AugRestoSystemSolver Class Reference

#include <IpAugRestoSystemSolver.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for AugRestoSystemSolver:

AugSystemSolver AlgorithmStrategyObject ReferencedObject

List of all members.

Detailed Description

Class that converts the an augmented system with compound restoration pieces into a smaller "pivoted" system to be solved with an existing AugSystemSolver.

This is really a decorator that changes the behavior of the AugSystemSolver to account for the known structure of the restoration phase.

Public Member Functions

bool InitializeImpl (const OptionsList &options, const std::string &prefix)
 overloaded from AlgorithmStrategyObject
virtual ESymSolverStatus Solve (const SymMatrix *W, double W_factor, const Vector *D_x, double delta_x, const Vector *D_s, double delta_s, const Matrix *J_c, const Vector *D_c, double delta_c, const Matrix *J_d, const Vector *D_d, double delta_d, const Vector &rhs_x, const Vector &rhs_s, const Vector &rhs_c, const Vector &rhs_d, Vector &sol_x, Vector &sol_s, Vector &sol_c, Vector &sol_d, bool check_NegEVals, Index numberOfNegEVals)
 Translate the augmented system (in the full space of the restoration variables) into the smaller space of the original variables.
virtual Index NumberOfNegEVals () const
 Returns the number of negative eigenvalues from the original augmented system call.
virtual bool ProvidesInertia () const
 Query whether inertia is computed by linear solver.
virtual bool IncreaseQuality ()
 Request to increase quality of solution for next solve.
 AugRestoSystemSolver (AugSystemSolver &orig_aug_solver, bool skip_orig_aug_solver_init=true)
virtual ~AugRestoSystemSolver ()
 Default destructor.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

AugRestoSystemSolver ( AugSystemSolver orig_aug_solver,
bool  skip_orig_aug_solver_init = true 


Here, orig_aug_solver is the object for solving the original augmented system. The flag skip_orig_aug_solver_init indicates, if the initialization call (to Initialize) should be skipped; this flag will usually be true, so that the symbolic factorization of the main algorithm will be used.

References DBG_START_METH.

~AugRestoSystemSolver (  )  [virtual]

Default destructor.

References DBG_START_METH.

Member Function Documentation

bool InitializeImpl ( const OptionsList options,
const std::string &  prefix 
) [virtual]

ESymSolverStatus Solve ( const SymMatrix W,
double  W_factor,
const Vector D_x,
double  delta_x,
const Vector D_s,
double  delta_s,
const Matrix J_c,
const Vector D_c,
double  delta_c,
const Matrix J_d,
const Vector D_d,
double  delta_d,
const Vector rhs_x,
const Vector rhs_s,
const Vector rhs_c,
const Vector rhs_d,
Vector sol_x,
Vector sol_s,
Vector sol_c,
Vector sol_d,
bool  check_NegEVals,
Index  numberOfNegEVals 
) [virtual]

Translate the augmented system (in the full space of the restoration variables) into the smaller space of the original variables.

Reimplemented from AugSystemSolver.


virtual Index NumberOfNegEVals (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Returns the number of negative eigenvalues from the original augmented system call.

Implements AugSystemSolver.

virtual bool ProvidesInertia (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Query whether inertia is computed by linear solver.

Returns true, if linear solver provides inertia.

Implements AugSystemSolver.

virtual bool IncreaseQuality (  )  [inline, virtual]

Request to increase quality of solution for next solve.

Ask underlying linear solver to increase quality of solution for the next solve (e.g. increase pivot tolerance). Returns false, if this is not possible (e.g. maximal pivot tolerance already used.)

Implements AugSystemSolver.

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