
SimTK::Force::Gravity Class Reference

This force element represents a uniform gravitational field applied to a set of bodies. More...

#include <Force_Gravity.h>

Inheritance diagram for SimTK::Force::Gravity:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions


Methods in this section refer both to constructors, and to methods that can be used to set or change contruction (Topology-stage) parameters; these specify the values assigned by default to the corresponding Instance-stage state variables.


  • Changing one of these default parameters invalidates the containing System's topology, meaning that realizeTopology() will have to be called before subsequent use.
  • The set...() methods return a reference to "this" Gravity element (in the manner of an assignment operator) so they can be chained in a single expression.
 Gravity (GeneralForceSubsystem &forces, const SimbodyMatterSubsystem &matter, const Vec3 &gravity)
 Create a Gravity force element within a particular force subsystem and affecting all the bodies of a particular matter subsystem, by specifying only a gravity vector, that is, the product of the gravity magnitude and the "down" direction vector.
 Gravity (GeneralForceSubsystem &forces, const SimbodyMatterSubsystem &matter, const UnitVec3 &down, Real g, Real zeroHeight=0)
 Create a Gravity force element within a particular force subsystem and affecting all the bodies of a particular matter subsystem, providing gravity magnitude and direction separately.
GravitysetDefaultGravityVector (const Vec3 &gravity)
 Set the default value for the gravity vector, that is, the direction and magnitude with which gravity will act (must not be zero).
GravitysetDefaultDownDirection (const UnitVec3 &down)
 Set the default "down" direction d, that is, the direction along which gravity will act.
GravitysetDefaultDownDirection (const Vec3 &down)
 Convenience overload that takes the down direction as a Vec3 and normalizes it (throwing away the magnitude) to create the required unit vector for the down direction.
GravitysetDefaultMagnitude (Real g)
 Set the default magnitude of gravity (a nonegative scalar).
GravitysetDefaultZeroHeight (Real zeroHeight)
 Set the default zero height (a signed scalar), for use in potential energy calculation.
Vec3 getDefaultGravityVector () const
 Return the default gravity vector being used for this Gravity force element, calculated from the default magnitude and direction.
const UnitVec3getDefaultDownDirection () const
 Return the default down direction (a unit vector) for this Gravity force element.
Real getDefaultMagnitude () const
 Return the default gravity magnitude g (a nonnegative scalar).
Real getDefaultZeroHeight () const
 Return the default zero height used in the calculation of graviational potential energy.
Instance Parameters

These refer to the Instance-stage state variables that determine the actual values to be used to calculate gravitational forces and energy from a given State object.

If these are not set explicitly, the default values are set to those provided in the constructor or via the correponding setDefault...() methods. Note:

  • Changing one of these parameters invalidates the given State's Instance stage, meaning that realize(Instance) will have to be called (explicitly or implicitly by realizing a higher stage) before subsequent use.
  • The set...() methods here return a const reference to "this" Gravity force element (in the manner of an assignment operator, except read-only) so they can be chained in a single expression.
const GravitysetGravityVector (State &state, const Vec3 &gravity) const
 Set the gravity vector v, that is, the magnitude and direction with which gravitational forces will act, overriding the default magnitude and direction that are stored in this Gravity force element.
const GravitysetDownDirection (State &state, const UnitVec3 &down) const
 Set the "down" direction d (a unit vector), that is, the direction along which gravitational forces will act.
const GravitysetDownDirection (State &state, const Vec3 &down) const
 Convenience overload that takes the down direction as a Vec3 and normalizes it (throwing away the magnitude) to create the required unit vector.
const GravitysetMagnitude (State &state, Real g) const
 Set the gravity magnitude g (a nonnegative scalar) in this state, overriding the default gravity magnitude that is stored in this Gravity force element.
const GravitysetZeroHeight (State &state, Real hz) const
 Set the potential energy zero height hz (a scalar) in this state, overriding the default zero height that is stored in this Gravity force element.
Vec3 getGravityVector (const State &state) const
 Get the gravity vector v that will be used for computations done with this state.
const UnitVec3getDownDirection (const State &state) const
 Get the gravity "down" direction d (a unit vector) that is currently set in this state.
Real getMagnitude (const State &state) const
 Get the gravity magnitude g (a nonnegative scalar) that is currently set in this state.
Real getZeroHeight (const State &state) const
 Get the zero height hz that is currently set in this state for use in calculating gravitational potential energy.
Energy and Forces

These methods return the gravitational potential energy and the forces being applied by this Gravity element in the configuration contained in the supplied State.

