execution. _controllerCopies is used to do this book keeping.

void AbstractTool::computePointFunctions ( SimTK::State &  s,
double  startTime,
double  endTime,
const Body body,
const Storage aQStore,
const Storage aUStore,
VectorGCVSplineR1R3 aPGlobal,
GCVSpline *&  xFunc,
GCVSpline *&  yFunc,
GCVSpline *&  zFunc 

Compute the position and velocity functions that set the position and velocity of the point at which the linear spring applies its force.

This method takes the time histories of a point's position and velocity in the inertial frame and converts them to the local (body) frame.

aQStore Storage containing the time history of generalized coordinates for the model. Note that all generalized coordinates must be specified and in radians and Euler parameters.
aUStore Storage containing the time history of generalized speeds for the model. Note that all generalized speeds must be specified and in radians.
aPStore Storage containing the time history of the position at which the force is to be applied in the global frame.
bool OpenSim::AbstractTool::createExternalLoads ( const std::string &  aExternalLoadsFileName,
const std::string &  aExternalLoadsModelKinematicsFileName,
Model aModel,
const std::string &  body1Name,
const std::string &  body2Name,
PrescribedForce *&  rightForceApp,
PrescribedForce *&  leftForceApp,
PrescribedForce *&  rightTorqueApp,
PrescribedForce *&  leftTorqueApp 
AnalysisSet & AbstractTool::getAnalysisSet (  )  const

Get the analysis set.

std::string AbstractTool::getControlsFileName (  )  const

Interfaces to build controller from a file and add it to the tool.

double OpenSim::AbstractTool::getErrorTolerance (  )  const [inline]
double OpenSim::AbstractTool::getFinalTime (  )  const [inline]
Array<std::string>& OpenSim::AbstractTool::getForceSetFiles (  )  [inline]
double OpenSim::AbstractTool::getInitialTime (  )  const [inline]
double OpenSim::AbstractTool::getMaxDT (  )  const [inline]
int OpenSim::AbstractTool::getMaximumNumberOfSteps (  )  const [inline]
double OpenSim::AbstractTool::getMinDT (  )  const [inline]
Model & AbstractTool::getModel (  )  const [virtual]

Get the model to be investigated.

const std::string& OpenSim::AbstractTool::getModelFilename (  )  const [inline]
int OpenSim::AbstractTool::getOutputPrecision (  )  const [inline]
bool OpenSim::AbstractTool::getReplaceForceSet (  )  const [inline]
const std::string& OpenSim::AbstractTool::getResultsDir (  )  const [inline]

Get Results Directory.

bool OpenSim::AbstractTool::getSolveForEquilibrium (  )  const [inline]
double OpenSim::AbstractTool::getStartTime (  )  const [inline]
const bool OpenSim::AbstractTool::getToolOwnsModel (  )  const [inline]
void OpenSim::AbstractTool::initializeExternalLoads ( SimTK::State &  s,
const double &  analysisStartTime,
const double &  analysisFinalTime,
Model aModel,
const std::string &  aExternalLoadsFileName,
const std::string &  aExternalLoadsModelKinematicsFileName,
const std::string &  aExternalLoadsBody1,
const std::string &  aExternalLoadsBody2,
double  aLowpassCutoffFrequencyForLoadKinematics,
PrescribedForce rRightForceApp,
PrescribedForce rLeftForceApp,
PrescribedForce rRightTorqueApp,
PrescribedForce rLeftTorqueApp 
void OpenSim::AbstractTool::loadModel ( const std::string &  aToolSetupFileName,
ForceSet rOriginalForceSet = 0 

Load and construct a model based on the property settings of this investigation.

void AbstractTool::loadQStorage ( const std::string &  statesFileName,
Storage rQStore 
) const [virtual]
AbstractTool & AbstractTool::operator= ( const AbstractTool aTool  ) 

Assignment operator.

Reference to this object.

Reimplemented from OpenSim::Object.

Reimplemented in OpenSim::AnalyzeTool, OpenSim::CMCTool, OpenSim::ForwardTool, OpenSim::IKTool, and OpenSim::PerturbationTool.

virtual void OpenSim::AbstractTool::printResults ( const std::string &  aBaseName,
const std::string &  aDir = "",
double  aDT = -1.0,
const std::string &  aExtension = ".sto" 
) [virtual]

Print the results of the analysis.

aFileName File to which to print the data.
aDT Time interval between results (linear interpolation is used). If not included as an argument or negative, all time steps are printed without interpolation.
aExtension Extension for written files.

