DenseGenMatrix Class Reference

#include <IpDenseGenMatrix.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for DenseGenMatrix:

Matrix TaggedObject ReferencedObject Subject

List of all members.

Detailed Description

Class for dense general matrices.

Matrix elements are stored in one array in "Fortran" format.

Public Member Functions

SmartPtr< DenseGenMatrixMakeNewDenseGenMatrix () const
 Create a new DenseGenMatrix from same MatrixSpace.
NumberValues ()
 Retrieve the array for storing the matrix elements.
const NumberValues () const
 Retrieve the array that stores the matrix elements.
void Copy (const DenseGenMatrix &M)
 Method for copying the content of another matrix into this matrix.
void FillIdentity (Number factor=1.)
 Set this matrix to be a multiple of the identity matrix .
void ScaleColumns (const DenseVector &scal_vec)
 Method for scaling the columns of the matrix.
void AddMatrixProduct (Number alpha, const DenseGenMatrix &A, bool transA, const DenseGenMatrix &B, bool transB, Number beta)
 Method for adding the product of two matrices to this matrix.
void HighRankUpdateTranspose (Number alpha, const MultiVectorMatrix &V1, const MultiVectorMatrix &V2, Number beta)
 Method for adding a high-rank update to this matrix.
bool ComputeCholeskyFactor (const DenseSymMatrix &M)
 Method for computing the Cholesky factorization of a positive definite matrix.
bool ComputeEigenVectors (const DenseSymMatrix &M, DenseVector &Evalues)
 Method for computing an eigenvalue decomposition of the given symmetrix matrix M.
void CholeskyBackSolveMatrix (bool trans, Number alpha, DenseGenMatrix &B) const
 Method for performing one backsolve with an entire matrix on the right hand side, assuming that the this matrix is square and contains a lower triangular matrix.
void CholeskySolveVector (DenseVector &b) const
 Method for performing a solve of a linear system for one vector, assuming that this matrix contains the Cholesky factor for the linear system.
void CholeskySolveMatrix (DenseGenMatrix &B) const
 Method for performing a solve of a linear system for one right-hand-side matrix, assuming that this matrix contains the Cholesky factor for the linear system.
Constructors / Destructors
 DenseGenMatrix (const DenseGenMatrixSpace *owner_space)
 Constructor, taking the owner_space.
 ~DenseGenMatrix ()

Protected Member Functions

Overloaded methods from Matrix base class
virtual void MultVectorImpl (Number alpha, const Vector &x, Number beta, Vector &y) const
 Method for determining if all stored numbers are valid (i.e., no Inf or Nan).
virtual void TransMultVectorImpl (Number alpha, const Vector &x, Number beta, Vector &y) const
 Method for determining if all stored numbers are valid (i.e., no Inf or Nan).
virtual bool HasValidNumbersImpl () const
 Method for determining if all stored numbers are valid (i.e., no Inf or Nan).
virtual void PrintImpl (const Journalist &jnlst, EJournalLevel level, EJournalCategory category, const std::string &name, Index indent, const std::string &prefix) const
 Method for determining if all stored numbers are valid (i.e., no Inf or Nan).

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

DenseGenMatrix ( const DenseGenMatrixSpace owner_space  ) 

Constructor, taking the owner_space.

~DenseGenMatrix (  ) 


Member Function Documentation

SmartPtr< DenseGenMatrix > MakeNewDenseGenMatrix (  )  const [inline]

Number* Values (  )  [inline]

Retrieve the array for storing the matrix elements.

This is the non-const version, and it is assume that afterwards the calling method will set all matrix elements. The matrix elements are stored one column after each other.

References TaggedObject::ObjectChanged().

Referenced by DenseGenMatrix::AddMatrixProduct(), MultiVectorMatrix::AddRightMultMatrix(), DenseGenMatrix::CholeskyBackSolveMatrix(), DenseGenMatrix::CholeskySolveMatrix(), DenseGenMatrix::Copy(), DenseSymMatrix::HighRankUpdate(), and DenseSymMatrix::SpecialAddForLMSR1().

const Number* Values (  )  const [inline]

Retrieve the array that stores the matrix elements.

This is the const version, i.e., read-only. The matrix elements are stored one column after each other.

References DBG_ASSERT.

void Copy ( const DenseGenMatrix M  ) 

Method for copying the content of another matrix into this matrix.

References DBG_ASSERT, Ipopt::IpBlasDcopy(), Matrix::NCols(), Matrix::NRows(), TaggedObject::ObjectChanged(), and DenseGenMatrix::Values().

void FillIdentity ( Number  factor = 1.  ) 

Set this matrix to be a multiple of the identity matrix .

This assumes that this matrix is square.

References DBG_ASSERT, fkinkryx::i, Ipopt::IpBlasDcopy(), Matrix::NCols(), Matrix::NRows(), and TaggedObject::ObjectChanged().

void ScaleColumns ( const DenseVector scal_vec  ) 

Method for scaling the columns of the matrix.