These are evaluated during force calculation and available at no computational cost afterwards, although the first call after a position or instance-variable change will initiate computation if forces haven't already been computed.

Real getPotentialEnergy (const State &state) const
 Obtain the gravitational potential energy contained in this Gravity force element in the given configuration.
const SpatialVecgetBodyForce (const State &state, MobilizedBodyIndex mobod) const
 Obtain the gravitational force currently being applied by this Gravity force element to the given mobilized body.

Detailed Description

This force element represents a uniform gravitational field applied to a set of bodies.

This can be used instead of the more limited Force::UniformGravity class if you want more control.

Force::Gravity is given a magnitude g in units of acceleration, and a "down" direction (unit vector) d, expressed in the Ground frame. For example, in SI units "standard gravity" g at the Earth's surface is defined to be exactly g=9.80665 m/s^2. If gravity acts in Ground's -Y direction, then its direction vector is d=[0,-1,0]; together this yields a gravity vector v=g*d=[0,-9.80665,0]. Gravity affects all the bodies and particles in the given SimbodyMatterSubsystem (except for Ground).

Each body b experiences a force fb = mb*g*d, applied to its center of mass, where mb is the mass of body b. Although this is a pure force, note that when it is measured in the body frame there will also be a moment unless the body frame is located at the body's mass center.
Potential Energy
Gravitational potential energy for a body b is mb*g*hb where hb is the height of body b's mass center over an arbitrary "zero" height hz (default is hz=0), measured along the "up" direction -d. If pb is the Ground frame vector giving the position of body b's mass center, its height over or under hz is hb=pb*(-d) - hz. Note that this is a signed quantity so the potential energy is also signed.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

SimTK::Force::Gravity::Gravity ( GeneralForceSubsystem forces,
const SimbodyMatterSubsystem matter,
const Vec3 gravity 

Create a Gravity force element within a particular force subsystem and affecting all the bodies of a particular matter subsystem, by specifying only a gravity vector, that is, the product of the gravity magnitude and the "down" direction vector.

[in,out]forcesThe subsystem to which this force should be added.
[in]matterThe subsystem containing the bodies that will be affected.
[in]gravityThe default gravity vector v, interpreted as v=g*d where g=|gravity| is a positive scalar and d is the "down" direction unit vector d=gravity/g. This value is used to calculate g and d separately so must not be zero length. If you want to create a Gravity force element with default magnitude zero, use the other constructor which allows magnitude and direction to be provided separately.

This constructor sets the default zero height hz to zero (for use in calculating gravitational potential energy). If you want a different default value, use the more general constructor or the setDefaultZeroHeight() method.

SimTK::Force::Gravity::Gravity ( GeneralForceSubsystem forces,
const SimbodyMatterSubsystem matter,
const UnitVec3 down,
Real  g,
Real  zeroHeight = 0 

Create a Gravity force element within a particular force subsystem and affecting all the bodies of a particular matter subsystem, providing gravity magnitude and direction separately.

[in,out]forcesThe subsystem to which this force should be added.
[in]matterThe subsystem containing the bodies that will be affected.
[in]downThe default gravity direction vector d (i.e., the "down" direction), expressed in the Ground frame. This is a unit vector; if you provide an ordinary Vec3 it will be normalized before use and its magnitude ignored. Gravity will be directed along this direction unless explicitly changed within a particular State via the setDirection() or setGravityVector() methods.
[in]gThe default magnitude g to be used for gravity, given as a nonnegative scalar with units of acceleration. The gravity vector is calculated as v=g*d where d is the current direction vector, typically the default direction as given by the direction argument to this constructor. Gravity will have the magnitude given here unless explicitly changed within a particular State.
[in]zeroHeightThis is an optional specification of the default value for the height up the gravity vector that is considered to be "zero" for purposes of calculating the gravitational potential energy. The default is zeroHeight == 0, i.e., a body's potential energy is defined to be zero when the height of its mass center is the same as the height of the Ground origin. The zero height will have the value specified here unless explicitly changed within a particular State use the setZeroHeight() method.