Reimplemented in OpenSim::PerturbationTool.

void AbstractTool::removeAnalysisSetFromModel (  ) 

Remove Analysis objects that were added earlier from analysis set to model.

NOTE: Pointers to the .

void AbstractTool::removeControllerSetFromModel (  ) 

Remove Analysis objects that were added earlier from analysis set to model.

virtual bool OpenSim::AbstractTool::run (  )  [pure virtual]
void AbstractTool::setControlsFileName ( const std::string &  controlsFilename  ) 

A Convenience method to add a ControlSetController from a file and add it to the model.

void OpenSim::AbstractTool::setErrorTolerance ( double  aErrorTolerance  )  [inline]
void OpenSim::AbstractTool::setFinalTime ( const double  aFinalTime  )  [inline]
void OpenSim::AbstractTool::setForceSetFiles ( const Array< std::string > &  aForceSetFiles  )  [inline]
void OpenSim::AbstractTool::setInitialTime ( const double  aInitialTime  )  [inline]
void OpenSim::AbstractTool::setMaxDT ( double  aMaxDT  )  [inline]
void OpenSim::AbstractTool::setMaximumNumberOfSteps ( int  aMaxSteps  )  [inline]
void OpenSim::AbstractTool::setMinDT ( double  aMinDT  )  [inline]
void AbstractTool::setModel ( Model aModel  )  [virtual]

Set the model to be investigated.

NOTE: setup() should have been called on the model prior to calling this method

void OpenSim::AbstractTool::setModelFilename ( const std::string &  aModelFile  )  [inline]
void OpenSim::AbstractTool::setOutputPrecision ( int  aPrecision  )  [inline]
void OpenSim::AbstractTool::setReplaceForceSet ( bool  aReplace  )  [inline]
void OpenSim::AbstractTool::setResultsDir ( const std::string &  aString  )  [inline]
void OpenSim::AbstractTool::setSolveForEquilibrium ( bool  aSolve  )  [inline]
void OpenSim::AbstractTool::setStartTime ( const double  aStartTime  )  [inline]
void OpenSim::AbstractTool::setToolOwnsModel ( const bool  trueFalse  )  [inline]
void AbstractTool::updateFromXMLNode (  )  [virtual]

Override default implementation by object to intercept and fix the XML node underneath the tool to match current version.

Reimplemented from OpenSim::Object.

Reimplemented in OpenSim::ForwardTool, and OpenSim::PerturbationTool.

void OpenSim::AbstractTool::updateModelForces ( Model model,
const std::string &  aToolSetupFileName,
ForceSet rOriginalForceSet = 0 

Update the forces applied to a model.

Member Data Documentation

Set of analyses to be run during the study.

Integrator error tolerance.

When the error is greater, the integrator step size is decreased.

Array<std::string>& OpenSim::AbstractTool::_forceSetFiles [protected]

Names of the xml files used to construct an force set for the model.

double& OpenSim::AbstractTool::_maxDT [protected]

Maximum integration step size.

Maximum number of steps for the integrator.

double& OpenSim::AbstractTool::_minDT [protected]

Minimum integration step size.

Pointer to the model being investigated.

std::string& OpenSim::AbstractTool::_modelFile [protected]

Name of the xml file used to deserialize or construct a model.

Output precision.

Whether the force set included in the model file is replaced (if true) or appended to (if false) with force sets read in from file.

std::string& OpenSim::AbstractTool::_resultsDir [protected]

Directory used for writing results.

pointers to functions used for ground force reactions

A flag used to specify whether or not equilibrium is solved for for the auxiliary states.

This often needs to be done auxiliary sates whose starting values are unknown (e.g., muscle fiber lengths).

double& OpenSim::AbstractTool::_tf [protected]

Final time for the investigation.

double& OpenSim::AbstractTool::_ti [protected]

Initial time for the investigation.

Whether the tool owns the model it operates on.

Important for cleanup when done

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Generated on Wed Dec 16 15:03:44 2009 for OpenSim by  doxygen 1.6.1