SymMatrix Class Reference

#include <IpSymMatrix.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for SymMatrix:

Matrix TaggedObject ReferencedObject Subject CompoundSymMatrix DenseSymMatrix DiagMatrix IdentityMatrix LowRankUpdateSymMatrix SumSymMatrix SymScaledMatrix SymTMatrix

List of all members.

Detailed Description

This is the base class for all derived symmetric matrix types.

Public Member Functions

SmartPtr< const SymMatrixSpaceOwnerSymMatrixSpace () const
 SymMatrix (const SymMatrixSpace *owner_space)
 Constructor, taking the owner_space.
virtual ~SymMatrix ()
Information about the size of the matrix
Index Dim () const
 Dimension of the matrix (number of rows and columns).

Protected Member Functions

Overloaded methods from Matrix. Since the matrix is
symmetric, it is only necessary to implement the MultVectorImpl method in a class that inherits from this base class.

If the TransMultVectorImpl is called, this base class automatically calls MultVectorImpl instead.

virtual void TransMultVectorImpl (Number alpha, const Vector &x, Number beta, Vector &y) const
 Matrix(transpose) vector multiply.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

SymMatrix ( const SymMatrixSpace owner_space  ) 

Constructor, taking the owner_space.

~SymMatrix (  )  [virtual]


Member Function Documentation

Index Dim (  )  const [inline]

SmartPtr< const SymMatrixSpace > OwnerSymMatrixSpace (  )  const

void TransMultVectorImpl ( Number  alpha,
const Vector x,
Number  beta,
Vector y 
) const [protected, virtual]

Matrix(transpose) vector multiply.

Computes y = alpha * Matrix^T * x + beta * y

Implements Matrix.

References Matrix::MultVector().

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Generated on Fri Sep 26 07:44:27 2008 for SimTKcore by  doxygen 1.5.6