Member Function Documentation

Gravity& SimTK::Force::Gravity::setDefaultGravityVector ( const Vec3 gravity)

Set the default value for the gravity vector, that is, the direction and magnitude with which gravity will act (must not be zero).

From the given vector we extract separately the magnitude g and "down" direction d (a unit vector) so the supplied vector cannot be zero. If you want the default magnitude to be zero, use setDefaultMagnitude() and setDefaultDownDirection() methods to provide them separately instead of combining them as is required by this method.

[in]gravityA vector giving the magnitude and direction with which gravity will act on the bodies. Must not be zero.
A writable reference to "this" Gravity element which will now have the new default magnitude and direction.
Gravity& SimTK::Force::Gravity::setDefaultDownDirection ( const UnitVec3 down)

Set the default "down" direction d, that is, the direction along which gravity will act.

[in]downA unit vector giving the direction along which gravity will act ("down"). If you pass an ordinary Vec3, it will be normalized before use and its length will be ignored. Do not pass a zero-length Vec3, however.
A writable reference to "this" Gravity element which will now have the new default direction.
Gravity& SimTK::Force::Gravity::setDefaultDownDirection ( const Vec3 down) [inline]

Convenience overload that takes the down direction as a Vec3 and normalizes it (throwing away the magnitude) to create the required unit vector for the down direction.

It is an error if the supplied Vec3 has zero length.

Gravity& SimTK::Force::Gravity::setDefaultMagnitude ( Real  g)

Set the default magnitude of gravity (a nonegative scalar).

This will be combined with the default direction unit vector d to calculate the gravity vector v = g*d that is used to generate body forces mb*v where mb is the mass of body b and the force is applied to b's mass center.

[in]gThe magnitude of the uniform gravitational field, given as a nonnegative scalar in units of acceleration. If this is zero no forces will be applied by this element.
A writable reference to "this" Gravity element which will now have the new default strength.
Gravity& SimTK::Force::Gravity::setDefaultZeroHeight ( Real  zeroHeight)

Set the default zero height (a signed scalar), for use in potential energy calculation.

See the Gravity class comments for how this is used.

[in]zeroHeightThe height that is considered to be "zero" for purposes of potential energy calculation. An affected body whose mass center is at this height will have zero gravitational potential energy.
A writable reference to "this" Gravity element which will now have the new default zeroHeight.
Vec3 SimTK::Force::Gravity::getDefaultGravityVector ( ) const

Return the default gravity vector being used for this Gravity force element, calculated from the default magnitude and direction.

const UnitVec3& SimTK::Force::Gravity::getDefaultDownDirection ( ) const

Return the default down direction (a unit vector) for this Gravity force element.

Real SimTK::Force::Gravity::getDefaultMagnitude ( ) const

Return the default gravity magnitude g (a nonnegative scalar).

Real SimTK::Force::Gravity::getDefaultZeroHeight ( ) const

Return the default zero height used in the calculation of graviational potential energy.

const Gravity& SimTK::Force::Gravity::setGravityVector ( State state,
const Vec3 gravity 
) const

Set the gravity vector v, that is, the magnitude and direction with which gravitational forces will act, overriding the default magnitude and direction that are stored in this Gravity force element.

This is used to calculate the magnitude and direction separately, so must not be zero.

[in,out]stateThe State object that is modified by this method.
[in]gravityThe gravity vector including both the magnitude and direction. Must not be zero.
A const reference to "this" Gravity element for convenient chaining of set...() methods in a single expression.
state must already be realized to Stage::Topology.
See also:
setDownDirection(), setMagnitude()
const Gravity& SimTK::Force::Gravity::setDownDirection ( State state,
const UnitVec3 down 
) const

Set the "down" direction d (a unit vector), that is, the direction along which gravitational forces will act.