The scaling factors are given in form of a DenseVector

References DBG_ASSERT, Vector::Dim(), Ipopt::IpBlasDscal(), Matrix::NCols(), Matrix::NRows(), TaggedObject::ObjectChanged(), and DenseVector::Values().

void AddMatrixProduct ( Number  alpha,
const DenseGenMatrix A,
bool  transA,
const DenseGenMatrix B,
bool  transB,
Number  beta 

Method for adding the product of two matrices to this matrix.

References DBG_ASSERT, Ipopt::IpBlasDgemm(), k, m, n, Matrix::NCols(), Matrix::NRows(), TaggedObject::ObjectChanged(), and DenseGenMatrix::Values().

void HighRankUpdateTranspose ( Number  alpha,
const MultiVectorMatrix V1,
const MultiVectorMatrix V2,
Number  beta 

Method for adding a high-rank update to this matrix.

It computes M = alpha*V1^T V2 + beta*M, where V1 and V2 are MultiVectorMatrices.

References DBG_ASSERT, MultiVectorMatrix::GetVector(), fkinkryx::i, Matrix::NCols(), Matrix::NRows(), and TaggedObject::ObjectChanged().

bool ComputeCholeskyFactor ( const DenseSymMatrix M  ) 

Method for computing the Cholesky factorization of a positive definite matrix.

The factor is stored in this matrix, as lower-triangular matrix, i.e., M = J * J^T. The return values is false if the factorization could not be done, e.g., when the matrix is not positive definite.

References DBG_ASSERT, SymMatrix::Dim(), fkinkryx::i, info, Ipopt::IpLapackDpotrf(), Matrix::NCols(), Matrix::NRows(), TaggedObject::ObjectChanged(), and DenseSymMatrix::Values().

bool ComputeEigenVectors ( const DenseSymMatrix M,
DenseVector Evalues 

Method for computing an eigenvalue decomposition of the given symmetrix matrix M.

On return, this matrix contains the eigenvalues in its columns, and Evalues contains the eigenvalues. The return value is false, if there problems during the computation.

References DBG_ASSERT, Vector::Dim(), SymMatrix::Dim(), fkinkryx::i, info, Ipopt::IpLapackDsyev(), Matrix::NCols(), Matrix::NRows(), TaggedObject::ObjectChanged(), DenseVector::Values(), and DenseSymMatrix::Values().

void CholeskyBackSolveMatrix ( bool  trans,
Number  alpha,
DenseGenMatrix B 
) const

Method for performing one backsolve with an entire matrix on the right hand side, assuming that the this matrix is square and contains a lower triangular matrix.

The incoming right hand side B is overwritten with the solution X of op(A)*X = alpha*B. op(A) = A or op(A) = A^T.

References DBG_ASSERT, Ipopt::IpBlasDtrsm(), Matrix::NCols(), Matrix::NRows(), and DenseGenMatrix::Values().

void CholeskySolveVector ( DenseVector b  )  const

Method for performing a solve of a linear system for one vector, assuming that this matrix contains the Cholesky factor for the linear system.

The vector b contains the right hand side on input, and contains the solution on output.

References DBG_ASSERT, Vector::Dim(), Ipopt::IpLapackDpotrs(), Matrix::NCols(), Matrix::NRows(), and DenseVector::Values().

void CholeskySolveMatrix ( DenseGenMatrix B  )  const

Method for performing a solve of a linear system for one right-hand-side matrix, assuming that this matrix contains the Cholesky factor for the linear system.

The matrix B contains the right hand sides on input, and contains the solution on output.

References DBG_ASSERT, Ipopt::IpLapackDpotrs(), Matrix::NCols(), Matrix::NRows(), and DenseGenMatrix::Values().

void MultVectorImpl ( Number  alpha,
const Vector x,
Number  beta,
Vector y 
) const [protected, virtual]

Method for determining if all stored numbers are valid (i.e., no Inf or Nan).

Implements Matrix.

References DBG_ASSERT, Vector::Dim(), Ipopt::IpBlasDgemv(), Matrix::NCols(), Matrix::NRows(), trans, and DenseVector::Values().

void TransMultVectorImpl ( Number  alpha,
const Vector x,
Number  beta,
Vector y 
) const [protected, virtual]

Method for determining if all stored numbers are valid (i.e., no Inf or Nan).

Implements Matrix.

References DBG_ASSERT, Vector::Dim(), Ipopt::IpBlasDgemv(), Matrix::NCols(), Matrix::NRows(), trans, and DenseVector::Values().

bool HasValidNumbersImpl (  )  const [protected, virtual]

Method for determining if all stored numbers are valid (i.e., no Inf or Nan).

Reimplemented from Matrix.

References DBG_ASSERT, Ipopt::IpBlasDasum(), Ipopt::IsFiniteNumber(), Matrix::NCols(), Matrix::NRows(), and SimTK::sum().

void PrintImpl ( const Journalist jnlst,
EJournalLevel  level,
EJournalCategory  category,
const std::string &  name,
Index  indent,
const std::string &  prefix 
) const [protected, virtual]

Method for determining if all stored numbers are valid (i.e., no Inf or Nan).

Implements Matrix.

References fkinkryx::i, Matrix::NCols(), Matrix::NRows(), Journalist::Printf(), and Journalist::PrintfIndented().

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