Magnitude can be changed independently with setMagnitude().

[in,out]stateThe State object that is modified by this method.
[in]downA unit vector giving the "down" direction along which gravity will act.
A const reference to "this" Gravity element for convenient chaining of set...() methods in a single expression.
state must already be realized to Stage::Topology.
See also:
const Gravity& SimTK::Force::Gravity::setDownDirection ( State state,
const Vec3 down 
) const [inline]

Convenience overload that takes the down direction as a Vec3 and normalizes it (throwing away the magnitude) to create the required unit vector.

It is an error if the supplied Vec3 has zero length.

const Gravity& SimTK::Force::Gravity::setMagnitude ( State state,
Real  g 
) const

Set the gravity magnitude g (a nonnegative scalar) in this state, overriding the default gravity magnitude that is stored in this Gravity force element.

[in,out]stateThe State object that is modified by this method.
[in]gThe magnitude of the uniform gravitational field.
A const reference to "this" Gravity element for convenient chaining of set...() methods in a single expression.
state must already be realized to Stage::Topology.
See also:
const Gravity& SimTK::Force::Gravity::setZeroHeight ( State state,
Real  hz 
) const

Set the potential energy zero height hz (a scalar) in this state, overriding the default zero height that is stored in this Gravity force element.

[in,out]stateThe State object that is modified by this method.
[in]hzThe height at which potential energy is considered to be zero.
A const reference to "this" Gravity element for convenient chaining of set...() methods in a single expression.
state must already be realized to Stage::Topology.
Vec3 SimTK::Force::Gravity::getGravityVector ( const State state) const

Get the gravity vector v that will be used for computations done with this state.

This is calculated as v=g*d from the current values of the magnitude g and direction d Instance variables in the state.

[in]stateThe state containing the gravity Instance variables used to calculate the gravity vector.
The current value of the gravity vector.
state must have been realized to Topology stage.
const UnitVec3& SimTK::Force::Gravity::getDownDirection ( const State state) const

Get the gravity "down" direction d (a unit vector) that is currently set in this state.

[in]stateThe state containing the gravity direction Instance variable whose value is returned.
The current value of the gravity direction Instance variable.
state must have been realized to Topology stage.
Real SimTK::Force::Gravity::getMagnitude ( const State state) const

Get the gravity magnitude g (a nonnegative scalar) that is currently set in this state.

[in]stateThe state containing the gravity magnitude Instance variable whose value is returned.
The current value of the gravity magnitude Instance variable.
state must have been realized to Topology stage.
Real SimTK::Force::Gravity::getZeroHeight ( const State state) const

Get the zero height hz that is currently set in this state for use in calculating gravitational potential energy.

See the class documentation for information about hz is used.

[in]stateThe state containing the zero height Instance variable whose value is returned.
The current value of the zero height Instance variable.
state must have been realized to Topology stage.
Real SimTK::Force::Gravity::getPotentialEnergy ( const State state) const

Obtain the gravitational potential energy contained in this Gravity force element in the given configuration.

Note that gravitational potential energy is m*g*h for each body where the height h is measured from an arbitrary zero height. By default the zero height is defined to be height of the Ground origin but that can be changed arbitrarily.

[in]stateThe State from whose cache the potential energy is retrieved.
The gravitational potential energy of this Gravity force element in the configuration contained in state (a nonnegative scalar).
state must be realized to Stage::Position
const SpatialVec& SimTK::Force::Gravity::getBodyForce ( const State state,
MobilizedBodyIndex  mobod 
) const

Obtain the gravitational force currently being applied by this Gravity force element to the given mobilized body.

[in]stateThe State from whose cache the force is retrieved.
[in]mobodThe index of the mobilized body whose force is wanted.
The spatial force (meaning the gravitational force and moment about the body origin) currently being applied to the given mobilized body, expressed in the Ground frame.
state must be realized to Stage::Position

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